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how does every single episode with a huge plot like this feel so stupid. Like i cant even express how flat everything about this is. The daleks were actually a high point of the episode BUT everything else just brought it down. I dont even feel like jack being here really added much of anything to the episode at all. Spyfall was so good but evidently those will be the only 2 episodes chibnall can write that will get a positive response out of me. Also I don't get why this one was titled a "festive special" but there was nothing festive about it. No new years or christmas or anything. Honestly the only positive of this beyond the daleks is Jodie's acting which really carries it after the awesome reveal of the timeless child (that also, somehow, had to take place between really stupid annoying boring plot!) as far as series 12 goes I'd dare to say the only actually consistently good aspects are the doctor (would be concerning if not) and the master (why did he get barely anytime at all here... Like he seriously got the least screentime in 1 season I've seen from any incarnation of the master who got a place in any seasons overall plot). Sure the companions are nice. I'm a little sad to see Ryan and Graham go. But 3 companions is so bloated and evidently chibnall couldn't handle it. He can barely handle writing one character, the main one everyone watches the show for! Insane they brought back some dude from series 11 here who I did not remember at all, looked up, and realized hes from one of the most god awful episodes I've sat through. The fact I have stuck with the show through all of this has proved I have genuine brainrot from not getting over the absolute peak of moffats era. Every new episode is a disappointment (except spyfall, that was genuinely good). Why even bother to show yazmin having feelings for the doctor when she's the companion who got the least characterization. Like she literally does not have any character traits that I can name of beyond the fact she has family and apparently struggled with being bullied. And she's a cop (YAWN). It's really impressive how Chibnall can show how little he truly cares about writing this show, or is the production team behind him just truly incompetent. I honestly think it's a mix of both. The timeless child was absolutely genius on paper but that might've been a stroke of luck from him that he even was capable of thinking of that (I could've thought of it too though if i was in that studio immediately after i finished playing xenogears). I'm honestly just flabbergasted this show has been allowed to be this terrible for 2 straight seasons and they let chibnall on for a third one. Genuinely BBC I have beef with you and you need to get your s**t together I literally volunteer to get in there and fix everything because you need help.

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