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DOCTOR: I had to face my fear… That was more important than just going on living.

— Third Doctor, Planet of the Spiders

SARAH: Please, don't die.

DOCTOR: A tear, Sarah Jane? No, don't cry. While there's life there's…

(The Doctor stops in preparation of his imminent regeneration)

POLICEMAN: Panda Three to control. I'm at the junction of Mallet Lane with Athenum Road. Nothing to report. Over.

CONTROL [OC]: Received, Panda Three. Your message timed at ten fifteen. Out.

(Then the chase whizzes past him.)

POLICEMAN: Panda Three to control. I've just spotted a silver hovercraft being chased by an old crock at ninety miles an hour, and there's a little tiny helicopter after them both! I'm in pursuit. Over.

CONTROL [OC]: Thank you, Panda Three. Signal if you need assistance. (pause) What did you say?

DOCTOR: The key! I've lost the key!

SARAH: I've got it.

DOCTOR: Sarah.