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First aired

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Written by

Neil Gaiman

Directed by

Stephen Woolfenden


45 minutes

Time Travel


Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!)


Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Hedgewick's World of Wonders

UK Viewers

6.64 million

Appreciation Index



The Eleventh Doctor takes his companion, Clara Oswald, and her wards, Angie and Artie, to the biggest amusement park in the galaxy, Hedgewick's World of Wonders. However, the theme park is empty, occupied only by a "punishment platoon" and a lone impresario with empty Cyberman shells as exhibits... or so it seems. When the Doctor decides to stay a while to investigate strange insect creatures that are roaming the park, he soon discovers that these insects are really machines seeking to convert the life forms on Hedgewick's World into the newest generation of the ever-upgrading menace...

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6 reviews

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This story definitely struggles a fair bit for feeling a bit unpolished. I also really don't like the performances put in by the child actors in this episode. They've been given the brief of annoying phone-addicted teenager (to be fair, they do a convincing job of) - which is unfortunately just annoying!

The only good takeaway for me from this episode is the characterisation of the cybermen - all too often writers fall into the trap of just writing the cybermen as robots that love to shoot and yell DELETE, effectively written as bargain bin Daleks. To write the cybermen well, they really need to be scary. The best way to do this is like in World Enough and Time, where you really lean into the body horror of the cybermen to make them scary. The characterisation here in Nightmare also works in a way - I like playing into the computer hivemind to upgrade and overcome obstacles. I just wish the rest of the episode was well written and performed enough to carry this characterisation further.

There are also moments in this episode that seem a bit more ickier and questionable with the recent allegations that have been raised about Neil Gaiman - the line about Clara being in a skirt that's a little too tight is the most egregious one. All in all, this is one of my least favourite episodes, for the cardinal sin of being annoying - definitely one I would skip on a rewatch.


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this is the first good cyberman episode ive sat through. not really sure why it was rated so low. i found this one fun and exciting


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The expectation gap on watching this story for the first time was pretty monumental, as Neil Gaiman had done such a stellar job with his first story. The idea of this being anything other than spectacular didn’t feel likely, for this to be bad was very disappointing. In the context of this series it’s especially disappointing because there had not been many hits.

I understand there were issues behind the scenes, and this was not exactly what Gaiman wrote. In the first third there are some interesting Gaimanisms, but as soon as the Cyberman is running around at high speed it does feel as if the story has lost the plot. It feels odd to have these new speedy Cybermen debut just a few episodes following the speedy Ice Warriors. Why can’t monsters creek and lumber?

The Artie and Angie stuff is not paid off to a good enough extent to justify their presence. They were brought in last episode, so they could be in this episode, then they add very little.

It’s a strong cast, Porridge is good. Bless Matt Smith with the entire production on his shoulders - 20 solid minutes of screen time is him shouting at himself. There is no phoning it in, he is working his socks off.

The design of Hedgewicks World is uninspiring, it doesn’t hold a candle visually to The Doctor’s Wife.


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Not a fan of this. The story was a bit all over the place. Wasn't a fan of the portrayal of the Cybermen, it was supposed to make them scary again but that couldn't have been further from the truth and as much as I love Matt Smith, I've got to agree that he wasn't very convincing in the split personality scenes either.

Really surprised this came from Neil Gaiman.


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No, no, no, no, no, no!!! Absolutely not, leave, now. This truly is a nightmare in silver.


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AVG. Rating658 members
2.69 / 5

AVG. Rating1,387 votes
3.98 / 5

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Mr. Clever: Oh, this is brilliant. I'm so clever already, and now I'm a million times more clever. And what a brain. Not a human brain, not even slightly human. I mean, I'm going to have to completely rework the neural interface, but this is going to be the most efficient Cyberplanner. Not a great name, that, is it? I could call myself Mister Clever. So much raw data. Time Lords. There's information on the Time Lords in here. Oh, this is just dreamy.

— Mr. Clever, Nightmare in Silver

Transcript Needs checking

[Spacey Zoomer]

(The TARDIS materialises in a exhibit which looks like the moon's surface, complete with US flag out straight as if there was no air or gravity, and half an Earth in the dark sky. The Doctor, Clara, then Angie and Artie Maitland put their heads out of the door.)

DOCTOR: Well, here we are. Hedgewick's World. The biggest and best amusement park there will ever be, and we've got a golden ticket. Eh? Eh? Fun.
ANGIE: Your stupid box can't even get us to the right place. This is like a moon base or something.
DOCTOR: It's not the moon.
ARTIE: Actually, I think it does look like the moon, only dirtier.
DOCTOR: Hey. Guys. It's not the moon, okay? It's a Spacey Zoomer ride, or it was.

(A door opens in one of the large rocks, and a man wearing a tall hat looks out.)

WEBLEY: Psst. Excuse I. I don't suppose you happen to be my lift off planet? Dave's Discount Interstellar Removals?
CLARA: Afraid not.
WEBLEY: They were meant to be here six months ago. Well, that's Dave for you, see? Unreliable.

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