Stories Television Doctor Who Season 12 Classic Who S12 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 Revenge of the Cybermen 1 image Back to Story Transcript Needs checking Part One [Aft control room] (Hanging on to the Time Ring, the Doctor, Harry and Sarah turn and tumble back through space and time to the Ark in Space, where they left the TARDIS at the second story of the season. They materialise in the transmat chambers.) SARAH: Thank heavens for that! We've made it. Haven't we?DOCTOR: Of course we've made it. Did you think we wouldn't?SARAH: Well, in these past few weeks, yes.DOCTOR: There's really nothing that can go wrong with a Time Ring, except a molecular short circuit.SARAH: Doctor?DOCTOR: Yes?SARAH: The TARDIS isn't here.DOCTOR: Well, it probably hasn't arrived yet. We're a little early.HARRY: Hasn't arrived yet?DOCTOR: No. You see, the TARDIS is drifting back through time, Harry. We just have to wait for it to turn up.HARRY: I say, Doctor, do you want this Ring thing?DOCTOR: What, that?HARRY: Yes.DOCTOR: No.HARRY: Oh, well, I'd rather like to have it.DOCTOR: Well, you take good care of it, Harry.HARRY: Of course I will. Thank you. (But as Harry reaches for the Time Ring, it disappears. The Doctor is grinning.) HARRY: You knew that was going to happen, didn't you. (The door to the room opens and a man who had been sitting against it falls backwards.) HARRY: He's dead. Been dead some time.DOCTOR: How long?HARRY: A week or two, I'd say. There's very little sign of putrefaction, though.DOCTOR: Sterile atmosphere.HARRY: Yes, exactly. And no sign of injury. Nothing to indicate the cause of death.SARAH: But he was just sitting against the door as though he'd collapsed.DOCTOR: He wouldn't have been left there for two weeks unlessSARAH: Unless what?DOCTOR: Unless there was something seriously wrong here. Come on. (Out on the transom around the station more people lie where they have fallen. Dozens of them.) [Control room] (A monitor lights up with the message Pluto-Earth One Five Incoming. Vectors 13.73.74 para 18.00.36.....17.55.31 para. Control 00703009 Positive. Last input update at 22.14.5. The beeps wake the man on duty.) WARNER: This is Nerva Beacon calling Pluto Earth flight One Five. This is Nerva Beacon calling Pluto Earth flight One Five. Pluto Earth flight One Five, are you reading me?COLVILLE [OC]: Hello Nerva Beacon, we read you fives clear. Our dropover tango oscar alpha estimated at 13.20.WARNER: Pluto Earth flight One Five, next notice urgent. This beacon is a quarantined zone. We have a plague infection. I repeat, we have a plague infection. Your dropover is transferred to Ganymede Beacon 19067 on zero 2. Do you require a repeat on those vectors?COLVILLE [OC]: No thanks, Nerva. We got them. How bad are things there?WARNER: They're pretty bad.COLVILLE [OC]: Hello, Nerva, Crewmaster Colville, I say again, Crewmaster Colville is doing a tour with you. He's my brother. Is he all right?WARNER: Hold, Pan-Tec. I'll check. [Crew quarters] WARNER [on monitor]: Commander Stevenson?LESTER: Warner wants to speak with you, sir. (The silver-haired commander goes to the comm. A blond man in a dark suit lies on a bunk, listening.) STEVENSON: Yes, Warner? [Control room] WARNER: Sir, I'm in contact with the Pluto Earth flight. One of the crew wants news of his brother, Crewmaster Colville. What shall I tell him?STEVENSON [OC]: Tell him Colville's fine, and say that our medical staff have got the epidemic under control. [Crew quarters] STEVENSON: Just that, and nothing else. Thank you, Warner.KELLMAN: Why don't you tell them the truth, Commander?STEVENSON: I'm just following the orders I was given by Earth Centre.KELLMAN: Operating the Beacon to the last man?STEVENSON: If necessary, yes. You're a civilian, Kellman. You wouldn't understand.KELLMAN: How much longer can you go on? Three of you doing the work of fifty men.LESTER: We've managed for one week, we can manage for another.KELLMAN: And another after that? No, Lester, this beacon's job is finished.STEVENSON: Nerva Beacon has a thirty year assignment, and it'll be that long before the last inward bound ship has this new asteroid on its star chart.LESTER: Until then, there's a constant danger of space collision.KELLMAN: You deserve a medal for self-sacrifice beyond the bounds of stupidity. (Kellman leaves.) STEVENSON: I've lost most of my crew in these last months, some good friends among them, and yet a thing like that is still alive.LESTER: It's probably because he locked himself in that cabin of his at the first sign of the plague. (Lester climbs into the bunk vacated by Kellman.) LESTER: It's only these last few days he's dared poke his nose outside. [Transom] (Picking their way over more bodies, the Doctor, Sarah and Harry arrive at a door labelled Q section. It does not open.) SARAH: Is it jammed?DOCTOR: The control's locked.HARRY: You mean we can't get any further?DOCTOR: Those poor fellows couldn't. They were trapped in the after end and left to die. Whatever did it might be on the other side of this door. There might be a way of opening it.SARAH: Look, are you sure we're in the right place, Doctor? I mean, this doesn't look like our Ark. (The Doctor uses a normal screwdriver on the lock.) DOCTOR: Well of course it doesn't. This is a different point in time.SARAH: How can you tell?DOCTOR: Some of that equipment. This is probably a beacon, put in orbit to service and guide space freighters.HARRY: So this is before the time of the solar flares, when the Earth was evacuated.DOCTOR: Thousands of years before, Harry.SARAH: Oh, I'm not even going to think about it. I'll only get a headache.DOCTOR: All you have to remember is that this is where we parted company with the TARDIS.SARAH: What is it?DOCTOR: If they've changed things round, the TARDIS might materialise in the forward control rooms. (A small metal beastie crawls round a body on the walkway.) [Control room] (The monitor lights up - KH 397 bearing 172N 43E. Then a voice comes through a lot of static.) VOICE [OC]: Can anyone hear me? I'm calling Nerva Beacon.WARNER: This is Nerva Beacon. I repeat, this is Nerva Beacon. Hello, are you reading me? This is Nerva Beacon. [Mines] (These wet, dark alien mines are being played by Wookey Holes, Somerset.) ALIEN: Does anybody hear me? Can anyone hear me? Can anyone hear (The alien with long silver hair and pronounced forehead and cheek bones throws up his hands as he turns to see two of his species pointing nasty ray guns at him. Think early Gerry Anderson puppets.) WARNER [OC]: This is Nerva Beacon calling on 398. [Control room] WARNER: Do you read me? (Kellman enters.) WARNER: Professor, this new asteroid, this rock or whatever it is, are you sure there's no life on it?KELLMAN: On Voga? Of course not, how could there be?WARNER: I don't know, Professor, but I've just picked up a call and that's the only place it could have come from. It's the only place near enough.KELLMAN: Hallucinations, Warner. You've been sitting here too long.WARNER: Where did that rock come from, anyway? What system?KELLMAN: Nobody knows. It was first detected in our system fifty years ago and it was captured by Jupiter.WARNER: So there could be life on it.KELLMAN: Impossible. An asteroid that size, drifting in the vacuum between star systems? Nothing could have lived under those conditions.WARNER: All the same, I'd swear that's where the transmission was from.KELLMAN: Warner, I'm an exographer. I've been down there. I've set up a transmat station there. I spent the last six months studying rock samples from (Kellman stops Warner from punching some buttons.) KELLMAN: What are you doing?WARNER: Logging it. Unidentified call apparently from the direction of Voga. (The screen says 18.57hrs Day 3 Week 47. Log unidentified call apparent direction VOGA.) KELLMAN: You're mad. I've said all along it was a mistake to keep this control room operating.WARNER: Commander Stevenson's decision. Nothing to do with you, is it.KELLMAN: Every time someone goes down that transom, there's a risk of spreading the plague.WARNER: If the Commander says this Beacon is staying operational, it stays operational. [Transom] (The Doctor has unscrewed the lock in the door and is reaching through to the mechanism on the other side.) SARAH: Can you reach?DOCTOR: Yes, I think so. If you two could put your weight on the door and stop it opening too suddenly. Don't want to lose my arm. I'm rather attached to it. It's so handy.HARRY: Like so?DOCTOR: Yes. (The Doctor touches the mechanism and the door slides sideways, dragging the Doctor with it.) SARAH: Doctor! (Sarah and Harry end up on the other side of the door as it slides shut again.) SARAH: Wait, wait. Through. Quick. (Sarah pushes the Doctor's arm back through the hole to safety then opens the door again.) DOCTOR: Thank you.HARRY: What have I done now? [Control room] (An alarm sounds and a light flashes on a map of the Beacon at the bulkhead by Eng 3. Warner gets on the comm.) WARNER: Hello, Lester, is the Commander there?STEVENSON [OC]: I'm here, Warner. Go ahead.WARNER: Sir, somebody has just opened the aft transom shutter. [Crew quarters] WARNER [on monitor]: I know it's impossible, but it's happened. The information's right here on the electronic register.LESTER: Everyone in that after section had the plague, so no one