Stories Television Doctor Who Season 22 Classic Who S22 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Revelation of the Daleks 1 image Back to Story Transcript Needs checking Part One [Necros] (The TARDIS materialises in a snow-covered landscape, played by Bolinge Hill Farm, Buriton, Hampshire. Peri comes out, dressed for the weather in high-necked blue jacket and black trousers, and picks her way carefully down a slope towards a pond.) PERI: I don't believe it. What I'd give for a burger. This is the pits. With my luck, I'll fall in. Ugh, get that. (She throws a part eaten bun into the water. The Doctor comes out of the TARDIS wearing a long blue cape.) DOCTOR: How do I look?PERI: (sotto) Yuck. (aloud) More comfortable than I feel. This thing I'm wearing's too tight.DOCTOR: You eat too much.PERI: Hardly. I've just given my lunch to the fish. Can't I change into something more comfortable?DOCTOR: Certainly not. Blue is the official colour of mourning on Necros, and women's legs to be covered at all times.PERI: Sounds positively feudal.DOCTOR: It's polite, not to say safer, to honour local customs. You should know that by now.PERI: I don't even know this guy we've come to see.DOCTOR: Guy? Guy! You are talking about Professor Arthur Stengos. One of the finest agronomists in the galaxy.PERI: I'm sorry. I'm even more sorry he's dead, but that doesn't change the fact that this is uncomfortable. (They do not see a hand rise from the water to take Peri's bun, but they hear the splash.) PERI: What was that?DOCTOR: Do you want me to find out?PERI: No. (There's a small eruption of water.) DOCTOR: Poor old thing. I've warned you about feeding animals.PERI: That was my lunch. Well, it's the last time I eat any more of your nut roast rolls. What else is here?DOCTOR: The odd voltrox, the occasional speelsnape.PERI: Do they bite?DOCTOR: Only each other. Come on.PERI: You didn't warn me about all this snow. (A tatty figure follows them.) [Chapel of Rest] (The finishing touches are being put to a golden corpse in the Egyptian style.) JOBEL: Lovely, lovely, lovely. Absolutely lovely. You've excelled yourself, Mister Takis. You really have.TAKIS: Thank you, Mister Jobel.JOBEL This will be the finest perpetual instatement I've ever made, provided the witch doesn't crumble to dust before we get her underground. (A plain young woman follows the two men down the steps away from the bier.) TASAMBEKER: Not with you in charge, Mister Jobel.JOBEL: What? That was supposed to be a joke.TASAMBEKER: I'm sorry, Mister Jobel.JOBEL: This one thinks with her knuckles. I tell you, Takis, after today we'll go down in funerary history. (They walk between two lines of tall containers full of blue flowers and peacock feathers.) JOBEL: Everyone will want our services.TAKIS: Let's get the day over with first, Mister Jobel.JOBEL: Always the cautious one, Takis, but you're absolutely right, of course. What do you want? You're always under my feet.TASAMBEKER: I'm sorry, Mister Jobel. I was told to inform you that surveillance has picked up the presidential spacecraft.JOBEL: Oh! I hope they're on time. She's already started to froth. We know what that leads to. Thank goodness that the casket is lead-lined. I want to see you all in fresh tunic and full funerary make-up before the president arrives. Don't want the poor thing uncertain who the corpse is, do we. (Jobel and most of the workers leave.) TASAMBEKER: What are you staring at?TAKIS: You're wasting your time there. He's not interested in you.TASAMBEKER: Get on with your work. (Tasambeker leaves. Takis takes a flower from a display, then he and his friend Lilt go up the steps to the corpse lying in state. A young woman and a young man quietly make their way across the screen. The young man is carrying an automatic weapon and a briefcase. They go into the next room and she consults a map.) [Necros] (The Doctor and Peri make their way through the landscape, now played by the Queen Elizabeth Country Park, Horndean.) PERI: This seems to be the only plant that grows in this wilderness.DOCTOR: Herbabaculum vitae.PERI: Herbabaculum vitae. Staff of life.DOCTOR: That's right. It's common name is the weed plant. (Peri looks at the blue flowers on the shrub.) PERI: Looks sort of familiar.DOCTOR: It's very similar in food value to the soya bean plant on Earth. Can't understand why it hasn't been cultivated. (Peri carefully picks a flower.) DOCTOR: For your collection?PERI: Yeah. When I get back to Earth, I've got to wow the college with something. My grades certainly won't. It is safe to touch?DOCTOR: Usually. (A twig cracks nearby.) PERI: What was that?DOCTOR: Some small rodent?PERI: With sharp teeth and rabid saliva?DOCTOR: Not on Necros. At least, not rabies. (A deformed man snarls in the bushes. Peri screams. The Doctor quickly give her his cloak and goes forward to meet the man.) PERI: Careful. (The Doctor gets out his pocket watch and swings it in front of the man's eyes.) DOCTOR: Come, my friend. Be at peace with the world. Concentrate. Concentrate. There we are. Now, what seems to be the problem? (The man attacks the Doctor, pushing him against a tree.) PERI: Doctor! (They continue to wrestle in the snow.) PERI: Help! Someone help! Just hold on, Doctor! Hold on! (Whilst the man tries to throttle the Doctor, Peri finds something to hit him with.) [Radio studio] (All this is on one of the nine video screens in front of the DJ, who lounges in an easy chair and broadcasts through a head set. Everyone say Hi! to new wave comedian Alexei Sayle, disguised in Lennon glasses, beads, flowers and long hair. Very hippy, very sixties.) DJ: Hey there, you guys, figure this. For those of you who are appreciative of the humanoid female form, we have a maiden in distress. Not often we get one of those around here. Usually this place is as quiet as the grave! But seriously though, guys, a word of warning. [Davros' laboratory] (With mortuary statues in corners and a contraption with lots of wires in the middle.) DJ [on screen]: Remember that although I am playing swinging Sixties sounds, you are in suspended animation. (A cream and gold Dalek trundles through and looks at the image of the DJ on the upper wall.) DJ [on screen]: And we don't want a repeat of last time, now do we? Remember, over here. (A head in a jar gives an order.) DAVROS: Shut the fool up.DJ [on screen]: Are expensive to replace. (The image changes to the Doctor examining his former attacker.) DALEK: It is the Doctor.DAVROS: Excellent. My lure has worked.DALEK: I shall order Daleks to detain him.DAVROS: No! It will give me the greater pleasure to watch his own curiosity deliver him into my hands. [Catacombs] (The young man and woman come to a crossroads. There is an armed guard ahead. She loads a hand gun.) GRIGORY: You're such an impetuous child. These things kill.NATASHA: So do guards.GRIGORY: Oh, why did I ever allow myself to be talked into this folly? (He takes a drink from a flask hanging round his neck.) NATASHA: That stuff won't help you.GRIGORY: I can but try. Look at the state I'm in. I don't know whether my hand shakes from fear or the delirium tremens.NATASHA: Are you ready?GRIGORY: If you must.NATASHA: One, two three. (They mow down the guard.) [Davros' laboratory] DALEK: Sensors indicate a disturbance on level seven.DAVROS: Show me. Inform Takis there are body snatchers in the catacombs.DALEK: At once. (Natasha uses instructions on her map to open a pair of doors. They go through.) [Necros] (The Doctor cradles his attacker.) DOCTOR: Why did you attack us?MUTANT: The disc. You shouldn't have tried to condition me. I would have reacted similarly had you attacked me. In many ways, I think you've done me a favour. It's not been much fun being like I am. You wouldn't think I once looked like you.DOCTOR: What happened to you?MUTANT: The Great Healer. I'm a product of his experimentation.DOCTOR: Who is this Great Healer. (But the mutant dies.) PERI: I killed him, and he forgave me. Why did he have to be so nice about it?DOCTOR: You had no choice. Come on. [Davros' laboratory] DALEK: Takis does not respond.DAVROS: Get me Kara, and find Tasambeker.DALEK: I obey.DAVROS: I want the intruders caught. [Radio studio] (People walk along corridors on many levels of the building. Natasha and Grigory are nearly caught, but the man turns around at the last moment.) DJ: Whoa, heavy. Hey there, you guys, we have you-know-what in the building. Looks like somebody could be in for a sudden defrosting. But seriously though, guys, I think it's time to cool down the pace a little. You know, I think there's nothing more soothing than a dedication or two. Yeah. (While Procul Harem play Whiter Shade of Pale, the DJ digs a pile of screwed up papers from the back of his easy chair.) DJ: You know, guys, I get as much of a kick out of reading these as I know you do hearing them. [Chapel of Rest] (Tasambeker enters. Takis and Lilt are with the corpse.) TASAMBEKER: Takis? Are you listening to me?LILT: Who's in love? Who's in love?TASAMBEKER: Who said that? Was it you?TAKIS: What?TASAMBEKER: Oh, never mind. (Takis comes down the steps holding a blue flower.) TAKIS: Why do you have to make so much noise? You're giving me a headache.TASAMBEKER: I'll give you more than that in a moment. Your communicator was switched off and the Great Healer has been trying to contact