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Main Range • Episode 162

Protect and Survive

86% 372 votes

Released Monday, July 23, 2012
Written by Jonathan Morris
Runtime 144 minutes
Time Travel Past
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) War Time Loop
Locations Earth England

If an attack with nuclear weapons is expected, you will hear the air attack warning. If you are not at home, but can get there within two minutes, do so. If you are in the open, take cover in the nearest building. If you cannot reach a building, lie flat on the ground and cover your head and your hands.

Arriving in the North of England in the late 1980s, Ace and Hex seek refuge at the home of Albert and Peggy Marsden... in the last few hours before the outbreak of World War III.

Meanwhile, the Doctor is missing. Will there be anyone left for him to rescue, when the bombs begin to fall?

Signal Strength: 40%

What's this?

Also featuring:

Lysandra Aristedes  Sally Morgan  Albert Marsden  Peggy Marsden  Moloch