can be left alive.STEVENSON: Exactly. And the shutters were sealed. They couldn't possibly be operated from the after section. (Stevenson gets a couple of automatic weapons.) STEVENSON: Right, come on, we'll have to check the transom. [Guild room] (The alien from the mine lies on the tiled floor with the guards standing over him, as a distinguished person with high bald head and wearing lots of gold braid enters to give him a kick.) VORUS: Take it out and bury it. (The guards obey.) VORUS: Bury it deep. Why? (Another old alien coughs into a yellow handkerchief.) MAGRIK: Your plan frightened him, Vorus. Sometimes it frightens me.VORUS: What, would you warn the humans? Do you feel kinship?MAGRIK: No. No, it's simply that there are so many things which might go wrong.VORUS: Of course. It's a big plan. But it will work. You and I together, Magrik, will make it work.MAGRIK: Yes, but can we trust our agent?VORUS: We can trust in his greed. Gold buys humans. And we have more gold here on Voga than in the rest of the known galaxy.MAGRIK: But he has not communicated.VORUS: Better he should not at this time. The Cybermen may be monitoring our radio frequencies.MAGRIK: The mention of Cybermen fills me with dread.VORUS: You feel fear, Magrik, because you've lived for too long in this underground darkness. When I lead our people into the light, all those ancient fears will fall away.MAGRIK: The light. Yes, I believe you, Vorus. [Control room] (Warner gets up to stretch his legs, and is pounced on by the three-foot long jointed metal creature. He flails around for a while before finally flinging it away from himself.) [Transom] (Stevenson and Lester arrive at the shutter door with a hole where the lock should be.) STEVENSON: The rivets have been taken out.LESTER: What, from the other side, sir? But that's impossible. They're blind-headed.STEVENSON: They could have been loosened with a sonic vibrator.LESTER: Well in that case Warner's right. Somebody has come through.STEVENSON: Right, then we'll have to check every section. Come on. [Control room] (Kellman finds Warner lying on the floor. He goes to the console and rips out the magnetic tape recording the contact with Voga.) [Secondary control room] SARAH: We just left here.DOCTOR: No, this is the forward control room.HARRY: Well, the TARDIS doesn't seem to be here either, does it.DOCTOR: No, but the Time Ring is designed with a slight safety margin. We can expect it to arrive soon. [Control room] HARRY [OC]: Doctor, do you expect me to believe that that old police box is just going to materialise out of nothing? [Secondary control room] STEVENSON: Right, get your hands up. I said, get your hands up!LESTER: Now, who are you? How'd you get here?DOCTOR: I'm the Doctor. This is Sarah Jane Smith, Harry Sullivan. We're travellers. (Kellman opens the door and enters.) KELLMAN: You'd better step in here, Commander.STEVENSON: What is it?KELLMAN: See for yourself.STEVENSON: Watch them.LESTER: Follow them. Come on, move. [Control room] (Stevenson checks Warner, who is unconscious and breathing heavily. Then he steps back and prepares to shoot him. The Doctor rushes forward.) DOCTOR: What are you going to do?STEVENSON: Get back, he's got the plague. This is the only way to deal with it.DOCTOR: The man's sick. He needs treatment.LESTER: There is no treatment. All we can try to do is stop the infection spreading.DOCTOR: Sorry, gentlemen, I can't allow it.STEVENSON: You can't allow it!DOCTOR: My colleague is a doctor of medicine and I'm a doctor of many things. If we could examineKELLMAN: Commander, I'm afraid you'll have to kill these people, too. They've brought the plague in here.DOCTOR: Who's the homicidal maniac?STEVENSON: You say you're doctors. Did Earth Centre send you?DOCTOR: Yes, we're from Earth. We want to help you.LESTER: Help us? Don't you realise you've brought the infection through from the after section?SARAH: Oh don't be ridiculous. How could we have brought it through when he's infected and we aren't?HARRY: Quite impossible. We've had no contact with him.DOCTOR: I don't believe you've got the plague here, Commander.STEVENSON: According to our own medical team, we have.DOCTOR: Did they identify it?LESTER: They didn't have time. They were among the first victims.DOCTOR: Well, now you've got a new medical team. Well, Commander?STEVENSON: All right, you can examine him.DOCTOR: Thank you.STEVENSON: But not here. It'll have to be done in the crew quarters. The control room must be kept operational.KELLMAN: Oh yes, at all costs. (Kellman leaves.) STEVENSON: Lester, help the doctors with him. I'll take over the console.LESTER: Once the infection develops, they've got a few minutes to live.SARAH: I'll help you. (Lester hands her his weapon then helps Harry carry the wheezing man out of the room.) [Kellman's cabin] (Kellman gets a small communicator out of his wardrobe and plugs it into his hairbrush. He switches on and gets a CCTV view of the control room.) DOCTOR [on screen]: Have you noticed these rather strange scratches, Commander?STEVENSON [on screen]: Can't say that I have.DOCTOR [on screen]: They're all over the ship. I've seen them somewhere before, if I could only remember where.STEVENSON [on screen]: Is it important?DOCTOR [on screen]: Everything's important. Well, well, well.STEVENSON [on screen]: What is it?DOCTOR [on screen]: I've just made a third interesting discovery about your plague virus, Commander.STEVENSON [on screen]: A third?DOCTOR [on screen]: Yes. One, it scratches metal. Two, it attacks its victims so suddenly that they become unconscious before they can even raise the alarm, and three.STEVENSON [on screen]: Go on.DOCTOR [on screen]: It removes tape from radio logs. It must be a very literate and inquisitive virus.STEVENSON [on screen]: What exactly are you trying to tell me, Doctor?DOCTOR [on screen]: Whatever it is that's attacking your crew, Commander, it's certainly not a plague. [Crew quarters] (Warner has fluorescent pink veins on his face.) HARRY: I've never seen anything like this before. His temperature's just shooting up and up.SARAH: Harry, I make his pulse a hundred and twenty.LESTER: It's always the same. They just seem to burn up. Warner's lasted longer than most.HARRY: Strong constitution.LESTER: He's as tough as an old boot.SARAH: How long since all this started?LESTER: This? This is the seventy ninth day.SARAH: And you've had no outside help?LESTER: Earth Centre decided to isolate us.HARRY: That's a bit ruthless, isn't it?LESTER: Well, they reckoned it was better to lose one space crew than take the chance of carrying an extraterrestrial disease back to Earth. [Kellman's cabin] DOCTOR [on screen]: Who's your civilian?STEVENSON [on screen]: Professor Kellman. He's an exographer.DOCTOR [on screen]: Interesting. Planetary survey. Of what?STEVENSON [on screen]: Jupiter.DOCTOR [on screen]: I thought Jupiter had already been thoroughly studied.STEVENSON [on screen]: Yes. He's interested in its new satellite. [Control room] DOCTOR: What, do you mean there are now thirteen? (Forgive them, children. This was made before the two Voyagers were even launched in 1977, let alone got there in 1979, and the writer possibly didn't know about Leda being discovered in 1974. Stevenson puts an image of the asteroid on the monitor.) STEVENSON: Turned up fifty years ago. That's why this beacon's out here. A lot of the Great Circle freighters haven't got it on their charts yet.DOCTOR: What's it called?STEVENSON: New Phobos, originally, but Kellman's renamed it Voga.DOCTOR: Voga. Of course. Has he been down there?STEVENSON: Kellman? He set up a transmat. Why?DOCTOR: Voga. Voga. Planet of gold. Yes, it's all coming back to me now.STEVENSON: What's coming back to you?DOCTOR: Cybermen. That's what we're up against, Commander. Cybermen.STEVENSON: But surely, Doctor, Cybermen died out centuries ago.DOCTOR: They disappeared after their attack on Voga at the end of the Cyber War. Not the same thing as dying out, Commander. They're utterly ruthless. Total machine creatures. (The Doctor runs from the control room, and Stevenson grabs his weapon and follows. Kellman switches off his little monitor and gets a larger transmitter from his desk drawer. He plugs it into a wall power unit and starts sending a Morse code message. Out in space, his signal is picked up by a sleek silver spaceship. The Cybermen touch the controls and it starts moving.) [Crew quarters] DOCTOR: How is he?HARRY: I'm afraid he's had it, Doctor.STEVENSON: You'd better take over the control room, Lester. (Lester leaves. The Doctor looks at Warner.) DOCTOR: Yes, just as I thought.HARRY: You mean the two puncture marks?DOCTOR: Yes, like a snake bite.SARAH: You mean venom?DOCTOR: He's been injected with poison.SARAH: Poor man.DOCTOR: If only I'd been quicker, I might have saved him.STEVENSON: How? Is there an antidote?DOCTOR: The matter beam disperses human molecules. That type of alien poison might be separated and rejected.SARAH: Alien?STEVENSON: Now where are you going?DOCTOR: I smell a rat. (The Doctor leaves.) STEVENSON: You know, I sometimes wonder your friend is quite right in the head.SARAH: If the Doctor scented a rat, Commander, he'll find one. [Kellman's cabin] (The Doctor ducks out of sight on the transom as Kellman comes out from his cabin and heads off anticlockwise. The