you, but it seems you prefer to play with flowers than do your duty.TAKIS: I like flowers.TASAMBEKER: You're supposed to be head of security.TAKIS: I can still like flowers.TASAMBEKER: Not when it compromises your duty. You're a disgrace.TAKIS: Because I like flowers, or because I won't respond to your pathetic bullying? Because that's what you are, Tasambeker, a bully.TASAMBEKER: Your attitude does not go unnoticed. The Great Healer sees and hears everything.TAKIS: Then he'll also see how you abuse his name to bolster your own authority.TASAMBEKER: That's right, Takis. Keep it up. Talk yourself in front of a firing squad.TAKIS: She's threatening me again.LILT: Well, she is a bit upset. You've got to allow her to get rid of her frustration somehow.TASAMBEKER: Shut up! Listen, you're both in enough trouble as it is. There are bodysnatchers in the building. They must have walked in right under your noses.TAKIS: Did you see anyone?LILT: No. Did you?TAKIS: No. You see? Must have got in another way.TASAMBEKER: Enjoy yourselves while you can. Meanwhile, find the intruders! (Takis give Tasambeker the flower, then he and Lilt leave.) [Davros' laboratory] (Davros has watched this on the screen.) DAVROS: Have that woman brought to me. (An armed man wearing a mask leaves.) [Radio studio] (The DJ is now in black studded leather and looks like Elvis.) DJ: Rock and roll! Hi there, casket eight one six, or should I say, hi, George. This is the DJ with a very special message for you, my friend. For you, get down, I say, get down. Congratulations. And your dear wife now, who is still very much alive, would like to send you her fondest and her sincerest love. Yeah, she still misses you, my man. She misses you a heck of a lot. She would also like to reassure you on this special day that her every waking hour is spent administering the research fund which you set up to find a cure for Beck's Syndrome, that oh so dreadful disease which took you from her side. And I say get down, I say, get down. So George, from her heart to your heart, celebrating your long life it's some good old Fifties Earth time rock and roll! Yeah, go for it. (Elvis sings Blue Suede Shoes and the DJ turns off his microphone. His normal accent is Liverpool, bless him.) DJ: Well, you've got a wife and a half there, George. She found a cure for Beck's Syndrome forty years ago. Still, it'd be interesting to know what she's really doing with the money. (He calls up the image of the Doctor and Peri in the snow and broadcasts again.) DJ: Hey there, guys. Hey there, guys. I said hey, the maiden in distress is a-coming this way. I wonder which one of you lucky fellows she's coming to see? (He covers the microphone.) DJ: Don't all answer at once, will you. [Corridor] (Takis and Lilt show their IDs to a passing Dalek.) TAKIS: Was that thing on guard duty?LILT: So it seems.TAKIS: Then it's worse than I thought. [Davros' laboratory] TAKIS [on screen]: All that's supposed to be in these catacombs are a few thousand stiffs in suspended animation. No, there's something else going on.DAVROS: You know too much, Takis.DALEK: Kara is now available.DAVROS: I shall speak to her. (The image of the subtly exotic Eleanor Bron comes on the screen.) DAVROS: Ah, my dear Kara. [Catacombs] (Natasha and Grigory stop by one of many crypt markers in the walls.) NATASHA: This is it.GRIGORY: Why did I let you talk me into this?NATASHA: Get on with it.GRIGORY: A bit of tomb robbing is one thing, but did we have to kill that guard?NATASHA: Look, I don't want to be here any more than you do, but that's supposed to be my father in there. I want to know why the courts were so unwilling to let me have his body back. Now hurry up.GRIGORY: You can't rush this sort of thing.NATASHA: Neither can we hang around here.GRIGORY: Look, if I open that door too soon, the molecular structure of the body will break down and poor old Stengos will turn into a pool of high protein water. Even if I were confident I could reconstitute him, we do not have a suitable vessel into which he could be ladled. Excuse me.NATASHA: Hurry up and get on with it.GRIGORY: Don't you ever listen? I'm a doctor, not a magician. You'll kill him.NATASHA: If we don't succeed, he's already dead. Now get the door open. [Kara's office] (In a large refinery or factory complex, Kara is talking to a head on a holographic screen.) KARA: It's all very well to make these demands, but you already take most of the profits my factories make.DAVROS [on monitor]: I created the product you manufacture. I have a right to the money.KARA: I'm well aware of that, Great Healer. I would willingly sell the bones of Vogel here if it would help your cause.VOGEL: And I would give them willingly.KARA: You see how devoted we are. But you'd get very little for him, dead or alive, and I would be without a secretary. Good secretaries are very hard to find.DAVROS [on monitor]: I do not wish to hear any more of your prattling tongue! Forgive me, I, I want, I need more money. I cannot complete my researches without it.KARA: We'll do our best for you. I'm sure Vogel can engage in a little creative accountancy on your behalf.VOGEL: I already do, madam. I'm a past master at the double entry.KARA: Then you must make it triple. You heard what Davros said. He needs the money.DAVROS [on monitor]: Do not call me by my name on an open channel!KARA: I'm so sorry, Great Healer. Such is my enthusiasm for your cause, my tongue sometimes speaks what my mind would not dare to think. Please, accept my apologies.DAVROS [on monitor]: I would sooner accept your money. (Nervous laughter all round.) KARA: Has Orcini arrived?VOGEL: He has, madam.KARA: Then send him in. [Reception area] (Tasambeker leads a man pushing a covered body on a trolley.) JOBEL: If you wish to gossip, there is a rest room provided, you know.TASAMBEKER: I'm sorry, Mister Jobel. (The chattering workers leave.) JOBEL: Oh, I might have guessed you'd be here.TASAMBEKER: An attendant has been murdered.JOBEL: It's a pity it couldn't have been you. Oh, I do wish you'd get used to my sense of humour.TASAMBEKER: I'm sorry, Mister Jobel.JOBEL: Why are you taking him to my preparation room? That is not the mortuary.TASAMBEKER: He's been badly damaged. He'll require cosmetic embalming.JOBEL: Don't you ever listen? I have the president's wife out there, and I can tell you that she is far more active now than she ever was when she was alive.TASAMBEKER: Oh, I'm sorry, Mister Jobel.JOBEL: I wish you'd stop apologising.TASAMBEKER: I'm sorry, Mister Jobel.JOBEL: I haven't got time to deal with him.TASAMBEKER: Perhaps I could deal with him.JOBEL: I beg your pardon?TASAMBEKER: I am a third year student, and I've studied your methods very closely.JOBEL: The way you get under my feet, I sometimes think too closely. (Jobel pulls back the sheet.) JOBEL: He certainly is a mess. I suppose you can't make him look any worse.TASAMBEKER: Oh, thank you, Mister Jobel.JOBEL: Now get away from here.TASAMBEKER: Certainly, Mister Jobel, and thank you.JOBEL: Before you start hacking him around, the Great Healer wants to see you. Why I should be the messenger boy [Davros' laboratory] JOBEL [on screen]: I don't know.DAVROS: You are a fool, Jobel. I have offered you immortality, but you are content to play with the bodies of the dead, so you will join the Doctor. [Catacombs] (The crypt entrance springs open in a cloud of dry ice and a body tray slides out.) GRIGORY: You were wrong. The body is here.NATASHA: Unwrap it.GRIGORY: As you wish. Why do I allow myself to get involved in such lunatic situations? (He unzips the body bag.) NATASHA: You see? They have taken him. (A door burst open. It is Takis and Lilt with two armed guards.) TAKIS: Hold it!NATASHA: Run!TAKIS: Fire! (Grigory shoots one guard. Takis grabs the other guard's gun and chases Natasha and Grigory. Lilt gets the fallen guard's weapon and follows.) [Necros] (The Doctor and Peri are walking along a path next to a boundary wall.) PERI: No door.DOCTOR: This is ridiculous.PERI: I told you we should have come by TARDIS.DOCTOR: There must be a door. No door, no letter box. No letter box, no post.PERI: Your logic's impeccable, but for one thing. Most of the people in there are dead.DOCTOR: Resting in suspended animation, Peri, not dead. There is a difference.PERI: Maybe, but there's still no door.DOCTOR: Oh well, only one thing left.PERI: Go back.DOCTOR: Certainly not. We go over the top.PERI: You're joking.DOCTOR: Well, how do you think I feel? I'm a nine hundred year old Time Lord. Not much dignity in scrambling over a wall like a small boy into an orchard on a scrumping spree.PERI: Okay, but don't drop me. (The Doctor gives Peri a leg up.) DOCTOR: Drop you? I'll be lucky if I can lift you, the amount you weigh.PERI: Oh, watch it, porky. (Peri makes it to the top of the wall after her boot has collided with the Doctor's pocket watch.) DOCTOR: Oh no.PERI: I'm sorry.DOCTOR: It's all right. (He throws her his cloak and climbs up.) PERI: I wouldn't have had it happen for the world.DOCTOR: Forget it. I rarely use it.PERI: But I know how fond of it you were.DOCTOR: Just don't go on about it. I shall learn to live without it.PERI: I'll find you a new one.DOCTOR: On Necros?PERI: Well, it wouldn't have happened if we'd been able to find a door. I'm sorry.DOCTOR: So am I. (The Doctor jumps down from the wall