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Monday, July 23, 2012

Written by

Jonathan Morris


144 minutes

Story Type


Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Time Loop, War

Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!)

Elder Gods Trilogy

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, England


If an attack with nuclear weapons is expected, you will hear the air attack warning. If you are not at home, but can get there within two minutes, do so. If you are in the open, take cover in the nearest building. If you cannot reach a building, lie flat on the ground and cover your head and your hands.

Arriving in the North of England in the late 1980s, Ace and Hex seek refuge at the home of Albert and Peggy Marsden... in the last few hours before the outbreak of World War III.

Meanwhile, the Doctor is missing. Will there be anyone left for him to rescue, when the bombs begin to fall?

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Uau, sério... o que foi isso?? Estou completamente anestesiado com Protect And Survive!! Devo me atentar ao máximo para não soltar spoilers, pois são tantos detalhes incríveis presentes nessa história que fazem cada minuto, cada instante valer ouro. Eis aqui uma experiência intensa, mistificadora, surreal, estranha e angustiante – O 7° Doctor se encontra misteriosamente desparecido, vemos Ace e Hex desesperados tentando resolver uma "turbulência" na TARDIS resultando em um pouso de emergência que os leva a década de 80 na Inglaterra. Chegando lá, os companions conhecem um casal de idosos que estão fazendo os preparativos para se prevenirem de uma explosão, ou melhor dizendo, de um armagedon nuclear. Conforme os dois protagonistas vão ganhando conhecimento da localização e da situação que se encontram, Ace e Hex desconfiam que estão em uma linha do tempo alternativa e que algo (ou alguém) por algum motivo está interferindo e modificando o curso da história. A partir desse ponto a história se torna uma avalanche de eventos, detalhes e reviravoltas incrivelmente interessantes e instigantes juntamente com uma F-E-N-O-M-E-N-A-L dinâmica entre os dois companions do 7° Doctor. Tenho que admitir, depois dessa experiência Ace e Hex se tornaram o meu TARDIS Team favorito disparado de toda a série... Eu amo esses dois!! - Protect And Survive em si remete à campanha do governo britânico durante a Guerra Fria, na qual a população recebia instruções para sobreviver a uma guerra nuclear, e esse tipo de atrocidade forma a perfeita espinha dorsal do roteiro genial de Jonathan Morris onde sabiamente e bastante obscuramente se concentra na dura realidade da situação em questão. Em resumo, eis aqui um dos grandes ápices da timeline line do 7° Doctor e da BIG FINISH em geral, trata-se de um áudio ULTRA imperdível – E o mais legal é que você pode ouvi-lo solto, só precisa saber o básico dos dois companions.... E para te deixar mais interessado e curioso, eu não contei nem 5% do que acontece nessa enriquecida trama, tem muitooo mais. OUÇA!!


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Well, this was bloody chilling.

Protect and Survive starts out with an absolutely gripping first part, and frankly, if the entire story had just been Hex and Ace stranded and struggling to survive nuclear fallout, I would have been absolutely on board.

But it didn't stop there. Raising the stakes and changing the game with each part, Protect and Survive remains absolutely gripping.

The introduction of the time loop. The realization that the loop is a prison. Learning just who those prisoners are – and who the jailer is. Every beat raises the atmosphere of  terror, helplessness, and distrust.

The sound design is top notch. The pacing is impeccable – the chilling transition from Peggy getting sick to the radio droning on about burial to both her and Albert being dead in the ground is particularly notable, but the whole episode keeps that standard.

My only quibble is, right at the end, when Hex realizes their escape plan has failed and begins to panic (thus triggering their escape), that moment feels a little cut short. To really drive home the helplessness at the core of this story, it would've helped to have a more drawn out sequence of helpless terror.

But that's a nitpick, and does nothing to prevent me giving Protect and Survive an easy five stars.


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I love Big Finish stories when they're a little bit scary - something about scary on audio is thrilling to me. And Protect and Survive isn't exactly a horror story, but it is chilling.

Ace and Hex, trapped in a time loop where they are forced to live out the same nine days of nuclear fallout ovet and over again sounds pretty horrible on paper, and in your ears, it is exactly as spooky as you imagine. Interspersed with the radio giving instructions on what to do in event of nuclear attack, the story unfolds slowly, and the deaths at the end of the loop still managed to affect me even knowing they were coming.

An incredible story, overall, and even as we learn that it's a trap for some Elder Gods rather than a story about some normal people in Yorkshire, it doesn't lose impact. So often, the resolution of an episode like this takes away from the suspense that's been built into it, but this episode blew me away with how chilling it was right to the end.


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