Doctor uses his screwdriver to break in and search. He discovers that the hair brush is not what it appears, finds the big transmitter in the drawer, and a small pouch containing) DOCTOR: Gold. (Kellman returns, and sees the open hair brush. He looks around as the Doctor's foot disappears under the bed, then goes to the power supply and uses two crocodile clips to fasten the output to a ventilation grille near the floor. Then he leaves, smiling. The Doctor comes out of hiding and a purple smoke billows up through the metal flooring. Then the electric charge makes the Doctor jump up onto the mattress.) [Crew quarters] (Warner is on a stretcher. Harry covers his face with a sheet.) HARRY: Where are we going to put him, Commander?STEVENSON: When this trouble first started, we turned part of the infrastructure into a mortuary.LESTER: Yes, we used to leave them where they dropped.SARAH: We saw. (Harry and Lester carry the stretcher out, followed by Stevenson. Sarah switches on a news broadcast about a solar flare.) MAN [OC]: Zero six twenty. The intensity of radiation caused severe distortion. When the computer dealt with all original errors it was found that the intensity was minus three. (The Doctor has switched off the power supply and uses the wardrobe door to swing across to the sink area by the door. Coughing in the fumes, he stretches across with the sonic screwdriver to unlock it. Sarah has settled in front of the news monitor and found something to read.) MAN [OC]: Starcharts for outer space section four carry a two percent error factor. Solar readings should be independently taken when patrolling the area. (Behind her, a silver snake enters the room. The Doctor is struggling to get Kellman's door open.) MAN [OC]: Comm. ops magazines which departed from the ship's cell. In the constellation of Zerus X 20, the intensity of radiation caused severe distortion. When the computer dealt with the trouble (Sarah gets up, bored, and switches off the monitor. She turns around just in time to see the silver snake. It leaps for her neck.) Part Two [Transom] (The Doctor tumbles out of Kellman's smoke-filled cabin to hear screams.) DOCTOR: Sarah! [Crew quarters] DOCTOR: Don't let it bite you! (Sarah pushes the thing away onto the floor. The Doctor throws some of the gold dust at it, and it writhes like a slug sprinkled with salt. Sarah has been bitten. The veins on her neck are fluorescing. Harry runs in.) HARRY: That sounded like Sarah. What's happened?DOCTOR: That cybermat's happened, Harry. Quick, into the transmat beam, quickly as you can. It's the only way to get the poison out of her system.LESTER: She's got the plague.DOCTOR: No, sir. That's your so-called plague, Commander.STEVENSON: Is this thing still dangerous, Doctor?DOCTOR: Not any more, but there are bound to be others around. (Stevenson gives the cybermat a tentative kick.) [Secondary control room] DOCTOR: Hang on to her, Harry. You'd better travel with her. (Harry takes Sarah in his arms.) HARRY: Where are we going?DOCTOR: I'll set the beam for Voga. Do you know how to work the reciprocator?HARRY: Er, yes, I've seen you do it.DOCTOR: Off you go. No time to lose. (But Harry and Sarah do not vanish.) LESTER: Has it gone wrong, Doctor?DOCTOR: Sabotage.STEVENSON: Sabotage?DOCTOR: Someone's taken the pentalium drive.STEVENSON: But who?DOCTOR: Who removed the tape from your radio log? Who used cybermats to murder your crew? And who's desperate to break all communication between this beacon and Voga? [Kellman's cabin] (The conversation is being watched.) STEVENSON [on monitor]: You mean Kellman.DOCTOR [on monitor]: Exactly. Kellman. Your friendly exographer must be working for the Cybermen, Commander.LESTER [on monitor]: Then what are we waiting for? Let's get him. (Kellman dismantles his little spy device and gets a machine gun from the wardrobe.) [Secondary control room] DOCTOR: Right, this might just work if I can adapt the monoso to a three phase output.HARRY: Doctor, she's not going to last much longer.DOCTOR: I know, Harry, I know!HARRY: She's reacting just like Warner. It's happening all over again. [Outside Kellman's cabin] (The door doesn't open so Stevenson knocks.) STEVENSON: Kellman. Kellman! [Guild room] (On Voga, Vorus switches on a wall monitor and views what looks like a rocket. Magrik enters.) MAGRIK: You sent for me?VORUS: The Cybermen are moving.MAGRIK: What? It's too soon.VORUS: Our human agent reports they will soon have taken over the beacon. We have perhaps four hours to complete the Sky Striker.MAGRIK: But that's impossible!VORUS: Four hours, Magrik! Or all our dreams are ended.MAGRIK: The Sky Striker is ready, but the bomb head hasn't been tested, and then it'll take four hours to fit.VORUS: Then we must gamble, Magrik. The bomb head will be tested when it strikes the beacon.MAGRIK: Very well. I'll send for every available engineer, Vorus. At once. [Kellman's cabin] (Lester shoots the lock out and enters.) LESTER: He's skipped.STEVENSON: In quite a hurry, by the look of it. Come on. [Outside Kellman's cabin] STEVENSON: Lester, you take that section. I'll look round the transom. [Secondary control room] (Sarah's breathing grows fainter.) DOCTOR: There isn't time to wire this in. I'll have to hold it in position. Ready? (Bang! Flash! The Doctor recoils, hands over his eyes. The transmat works.) [Voga transmat station] (Harry and Sarah appear in a large cave.) HARRY: Sarah.SARAH: Hmm? Yeah?HARRY: It's worked, Doctor! It's worked!SARAH: Oh, stop bawling down my ear. You've got a voice like a fog horn. Hey.HARRY: What's the matter?SARAH: What's going on here? (Harry puts her down.) HARRY: Oh well, that's marvellous, isn't it. Here I am, trying to save your life and all you can doSARAH: Trying to save? I remember. That thing, it jumped on my neck. Where are we?HARRY: A place called Voga, I think. The Doctor transmatted us to get rid of the poison. I might tell you, my girl, that you were on the point of popping off. I say, look at that.SARAH: What is it?HARRY: It looks very much like gold. It can't be. I don't believe it. There's some more of it over here.SARAH: Oh, Harry.HARRY: Look. Gold.SARAH: Don't be so silly. It can't be gold.HARRY: Sarah, solid gold.SARAH: Harry, stop it. Anyway, it isn't ours.HARRY: Well, it isn't anybody's, is it, just lying scattered around here. (Three Vogan guards arrive on the underground river by motorised skiffs while more run along tunnels.) HARRY: I'm rich. I can buy myself out of the Navy, buy a quiet little practice in the country, solid gold stethoscope. Uh oh. That's torn it. (The guards grab them and haul them away.) HARRY: All right, steady on, old chap.SARAH: Hey! [Transom] STEVENSON: Put that gun down, Kellman.KELLMAN: All right, Commander. Go ahead and shoot. Neither of us can miss at this range.STEVENSON: I said, put that gun down.KELLMAN: Oh, no.STEVENSON: You can't get away.KELLMAN: That's right, Commander. I'm going into my cabin. You can lock me in if you like. Just don't try to follow (Lester leaps on Kellman, pulling his gun against his throat.) STEVENSON: Well done, Lester. You walked right into it. [Mine] (The voices echo as they are hurried along.) SARAH: Let go!HARRY: This isn't necessary, you know. You're making a fuss about nothing at all.SARAH: Harry, tell them.HARRY: I'm trying to tell them but they don't seem (Sarah and Harry are pushed into a little trolley car.) SARAH: Please, where are you taking us? We weren't trying to steal your gold if that's what you're thinking. Well, not really.HARRY: Of course we weren't. We were just (The trolley rumbles off, drowning out all speech.) [Secondary control room] DOCTOR: Voga, otherwise known as the Planet of Gold, is hated and feared by Cybermen because gold is lethal to them.STEVENSON: How?DOCTOR: It's the perfect non-corrodible metal. It plates their breathing apparatus and in effect suffocates them. Doesn't it, Professor. Now Sarah and Harry are down there, and without that pentalium drive I can't bring them back.LESTER: We found this in his cabin. (The Doctor takes the unit and starts taking it apart.) DOCTOR: Yes. Keeps in touch with his masters. What have you done with the pentalium drive, Professor?KELLMAN: I don't know what you're talking about.LESTER: He's lying.DOCTOR: I think he's lying.KELLMAN: What are you doing with that?DOCTOR: This? Oh, nothing. Why, is it important?KELLMAN: No.DOCTOR: Yes, I think our friend is lying to gain time.KELLMAN: I don't know what you mean.DOCTOR: But time for what, I wonder? [Cybership] (The main screen lights up. Rad input. Log 31.08. Axis 13 13 051 Range 11 42 9 Analysis type R L antisine energy Phobic Mag 27 n 09 R) CYBERMAN: Computer reports heavy phobic energy discharge between the beacon and Voga.LEADER: (black headset) That means the humans have recently used their transmat beam.CYBERMAN: Yes, Leader.LEADER: Time to docking?CYBERMAN: Sixteen minutes.LEADER: Good. Order the boarding party to the forward hatch. [Guild room] SARAH: The Doctor'll be worrying about us.HARRY: I'm worrying about us. What is this place, anyway?SARAH: I can tell you what it isn't. It isn't uninhabited. (The guards open the doors for Vorus to enter.) VORUS: So, you are from the beacon. Why have you come to Voga? Was it to escape the plague?SARAH: Yes. Yes, that's right, the plague.VORUS: