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BRAX: All for one and one for all!

LEELA: It is just the five of us now, to make of this strange world what we can. To protect and respect and love each other.


NARVIN: After everything we've been through, it's obvious what we should have done a long time ago.

LEELA: It is our wish to be married.

ROMANA: What, you and narvin?

LEELA: Yes, and to share the rest of our lives in this magical paradise.

K9: This unit has been programmed to perform the ceremony.

ROMANA: How romantic...

BRAX: And, if i had a white charger, Romana, it would be my privilege to carry you off into the sunset.

ROMANA: Braxiatel!?

BRAX: Oh call me Irving, please, sweet lady. You must have suspected.

ROMANA: Well, no! Not really!

BRAX: Could you, somehow find it in your heart to grant me the enormous honour of taking your hand in marriage?

ROMANA: Uh... I'm not sure...

BRAX: Please, say you will.

ROMANA: Um, well, it's all so sudden, so unexpected!


ROMANA I: It isn't much to show for a life, is it? But it's all I have left.

ROMANA II: Well, there must be something else, Romana. some unfulfilled ambition...?

ROMANA I: I don't know. I've never really thought about it.

ROMANA II: Well think about it now. A whole universe of opportunity is waiting for you. What have you always wanted to do, but couldn't?

ROMANA I: Well, travel, I suppose.


K9: Castellan K9, mistress.

ROMANA: Will you please deal with his delusions of grandeur, Leela?

LEELA: Castellan K9, as President of the High Council I relieve you of your command. From this moment, you will be only known as K9.


ROMANA: I want to live, but not as I am. Not as the woman who put her home before her son. I want to look in the mirror and see someone else. Perhaps if I'd cared more for him than his reputation...