and leaves Peri to get herself down.) [Crypt tunnel] (Natasha and Grigory escape their pursuers in the crypt and find a door into a dark brick built tunnel with an air conditioning tube running along the wall. There are occasional ferns growing in the pools of light.) GRIGORY: There's no future down there. That way only takes us deeper underground.NATASHA: You should have studied your map a little closer.GRIGORY: I stayed up all night studying it. The lack of alternative exits depressed me no end.NATASHA: Well, if you'd studied it with a clearer mind, you would have noticed there's a service lift to every level.GRIGORY: Is there?NATASHA: Come on. (They follow the tube, passing a wall plaque with the image of young woman saint on it. There are other plaques from different Earth religions dotted along the walls. Further on, they hear a noise.) NATASHA: Daleks. (They hide in an alcove opposite a Hindu-style wall plaque as the Dalek leads a human pushing a trolley containing the body of the dead attendant. Once the coast is clear, Natasha and Grigory run to the door the Dalek had come through.) GRIGORY: We could try another level.NATASHA: There isn't time. I must make contact with the others. (They go through the door into a red-lit Norman-style crypt.) [Davros' laboratory] (Davros is keeping an eye on them.) DAVROS: Inform Takis. [Incubation room] (Along one wall are tanks containing pulsing brains.) GRIGORY: Reminds me of when I was at medical school.NATASHA: It's gruesome. Are they human brains? (Natasha tries to work a communicator.) GRIGORY: Yes. Think that thing'll work down here?NATASHA: I must make contact with the others.GRIGORY: We're not going to get out of here alive, are we?NATASHA: I don't know.GRIGORY: I have this terrible fear I'll die begging for mercy.NATASHA: Pride isn't important at the moment of death.GRIGORY: It is to me. They won't torture us, will they?NATASHA: You're becoming morbid.GRIGORY: Instant death doesn't bother me. It's the long lingering kind I'm worried about. You forget I'm a doctor. When they slice me open, I'll know the name and function of each organ that plops out.NATASHA: Well, at least you won't die in ignorance. (While Natasha struggles with the communicator, Grigory continues to look around. He finds a transparent Dalek with what looks like the remains of a human head inside it, covered in unspecified growths.) GRIGORY: You're right. This place is gruesome. (The head opens its one visible eye.) GRIGORY: A complete head.STENGOS: Natasha.GRIGORY: Who is he?NATASHA: He's my father.STENGOS: Natasha. [Radio studio] (Still in rock'n'roll Elvis mode.) DJ: Now listen, you guys. I don't wish to alarm you but there's some pretty weird things going out here. As you know, we have snatchers in the complex, but it gets even creepier when the word is that the snatchers have been out-snatched. So, if any of you guys are able, lock yourselves in your caskets now. Snap down those bolts, otherwise you could find yourselves on the outside going who knows where! [Davros' laboratory] (Davros is watching the DJ.) DAVROS: Suddenly everyone sees and knows too much! [Incubation room] STENGOS: My mind has been conditioned to serve a new master.NATASHA: So you keep saying, but who is this person?STENGOS: I can't remember.NATASHA: Why not? You remembered who I am.STENGOS: You are my daughter. How could I forget that? Who is this with you?NATASHA: A friend. Why have they done this to you?STENGOS: I am to become a Dalek. We are all to become Daleks. We are to serve a new order. We are to become the supreme beings. Help me, Natasha.NATASHA: What can I do?STENGOS: We must multiply. The seed of the Daleks must be supreme. We must conquer and destroy all those who resist the power of the Daleks. Kill me, child!NATASHA: I can't!STENGOS: It is our duty to eradicate all those who wish to pollute the purity of the Dalek race. If you ever loved me, Natasha, kill me! Kill me!GRIGORY: Let me do it.NATASHA: No!STENGOS: It is vital that the Daleks are supreme in all things! (Natasha uses her weapon to fire a sustained energy beam at the glass Dalek. Finally, it explodes.) NATASHA: I've got to get out of here. [Catacombs] (Natasha and Grigory run out of the crypt straight into the weapon muzzles of Takis and his guards.) TAKIS: Going somewhere? (Lilt uses a rifle butt to hit Natasha and Grigory in the stomach. They fall to their knees in pain. Lilt pulls a knife on Natasha.) TAKIS: Enough.LILT: What about those she's killed? I must mark her.TAKIS: I said, enough. Take them. [Kara's office] (Vogel shows in two gentlemen.) KARA: My dear Orcini. I would have greeted you on your arrival, but a small crisis in the process department diverted me. My sincerest apologies. (Orcini is dressed in leather, his long greying hair pulled back into a pony tail. Everyone say Hi! to William Gaunt, my favourite Champion.) ORCINI: It is rare for someone in my profession to meet a client on their home territory. Assassins, like debt collectors, are rarely welcome. When we are allowed on the premises, it's usually through the side door.KARA: He is a philosopher. How charming.VOGEL: I sensed it at once, madam.KARA: I think we shall get on very well. (Orcini's grubby companion kisses Kara's hand.) ORCINI: Bostock, my squire.BOSTOCK: Lady.ORCINI: I'm afraid the only philosophy practised by Bostock is to do as little about his personal hygiene as possible.KARA: And why not? The odour of nature has charms all its own.BOSTOCK: My very sentiments, lady.ORCINI: He may smell like rotting flesh, but he's an excellent squire.KARA: Indeed.VOGEL: Be seated, gentlemen.ORCINI: We prefer to stand.KARA: Of course. How foolish. As men of action, you must be like coiled springs, alert, ready to pounce.ORCINI: Nothing so romantic. I have an artificial leg with a faulty hydraulic valve. When seated, the valve is inclined to jam.VOGEL: Perhaps you would like one of our engineers to repair it for you.ORCINI: I prefer the inconvenience. Constant reminder of my mortality. It helps me to keep my mind alert.KARA: Oh, Vogel, we have a master craftsman here. I feel humbled in his presence. Oh, no wonder your reputation's like a fanfare through the galaxy.ORCINI: I take little joy from my work. That I leave to Bostock. I prefer the contemplative life. It isn't always easy to find, so, to cleanse my conscience I give what fee I receive to charity.KARA: Such commitment. Oh, you are indeed the man for our cause. As you must know, our factories are dedicated to producing a high protein concentrate. This we sell to developing planets for such a ridiculously low price it embarrasses and frustrates my accountants.ORCINI: I am aware that this product has eliminated famine from the galaxy.BOSTOCK: Tastes horrible though.VOGEL: That our scientists are working to improve.KARA: Indeed, as everything we do here is to improve the quality of life for others.VOGEL: If only we could be left to get on with our work, madam.KARA: I know. As in any paradise, my dear Orcini, there is always a serpent.VOGEL: And our malignancy is a particularly vile one. (Vogel brings a hologram of Davros.) VOGEL: He calls himself the Great Healer.ORCINI: I've heard of him.VOGEL: A pretentious title for a decidedly evil man.BOSTOCK: Not much of him.KARA: Nevertheless, he holds this planet in a grip of fear. He bleeds my factories dry with his constant demands for money.ORCINI: His countenance is familiar.KARA: Then let me put a name to it. Davros.ORCINI: Davros. You know him, Bostock?BOSTOCK: I know him, master.KARA: He sits like a spider at the heart of this planet, using the money he extorts from us to rebuild his disgustingVOGEL: Creatures of hate. Daleks!ORCINI: Fascinating.BOSTOCK: What a kill Davros would be, master.ORCINI: Like the old days, Bostock. A crusade against evil.KARA: Destroy Davros, and your name will become a legend for all time!ORCINI: You have no idea how long I have waited for a noble cause. To once again kill for honour and glory.KARA: Then you will do it?ORCINI: Of course! [Davros' laboratory] (Davros giggling to himself.) DOCTOR [on screen]: There you are. Tranquil Repose.PERI [on screen]: That doesn't sound very alien.DOCTOR [on screen]: What did you expect?PERI [on screen]: Oh, I don't know. Something more ethereal. Tranquil Repose. Yuck. Sound kind of yuck. The sort of name we'd come up with in the States. [Tranquil Repose grounds] (The Doctor and Peri stand at the start of an avenue of large monuments. The main building is IBM Portsmouth with pyramids added behind it.) DOCTOR: America doesn't have the monopoly on bad taste.PERI: I know that. It's just the way you talked about your friend. I didn't expect to find him in a place with such a tacky name.DOCTOR: To be perfectly honest, neither did I. Arthur Stengos wasn't the type to artificially extend his life. To hang around in the vain hope that someone might come up with a cure for the organic breakdown of his body isn't him at all.PERI: Now you tell me. Why didn't you tell me before? I knew there was a reason why we materialised in the middle of nowhere.DOCTOR: I was simply being cautious. Or would you rather I had burdened you with what might have been a piece of paranoid speculation on my part?PERI: It wasn't.DOCTOR: We know that now, but when I first heard the news of Stengos' death, I couldn't be certain.PERI: Well, shouldn't we go back to the TARDIS? I'd feel safer if we did.DOCTOR: No, the TARDIS is bound to attract attention. I want to slip in unnoticed. (Davros finds that comment hilarious.) [Chapel of Rest] (The attendants are in full mortuary makeup - a blue pattern linking their faces and their caps.) JOBEL: Now, this is a big day for Tranquil Repose and I don't want anything to go wrong. The key word is respect. To you, the president's wife is a stiff, but to him, she's a loved one who has passed on to pastures finer and lusher than those she knew in life. Now, although the president has yet to arrive, the utmost decorum and good taste will be shown from this moment on. Black cotton gloves will be worn at all times, and there will be no drinking, swearing or smoking of herbal mixture in the presence of the deceased. Are you picking your nose? I should hope not. All necessary conversations will be conducted in a whisper. Anyone who breaks these rules, inadvertently or deliberately, between now and the president's departure will find themselves scrubbing out the preparation room for the next month with a tooth brush. Understood? (The attendants nod.) JOBEL: Dismissed. [Kara's office] (A small box with lots of buttons is on her desk.) KARA: Nice, isn't it?VOGEL: Incredibly compact.KARA: Exquisite workmanship.VOGEL: Our engineers do such wonderful work.BOSTOCK: They're like a double act.ORCINI: What does this box do?KARA: It's a one-way transmitter.BOSTOCK: Bit big.KARA: It has a necessary built-in booster. Davros' laboratories are buried deep in the catacombs.VOGEL: Like the speelsnape, he hides his head under a rock and pretends that nothing can see him.BOSTOCK: Will that help us find Davros, or do you want a running commentary on what we're doing?KARA: Even with Davros dead, he's not without his followers. And like the disciples of any fanatic, they will not give up without a struggle. As you can see, the box has a series of buttons. I will give you a simple five digit sequence which will activate the transmitter. This you must do the moment you enter Davros' laboratory. The moment you strike the final button, a prerecorded signal will be transmitted. I will then mobilise my forces to eliminate Davros' agents here and to take over his entire base.VOGEL: No message, no rebellion, and madam remains safe.ORCINI: What if the box is captured?VOGEL: No, if the transmitter is tampered with in any way, the message contained in the circuit boards will simply melt away.KARA: Our engineers have thought of everything.BOSTOCK: I don't like it. Too many safeguards. It's as though we're expected to be caught.ORCINI: Bostock is a born pessimist, doubter of other people's motives. As a rule, his instincts are infallible. The only time I didn't listen to him, I received this. (Orcini hits his prosthetic left leg with his walking stick. It makes a metallic noise. ) KARA: My dear Orcini, if we had any doubts concerning your skill, do you really think we should be having this conversation? Your reputation is legend. It's said you only have to breathe on a victim and he's dead.ORCINI: Oh, I never listen to the foolish things people say about me. I'm too aware of my own mortality, as you should be of yours.KARA: Of course, of course. But you must appreciate that the safety features of this box are a mere precaution. No one expects you to fail. I should have too much to lose if you did.BOSTOCK: That makes sense.ORCINI: Yes, but understand. If at any time I smell treachery, the skill I will use against Davros will be turned against you. (A flick knife suddenly appears in Orcini's hand.) KARA: Of course.ORCINI: Good. I'm not interested in your political ambitions. I undertake this mission for one reason only, the honour of killing Davros.BOSTOCK: We shall need maps showing his precise location.VOGEL: They are all prepared.BOSTOCK: And transport.VOGEL: Also arranged. But, for obvious reasons, it can only take you to the edge of Davros' scanners.ORCINI: The walk'll do us good. You will not hear from us again except as a signal from this.KARA: Which we shall await in eager anticipation. Orcini, I have yet to give you the sequence.ORCINI: Of course. [Davros' laboratory] (Tasambeker enters with a guard and is stopped by a Dalek.) TASAMBEKER: Oh, the Great Healer sent for me. (Davros' head swings round in it's chamber.) DAVROS: Yes, child. I have been watching your progress this last few months, and I am pleased with what I see.TASAMBEKER: Thank you, Great Healer.DAVROS: You have a good attitude to your work and you have a pleasing personality. Who is your head of department?TASAMBEKER: Mister Jobel.DAVROS: Of course. I shall speak to him. Tell him, if you're agreeable, of course, that I should like you transferred to my personal staff.TASAMBEKER: Oh, I should be delighted and honoured.DAVROS: Good. You will find the work very different from that you have been used to, but I'm sure you will not find it unrewarding.TASAMBEKER: Thank you.DAVROS: Please me, and I can offer you the universe. (Davros turns away. Tasambeker starts to leave.) DAVROS: Stay with me. See what goes on here. I will tell Jobel where you are.TASAMBEKER: Thank you. [Tranquil Repose grounds] (As the Doctor and Peri walk down a paved slope into the main building complex, a Dalek glides past. Peri spots it, but the Doctor does not.) PERI: Look!DOCTOR: What was it?PERI: I don't know. Some sort of machinery. (They run back up the slope but the Dalek has vanished.) DOCTOR: Well, what ever it was, it's gone.PERI: I suggest you take a look behind you. Does it look familiar?DOCTOR: I don't believe it. I just don't believe it. [Cells] (Natasha and Grigory are chained to the wall.) NATASHA: Why do you keep on and on about bodysnatching? He was my father!LILT: You should have legally applied for his body.NATASHA: You think I didn't try? The law works against you. It's impossible to get a body back from here!LILT: So you decided to steal it.TAKIS: Let's not go over all that again.GRIGORY: Agreed. It is rather a waste of time.LILT: Shut your face!TAKIS: I've had enough of this. Tell them the truth.GRIGORY: You don't need to. It's suddenly become obvious. You can't get a body back from here because those who make the law don't want you to.LILT: He's right. For a drunk, he's not so stupid.NATASHA: I don't understand.TAKIS: There isn't room for them. The idea of this place just doesn't work. The galaxy can barely support the people alive now.LILT: And not only that, there are a lot of important people here. Just imagine what would happen if they went home. They'd be in direct competition with those now holding power.GRIGORY: Those who presently make the law.NATASHA: That isn't fair!LILT: Neither is the fact that you'll be hanged. Bodysnatching is a capital offence on Necros.GRIGORY: Not when there isn't a body. Attempting to steal a mannequin can hardly carry a death penalty.LILT: This one has suddenly woken up.TAKIS: There'll be a body.GRIGORY: But in how many pieces? You know as well as I do, the only part of Stengos that exists is his head. The remains you produce for the court will have to be manufactured.TAKIS: That will be difficult to prove.GRIGORY: I am, of course, assuming there will be a trial.TAKIS: The due process of the law will be seen to be done.GRIGORY: I'm delighted, if somewhat amazed, to hear it.LILT: We must maintain our credibility.TAKIS: Enough. What we want to know are the names of your accomplices.GRIGORY: Oh, really?LILT: You were saying?NATASHA: Don't tell him.TAKIS: Lilt, soften him up. I'm going for a walk. Let me know when he decides to talk. (Lilt pours the contents of the flask into Grigory's mouth.) NATASHA: Stop! You'll kill him! [Radio studio] (We're post war mellow in beige pinstripes and fedora. The Doctor and Peri are on the screen.) DJ: Hey, you guys, what's going on here? This guy looks like the walking dead. Hey, which one of you guys is out of your casket? [Tranquil Repose gardens] (The Doctor is in front of a large monument carved with a portrait of - himself.) DOCTOR: No. No.PERI: Well, don't you like it? It's not a bad likeness.DOCTOR: This is dreadful.PERI: Is it?DOCTOR: This is the Garden of Fond Memories. I've somehow managed to arrive after my own death.PERI: It's not possible.DOCTOR: In the TARDIS it is. This statue is here of me as I am now. I shall never again regenerate.PERI: The statue's a joke. Someone's having you on.DOCTOR: No, I've arrived in my own future and I'm dead.PERI: You can't be.DOCTOR: Look at it this way. If I were to take you back to Earth after you had died, it would be possible for you to see your own gravestone.PERI: Well, it's a gag.DOCTOR: Gag? Gag? Do you realise how much a thing like that would cost? Far too much for someone to play fun and games. And I thought I was good for a few more regenerations.PERI: Well, if you're going to die here, what's going to happen to me? I can't fly the TARDIS. I'd be stuck here. Unless there's a statue of me here somewhere. (Peri walks away. The Doctor turns his back on the monument, which sways.) DOCTOR: I never thought precognisance of my own death would be so disturbing.PERI: Can't see one. Doctor, the statue! Doctor! (The Doctor turns as the statue topples gently forward onto him.) PERI: Doctor! Doctor! Doctor!Part Two [Tranquil Repose gardens] PERI: Help! Please help me!JOBEL: Be calm, be calm. Someone as pretty as you shouldn't be all of a fluster.PERI: You must help me. My friend's had a terrible accident.JOBEL: Oh, that's obvious.PERI: Well, can't you help me get him out?JOBEL: I'd destroy my back lifting that. Besides, you wouldn't want to see the mess under there.PERI: He might still be alive.JOBEL: No, no, no. He's, he's had it, whereas you, my pretty, are very much with us. I like pretty things, and you are very pretty, aren't you.PERI: Get your hands off me, you creep!JOBEL: Oh, it's plain to see you're upset. Was he a close friend?PERI: Yes.JOBEL: Life's strange, isn't it? You lose one friend only to find another.PERI: Are you some kind of weirdo?JOBEL: Wierdo? I am Jobel. I'm very important here. I'm, I'm the Chief Embalmer.DOCTOR [OC]: Chief Embalmer? I'm not dead yet. (The Doctor pushes the polystyrene monument off himself.) PERI: You're all right, Doctor!DOCTOR: Is he touting for business?JOBEL: Me tout for business? I'll have you know that people come from all over the galaxy for my services. Mind you, you're the first live client that I wouldn't mind tackling.DOCTOR: He does go on, doesn't he.PERI: Oh, Doctor, you're covered in blood.DOCTOR: It's not mine. Like the statue and this grotesque, it's all part of an elaborate theatrical effect. Come on, we've got work to do.PERI: Where are we going?DOCTOR: To find out who had that statue erected. Sorry I can't say it's been a pleasure meeting you.JOBEL: You know, if the statue actually had been made of stone, I doubt if it'd have killed you.DOCTOR: Really?JOBEL: No, it would take a mountain to crush an ego like yours. Goodbye, my pretty. (Jobel blows a kiss after Peri.) [Davros' laboratory] DAVROS: It is all as planned. (to Tasambeker) I think you should attend to the Doctor. [Cell] LILT: Get him to talk.NATASHA: I didn't make him drunk! (Lilt kicks Grigory.) LILT: Talk! [Chapel of Rest] (The guest room has black leather settees and brass fittings on the furniture. The Doctor removes his cloak and sees the CCTV camera looking at him. He and Peri move through the double doors to the Chapel of Rest.) PERI: It's creepy.DOCTOR: Hmm, and it'll get a good deal creepier when I find out who erected that statue.PERI: They may not tell you.DOCTOR: Oh, I shall be subtle. Play it, er, very loose, to use your parlance. (They go up the steps to where the president's wife is lying.) TASAMBEKER: May I help you?PERI: Er, well, hi. I don't think so. We're just looking.DOCTOR: Actually, we've come about a funeral.TASAMBEKER: I beg your pardon?DOCTOR: Burial, interment, inhumation, sepulture. Obsequy?TASAMBEKER: What you mean is the posture for perpetual instatement. And for whom do you wish this service?DOCTOR: Me. [Reception area] (Takis activates a wall screen. A low, alluring female voice answers him.) COMPUTER: How do you do, Mister Takis? And what is your pleasure?TAKIS: I want to know the eta of President Vargos' ship. (PRS1 blip comes up on the screen.) COMPUTER: Estimated time of arrival is approximately fifty seven minutes.TAKIS: There are two transponder codes.COMPUTER: The second is for an unscheduled freighter.TAKIS: Direction?COMPUTER: The planet Necros.TAKIS: Thank you.COMPUTER: You're welcome. [Guest room] (The Doctor, Peri and Tasambeker settle on the leather seats for their discussion.) TASAMBEKER: Now, if you should decide to accept our unique service, your body would be cryogenically stabilised until that time came. Needless to say, your resting consciousness will be constantly updated concerning social, cultural and technological developments of your choice. We wouldn't want you to wake up feeling the universe had left you behind.PERI: It all sounds so sterile.TASAMBEKER: Oh, that too has been considered. For a small extra cost, you may purchase our personalised communication service. (Tasambeker activates a screen. There is a brief tinny fanfare then the face of the DJ appears.) DJ [on screen]: Hi there, this is the DJ. Now, if you're missing your resting one and want to tell them just how much, then why not call on me. For I am the messenger who connects your heart with their heart. Hey, I'll be hearing from you, all right? (Message ends. Peri laughs.) PERI: That's great! That's a little like the DJs on Earth.DOCTOR: Precisely. [Necros] (Bostock is carrying the bags while Orcini takes a drink.) BOSTOCK: It's still a long way. They could have brought us closer than this.ORCINI: The air will clear our minds. (Orcini flourishes his walking stick.) ORCINI: Have you ever heard of a sword, Bostock?BOSTOCK: No, master.ORCINI: It was a weapon not unlike a large knife, used on many planets for thousands of years. Even when it was superceded, the sword was still carried ceremonially. Symbol of honour. Something almost spiritual. (Bostock checks the map and puts it back inside his jacket while Orcini takes a gun from one of the cases.) ORCINI: This is my sword, Bostock.BOSTOCK: You're not using that!ORCINI: Why not?BOSTOCK: It jammed last time. The thing's obsolete.ORCINI: You so easily forget that I am a Knight of the Grand Order of Oberon, and you are my squire. Whereas I may have been temporarily excommunicated, I still try to live by the Order's rules.BOSTOCK: I know, master, but that thing's useless.ORCINI: You must understand that this mission must be an honourable one. Nothing must taint or spoil it.BOSTOCK: I do understand, master.ORCINI: Only fools would take the risks I do. [Kara's office] (Vogel is also tracking the spacecraft.) VOGEL: The President's ship, madam.KARA: A delicious sight.VOGEL: I do think it would be safer, madam, if we shot it down.KARA: That would be like an advertisement. No, Orcini will do his work, and we shall remain anonymous. [Necros] ORCINI: This will be my last mission.BOSTOCK: I understand, master.ORCINI: You may think that my judgement is clouded by thoughts of honour, but my experience as a soldier has not deserted me.BOSTOCK: Take this pistol, just in case. Master!ORCINI: What is it?BOSTOCK: I sense something hostile. Behind us. (Orcini quickly fires his automatic weapon at a Dalek, which burst into flames.) ORCINI: The bullets are fitted with bastic heads.BOSTOCK: Yes, master. [Davros' laboratory] (An alarm sounds.) DALEK: Alert, alert. A patrol Dalek has been destroyed.DAVROS: It seems my agents were correct. Kara has employed assassins. [Guest room] DOCTOR: Look, I'm finding what you're saying absolutely fascinating, but when I said I was interested in my burialPERI: Perpetual instatement.DOCTOR: Thank you. I was, in fact, referring to something a little more specific.TASAMBEKER: What was that?DOCTOR: There is a statue of me erected in the Garden of Fond Memories. Now, I want to know who did it.TASAMBEKER: That is not possible. Not without the express permission of the Great Healer.DOCTOR: Great Healer. [Kara's office] KARA: It's always a pleasure to speak to you, Great Healer.VOGEL: Indeed.DAVROS [on monitor]: A Dalek patrol has recently been attacked.VOGEL: Outrageous.DAVROS [on monitor]: I believe assassins are attempting to infiltrate my base. It concerns me that those who are attempting to kill me might also try the same with you.KARA: Oh, I have every faith in my guards, Great Healer. A fine body of men. I personally selected each and every one of them.DAVROS [on monitor]: Experience has shown me that humanoid life forms are susceptible to bribery. I would therefore feel happier if you were protected by those incapable of corruption.KARA: You can only mean Daleks, Great Healer.DAVROS [on monitor]: Correct. I have already despatched a squad for your protection.KARA: Thank you, Great Healer. (Transmission ends.) VOGEL: I think he guesses, madam.KARA: He can guess what he likes. He won't live to learn whether he was right.VOGEL: I fear, madam, that you may be placing too much trust in Orcini.KARA: Orcini will succeed. And when he does, not only will I be rid of that troublesome Davros, but I will control the food supply for the whole galaxy! [Chapel of rest] TASAMBEKER: We are preparing for a lying in state. President Vargos has given us permission to tend to the mortal remains of his dear late wife.PERI: Understood. Better still, I wouldn't mind meeting the DJ. I'm curious to know where he picked up his patter.JOBEL: Ah, there you are. Hello, pretty one.TASAMBEKER: I'm taking this gentleman to see the Great Healer.JOBEL: That should be a contest worth missing. And what are you planning to do?PERI: Well, I'd quite like to meet the DJ.JOBEL: Why not. This way. Jobel will look after you.PERI: No, it's all right, I'm okay.DOCTOR: Excuse us one moment. (The Doctor takes Peri aside.) DOCTOR: Go with him. I think from what we've learnt you'll be a good deal safer with Mister Jobel than you will with the Great Healer.PERI: Couldn't we just go back to the TARDIS?DOCTOR: No. I want to find out more about this Great Healer. Remember the mutant? Have a nice day.JOBEL: With me as her escort, she certainly shall. (Tasambeker watches sadly as Jobel leads Peri away.) DOCTOR: What a nice man. Friend of yours?TASAMBEKER: What's it got to do with you?DOCTOR: Absolutely nothing at all. I was only showing an interest. (Tasambeker opens the double door out into a corridor.) [Corridor] DALEK: You are our prisoner.DALEK 2: You will not resist. (Lilt stops the Doctor from going back, then Takis