You're lying! And now tell me the truth.SARAH: I'm not lying. I had the plagueVORUS: When the plague had done its work there were to be four humans left alive. That was the plan.HARRY: Plan? You mean you deliberately planned toVORUS: You were not among the four.SARAH: We arrived after the plague, but I was bitten and the Doctor put me in the matter beam to cure me, didn't he, Harry.HARRY: Yes, that's right. It's the truth. And I came with her because she was dying. And we really weren't trying to steal your gold.VORUS: So how many humans are on the beacon now? If you refuse to answer, you will suffer, and then I will ask you again, and then you will answer. Do you understand?HARRY: Yes.VORUS: Humans are reported to have some intelligence. When Vorus, leader of the Guardians, asks you a question, it is not wise to refuse to answer. (The comm. unit trills.) VORUS: Take them out and put them in confinement. I'll question them later. (Harry and Sarah are lead away. Vorus turns on the monitor to view an very old Vogan.) VORUS: Greetings, Councillor Tyram.TYRAM [on monitor]: Ah, Vorus. There are matters of importance I must discuss with you.VORUS: Yes?TYRAM [on monitor]: Not over the vision projector. Here, in the city.VORUS: I am not aware of anything of such importance, Councillor.TYRAM [on monitor]: I am, and as always, Vorus, I look forward to our meeting with the keenest pleasure, so I've sent our fastest skimmer to collect you. [Secondary control room] (The Doctor is still working on the transmat controls.) STEVENSON: As a Space Service Commander, there are certain crimes where I can order immediate execution. [Control room] STEVENSON: And you have murdered forty seven members of my crew and jeopardised our mission.KELLMAN: You're talking rubbish, Commander.LESTER: Shooting's too good for him.STEVENSON: So what's it going to be, Kellman?KELLMAN: Be?STEVENSON: Are you going to die now, or are you going to tell us where that pentalium drive is?KELLMAN: You're not frightening me, Commander. You won't shoot.STEVENSON: But I have every right.KELLMAN: You can't prove a thing.STEVENSON: No? What about that box you had? The Doctor says it controls the cybermats.KELLMAN: And I say its an instrument for analysing mineral elements. Every exographer carries one.LESTER: Look. (A Cyberman comes out from behind a set of drawers.) DOCTOR: Leave it. Don't shoot, Commander. (The cybermat goes over to Kellman.) KELLMAN: Stop it! For heaven's sake, do something!DOCTOR: After you've been bitten, Kellman, you'll have just ten seconds to remember where that pentalium drive is, if you want to live. (The cybermat rears up.) KELLMAN: All right, all right! It's around my neck. Take it.DOCTOR: Splendid. (The Doctor turns off the cybermat and takes the drive.) DOCTOR: Good. Now we can get Harry and Sarah back. [Confinement area] (With stalagmites and stalactites forming the bars, Harry and Sarah have heavy shackles around their ankles.) HARRY: Sarah, these chains are solid gold.SARAH: Harry, will you just shut up about your rotten gold.HARRY: Twenty four carat, by the looks of it.SARAH: It's because of gold that we're in this mess.HARRY: Just thinking.SARAH: Well, don't!HARRY: Gold's a very soft metal, isn't it, Sarah, so if we can find a decent bit of rock we might be able to file through.SARAH: Well, we can't just sit here glittering, can we. [Tyram's room] (Two minions open the doors for Vorus to enter. Tyram is sitting behind a curved desk, gold of course.) VORUS: You said a matter of importance, Chief Councillor.TYRAM: Yes. I have a report that two aliens, two humans, have been seen in the upper gold mine.VORUS: What?TYRAM: By ancient tradition, your guards control the gold mines and the routes to the surface. If humans have set foot on Voga, it can only have been with your connivance, Vorus.VORUS: You have no proof of this absurd allegation.TYRAM: Nonetheless, I believe it. (Tyram goes over to a curtain and pulls it aside to reveal a body on a slab.) TYRAM: Whatever is happening in the gold mines, Vorus, and strange stories have reached my ears, your guards have never before resorted to murder.VORUS: It was a matter of internal discipline.TYRAM: I know your ambitions, Vorus. I know you see Voga as a great power again, trading its gold with other planets in the galaxy.VORUS: Why not? Why should we remain for ever underground, cowering from the memory of something that happened centuries ago?TYRAM: Because this way, we survive. While no one suspects that Voga is inhabited, that this is the famous Planet of Gold, we remain safe.VORUS: Safe? You have the philosophy of a cringing mouse, Tyram.TYRAM: And you're a gambler with a mad thirst for power. That's why I no longer trust you and the Guardians. My senior Militia are taking over control of the gold mines.VORUS: You dare to challenge the traditional authority of the Guardians?TYRAM: To maintain security, Vorus. The Militia are moving into the gold mines at this moment.VORUS: We shall see!TYRAM: Your men are outnumbered, Vorus, and the troops have orders to crush any resistance. If there is any bloodshed, remember it will be on your hands.VORUS: I shall have you removed from office for this! (Vorus hits the doors with his staff, they are opened for him and he storms out.) [Confinement area] (Harry has found a rock and is hitting the shackles around Sarah's ankle.) SARAH: Ow! Careful!HARRY: Sorry. It is flattening, though.SARAH: So's my ankle.HARRY: Yeah, I think you might be able to get your foot through now.SARAH: Let's have a go, then.HARRY: Come on, one more pull. It's coming.SARAH: It hurts!HARRY: Tibias, or rather fetlocks, like a carthorse.SARAH: My ankles aren't thick!HARRY: Come on. Pull.SARAH: There!HARRY: Well done. Now you can have a go at mine.SARAH: Wait a minute. If I can break off one of those stalagmites, we might be able to use it as a lever. [Mines] (The Guardians lie in wait for a trolley carrying three Militia.) VOGAN: Fire once over their heads. (They do, and the Militia dive for cover.) VOGAN: Stay back! No one enters the guild room of the Guardians.SHEPRAH: Hold your positions while I check fresh orders from Tyram. (He sneaks away as the Guardians fire, pinning the rest down.) [Outside the Guild room] (Two Guardians guard a door. Gunfire can be heard.) MAGRIK: They must be kept from this section at all costs.VORUS: If Tyram finds our Sky Striker, all our years of work will have been for nothing.MAGRIK: I agree.VORUS: As for the two humans from the beacon, have them killed immediately.MAGRIK: Without further questioning?VORUS: If they fall into Tyram's hands, he might learn too much of our plans. They have to be silenced.MAGRIK: Very well. I'll send a detachment to deal with them. [Secondary control room] DOCTOR: Right. Now let's see if it works. (The transmat hums into life, but no one appears.) DOCTOR: Strange.STEVENSON: Isn't it working?DOCTOR: Yes, full power. They must have left the receptor circle.LESTER [OC]: Commander! [Control room] LESTER: I'm getting a signal on the radar screen.STEVENSON: It could be an incoming ship.LESTER: There's nothing due for another twelve days.STEVENSON: Try to get a contact.LESTER: This is Nerva Beacon to approaching craft. How do you read me? Over. (static) Nothing.STEVENSON: It must be a spaceship. Look, it's coming directly towards us. Keep trying them, Lester.LESTER: This is Nerva Beacon to approaching craft. Do you read me? This is Nerva Beacon. Would you kindly give your identity signal. [Confinement area] (Sarah successfully prise the shackles apart.) SARAH: Ow!HARRY: Maimed for life.SARAH: Honestly, I don't know why you're complaining. I got you free. What's that?HARRY: Sounds like another of their dodgem cars.SARAH: It's coming this way.HARRY: Quick. (Harry and Sarah hide in the shadows as three Guardians drive up. They see the empty shackles and leave to hunt for their prisoners.) [Mines] HARRY: This way. (further on) Sorry, old girl, dead end. Back we go.SARAH: No, we can't, Harry. Look. (A Guardian has found them.) SARAH: We're trapped. (Militia appear at the other end of the cavern and start firing at the Guardian.) SARAH: Over there! (Harry and Sarah run down a tunnel.) SARAH: Harry!HARRY: What?SARAH: They're coming! (The Guardians chase them along the tunnel.) [Control room] STEVENSON: It must be within visual range now. Try to get a scanner contact. (An image of the silver craft comes up on the monitor.) LESTER: There she is.STEVENSON: I don't recognise that type.LESTER: Never seen anything like it before.STEVENSON: There are missile tubes in the nose cone.LESTER: It must be an alien.STEVENSON: This is Nerva Beacon. You are approaching Nerva Beacon. (On the monitor, the ship swings round to point straight at us.) STEVENSON: We are in quarantine by orders from Earth Centre. I repeat, we are in quarantine. Stand away.LESTER: They're deliberately ignoring our signals, Commander. Look, they're moving into docking orbit.STEVENSON: The fools! [Mines] (Harry and Sarah run down a flight of steps cut into the rock.) HARRY: Careful. Quick. (They find themselves cut off by the underground river.) SARAH: Oh, Harry. (The Guardians arrive.) HARRY: This looks like the end, Sarah.SARAH: One thing about you, Harry. You never miss the obvious.HARRY: Why don't they just finish us off? (A militia