Stories Television Torchwood Series 1 Torchwood Series 1 Episode: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Out of Time 1 image Overview Characters How to Watch Reviews 4 Statistics Quotes 2 Transcript + Script Overview First aired Sunday, December 17, 2006 Production Code 1.10 Written by Catherine Tregenna Directed by Alice Troughton Runtime 50 minutes Time Travel Present Tropes (Potential Spoilers!) LGBTQA+ Location (Potential Spoilers!) Cardiff, Earth, Wales UK Viewers 1.03 million Synopsis When a plane from the 1950s lands in modern Cardiff, courtesy of the Rift, the passengers are reoriented by the Torchwood team, who become drawn closely to their lives. Watch Watched Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters Owen Harper Captain Jack Harkness Gwen Cooper Rhys Williams Ianto Jones Toshiko Sato Show All Characters (6) How to watch Out of Time: Watch on iPlayer DVD Torchwood: Series One Part Three DVD Torchwood: The Complete First Series DVD Torchwood: The Complete Series One & Two Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 4 reviews 13 November 2024 · 87 words Review by greenLetterT 3 There is half a good story here, split into one and a half thirds. 1/3 - Jack Harkness and John Ellis' plot was really good. The scene with John and his aged son was incredible, and the scene with the two of them in the car was very strong. 0.5/3 - Gwen and Emma's story was pretty good, but didn't quite seem to fit together as well as Jack and John. It had its moments, both positive and negative 0/3 - Owen and Diane. I don't care about Owen Harper. greenLetterT View profile Like Liked 3 19 August 2024 · 6 words Review by captainjackenoch I don't care about Owen Harper. captainjackenoch View profile Like Liked 0 6 August 2024 · 94 words Review by WhoPotterVian Spoilers 3 This review contains spoilers! I really like this episode. The fish out of water stuff is great fun, and there's also some lovely emotional moments. It's more of an inner conflict, compared to the usual monster-of-the week. My one gripe is that Diana Holmes' decision to leave Owen and fly back through the rift is all very sudden. It would maybe have worked better had they used this episode to write out Owen and he had gone with her, with the idea that they could go off together on a journey through the rift seeded throughout the episode. WhoPotterVian View profile Like Liked 3 23 June 2024 · 307 words Review by dema1020 Spoilers 4 This review contains spoilers! Out of Time is pretty cool and stands out a bit from Series One Torchwood and this spin-off in general, but it shouldn't be. The story itself makes a lot of sense as a spin-off to a show that features time travel so heavily. While many Torchwood stories might have our main characters travelling through time, this one is neat in that it brings people from another time to the present, which doesn't happen nearly as much in Doctor Who overall. However, since three characters come through the timeline, we essentially have three stories. Diane is paired with Owen, and this is the first time I found his character more interesting after having such and awful introduction in the series. Jack meets a father that finds his son is all grown up and has Alzheimer's, and that unfolds into a story quite heartbreaking and morose. Then Gwen and Rhys have Emma, and it feels like she is largely used to further the drama between Gwen and her partner as her lies around Torchwood begin to build. This is where Out of Time loses me a bit. Owen and Jack and their time travellers are all done well, but the whole Gwen/Rhys/Emma dynamic feels comparatively weaker. On the whole, this leaves an experience with Out of Time that is positive overall, but a little uneven. There's a lot of melodrama to Out of Time but for once, this feels earned. Travelling through time like this should be upsetting a traumatic, and Out of Time explores that really well. Still, this pairs nicely with the final third of Series One in Torchwood - more thoughtful, experimental episodes that feel like they all work a lot better as a show compared to what we initially got out of the series with gross messes like Cyberwoman and Day One. dema1020 View profile Like Liked 4 Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating357 members 3.93 / 5 AVG. Rating369 votes 3.90 / 5 Member Statistics Watched 891 Favourited 60 Reviewed 4 Saved 3 Skipped 3 Owned 11 Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite (The doors open for them.) DIANE: How did it do that? IANTO: It's automatic. It knows you're there. DIANE: But how? IANTO: There are wave bouncing detectors which emit radio waves and then look for reflections DIANE: Bananas! IANTO: Of course, bananas are far more interesting. (Add character Diane Holmes) — Out of Time Show All Quotes (2) Open in new window Transcript + Script Needs checking [Airfield] (The Torchwood team are waiting for a small biplane to land. Sky Gipsy makes it down safely and taxis to a halt next to them. The pilot is a woman with bright red lipstick.) DIANE: Hello there. Apologies for the unplanned touchdown. Just hit some rotten turbulence.JACK: Captain Jack Harkness. (Her two passengers disembark.) DIANE: Diane Holmes, pilot. Is this some sort of secret base? You must show me round one day, Captain.JOHN: Everything all right?EMMA: How long before we head off again? My uncle's expecting me.JACK: When did you leave?DIANE: About half an hour ago.JACK: Which date?DIANE: Today, December the 18th.JACK: Which year? Which year? Which year? I need to know.DIANE: 1953. Show Full Transcript Open in new window View Script (PDF)