Stories Audio Book Destiny of the Doctor Destiny of the Doctor Episode 1 Smoke and Mirrors 1 image Overview Characters How to Listen Reviews 5 Statistics Quotes Overview Released May 2013 Written by Steve Lyons Narrated by Janet Fielding, Tim Beckmann Runtime 60 minutes Time Travel Past Location (Potential Spoilers!) Earth, England Synopsis The Doctor answers a psionic distress call being sent from England in the 1920s. There, in the environs of a fairground, he is reunited with an old friend: Harry Houdini. To Adric and Nyssa the name means very little, but to the Doctor's companion Tegan he is a legend. Escape artist extraordinaire, Houdini's reputation will last for decades. But how come Harry knows so much about Tegan herself? Is it really just guesswork, as he says? Is Harry right to be concerned about the fairground's fortune teller, who claims to have supernatural skills? Both he and the Doctor suspect an alien influence they know of old. What neither the Doctor nor his friends realise is that, somewhere in the shadows, a far more sinister and familiar presence is lying in wait for them... Listen Listened Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters Fifth Doctor Eleventh Doctor Adric Harry Houdini First Appearance The Tremas Master Tegan Jovanka Nyssa Show All Characters (7) How to listen to Smoke and Mirrors: Listen on Apple Music Listen on Spotify Big Finish Audio Doctor Who – Destiny of the Doctor: The Complete Adventure Big Finish Audio Doctor Who – Destiny of the Doctor (AudioGo Limited Edition) Big Finish Audio Doctor Who – Destiny of the Doctor: Smoke and Mirrors Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 5 reviews 5 February 2025 · 190 words Review by dema1020 Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! I had fun with this particular chapter in the Destiny of the Doctor. Harry Houdini being a part of this was cute and had a certain energy that felt realistic. I like when historical figures are presented as more dimensional individuals, with flaws and more humanity to them than what might be known in passing reference. Houdini having his own insecurities leading to him not being so loyal to the Doctor was compelling. Add in a pretty well done appearance of the Master and I had a lot of fun with Smoke and Mirrors overall. The sound effects were just great. I do feel like, after having listening to several of the Destiny of the Doctor sets, the range seems to have a threadbare sense of this being part of a larger anniversary series. This easily could have been a Main Range or Companion Chronicle and it hardly would have made a difference. It's not a big deal, but it is a little weird. Janet Fielding does a good job narrating with Tim Beckmann, but it is never going to have the same energy as a fully scripted audio cast. dema1020 View profile Like Liked 1 13 January 2025 · 111 words Review by gothoperas The Destiny of the Doctor series so far have mostly failed to capture my attention as anything special and this is really no different. The team go to meet Harry Houdini and Tegan is understandably the only one of the companions who actually knows who he is. The story then actually starts and none of it is really... interesting? The villain IS unexpected, and there's a few good moments between Nyssa and Tegan especially when Nyssa is placed in a trance. However I feel like the setting of a funfair is a little underused? It seems like a place you could really vibrantly describe but... it just isn't done that well. gothoperas View profile Like Liked 0 6 December 2024 · 683 words Review by deltaandthebannermen Spoilers This review contains spoilers! Our adventures with Harry Houdini continue with the Destiny of the Doctor’s story Smoke and Mirrors. Released as part of the AudioGo celebratory box set, but produced by Big Finish, Smoke and Mirrors was the 5th Doctor segment (each story featured a different Doctor from 1-11 with 11 making cameos in all the stories leading up to the finale). Smoke and Mirrors is a classic 5th Doctor, Season 19 story. It has the historical aspect of The Visitation and Black Orchid; the interplay of the three companions; the Master as the main villain and, in a plot device popular with authors of the Virgin Missing Adventures, Nyssa being possessed by the baddies. And it has Harry Houdini. But this is an older Harry. A Harry who has finally got fed up with the Doctor teasing him and tantalising him with stories of other worlds and technology beyond his comprehension. This is a man who hates to be kept in the dark and, it eventually is revealed, has come under the thrall of the Master because of his burgeoning disenchantment with the Doctor. It’s a really fascinating dynamic to play with and sits remarkably well with Harry Houdini’s War. Clearly the creative team behind Harry Houdini’s War did actually consider the storyline of Smoke and Mirrors and the seeds to Harry’s disillusionment are definitely sown in that story. Listening to them in chronological order allows this character development to pay off and gives Harry a satisfying arc. The idea that the Doctor should meet an old friend – one of those historical characters he’s always boasting of being besties with – and discover he’s actually working for the enemy is a great hook for the story and works particularly well with that most