man calls down from a rock gallery.) SHEPRAH: Vogans of Vorus, lay down your weapons! You are surrounded! (More Militia appear. The Guardians put down their guns and raise their hands.) SARAH: Now what? [Tyram's room] TYRAM: The plague?SHEPRAH: They seem confused. At first they spoke of this scourge as a plague, but then one of them said the humans were killed by poison.TYRAM: I will see them myself, Sheprah. Are the Guardians resisting our Militia?SHEPRAH: Not in the galleries. They are holding a defensive position outside the guild chambers.TYRAM: Ha! I expected Vorus'd make the guild chambers his strong point. Let him hold that for the present.SHEPRAH: One determined assault is all that is needed to occupy them.TYRAM: Let me see the two human captives. If Vorus has committed treason, I might give him the chance to die in battle.SHEPRAH: You think he is a traitor, Chancellor?TYRAM: After the cataclysms of our ancient past, Sheprah, we've survived down here only by regarding all outsiders as hostile. [Control room] LESTER: They're docking! (The rubble echoes through the beacon.) DOCTOR: We've got to stop them getting in.STEVENSON: But who?DOCTOR [OC]: Cybermen! (They leave Kellman in the control room and run along the transom.) [Docking hatch] (The Doctor gets there first and tries to turn the locking mechanism.) DOCTOR: No good.STEVENSON: Good grief! (The Cyber Leader brings his men though the hatch. Stevenson and Lester fire their machine guns, but to no avail. The Cyber Leader fires the weapon located on the top of his head, and they fall. The Doctor tries sneaking away, but the Cyber Leader takes him down too.) CYBERMAN: All resistance overcome.LEADER: The Beacon is ours. [Part Three] [Transom] (Kellman arrives and sees the Doctor lying on the floor.) KELLMAN: You haven't killed them?LEADER: Of course not. We have neutralised them. They are necessary to our plan. What are you doing, Kellman? (Kellman is going through the Doctor's pockets.) KELLMAN: This is the stranger I reported. He calls himself the Doctor.LEADER: And because of him, our plan was advanced?KELLMAN: It had to be. He was interfering. I'd just like to know who and what he is. (Kellman finds a bag of jelly babies in the Doctor's trouser pocket, and an apple core in his waistcoat.) [Tyram's room] (Sheprah shows Harry and Sarah in, then leaves.) TYRAM: I am Tyram, Chief Councillor of Voga.HARRY: How do you do. I'm Harry Sullivan, and this isSARAH: Sarah Jane Smith.TYRAM: What's your mission here?SARAH: Mission? We don't have any mission. We just sort of came here by accident, didn't we, Harry.HARRY: Yes, that's right. It's nothing to do with us, really.TYRAM: Explain.SARAH: We'd better start at the beginning. Well, our plan was to find the TARDIS [Crew quarters] (Lester has his hands over his ears, the Doctor his hands over his eyes and Stevenson is covering his mouth. The three wise monkeys are sitting cross-legged against the wall.) LEADER: Once our landing is detected, the Vogans will attack in force.KELLMAN: Oh, they have only light armaments. Nothing that can affect your Cybermen. (The Cyber Leader points to Kellman's map.) LEADER: This is the main shaft?KELLMAN: Yes, this is a shaft I explored for you. It runs right to the core of Voga.LEADER: How far from the shaft entrance is the transmat receptor area?KELLMAN: Just a matter of yards. I set the receptors as close as possible.LEADER: Excellent, Kellman. You have done well. The humans will carry the explosives into the shaft.DOCTOR: What's your cut, Kellman? Voga's gold?LEADER: There will be no gold. Voga is to be utterly destroyed, and this time we shall not fail.DOCTOR: Oh, really.LEADER: And you, Doctor, and your two friends will help us in this task. That is why your lives have been spared.STEVENSON: I was wondering why you hadn't killed us.LESTER: We don't have to help them. They can't force us.LEADER: Oh, you are mistaken.LESTER: You'll discover who's mistaken, chum.LEADER: The heart of Voga is almost pure gold. Gold is hostile to our function, therefore Kellman was asked to preserve three animal organisms for this purpose.DOCTOR: Isn't it wonderful to feel needed, Commander?LEADER: Kellman, on our approach run, we detected an operational discharge from the transmat area. Explain that.KELLMAN: That was his doing. He beamed his two friends down to Voga. I tried to put the transmat out of action, but he managed to fix it somehow.LEADER: And how much do these humans know? [Mines] (The Guardians and the Militia are still shooting at each other when Sheprah returns to stop them.) SHEPRAH: Vorus, leader of the Guardians, I have a message.VORUS: Stay where you are! (Vorus comes out to meet him.) VORUS: Well, Sheprah?SHEPRAH: Tyram has given fresh orders. My troops will hold their present positions and will not attack your guild chambers.VORUS: He has shown sense. Your city scum would be badly beaten.SHEPRAH: Unless we are provoked, Vorus. Then we shall sweep you aside. [Secondary control room] KELLMAN: Look, I've done everything I can to help. I set up the transmat, I directed the Cybermen. You might never have found Voga if it hadn't been for me.LEADER: That is true, and you have been promised great rewards for your assistance.KELLMAN: That's why I must go down to Voga to make sure that nothing goes wrong with the transmat.LEADER: Very well. But return as soon as possible. Once the detonator cycle commences, it cannot be stopped. (Cyber Leader beams Kellman away.) [Tyram's room] TYRAM: You know something, or he thinks you do, that would incriminate him.HARRY: Incriminate him in what?TYRAM: Some plot against the state, against me.SARAH: But we only met Vorus for ten minutes.TYRAM: It's something to do with the Beacon. My suspicions about Vorus are hardening into certainty. He's always had great ambition. This city we're in was once the survival chamber for our people. We've lived here ever since, unseen, and safe from further attack from the Cybermen. You know of the Cybermen?SARAH: Well, yes, I've heard of them, but they're meant to have been wiped out ages ago.HARRY: I remember the Doctor saying that the thing that attacked Sarah was a cybermat.TYRAM: I wonder. Has Vorus in the madness of his vanity brought down the vengeance of the Cybermen upon us again? You'll come with me.HARRY: Where to?SARAH: Where are we going?TYRAM: Hmm? Oh, to the gold mines. It's time that Vorus accounted for himself. [Secondary control room] (Cybermen bring in round black bombs and put them on a table.) DOCTOR: What great rewards have you promised Kellman?LEADER: The matter is of no interest to you.DOCTOR: Everything's of interest to me, and Cybermen possess nothing that a human might want.LEADER: You are incorrect.DOCTOR: Then what is it? You've no home planet, no influence, nothing. You're just a pathetic bunch of tin soldiers skulking about the galaxy in an ancient spaceship.LEADER: You speak unwisely. We are destined to be rulers of all the cosmos.DOCTOR: No, I don't think so, somehow. You tried that once and you were nearly wiped out.LEADER: Because of Voga and its gold. If humans had not had the resources of Voga, the Cyber War would have ended in glorious triumph.DOCTOR: It was a glorious triumph, for human ingenuity. They discovered your weakness and invented the glitter gun, and that was the end of Cybermen except as gold-plated souvenirs that people use as hat stands.LESTER: Watch it, Doctor. I think you've riled him.LEADER: That is why Voga must be destroyed before we begin our second campaign.DOCTOR: Oh, there's to be a second campaign, is there?LEADER: We have enough parts in our ship to build an entirely new Cyber Army, and this time, Doctor, it will be invincible. Cybermen function (The Cyber Leader grabs the Doctor round the throat.) LEADER: More efficiently than animal organisms. That is why we will rule the galaxy.DOCTOR: Loose thinking. The trouble with Cybermen is they've got hydraulic muscles, and of course hydraulic brains to go with them. (The Leader throws the Doctor across the room. On the way he picks up one of the bombs from a table.) LEADER: Put that down!DOCTOR: Thank you. Now, if I'm correct about what this contains, and should accidentally drop it. (The Doctor drops then catches it, as the Leader also steps forward to catch it.) DOCTOR: Now, I want some information from you, Cyber Leader. (The Cyber Leader has activated an alarm on his chest plate. A Cyberman standing guard at the docking hatch starts walking along the transom.) DOCTOR: What's Kellman expecting to get out of all this?LEADER: Kellman wants power. He will be ruler of this solar system when we have conquered it.DOCTOR: Your puppet dictator (Suspenseful music heralds the arrival of the Cyberman behind the Doctor, wiping over his words.) DOCTOR: In exchange. I wouldn't have thought his ambitions lay in that direction.STEVENSON: Look out, Doctor. (The Cyberman grabs the Doctor from behind. The Leader takes back the bomb and the three men are pushed back down onto the floor.) LEADER: Do not kill them. [Mines] (Kellman is ambushed by Militia.) SHEPRAH: Another human.KELLMAN: Take me to Vorus.SHEPRAH: Vorus?KELLMAN: Quickly, man. It's vital I see Vorus immediately.SHEPRAH: Vorus is no longer in charge here.KELLMAN: What?SHEPRAH: Take him away.KELLMAN: Oh, no, you don't understand. I must