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I quite enjoyed Odyssey. It is one part a pseudo sequel to The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit, and another part a fun little Ood adventure where Silas Carson also gets to voice the human character that provided the voice for the Ood. Carson really stands out as a bit of talent here but Rushbrook's return, while neat, didn't really leave much of an impression. I had to look her up because I couldn't really remember what character she was supposed to be from The Impossible Planet/Satan Pit, and that makes sense because it is not like she was the most important character in the world, either. The Torchwood connections also felt threadbare, to the extent this really feels like it barely fits within the series, but I don't hate the idea of broadening out Torchwood's scope a bit, too. It was still at least an entertaining and I enjoyed the connections to past continuity more than I didn't, to be clear. Ida's character was set up to have father issues in the Satan Pit, to the credit of Odyssey. It does feel like some good build-up on what was established over the character, in that regard.
Overall it was at the very least a competent bit of spookiness. The Spire is an appropriately creepy setting, but I found the resolution and escape from it inherently unsatisfying. It was alright, but not something with a lot of content sticking with me, either.

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