vulnerable of Doctors, Number 5. A Harry Houdini Doctor Who story wouldn’t be complete without a water-based escape and Smoke and Mirrors is no different with Houdini trapping the Doctor inside one of his own illusions, but with little chance of escape. The rest of the story is set around a carnival which makes for an evocative atmosphere and a contrast to the other theatre-based Houdini stories. In my ill-spent youth, I once tried to write my own Doctor Who story based around an Edwardian funfair (it had the 4th Doctor, Leela and K9 and a murder plot which revolved around K9 being a key witness but having lost his voicebox – I’m rubbish at endings!). Despite the presence of four regulars, Steve Lyons, the writer, manages to find enough incident for all of them. Nyssa, as mentioned, comes under the thrall of the Master; Tegan and Adric are menaced by an escaped tiger and there is a great sequence where Adric climbs atop a fairground ride to escape it. The Doctor, meanwhile, is dealing with Houdini’s betrayal as he finally works out that events are the result of a previous adventure he had with Houdini whilst in his first incarnation. This unseen adventure serves to provide further background to this complex relationship Houdini has with the Doctor and it highlighted to me how Houdini is possibly the historical character with the most established relationship with the Doctor – even moreso than Shakespeare, for example, which didn’t seem to be as deep a relationship as he has with Houdini. There is a friendship there, but also complexity and a touch of darkness. It’s a very different approach to the way the Doctor relates to humans and is a real success of these stories. Janet Fielding does a good job at narration and her performance as Nyssa is spot on. There were a couple of occasions where she got Sarah Sutton’s intonation spot on. Tim Beckmann (who BF had originally wanted to return in Harry Houdini’s War) is excellent as an older Houdini and portrays Houdini’s complex character very well. Smoke and Mirrors is a perfect companion piece to Harry Houdini’s War and will be interesting to see how Theatre of the Mind builds on the character arc established in these two releases. deltaandthebannermen View profile Like Liked 0 5 August 2024 · 328 words Review by WhoPotterVian 1 This was a great Fifth Doctor story, full of so many twists and turns. It concerns the TARDIS being summoned to Earth by an old friend of the Doctor's, Harry Houdini, where some strange goings-on are taking place at a fun fair. Yes, finally we get to hear more of the Doctor and Harry Houdini's long-hinted-at friendship! This was also explored in a short story on the official Doctor Who website, but hearing it in a full-length audiobook feels more substantial somehow. It feels like a much deeper take on their friendship, especially with what happens later on and the way it explores how Harry Houdini feels about the Doctor having to keep certain things about his future a secret. I do find it odd how Harry Houdini has such a negative view on fortune tellers in this story though, going as far as to label them as frauds, given that he at this point in his life is stated to be a fortune teller himself! That element of the story didn't quite land for me; I mean, even if you go deeper into it, he was technically a fraud by his own definition long before he was a fortune teller, given that escapology is all about tricking the audience into thinking you're going to die. The Doctor doesn't really get a lot to do either, until the very end. Most of the narrative is driven by the companions Tegan, Nyssa and Adric, which is a shame for a story that focuses so heavily on the friendship between the Doctor and Houdini. It's a great moment hearing Nyssa encountering an old enemy again, one who of course has unfortunate personal connections to a family tragedy, and the stuff with Nyssa is truly excellent in this story. But it would have been nice to have heard the Fifth Doctor be given more to do. But I really did NOT see that twist with Harry Houdini coming! What a twist! WhoPotterVian View profile Like Liked 1 25 June 2024 · 159 words Review by thedefinitearticle63 Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order. Previous Story: Zaltys This story feels like it could come right out of Season 19. It's very fun and really interesting take on the stories where the Doctor meets a historical figure, specifically one he already knows. The difference here is that Houdini acts as the villain for most of the story, which is not a twist I was expecting at all. This is another audio story that manages to give every member of the Season 19 team an equal role. It really shows that they could have been written amazingly had enough time been given towards them originally. Janet Fielding is an excellent narrator and captures the intonation of all the characters really well. The appearance of the 11th Doctor is fun, I like that he's getting larger appearances in the Destiny of the Doctor series as we go on. Next Story: Kingdom of Lies thedefinitearticle63 View profile Like Liked 1 Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating55 members 3.23 / 5 The Time Scales AVG. Rating68 votes 3.60 / 5 Member Statistics Listened 108 Favourited 2 Reviewed 5 Saved 2 Skipped 0 Owned 6 Quotes Add Quote Submit a Quote