see Vorus! You're in danger, all of you! [Secondary control room] (The black round bombs are strapped to the three men's backs.) LEADER: Cyberbombs, the most compact and powerful explosive devices ever invented.DOCTOR: Yes, and their use was banned by the Armageddon Convention.LEADER: Cybermen do not subscribe to any theory of morality in war, Doctor. Our calculations indicate that two bombs placed in the central fissure of Voga will fragmatise the planet.DOCTOR: Fragmatise? Oh well, I suppose we can't expect decent English from a machine.LEADER: Prime the buckles. Two bombs should be sufficient. Three will make certain.STEVENSON: Now what have they done?LEADER: The buckles are now primed. Any attempt to remove the harness before the countdown reaches the red zone will cause a secondary explosion. Do you understand?LESTER: You mean, if we attempt to release the harness before then, we'll get blown up.LEADER: Correct. It is as well to keep that thought in your minds.DOCTOR: And when we reach the centre of Voga, we'll be fragmatised, as you put it.LEADER: Incorrect. You will have fourteen minutes, the time period of the red zone, to reach your surface and save yourselves by the transmat beam.STEVENSON: That is not long enough.LEADER: Fourteen minutes is considered adequate.DOCTOR: Anything else before we go?LEADER: Yes, Doctor. Your progress will be followed by radar. Any attempt to deviate from the planned course will be immediately detected and the bombs exploded by means of these manual controls.DOCTOR: Thank you.LEADER: Countdown has commenced. You, Doctor, will leave first. (A Cyberman pushes the Doctor towards the transmat chamber.) DOCTOR: Careful, careful. I might explode. (The Cyberman takes a manual control and gets into the chamber with the Doctor. The Doctor starts playing with his yo-yo as the Leader beams them down.) [Mines] (The Doctor and his Cyberman clear the circle, and a second Cyberman beams down with Lester and Stevenson. Militia start shooting at the Cybermen.) DOCTOR: Someone's trying to attract your attention. Come on, let's get out of here! (The Cybermen kill two Militia and the third runs away with them in pursuit. More Militia arrive to be slaughtered. ) [Central shaft] (Meanwhile, the Doctor, Lester and Stevenson make their own way through the tunnels.) DOCTOR: If only they knew about the use of gold.STEVENSON: You mean as a weapon?DOCTOR: Yes. It's the only thing that's effective against Cybermen.LESTER: Do you believe all this guff about giving us time to escape?DOCTOR: Not a word of it. Once we've reached the explosive zone we'll have outlived our usefulness.LESTER: So what do we do now?DOCTOR: Keep moving. Give their radar scope something to follow. [Control room] CYBERMAN: Our warriors report all initial opposition has been crushed.LEADER: Excellent. They are now one hundred metres below the surface.CYBERMAN: Kellman has not returned.LEADER: He is of no importance now. His part in our operation is at an end. [Mines] TYRAM: What's your connection with Vorus?KELLMAN: We were working together. We wanted to lure the Cybermen into a trap.TYRAM: What trap?KELLMAN: We're wasting time. The Cybermen are planning to blow Voga apart.TYRAM: What trap!KELLMAN: The Beacon, of course. Vorus has a rocket aimed at the Beacon.SARAH: What? Harry, we've got to warn the Doctor! (Sheprah arrives on a trolley.) SHEPRAH: Councillor, the Cybermen are here!TYRAM: What?SHEPRAH: They've landed on the first level. We've suffered heavy casualties and need reinforcements.TYRAM: How many Cybermen are there?SHEPRAH: Two, at least. Our weapons have no effect on them.KELLMAN: You'll never stop them that way. Vorus' rocket is your only chance. That Beacon has to be blasted out of the sky.SARAH: No.TYRAM: We must attack the Cybermen with every weapon we have.SHEPRAH: Very well. (Sheprah leaves.) TYRAM: The rest of you, come with me. We must speak to Vorus. (And so the Cybermen are slowed up by having to kill even more Militia, and the countdown moves on.) [Central shaft] LESTER: Why don't we just wait here?DOCTOR: I think my idea's better.LESTER: What is your idea?DOCTOR: I don't know yet. That's the trouble with ideas. They only come a bit at a time. [Outside Vorus' room] (Some Guardians shoot at Tyram and Co, forcing them to hide behind stalagmites.) TYRAM: Do you not recognise Tyram, Chief Councillor of Voga! Stand aside!KELLMAN: We've got to see Vorus. (More shots.) TYRAM: Stand aside, I say.HARRY: Sarah, can you try and reach the transmat?SARAH: And warn the Doctor. Right.HARRY: I'll see if I can do something about this lot.SARAH: Take care.HARRY: And you. (Sarah runs back. In his room, Vorus is looking at his rocket when he hears the gunfire outside. He runs out.) TYRAM: Vorus, call off your guards!VORUS: Enough. You should know better, Tyram, that to try to use force.TYRAM: Our planet is being attacked, Vorus. At this hour, Vogans should fight together, not against each other.KELLMAN: Vorus, is the rocket ready to fire?VORUS: The bomb head is being fitted now.KELLMAN: Too late. The Cybermen have already landed.VORUS: What! Have you betrayed us?KELLMAN: I tried to warn you. Once they were on the Beacon, I couldn't delay them any further.TYRAM: What's this rocket that you speak of, Vorus?VORUS: Very well, I'll show you.KELLMAN: Where's the girl?HARRY: She's gone to warn the Doctor, of course. If people are going to start firing missiles at him, what do they expect?KELLMAN: If that girl reaches the Beacon and starts blabbing about the rocket, the Cybermen will explode their bombs. [Mines] (Sarah has arrived at the stand-off between the Militia and the Cybermen. She takes a small tunnel down to the river and uses one of the skiffs to get across. Meanwhile, the manual control unit moves closer the red zone. Sarah beaches the skiff and runs into the transmat circle, operates it and vanishes.) [Control room] CYBERMAN: Average progress rate is fifty metres per minute.LEADER: Excellent. They will be in the central chamber of Voga. (Sarah arrives next door.) LEADER: In seventeen minutes.CYBERMAN: Distortion on our radar scope is increasing. The three humans who are carrying our bombs can no longer be identified by separate signals.LEADER: That is of no importance now. Even the Doctor believes they will be given time to escape before our bombs explode. They do not know the detonators will fire when the countdown enters the red zone. (Sarah has overheard all this.) [Guild room] (The rocket is on the monitor.) VORUS: Magrik and his team have been working on it for two years, and now we've lost the race by minutes.KELLMAN: There might still be a chance if that rocket can be fired before the Cyberbombs are in position.VORUS: Magrik reports a delay in fitting the bomb head. No, we've lost our gamble, Kellman.TYRAM: You're insane, Vorus. You've brought about the destruction of our race.VORUS: I wanted to bring them freedom, Tyram. Freedom from fear, freedom to live as Vogans should, on the surface, not cowering like worms in the earth.TYRAM: And this great plan was conceived in the company of such as he, a double agent, a despicable traitor, a murder of his own kind? A man whose only loyalty is to himself and the gold he hopes to win.VORUS: The plan would have worked. I just needed more time.HARRY: Look, all this recrimination's pretty pointless, isn't it. What we've got to do is get down into that central shaft and stop the bombs being planted.KELLMAN: The Cybermen hold the entrance. There's no way past them.HARRY: I should think there's another way down, wouldn't you, Kellman?KELLMAN: Only the central shaft runs that deep, and the galleries don't connect with it.TYRAM: Wait. When it was widened, a cross shaft was bored to provide ventilation. I've seen it in our records.HARRY: Well, let's go and take a look. [Central shaft] (The Doctor, Stevenson and Lester pick their way carefully down the wet rocks.) DOCTOR: Steady.STEVENSON: I'm getting a bit old for this sort of thing.DOCTOR: We'll rest for a moment.LESTER: Had any more bits of that idea, Doctor?DOCTOR: The deeper we go, the heavier the concentration of gold. Before long, it must start affecting their radar picture.LESTER: Then what?DOCTOR: Well, it's an outside chance, but if we can get back without being detected, and take the Cybermen from behind. All right now, Commander?STEVENSON: Yes, I think so.DOCTOR: Let's go. [Cross shaft] TYRAM: It runs for about fifty metres, and the rock's friable. It'll be very dangerous after all these years.HARRY: Well, in that case, we'll send our expert on ahead. In you go, Kellman. [Central shaft] (The three men are on hands and knees.) STEVENSON: I'm sorry, Doctor. I'm a bit whacked.DOCTOR: Sit down a moment. Actually, I think we're very near the centre now. This is pretty well solid gold.LESTER: I wonder if these buckles really would explode.STEVENSON: I shouldn't put it to the test. They'll explode, all right. [Cross shaft] KELLMAN: It's blocked.HARRY: Let's see it.KELLMAN: It's no use. We'll have to turn back.HARRY: They're giving a bit. [Central shaft] (The Doctor climbs up a small shaft on his own. There is a pile of rocks at the top which suddenly move out.) DOCTOR: Look out! Get back! [Cross shaft] KELLMAN: Look out! (Rocks tumble in both shafts. Kellman is crushed and the Doctor tumbles back