karate-chops his throat and he goes down.) DALEK: Bring him. (Takis and Lilt drag the Doctor away.) [Cell] DALEK: Secure him. (Takis and Lilt chain the Doctor's ankles to the wall by Natasha and Grigory.) [Radio studio] (Outside the sound booth.) PERI: Well, thanks for showing me the way.JOBEL: Those rose red ruby lips were made for kissing.PERI: But not by you.JOBEL: I love a woman who plays hard to get.PERI: Then you'll love me to death. (The DJ starts to get up as the doors open and Peri dodges inside.) JOBEL: Can't wait.PERI: Well, I hope the lying in state goes well, and thanks for showing me the way.JOBEL: My pleasure, pretty one. (Jobel leaves. The music playing is In the Mood by the Ted Heath Orchestra. We're still in post war style.) PERI: Hi. Hope you don't mind me dropping in. (The DJ backs away. He's back to his natural Liverpool accent and is wearing the blue uniform overalls under the jacket.) DJ: No, no, it's nice to have visitors.PERI: I'm Peri.DJ: Is that your real accent?PERI: Well, I hope so.DJ: It's amazing.PERI: Talking of voices, yours seems to have changed.DJ: Oh yeah, well, that's just my other voice, you know. I use that just for kind of professional duties, you know.PERI: Well, I knew it was too good to be true. I somehow stupidly thought maybe you'd come from the States.DJ: What, the United States? Of America? On Earth?PERI: That's right.DJ: That's amazing. That's just amazing.PERI: Have you been there?DJ: No. It's just that I've heard recordings, you know. My great granddad brought them back from one of his visits and er, I really love the sound of those old American DJs, so I kinda decided to kinda base my style of presentation on 'em, you know?PERI: Well, it's very good.DJ: Thank you.PERI: Kinda almost makes me feel homesick.DJ: Thank you. I'm glad somebody likes it. Doesn't half aggravate the Great Healer. [Davros' laboratory] DAVROS: You have pleased me.TASAMBEKER: Thank you, Great Healer.DAVROS: Show me Jobel. (Jobel's face comes up on the wall hologram.) DAVROS: I am told that you have affection for this man.TASAMBEKER: Oh, I did once.DAVROS: He is a difficult man. Arrogant, wouldn't you agree?TASAMBEKER: Yes.DAVROS: I once offered him immortality. He turned it down.TASAMBEKER: He's a fool, then, as well as being arrogant.DAVROS: I agree, but I sense that you still have affection for him.TASAMBEKER: No. (She is close to tears.) TASAMBEKER: Yes, though I don't know why. He's always humiliating me.DAVROS: So I have observed. If someone had treated me the way he has treated you, I think I would have killed them.TASAMBEKER: Killed him? Oh, no, I couldn't do that.DAVROS: No? Watch him. Use the security cameras to observe his activities, then tell me if your hate doesn't grow. [Cell] (The Doctor is awake and examining his shackles.) GRIGORY: Not doing very well, are you.NATASHA: Quiet.DOCTOR: What are the Daleks up to?NATASHA: Bodysnatching.DOCTOR: What?NATASHA: They stole my father's body and were turning him into a Dalek.GRIGORY: It was horrible. It was growing just like an embryo.DOCTOR: Growing? So Davros has finally done it. Daleks that can reproduce anywhere.GRIGORY: It's a tremendous feat of genetic engineering.DOCTOR: Pity he didn't put it to a better use. (He gets one shackle undone.) [Kara's office] (Kara and Vogel are having drinks when a device on the desk starts beeping.) VOGEL: Madam.KARA: Orcini has entered the catacombs. Wonderful. It's only a matter of time now before he finds Davros' laboratory, taps out his little digital code and blows himself, Davros, and that disgusting little squire into a thousand tiny pieces. (Vogel and Kara link arms to drink to their success.) VOGEL: How dare you enter unannounced!DALEK: You will come with us. You will be taken to Davros to answer for your crime.VOGEL: No! (The Dalek kills Vogel.) DALEK: You will obey.KARA: How inconvenient. Do you know how difficult it is to find good secretaries?DALEK: You will come with us. [Reception area] TAKIS: Don't you find a lot of very strange things are happening nowadays?JOBEL: Not more bad news?TAKIS: I was talking generally. In fact, I don't think things have been the same since the Great Healer took over.JOBEL: Guard your tongue. He has eyes and ears everywhere.TAKIS: I think it's time we did something about it.JOBEL: You do? Could you?TAKIS: With a little help.JOBEL: You're a very naughty man, Takis.LILT: Are you interested, Mister Jobel?JOBEL: Never was very keen on this Dalek thing.TAKIS: Then I think we should have a little chat.JOBEL: Absolutely. (A door opens and a young woman walks in.) JOBEL: But can we get the perpetual arrangement sorted out first?TAKIS: I should think so. (Takis and Lilt leave.) [Davros' laboratory] (Jobel embraces the woman.) JOBEL [on screen]: Oh, I love you.DAVROS: This man you respect now conspires against me. His infidelity is bad enough, but his treason is unforgivable!TASAMBEKER: Let me speak to him, Great Healer.DAVROS: It is too late for words!DALEK: He should be exterminated.TASAMBEKER: No!DAVROS: It is time for you to decide, Tasambeker, to whom precisely your loyalties belong.TASAMBEKER: To you, of course.DAVROS: It is easy to say, but I require a positive commitment as proof.TASAMBEKER: What do you want me to do?DAVROS: As I said, I once offered Jobel immortality. He refused. I now make the same offer to you. Serve me with your total being and I shall allow you to become a Dalek.TASAMBEKER: That is an offer I cannot refuse.DAVROS: It is an offer that must be fulfilled through blood. Show me your total obedience and kill Jobel! [Corridor] (Bostock takes down a guard.) BOSTOCK: You should have let me kill him, master.ORCINI: I appreciate your dedication, Bostock, but he's very unimportant.BOSTOCK: But masterORCINI: No, in fact I would have preferred him conscious. Questions are accumulating I would very much like the answer to.BOSTOCK: What's wrong?ORCINI: A feeling that we haven't been told the whole truth.BOSTOCK: You mean we've been set up?ORCINI: You're the one with the infallible instincts, you tell me. We need a scapegoat, some diversion. (A view of the cell is on a tiny screen in the wall.) ORCINI: Prisoners. Let's release them.BOSTOCK: MasterORCINI: Scapegoats. [Cell] (The Doctor has freed Natasha and is working on Grigory's shackles.) DOCTOR: Visitors. (He hides behind the door as Orcini opens it and enters. The Doctor grabs his arm but Orcini easily shrugs him off and knocks him down.) ORCINI: Release them.NATASHA: Who are you?DOCTOR: A Knight of the Grand Order of Oberon. Only I would be stupid enough to attack such a person.BOSTOCK: Be grateful you're still alive.DOCTOR: I am. I am.ORCINI: Bostock. (Bostock hands over Kara's box.) ORCINI: You are now free, but you will count very slowly to twenty once we have gone. If you attempt to follow us, I will kill you. You understand?GRIGORY: Oh yes. (hic) Sorry.ORCINI: You may need this. (Orcini gives the Doctor a gun.) DOCTOR: May I ask what you're doing here?ORCINI: You may, but only a fool would expect an answer. (Orcini and Bostock leave.) [Chapel of Rest] (Jobel is still fiddling with the president's wife. Takis picks up a blue flower.) TAKIS: I think we need some more of these.JOBEL: I'm told she liked the fragrance of nature.TASAMBEKER: Mister Jobel?JOBEL: Not now, Tasambeker. Can't you see I'm busy?TASAMBEKER: It's important, Mister Jobel. I have a message from the Great Healer. (Jobel looks at the CCTV camera.) JOBEL: Why didn't you say.TASAMBEKER: You must leave with me.JOBEL: That's the bluntest invitation I've had all week.TASAMBEKER: If you don't, you'll die. The Great Healer hates you.JOBEL: Impossible. I'm his most loyal servant.TASAMBEKER: Not when you conspire with Takis.JOBEL: That was a joke, a bit of fun.TASAMBEKER: He wants you dead.JOBEL: Dead? I'm Jobel. (They go down the steps.) JOBEL: The place wouldn't function without me.TASAMBEKER: He doesn't care about Tranquil Repose. He's already turned it into a breeding ground for Daleks.JOBEL: Now I know you're lying. I spoke to him only the other day. He has tremendous plans for this place. [Corridor] JOBEL: There certainly was no talk of turning it into a Dalek farm.TASAMBEKER: He lies as freely as you pick up women.JOBEL: Oh, so that's what this is all about. [Preparation room] TASAMBEKER: Mister Jobel, I love you. I'm risking my own life talking to you like this.JOBEL: You've spent too many hours alone in this preparation room. Someone as impressionable as you should lavish a little more time on the living instead of fantasising with the dead.TASAMBEKER: Look, you've got to get away from here. I could help you.JOBEL: To do what? Do you honestly think I could possibly be interested in you? I have the pick of the women. I would rather run away with my mother than own a fawning little creep like you.TASAMBEKER: I knew you could be cruel, but even you have excelled yourself. (Jobel adjusts his wig in a mirror.) TASAMBEKER: To think I almost threw up everything for a fat, bald egotist like you!JOBEL: Fat? Me fat? My figure is the height of fashion! (Tasambeker takes a syringe filled with green liquid from a tray.) TASAMBEKER: The Great Healer has ordered you dead! [Chapel of Rest] JOBEL: We shall see about that. I shall speak to him myself.TASAMBEKER: It's always the same. You just don't understand. To earn his favour, I am to kill