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Monday, October 4, 1999

Written by

Mark Gatiss


90 minutes

Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Games, It's bigger on the inside, Occult, Shape Shifting

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, England, London


The TARDIS takes the Doctor and Turlough to the London of 1702 where a mysterious highwayman roams the streets, a local occultist has made contact with the dead and gentlemen of fashion are disappearing, only to find themselves in a chamber whose walls weep blood...

The time travellers become enmeshed in the hideous plans of Sir Nikolas Valentine, a gambler at the mysterious Diabola Club who always seems to have a winning hand...

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Honestly, it’s the definitive “This story exists” for Big Finish so far. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not bad, having the Five and Turlough Pairing makes it a bit more unique. But it’s pretty unremarkable.
I don’t think you can do anything wrong with listening to this, pretty solid start for the 5 solo run, but even out of the first 10, I rarely ever think about this Story. I think that tells you enough about how I feel about it.

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Phantasmagora é a segunda Main Range produzida pela BIG FINISH escrita por Mark Gatiss, conhecido por ter um gosto bem peculiar em suas histórias geralmente flertando com um humor pastelão. O Áudio sofre de dois grandes problemas, o primeiro e talvez mais notável está em seu enredo podendo intitula-lo com a expressão “água com açúcar”. Não há nada de instigante, diferenciado e muito menos ousado – E o segundo problema é a péssima falta de organização em sua estrutura inicial, a parte 1 descreve perfeitamente esse equivoco com vários personagens, situações e elementos sendo apresentados em um curto período de tempo facilmente causando confusão em seu ouvinte. Peter Davison empenha bem o papel de 5° Doutor mesmo em alguns momentos parecendo estar voltando a se adaptar ao seu personagem, Mark Strickson manda muito bem na performance porem seu personagem fica longe de ser notável, a não ser pelas burradas que comete perto do fim. A última parte do áudio é a mais lucida e medonha, ela coloca as coisas nos trilhos e conclui bem a aventura – O medonho fica por parte do vilão Valentine, basicamente um tirano perturbado que escapou de sua execução e busca vingança usando os jogos de cartas para identificar pessoas de mentes brilhantes, ele as sequestra para tortura-las antes de usar a consciência delas para consertar sua nave que foi danificada ao cair na Terra. O medonho e bizarro é que o meio de tortura de Valentine é remover toda a pele de suas vítimas, deixando o que ele chama de Casca...eeerr que horror, credo 🤮...Sem dizer que Valentine tem um casarão com várias pessoas nesse estado gritando de dor, de fato é perturbador ouvir esses trechos. Enfim, eu pensei seriamente em avaliar Phatasmagoria com uma nota negativa, mas as duas “colheres de chá” que evitaram isso foi sua parte 4 e o fato de ser apenas o segundo lançamento de Doctor Who da BIG FINISH.

Phantasmagoria - 4/10

I did in some ways actually enjoy this story as you can argue its the first 'proper' Doctor Who Big Finish story as Sirens of Time was a multi Doctor adventure.

I don't really have a lot to say about this story: I listened to it, I took it in and then it ended. I don't know if that makes much sense but I just didn't get that immersed within the world this story tried to build up around itself.

On a more positive note I thoroughly enjoyed both Davison and Strickson's performances and they really do feel like the characters they were playing years prior. I said this in my Sirens of Time review too but I love having Doctor Who stories to experience that I know absolutely nothing about.

The setting is something I also quite enjoyed as historical settings to me are always my favourites.

All the other characters just passed me by in this story too which I found to be quite disappointing, side characters in Doctor Who stories always bring some of the best moments (a very random but favourite example of this is Irongron and Bloodaxe from The Time Warrior who provide some of my favourite scenes from the show together).

Overall Phantasmagoria gets a 4/10 because I really just didn't care for the plot that much at all (apologies for the lack of nuance here I'm just really struggling to put my thoughts into words about this story), its not one I can see myself going back to in a hurry.

Despite some good elements I don’t think the range had quite found its feet at this point. On the two times I’ve listened to this Mark Gatiss’ name has been the main draw but I’ve found my mind drifting as I make my way through it. Must better comes after!!

Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time!

"Phantasmagoria: A Spirited Mystery in 18th-Century Style"

With Phantasmagoria, Mark Gatiss crafts an engaging mystery that hooks the listener from the start. The eerie concept of a "spirit" making people vanish, leaving only a playing card behind, sets an intriguing tone that invites curiosity.

The story's pacing works well in the first three parts, particularly as the Doctor delves deeper into the mystery and encounters Nicholas Valentine, a suitably sinister villain. However, the final part feels less satisfying, with a conclusion that is somewhat muddled and lacks the punch of the earlier episodes.

The 18th-century setting is vividly realised and fits perfectly with the tone of the story and this incarnation of the Doctor. The inclusion of the card-playing gentlemen and their interactions with Turlough enriches the atmosphere, grounding the narrative firmly in its period.

Peter Davison and Mark Strickson seamlessly reprise their roles, with Turlough coming across as more likeable here than in his television appearances. The guest cast adds to the charm, with standout performances from Steven Wickham, Mark Gatiss, and Nicholas Briggs.

While the narrative has its strengths, the production does suffer from some uneven sound mixing, a recurring issue in Big Finish's earlier releases. At times, sound effects overpower the dialogue, which can detract from the experience.

📝Verdict: 6/10

Despite its minor flaws, Phantasmagoria is an enjoyable blend of historical mystery and supernatural intrigue, offering a compelling early entry in Big Finish's audio adventures.

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DOCTOR: The King's just died. How very convenient.

TURLOUGH: Not for him.