down. Harry closes Kellman's eyes then goes out into the central shaft.) [Central shaft] HARRY: Doctor. Just a bump on the noggin, Doctor. Nothing to worry about. Let's get you out of this thing. (Harry starts to turn the buckle on the bomb harness.) Part Four [Central shaft] LESTER: Harry, don't touch it. Open that buckle and you'll be blown to kingdom come.HARRY: You mean it's booby trapped?LESTER: These buckles can't be opened until the Cybermen beam the release signal.DOCTOR: Harry, were you trying to undo this?HARRY: Well, naturally.DOCTOR: Did you make the rocks fall, Harry?HARRY: Er, well, I suppose I must have done, yes. (The Doctor laughs.) DOCTOR: Harry Sullivan is an imbecile! (And he passes out again.) [Control room] CYBERMAN: Progression rate has slowed to thirty metres a minute.LEADER: Then the bombs will explode in eleven minutes from now. [Central shaft] DOCTOR: So where is Sarah?HARRY: I'm not sure, Doctor. When I last saw her, she was trying to get back to the Beacon.DOCTOR: What?HARRY: Yes. You see, we thought you were still up there, and she naturally wanted to warn you about the rocket. Sorry, I can see you're not with me.DOCTOR: Harry, I'm not with you.HARRY: No, you see, it seems that Kellman, er, he's dead, by the way. Kellman was really working for the Vogan people, and he got the other half, the, what do you call them?STEVENSON: Cybermen.HARRY: Cybermen, that's right. Terribly bad on names. Got the Cybermen up on the Beacon so that they'd be sitting ducks for the Vogan's rocket. Only the Vogans haven't finished the rocket yet, so things have gone a bit wrong.DOCTOR: Yes.LESTER: Doctor, we've got about nine minutes.DOCTOR: Listen, listen, listen! Commander, if you were to keep on going towards the centre, you could draw the radar track away from the rest of us.STEVENSON: Yes?DOCTOR: Meantime, Lester and I could take the cross shaft and attack the Cybermen from the rear.LESTER: What with?DOCTOR: Gold. Plain, old-fashioned gold.STEVENSON: Well then, Lester? Agreed. Right.DOCTOR: Good luck, Commander.STEVENSON: And to you.DOCTOR: Come on. [Control room] (A Cyberman enters. Another is sitting at the main console, and makes his report.) CYBERMAN: Our surface party report the Vogan attackers have been driven off with heavy casualties.LEADER: Order them to intensify the radar signal.CYBERMAN: It is already at maximum, Leader.LEADER: The signal is difficult to interpret. What depth have the bomb carriers reached?CYBERMAN: Sixteen hundred metres. They are eight minutes from the detonation zone.LEADER: Eight minutes. In eight minutes the accursed Planet of Gold will be utterly destroyed. (In the background, in the secondary control room, Sarah listens.) LEADER: Annihilated, vapourised. It is good. [Central shaft] (The Doctor, Harry and Lester collect gold dust.) DOCTOR: How much have we got?LESTER: We've got about five minutes.DOCTOR: I know we've got five minutes. I mean how much gold dust have we got? (They compare handfuls.) DOCTOR: That might be enough. You know what to do?HARRY: Yes. Creep as close as we can then chuck this stuff into their chest units.DOCTOR: You've got it, Harry. Come on. [Guild room] TYRAM: As the human said, recrimination is pointless now. But I promise you, Vorus, if by some miracle our planet should survive, you will face trial for treason.VORUS: It's you who should be tried, Tyram. You and your creeping sycophantinous city.TYRAM: As leader of the Guardians, you abused your trust. You opened the route to the surface. You made clandestine contact with aliens, and you beamed radio transmissions out into space. There are no greater crimes in our calendar.VORUS: In your calendar, Tyram! Your cowering, furtive, underworld life. If we survive, I will face trial gladly. I will give the people my reasons. I wanted to free them from this tyranny of dark, living rock.TYRAM: Living the way we had for generations, at least we were safe, Vorus. Safe from the genocidal threat of the Cybermen.VORUS: I had a dream.TYRAM: A folly, conceived out of arrogance through overweening ambition.VORUS: We could have traded with other worlds, exchanged our gold for armaments. We could have been strong enough to defend ourselves against Cybermen or any other attackers. (Sheprah enters.) SHEPRAH: Councillor, we are beaten. Our people withdraw and are refusing to attack the Cybermen again.VORUS: Order them back! Command them!SHEPRAH: I'm sorry, Councillor. We need time to regroup.VORUS: There is no time.TYRAM: Come, I will speak to them. [Mines] (The Doctor, Harry and Lester have arrived at a point above the Cybermen.) DOCTOR: There they are. Wait till I give the signal. (The Cybermen start up a rock staircase towards them.) DOCTOR: Ready? (The Cybermen stop beneath them.) DOCTOR: Now. (The Doctor and Harry jump down but the Cybermen shrug them off.) DOCTOR: Come on, Harry. Run for it. (The Doctor and Harry run. Lester jumps down in front of the Cybermen, then turns his harness buckle. The BOOM echoes. Lester and the Cybermen die.) DOCTOR: Come on. (They run back to the scene of the carnage. The Doctor picks up the manual control.) DOCTOR: It's still working. [Control room] LEADER: They have lost radar contact.CYBERMAN: Our information flow from the surface has ceased. The countdown has stopped.LEADER: Select video picture of Voga. Detonation by manual control.SARAH: No! No, don't! (The Cybermen throw her across the room.) CYBERMAN: Shall I destroy the human female?LEADER: Detonation now! (The Cyber Leader presses the button on his manual control box. Voga fails to explode.) LEADER: It has failed. Why? [Mines] (The indicator on the box is back to green. The Doctor puts it down and releases his harness safely.) DOCTOR: Well, I'm impressed. [Control room] (Sarah has been tied up and put in the console chair.) SARAH: Voga. It's still there!LEADER: Yes. For the moment.SARAH: Then your plan failed. The Doctor's beaten you.LEADER: Silence. We have not failed. Our computers are assessing an alternative plan.SARAH: Your best plan is to get off this Beacon before the Vogans (pause)LEADER: Continue. The Vogans?SARAH: Kellman led you into a trap. They've got a rocket aimed right at thisLEADER: You lie.SARAH: Well, stick around andLEADER: You lie, because if they had such a rocket, they would have used it by now.SARAH: All I know is when I left, Kellman said the rocketLEADER: Kellman? So they have a rocket, but they have not used it. Logical conclusion, the rocket has a malfunction, therefore this information does not affect our plans. We shall proceed. Voga will be destroyed. [Guild room] TYRAM: We are grateful to you, human, for saving Voga.DOCTOR: Oh, please, don't call me human. Just Doctor will do very nicely, thank you. Is that your rocket?VORUS: The Sky Striker, yes. You've delivered our enemies into my hands, Doctor. Magrik, you have news?MAGRIK: Everything is now ready, Vorus. We can start the countdown.VORUS: Excellent.DOCTOR: Er, before you do anything rash, like pressing another button, may I make an alternative suggestion?VORUS: An alternative?DOCTOR: Let me take the transmat back to the Beacon and deal with the Cybermen myself.TYRAM: Yourself? You mean, alone?DOCTOR: Give me just fifteen minutes. If at the end of that time I haven't come through on the radio, well then you can fire off your rocket.TYRAM: You've already done so much. Why should you risk your life again in this way?DOCTOR: I've a young friend on the Beacon. Sarah Jane, the girl who was here. She risked her life to save mine. The least I can do is accept the same risk for her.VORUS: Bah.DOCTOR: Just fifteen minutes. Is that so intolerable?TYRAM: Fifteen minutes then, Doctor, but no longer.DOCTOR: Thank you, Tyram. There's just one other thing I need.TYRAM: What's that?DOCTOR: A bag of gold dust.TYRAM: Oh, yes.DOCTOR: Thank you. Harry.HARRY: Doctor?DOCTOR: While I'm gone, you'd better find the Commander.HARRY: I'll try. (The Doctor leaves.) VORUS: I have planned for this moment for years, and now as I close the trap you expect me to wait. (The Doctor runs back tot he transmat circle.) [Control room] (A cybermat is on the console.) LEADER: Point of impact.CYBERMAN: Twenty seven degrees seven minutes north, a hundred and sixty degrees twenty minutes east. The crust is weakest at this point.LEADER: Velocity at impact, ten thousand light units.CYBERMAN: Calculations indicate at maximum thrust, the Beacon will attain that velocity seven minutes before impact.LEADER: What explosive force is required to sunder the planet at that depth?CYBERMAN: One thousand kilos per unit.LEADER: Excellent. Then the plan will be executed.CYBERMAN: Yes, Leader.LEADER: Order the bombs to be transferred to the Beacon. (The Cyberman leaves through secondary control.) LEADER: The alternative plan will work. When the Beacon crashes into Voga, we shall be watching from a safe distance, but you will have a much closer view. (The Cyber Leader leaves by a side door. The Doctor beams in, stops and whistles. Sarah whistles in return.) SARAH: DocDOCTOR: (hiding) Shush.SARAH: Sorry. (Confident it is clear, the Doctor enters to untie her.) DOCTOR: You haven't seen anything of the TARDIS, have you?SARAH: TARDIS? Listen, Doctor, the Cybermen are loading this Beacon with bombs. They're going to smash it into Voga.DOCTOR: Are they? And we've got about