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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Written by

Rob Williams


Titan Comics



Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Datastore 8, TARDIS


The Doctor is the only one who realises that the flow of time in the vortex has been disrupted, but can he uncover the cosmic culprit and put causality back on the right track — before Alice and her fellow TARDIS travellers are de-aged right out of existence?

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IDW comics explored this exact format shake up five years earlier with Room with a Deja View, it’s strange that Titan looked to replicate the experiment so soon after getting the rights to Doctor Who. My problem with the “backward story” format is that so much effort is poured into making things add up logically, that you have to, to a certain degree chuck the storytelling out of the window. It necessitates that the story becomes simple and repetitive, with characters continually explaining to each other what is going on.


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I love format screw-y stories and this one is definitely no exception, it takes advantage of the medium really well, and I like the quick fix the doctor comes up with. That all said the actual resolution feels a little weak, the B-plot isn’t too strong, and it was a bit hard to get into at the start, I want to give this higher than a 7 because I love it in theory, but the actual execution is a little lacking for me. Definitely a fun one off story though and another great showcase of why I think comics are just such an incredible medium for Dr Who


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This story is a concept that could only really work as a comic in my opinion. It’s certainly something original that I’ve not seen done before. Perhaps that’s for a good reason, though, as this strip is also incredibly confusing. However, I feel that, if you can get through it, it does make a weird kind of sense. Perhaps it could have done with longer to properly expand upon its ideas and feel less messy. As always, the art is solid.


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Oh boy, I checked this out figuring I would be able to jump around to different stories like in other Doctor Who comics, and while I feel as though these Eleventh Doctor books should function that way, this one really expects more out of the audience than it should.

It really is interesting to have a story told backwards, but without more time explaining stuff and with the use of an old villain coupled with comic-only returning characters, I feel most readers are going to be left guessing things the entire time. Am I supposed to know this character? Is this a reference to the Horns of Nimon? Is this character dying for real or can the doctor save him?

This constant state of mild confusion did not lead to a pleasant reading experience. I applaud the ambition of telling a story backwards - it fits with Doctor Who's focus on time travel and has its moments, but I feel this wasn't used very well and didn't feel properly developed. Maybe this needed to be told over multiple issues or something - that doesn't feel unreasonable given the complicated nature of the plot.

I also wasn't a fan of the art. Low levels of detail and mixed quality made the comic that much harder to follow, and I didn't really get much out of the experience. I did like how the Doctor was able to trick Nimon like one might trick a child, and the time leech was pretty cute, actually, but overall this comic left a lot to be desired and I don't think I would recommend.


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DOCTOR: Life moves forward. No matter how much it hurts. It has to.