you. (Jobel speaks to the other attendants present.) JOBEL: Get on with your work. Now, enough of this.TASAMBEKER: I hate you! (She stabs the syringe into Jobel's heart and runs off.) JOBEL: What, what have you done? She's killed me. She's killed me. Jobel. (Jobel dies at the bottom of the steps, and his wig falls off.) [Catacombs] TASAMBEKER: Oh, why did I do it?DALEK: You will be exterminated.DALEK 2: Exterminated. (The Daleks kill Tasambeker.) [Radio studio] (The DJ is playing air drums to a rock riff while Peri goes through the images on the screen.) PERI: There's the Doctor!DJ: Huh? That's not very good news. Those people he's with, they're the bodysnatchers.PERI: Well, can I speak to him?DJ: Er, yeah, sure. [Crypt tunnel] DJ [OC]: Hello, Doctor. This is the DJ with a very special message for you.PERI [OC]: Can you hear me?DOCTOR: I can indeed.PERI [OC]: I've been worried about you.DOCTOR: I'm perfectly safe. Now listen, Peri. I want you to go back to the TARDIS at once.PERI [OC]: ButDOCTOR: No questions. You're in great danger. [Radio studio] DOCTOR [on screen]: There are bound to be others monitoring this.PERI: I'm on my way.DOCTOR [on screen]: When you get to the TARDIS, radio the president's ship. Say there are Daleks here and he's not to land.PERI: What about you?DOCTOR [on screen]: I shall join you later. Now go! [Davros' laboratory] DAVROS: Bring that woman to me.DALEK: At once.DAVROS: And while you're there, destroy that prattling DJ! [Radio studio] (The DJ stops Peri from leaving.) PERI: Please get out of my way!DJ: You're not thinking, Peri.PERI: Please, just get out of my way.DJ: How far do you think you'll get? The Doctor was right. Others will have intercepted his message. They'll be waiting for you.PERI: No, I must go.DJ: Now look, I've got a radio transmitter here. You can use that.PERI: And risk your life as well? It doesn't make sense.DJ: It's too late for that now. They know you've spoken to me. They won't let that go unchecked. (The screen shows Daleks trundling down the corridor.) PERI: They're coming! [Crypt tunnel] DOCTOR: Right, that should be simple enough. I'll leave you to destroy the incubation room.NATASHA: Right. Where shall we meet you?DOCTOR: Reception area. Good luck.GRIGORY: But (The Doctor leaves.) GRIGORY: Are you out of your mind? I'm not going back in there. In a minute this place will be crawling with Daleks. (Natasha threatens Grigory with a gun.) GRIGORY: A flimsy but nevertheless convincing argument. [Davros' laboratory] DAVROS: Activate a specimen.DALEK: I obey.DAVROS: Then leave me alone. [Incubation room] (Natasha tries to fire her gun at the tanks, but the little purple beam goes out.) NATASHA: The power pack's exhausted. How do we kill them?GRIGORY: This controls the incubators. (While he stabs at the controls, a glass Dalek materialises.) NATASHA: That's another Dalek! [Outside Davros' laboratory] ORCINI: Davros. (Bostock gets out his flick knife. Orcini throws down his walking stick, which sticks into a stone step. Davros whirls round.) [Davros' laboratory] DAVROS: What's that? Ah. Remove that object. (A guard picks up the stick and walks up the steps with it.) [Outside Davros' laboratory] ORCINI: Thank you. (Bostock stabs the guard.) [Davros' laboratory] (The guard falls back down the steps with a dying scream. Orcini steps forward and sprays Davros with automatic fire. Davros sends an electric bolt out from his 'eye', which hits a bishops statue at the top of the steps.) DAVROS: You are fools! You cannot kill me! I am Davros! (At a signal from his master, Bostock goes in first, shooting. The two men split up, forcing Davros to spin round and round to get at them. Their bullets hit his control chamber. It spins out of control then goes BANG! There is a scream and Davros' head collapses like a punctured balloon.) BOSTOCK: You've done it, master. You've killed him.ORCINI: Has your instinct deserted you? The kill was too easy.DAVROS: That you have realised too late, Grand Master Orcini. (Davros, in his black leather suit and Dalek travel unit, is behind them.) DAVROS: Place your guns on the floor.ORCINI: Of course. (Bostock throws his knife and Orcini lets off a clip of bullets. The knife finds Davros' shoulder.) DAVROS: Guards! (A Dalek shoots off Orcini's prosthetic leg while Bostock sprays bullets around.) ORCINI: Bostock!DALEK: Cannot see. My vision is impaired. I cannot see. (Bostock tried to shield his master from the other Daleks.) DALEKS: Exterminate. Exterminate. Exterminate. Destroy. (Bostock falls. Davros zaps Orcini with electricity himself.) DAVROS: You are old, Orcini. Your reflexes have gone. Do you think you're the first to try and kill me? That tank was but a simple lure, a focal point for the assassins bullet. (Orcini stops moving.) [Incubation room] NATASHA: Let's get out of here.GRIGORY: If only we had a grenade, we could deal with. It's gone. It can't be far. We would have heard it leave, wouldn't we?NATASHA: Let's get out of here. (But the door is locked. A Dalek hovering in the air kills them then explodes.) [Radio studio] (The DJ is rigging up something lethal-looking on a tripod while Peri uses the transmitter. Electro-rock is playing.) PERI: Come in! Over! The president's ship doesn't answer.DJ: Wait a mo. (The DJ calls up a track of the spaceship. It disappears off the screen.) DJ: They heard. (His main screen shows a group of white Daleks coming down the corridor.) DJ: And just in time.PERI: This may sound like a dumb question, but what does that thing do?DJ: This is a highly directional ultrasonic beam of rock and roll. (He turns it on. It shatters glass.) DJ: It kills. [Davros' laboratory] (Davros is holding Kara's box.) DAVROS: Intriguing. A box of delight or a box of hate. (Kara enters.) KARA: My dear Davros.DAVROS: Yours, I believe.KARA: Oh, what a pretty little box. What does it do?DAVROS: You should know. It is a transmitter, brought by your assassin. (Orcini is still alive, and awake.) KARA: How can you say such a thing, Great Healer?DAVROS: I have never trusted you, Kara.KARA: I am pained by such a remark. I have served you well.ORCINI: Tell him.KARA: I am an innocent party. I refuse to be drawn into your, your conspiracy.DAVROS: Give the box to Orcini. (A guard obeys.) KARA: Is that wise? By your own statement he is a murderer, a common assassin.DAVROS: He is a Knight of the Grand Order of Oberon. There is little that is common about Orcini. Now, show me what you had to do with the box. (Orcini switches the box on, enters five digits, then starts to press large buttons at the top.) KARA: No.DAVROS: Proceed.KARA: No! All right, it's a bomb. It's a bomb. A great big bomb!DAVROS: Thank you, Kara.KARA: You fool, you imbecile. I thought you were a man of honour. Now we both die. Satisfied?ORCINI: You before me. (A long slim blade slips from his sleeve into his hand, then into Kara.) [Radio studio] (A Dalek enters.) DJ: Keep your head down.DALEK: You must surrender. The Earth woman must come with us. It is futile to resist. (The sonic gun blows its head off.) DJ: Yee ha!PERI: You did it!DJ: That's right. [Crypt tunnel] (The Doctor is walking along when -) DJ [OC]: Hey, you guys, this is the broadcast to end all broadcasts. Yee ha!PERI [OC]: Look out, more Daleks. (The Doctor runs.) [Radio studio] (A second Dalek pushes its way in and starts shooting. It hits some equipment before it gets its own head blown off too.) DJ: Yee ha! Woo! (He gets up as a third Dalek enters.) PERI: Look out!DALEK: Halt. (It kills the DJ.) PERI: No! Oh, no! [Crypt tunnel] PERI [OC]: You murdered him. Why did you have to (Silence. The Doctor walks round a corner into a pair of Daleks.) DOCTOR: Ah, there you are. They went that way.DALEK: You will come with us. [Reception area] (Takis keys 6891 into the comms panel. Up comes a view of a spacecraft landing.) LILT: They're here.TAKIS: Perfect timing. [Davros' laboratory] (The Doctor enters.) DOCTOR: I see you've been busy.DAVROS: Whereas you have been stupid, Doctor.DOCTOR: Prerogative of a Time Lord. Where's Peri?DAVROS: Safe, for the time being.DOCTOR: I must say, I'm surprised to see you. The last time we met, your ship blew up. I thought with you on board.DAVROS: Not when there is an escape pod to be had.DOCTOR: Or, it seems, a lift by a transporter to this place.DAVROS: Ah! There I was fortunate.DOCTOR: Oh, I liked the statue, by the way. Very good likeness, though really you shouldn't have bothered.DAVROS: As for the news of Stengos' death, it was all part of my scheme to lure you here.DOCTOR: All very clever. And apart from a little grave-robbing, what else have you been up to? (The Doctor checks on Kara.) DAVROS: You cannot steal what has already been abandoned. No one is interested in the people here.DOCTOR: That's not what I've heard.DAVROS: As your grave-robbing friends have now been exterminated, you will not hear the complaint again.DOCTOR: Do you never do anything but kill? (Orcini flicks out the blade for the Doctor only to see, and nods.) DAVROS: There you are mistaken, Doctor. I am known as the Great Healer. A somewhat flippant title, perhaps, but not without foundation. I have conquered the diseases that brought their victims here. In every way, I have complied with the wishes of those who came (Davros trundles around the room. Behind his back, Orcini points to the bomb box on the