nine minutes before the Vogans aim their rocket at us. Get the control box. We'll see what we can do. (The Doctor picks up the cybermat.) SARAH: Doctor?DOCTOR: Yes?SARAH: It's good to see you.DOCTOR: Is it?SARAH: Yes.DOCTOR: Oh. Right. Come on, quickly then. [Docking area] LEADER: Carry the bombs to the nose cone. Maximum urgency imperative. [Guild room] MAGRIK: Seven minutes, Vorus.VORUS: What can the Doctor do in this time? We should never have agreed to wait.TYRAM: Stand back from the firing button, Vorus! There is, as Magrik says, another seven minutes.VORUS: Don't worry, Tyram. I can wait. But when I press that button, it will mean more than the end of the Cybermen. It will mean the start of a whole new life here on Voga. A new regime.TYRAM: That will be for the people to decide.VORUS: This was my idea, I planned it all. I shall be the people's liberator.TYRAM: You came very close to being their destroyer.VORUS: That will be forgotten in my triumph. The people will turn to me. They will beg me to lead them! (Harry and Stevenson enter.) HARRY: Any news from the Doctor?VORUS: No, and I don't expect there will be.MAGRIK: Five minutes. [Crew quarters] (The Doctor is stuffing gold down the cybermat.) SARAH: There's no point filling it with gold dust. It won't attack the Cybermen.DOCTOR: Just you wait and see. (The Beacon tilts.) SARAH: What was that?DOCTOR: They've started the engines. [Control room] LEADER: She has been freed. One of her friends from Voga. Perhaps the Doctor. [Secondary control room] CYBERMAN: All engines normal. Zero thrust.LEADER: Increase ten levels. If it was the Doctor, he will make a further attempt to thwart my plan. Therefore he will still be concealed aboard. Search the forward compartments. Locate and destroy all animal organisms. (Two Cybermen bow and leave.) CYBERMAN: Control response normal. Engine response effective. Thrust five thousand.LEADER: Engage hyperdrive. [Crew quarters] SARAH: Listen. (The Doctor picks up the cybermat.) DOCTOR: Come on, let's hide. (He puts the cybermat in the middle of the floor then hides with Sarah. A Cyberman enters and walks over to the cybermat. The Doctor uses the remote control unit to make the cybermat jump up to bite its chest unit. After a brief struggle, the Cyberman suffocates.) SARAH: You did it.DOCTOR: Looks like it. (The Beacon tilts again.) SARAH: Hurry! (The Doctor retrieves the cybermat and they leave. The Doctor pauses at the doorway to quote Shakespeare - Macbeth, act 5 scene 6.) DOCTOR: Dusty death. Out, out withSARAH: Doctor!DOCTOR: What?SARAH: Come on! [Guild room] VORUS: Control to firing bunker. Stand by for countdown.TYRAM: We have another two minutes.VORUS: The countdownMAGRIK: Vorus! Look. The target sensor, it's moving.VORUS: The Beacon's in motion!MAGRIK: It's coming towards us! It's set on a collision course!VORUS: Activate firing controls!HARRY: Vorus, you promised the Doctor fifteen minutes. (Harry grabs Vorus, who hits him with his staff of office.) STEVENSON: Vorus! (Stevenson grabs Vorus' arms and hustles him away.) VORUS: You fools! (One of Tyram's guards shoots Magrik as he reaches for the firing button. Vorus gets out of Stevenson's grip and runs back.) STEVENSON: No, Vorus. (The two men struggle, and Vorus wins.) TYRAM: No, Vorus, no! (Tyram shoots Vorus, but it is too late.) VORUS: My Sky Striker, my glory. (Vorus dies as the rocket engines fire and a Saturn V lifts off.) [Secondary control room] LEADER: We must evacuate the Beacon in three minutes.CYBERMAN: Our calculations indicate the fireball will extend one point five million miles. (They do not notice the Doctor put down the cybermat. It attacks one Cyberman, but two others and the Leader attack the Doctor and Sarah.) SARAH: Oh! Doctor! (The Cyberman uses neck pressure points on Sarah, then the Leader does the same to the Doctor, driving him to his knees.) DOCTOR: All right, all right, all right. You've made your point. We surrender. We surrender.LEADER: You have interfered once too often, Doctor. (Sarah and the Doctor are pulled to their feet.) LEADER: Now, tie her up. Tie her up! [Guild room] TYRAM: The Doctor's time's up. He's failed.STEVENSON: I'm afraid so.HARRY: I wouldn't be too sure, Commander.STEVENSON: His only chance now is to get off the Beacon by the transmat. The rocket is due to impact in six minutes. [Secondary control room] (The Doctor has been tied up back to back with Sarah.) LEADER: The Beacon is approaching Voga at ten thousand light units. It is time for us to leave.DOCTOR: Bye bye.LEADER: You two are especially privileged. You are about to die in the biggest explosion ever witnessed in this solar system. It will be a magnificent spectacle. Unhappily, you will be unable to appreciate it. (The Cybermen leave.) DOCTOR: Nice sense of irony. I thought for a moment he was going to smile.SARAH: How long have we got, Doctor?DOCTOR: Judging by the speed at which the rocket is approaching, two or three minutes.SARAH: The Vogan rocket?DOCTOR: Yes, that's right. (The Cybermen's ship undocks from Nerva Beacon.) [Guild room] STEVENSON: They're getting away!TYRAM: Then the Sky Striker will simply destroy the empty Beacon.HARRY: If it is empty. [Secondary control room] SARAH: Oh, it's no good, Doctor. They won't budge.DOCTOR: Hmm? I used to untangle Turk's Head eye-splice with the grommets I picked up from Houdini. It should work.SARAH: Really. Well, you must have tied it wrong. No, wait a minute. You're right, they're loosening!DOCTOR: Good girl. That rocket's getting too close for comfort. (They are both free of the ropes.) DOCTOR: Hello, Voga. Hello, Voga. This is Nerva Beacon.STEVENSON [OC]: Doctor, is that you?DOCTOR: Commander, tell Vorus the Cybermen have abandoned the beacon. He's to aim the rocket at the cybership. [Guild room] STEVENSON: But Doctor, Vorus is dead, and none of us here knows how to operate these controls.DOCTOR [OC]: What? Just let me think.STEVENSON: Let you what?HARRY: Just let him think. [Secondary control room] SARAH: Doctor, it's going to hit any second!DOCTOR: Commander?STEVENSON [OC]: Yes, Doctor.DOCTOR: There are two levers on the left of the panel. Got them? [Guild room] STEVENSON: Yes, I've got them.DOCTOR [OC]: The top lever controls the angle of flight, and the lower one must be the direction and stabiliser control. [Secondary control room] (The Doctor and Sarah duck as the rocket just misses the Beacon.) DOCTOR: Cogito ergo sum.SARAH: What?DOCTOR: I think, therefore it missed.SARAH: Yes, but we're still heading for the biggest bang in history!DOCTOR: Oh, yes. Oh no. They've locked the gyro controls. The flight trimmers are jammed.SARAH: What does that mean?DOCTOR: It means we're heading for the biggest bang in history. [Guild room] TYRAM: The rocket is closing on the Cybermen's ship.HARRY: A touch more starboard rudder, Commander.STEVENSON: Come on. Just a few more seconds. [Cybership] CYBERMAN: There's a missile on our port bow.LEADER: Engage full thrust! Deploy (KaBOOM!) [Guild room] HARRY: That's the end of your Cybermen.TYRAM: Never again will they be a threat to Voga. At least we can live without fear.STEVENSON: Why doesn't the Doctor put the Beacon back on course? I thought he was taking evasive action, but look, he's coming straight towards us.HARRY: Better give him a whistle, Commander. He does have these absent minded moments. [Secondary control room] (The Doctor is using a handle to crank up the secondary systems.) HARRY [OC]: Hello, Doctor, can you hear me?SARAH: Yes, Harry. What is it?HARRY [OC]: Hello, Sarah. Look old girl, I don't know if you're aware of it, but you appear to be heading straight for us!SARAH: Yes, we are aware of it, Harry. Very much so, and we're loaded with cyberbombs. [Guild room] HARRY: What? Well, you'd better do something, old girl, and quickly.SARAH [OC]: The Doctor's doing his best, but [Secondary control room] SARAH: The Cybermen have locked the gyro controls. [Guild room] STEVENSON: It's still coming straight towards us.TYRAM: It's going to hit. It's going to hit! [Secondary control room] DOCTOR: That should do it. (The rugged surface of the asteroid rushes past on the monitor.) SARAH: We're going to crash!DOCTOR: Hang on. If I pull her back at this speed, she'll break in half. (The Beacon tilts this way and that, then whooshes off back into space where it belongs.) DOCTOR: Yes, I think she'll settle down nicely into orbit now.SARAH: Oh, good. (With immaculate timing, the TARDIS materialises.) DOCTOR: I think I'll just set the drift compensators. We don't want it slipping through our fingers. (The Doctor enters the TARDIS as the transmat comes to life. Harry appears as the Doctor comes out again with a lot of punch tape paper around his neck.) HARRY: I see old faithful turned up after all.SARAH: Hi.DOCTOR: Don't just stand there. Come on.SARAH: Oh, all go, isn't it.DOCTOR: I'm needed back on Earth.SARAH: How do you know?DOCTOR: I left the Brigadier a space-time telegraph system and told him not to use it unless he had a real emergency on his hands.SARAH: And he's used it?DOCTOR: He has. Come on, you two.HARRY: I say, what about the Commander? Aren't we going to stop and say cheerio?DOCTOR [OC]: Come on!SARAH: Don't argue. (Sarah drags Harry into the TARDIS just before it dematerialises.) Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.