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DOCTOR: Where were we? We need as much intel as we can get. If we're going to protect Rosa, we need to know the facts of her life. Home address, daily routine, where she works, the routes she takes, and the church she attends. Also, the name of the driver she refused.

GRAHAM: I know that. It's James Blake.

RYAN: How do you know that?

GRAHAM: Well, your Nan, when she found out I was a bus driver, said to me, you'd better not be like James Blake. Blake the snake, that's what she called him. And I had to ask her who he was and she just said he gave all bus drivers a bad name.

YASMIN: She said that when you'd only just met?



YASMIN: The driver let me on at the front of the bus. What does that mean for where I sit? Obviously not a lot of Pakistani heritage around here. Does coloured just mean black in 1955? Guess I'll park my South Asian-Mexican backside in the white section, then, and let's see what happens. Riding the bus in Montgomery. Good times.

— Yasmin Khan, Rosa