table near him and nods. The Doctor returns the nod.) DAVROS: In anticipation of one day being returned to life.DOCTOR: But never, in their worst nightmares, did any of them expect to come back as Daleks. (The Doctor walks behind Orcini to look at the deflated dummy Davros head, then continues to stand in front of Davros.) DAVROS: All the resting ones I have used were people of status, ambition. They would understand, especially as I have given them the opportunity to become masters of the universe!DOCTOR: With you as their emperor. But what of the lesser intellects? Or will they be left to rot?DAVROS: You should know me better than that, Doctor. (Behind Davros' back, Orcini takes hold of the bomb again.) DAVROS: I never waste a valuable commodity. The humanoid form makes an excellent concentrated protein. This part of the galaxy is developing quickly. Famine was one of its major problems.DOCTOR: You've turned them into food?DAVROS: A scheme that has earned me great acclaim.DOCTOR: But did you bother to tell anyone they might be eating their own relatives?DAVROS: Certainly not. That would have created what I believe is termed consumer resistance. They were grateful for the food. It allowed them to go on living.DOCTOR: Until you take over their planets.DAVROS: Precisely. [Chapel of Rest] TAKIS: Welcome. I am Takis. (Three 'normal' grey Daleks enter.) DALEK: You sent for us?TAKIS: That's right.DALEK: Where is Davros?TAKIS: I'll take you to him, but first can we discuss our deal?DALEK: You will obey my will. You will take me to Davros. Now!TAKIS: Of course. At once. [Davros' laboratory] (Guards carry Kara's body out past Peri, who is being escorted by Davros' white Daleks. Bostock is now awake and moving by the wall.) PERI: Doctor!DOCTOR: Are you all right? I'm sorry about the DJ.DAVROS: Now, Doctor, prepare to witness the greatest rebirth ever.DOCTOR: You may be disappointed at the response. (Bostock crawls to the steps behind Davros.) DAVROS: Even if your friends had succeeded, they would have done very little damage. The room they attempted to destroy was one used for experimentation only. (Bostock aims a gun at Davros.) DAVROS: My main force of Daleks is well hidden. (Davros reaches for a control panel, and Bostock shoots his hand off. Orcini kicks his travel unit away. A Dalek shoots Bostock.) ORCINI: Bostock! Bostock! (Guards try to grab the Doctor and Peri but they fight them off.) DALEK: Halt! Stay where you are! (The Doctor kicks Bostock's gun over to Orcini.) DALEK: Do not move. (In the crypt tunnels, Takis takes out a patrolling guard and a troop of grey Daleks come in.) DAVROS: Prepare the surgical unit. Such a foolish waste of energy.DOCTOR: No arm in trying.DAVROS: When you have become a Dalek, you will suffer for every indignity you have ever caused me. [Crypt tunnel] DALEK: Exterminate. Exterminate. (The grey Daleks kill two guards.) TAKIS: You promised there would be no killing.DALEK: Continue. You must take us to Davros. (The grey Daleks engage white Daleks.) DALEKS: Exterminate! Exterminate.WHITE: Malfunction. Malfunction. Malfunction.DALEK: Obey our will. (A white Dalek explodes.) [Davros' laboratory] DAVROS: What is happening? Activate my Daleks! (Orcini grabs the gun from the floor and kills the guard. Davros uses his electricity to disarm him. Then Takis and Lilt enter with grey Daleks.) DAVROS: How did you find me?TAKIS: I sent for them.DALEK: You are to be taken back to Skaro to stand trial for crimes against the Daleks.TAKIS: This used to be a good place before you came. I enjoyed working here. Once you've gone, it'll be a good place again.DOCTOR: Don't be too certain of that. You'll be lucky to be alive at the end of this.TAKIS: But they're going to destroy Davros' Daleks.DALEK: They will not be destroyed. They will be reconditioned to obey the will of the Supreme Dalek. You will come with us.DAVROS: No! Take him! He is the sworn enemy of the Daleks. He is the Doctor.DOCTOR: Doctor? No.DALEK: His image does not compute with the known appearance of the Doctor.DAVROS: He's regenerated, fool.DALEK: He will be held prisoner until we can verify if you are correct. You will come with us or be exterminated here.DAVROS: You have not heard the last of me. I shall return.DOCTOR: And I shall be waiting for you. (Davros and the Dalek trundle out.) ORCINI: You trusted them?TAKIS: Well, I thought it would do some good.DOCTOR: It might yet. We must act fast before Davros' Daleks can be activated.ORCINI: First, we've got to get rid of that. (A grey Dalek on guard outside. The Doctor picks up a gun.) PERI: Will that be effective?ORCINI: Take out the eyepiece.DOCTOR: What we need is a grenade.ORCINI: I'll look in Bostock's pocket.DOCTOR: Now, listen to me. [Crypt tunnel] DAVROS: I created you! I am your master!DALEK: We serve only the Supreme Dalek.DAVROS: That upstart. I could make you all Supreme Daleks. I have the power. You must obey me! [Outside Davros' laboratory] TAKIS: Hey, you out there.DALEK: You will remain in the laboratory.TAKIS: We have a message for your master. [Davros' laboratory] (The Dalek enters the archway, Takis dives out of the way and the Doctor shoots out its eyepiece.) DALEK: My vision is impaired. I cannot see. My vision is impaired. (Peri puts the grenade on its casing.) DALEK: Emergency. (Everyone takes cover and the Dalek goes BANG! The Doctor checks outside.) DOCTOR: Right, what we need now is a bomb to destroy the ones in hibernation.TAKIS: No, you can't destroy this place.LILT: He's right.DOCTOR: Tranquil Repose has ceased to have any practical function. Its cryogenic chambers are empty. Davros has used the contents for synthetic protein.ORCINI: He's telling the truth. After what Davros has done, you'll never restore the reputation of this place.LILT: Don't trust them.DOCTOR: You must! I can show you a new life.LILT: How?DOCTOR: Davros has created a demand for synthetic protein. If you cease to fulfil that demand, those planets will die. Now. (The Doctor takes a blue flower from Takis' lapel.) TAKIS: The weed plant?DOCTOR: Grows almost anywhere. When refined, that produces protein.PERI: That's a great idea.ORCINI: You must leave here.LILT: What?ORCINI: I have a bomb and I would like to explode it. Not only will it destroy Davros' Daleks, it might just catch him as well.DOCTOR: Splendid.ORCINI: Just one thing, Doctor. There's no timing device. Once I press this red button, pow!DOCTOR: I could rigORCINI: No, there's no time. I want Davros dead.DOCTOR: Let me see it.ORCINI: I wouldn't hesitate to use this now. Go, Doctor. Go.PERI: Why are you throwing away your life?ORCINI: I've always wanted an honourable kill. Davros is to be it. Go now. The catacombs are deep. You might find a safe place.DOCTOR: Go. Go! Now!TAKIS: Come on. (Takis drags Peri out.) DOCTOR: I'll join you later. Is there anything I can do? (Orcini hands his medal to the Doctor.) ORCINI: Return this to my Order. Tell them how we died.DOCTOR: Of course.ORCINI: No more words. [Crypt tunnel] (The Doctor leaves. Takis, Peri and Lilt run through the tunnels as Orcini drags Bostock's body across the floor.) PERI: Doctor! (The trio reach the door into the catacombs.) PERI: Doctor! Doctor!TAKIS: Come on. Come on! [Reception area] (Attendants are milling about.) TAKIS: I want everyone to clear this room immediately!PERI: Do you think we've come far enough? (The Dalek spacecraft takes off.) PERI: It's too late. They've got away.LILT: Let's get out of here.PERI: No, we must wait for the Doctor.TAKIS: Come on! Move! [Catacombs] (Cradling his faithful squire in his arms, Orcini presses the red button. KaBOOM! The Doctor makes it to the catacombs where attendants are running about in panic as the place falls to pieces.) PERI: Doctor!TAKIS: He's had it!LILT: Come on, this roof isn't going to last much longer. We've got to get out of here.PERI: No, wait! (The Doctor runs up.) PERI: Doctor, are you all right?TAKIS: Come on!DOCTOR: Did Davros get away?PERI: Yes. Do you think they'll execute him? I'd hate to think that Orcini died for nothing.DOCTOR: He didn't. He achieved a greater kill than he thought possible. He destroyed Davros' new generation of Daleks.TAKIS: Come on, you two. This is no time to chat. Let's get out of here.DOCTOR: Where?TAKIS: That way.PERI: What are we going to do?DOCTOR: Get out of here, find the TARDIS, and then make sure those two get this place sorted out. [Chapel of Rest] (Takis and Lilt join attendants sitting on the steps.) LILT: Here, what's all this about us becoming farmers?TAKIS: Oh, don't you start.LILT: Well, it's true, though. I mean, all you know about is flowers. (The Doctor and Peri enter by the bier.) TAKIS: Mind you, that plot for perpetual instatement would make good growing land.DOCTOR: This place is called Tranquil Repose. I think we should leave the dead in peace, don't you?PERI: When we've finished here, can we take a real holiday?DOCTOR: I know somewhere that is truly tranquil, peaceful, restful. A panacea for the cares of mind.PERI: Can't we go somewhere fun?DOCTOR: Fun? Oh, I suppose anywhere will be peaceful after Necros. All right, I'll take you to Blackpool. (This would have led into what is now a Lost Story - The Nightmare Fair - only available in book form or as a reconstructed audio drama from Big Finish Productions.) Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.