Stories Audio Drama Big Finish Main Range Main Range Episode 41 Nekromanteia 1 image Overview Characters How to Listen Reviews 9 Statistics Quotes 3 Overview Released Thursday, February 20, 2003 Written by Austen Atkinson Publisher Big Finish Productions Runtime 105 minutes Time Travel Future Tropes (Potential Spoilers!) Cult, Occult, Spaceship, Time Loop Inventory (Potential Spoilers!) TARDIS key Location (Potential Spoilers!) The Garazone System, Talderun Synopsis In the depths of space a little known district harbours a terrible secret. Long known as a place of death, it claims thousands more lives as a great corporate space-fleet goes to war. As the fleet screams out in fear and pain, an irresistible voice calls out to three travellers and a macabre mind sets a deadly trap. The Doctor, Peri and Erimem face the terrors of Talderun and the wrath of a corporate empire as they struggle to understand the hideous secret of the domain of the dead — a district known in legend as Nekromanteia. Listen Listened Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters Fifth Doctor Peri Brown Harlon Marr Erimem Thesanius First Appearance Antranak Show All Characters (7) How to listen to Nekromanteia: Listen on Apple Music Listen on Spotify Big Finish Audio Nekromanteia Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 9 reviews 18 March 2025 · 29 words Review by KieranCooper I only seem to remember key points of the story, I tried multiple times to listen to this interesting and messed up story, but I couldn't concentrate at all. KieranCooper View profile Like Liked 0 26 February 2025 · 385 words Review by ThetaSigmaEarChef Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! Heavy spoilers, heavy disappointment. 1.5/5. Okay so, you know going in that you're not going to like this one. It's famously terrible. I'm sure that the reputation influenced my thoughts, but here they are anyway. Right from the get-go, the stuff about the evil Company? Nice. Always a fan of evil, nameless Companies being in Who stories. But, the, ahem, problematic aspects of this story started early too - the cannibalistic necromancer witches certainly had me raising an eyebrow. Then, Peri, naked and drugged... the women felt like they had little to no personality, and then... there it was. The Scene everyone warned me about. It was very clear why Davison requested that this writer never be re-hired. Unlike with Colditz, where nazi-Tennant threatened Ace in a very disgusting way, this really did not serve a purpose to the story at all. It was out of place and entirely gratuitious - this scene should never have made it to production, and honestly made me feel sick. The story felt quite fragmented from scene to scene; not easy to follow at all. I still don't understand the plot - for context, every Big Finish audio I have listened to in the last year, maybe year and a half, I have written the plot summary for if it didn't already have one on But this one was so unfollowable that I could not write a summary. I did not understand what was happening half the time - although I now understand it a little better, thanks to the excellent plot summary at It could have been worse - at least 5, Peri, and Erimem weren't always totally out of character, and there was a plot that was sometimes, very occasionally, possible to follow. Plus there were some cool ideas (such as the time loop), even if they weren't utilised particularly well. But yeah, still pretty bad. I couldn't follow what was happening with Shara, or what the relic was, or who in the company was doing what, or how the doctor came back to life. Giving it 1.5/5. The music was nice. "You shall be the one to bring the Other" I got so excited for a second there 😭 do not be fooled, they're not talking about The Other. I know, I was disappointed too. ThetaSigmaEarChef View profile Like Liked 1 15 January 2025 · 437 words Review by KnuppMello Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! ⚠️ AVISO! NÃO RECOMENDO A LEITURA DA REVIEW PARA PESSOAS SENSIVEIS! ⚠️ . . Em primeiro lugar ao ouvir essa abominação em formato de áudio eu me questiono dolorosamente indignado, quem autorizou esse script?? quem leu esse script e disse “Uau isso é ótimo, vamos produzi-lo” QUEM?? 🤦🏻😐 Antes de entrar nas polemicas repugnantes que dá o título a Nekromanteia de pior história de Doctor Who de todos os tempos, vamos rapidamente falar de seu enredo. Temos uma seita GENÉRICA de bruxas que reivindicam milhares de cadáveres que adoram e cultivam um deus chamado "Shara" que me proporcionaram cenas irritantes e chatíssimas - Jal Dor Kal é uma das piores personagem que já me deparei na BIG FINISH, foi extremante chato e doloroso ouvir sua voz histérica e maléfica. Os demais blocos envolvendo os personagens Harlon & Cochrane e Marr & Tallis foram incrivelmente entediantes e desinteressantes que por sinal, foram peças mal desenvolvidas de uma forma patética na trama. Ok, agora vamos falar do esgoto e existente nesse áudio. Em Nekromanteia temos decapitação (simplesmente a cabeça do Doctor e arrancada), desmembramento, matança de animais, sacrifício ritualístico e companion sendo baleada 😐😑 Achou pouco?? Calma que tem coisa pior - Na parte 2 Peri é capturada pelas bruxas, as tais deixam a companion NUA para espalharem uma espécie de oléo em todo seu corpo (com direito a sussurros e leve gemidos eróticos), uma cena repugnante que não há motivos de sua existência, exceto para o escritor se excitar e se divertir com os desejos perversos e nojentos 👎🏻👎🏻. Com isso, ainda nua o personagem Yal Rom encontra Peri e ajuda a companion que está com dificuldade de andar, assim nos deparamos com linhas de falas patéticas do tipo - PERI: “Ei, você está me carregando?? Eu estou completamente nua” YAL ROM responde: “Eu sei, por isso preciso manter a concentração para manter meus olhos em outro lugar” Tipo 🤦🏻 Tá...E se eu disser que tem como ficar pior, você acredita?? Infelizmente tem sim, pois Erimem é quase estuprada por Harlon, digo quase porque mais à frente na história a companion relata que não chegou acontecer o ato, mas foi espancada. Aqui vai uma curiosidade dos bastidores, Peter Davison pediu á BIG FINISH que nunca mais contratassem Austen Atkinson para escrever roteiros, caso contrário a empresa teria que encontra um outro ator para fazer o 5° Doctor em seus áudio dramas. Em resumo, Nekromenteia e Timewyrm: Genesys são as piores histórias que já me deparei em Doctor Who, ambas são desnecessariamente nojentas e doentias. KnuppMello View profile Like Liked 1 10 December 2024 · 244 words Review by sircarolyn Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! The thing about this audio is, I think its reputation precedes it. I for one usually enjoy myself when there are cults and witches and DW goes a little dark magic. I think that's fun, even if it's usually silly. In this one, it is definitely silly. There's a strange blend of true hard SF elements and the more magical elements, and they don't mesh together terribly well. More than anything, this audio is just boring. That's the worst of it. Part one starts decently enough - I always love a Pakhar, and as I say, there are witches and a clear Macbeth image. And then it unravels from there. Each scene just feels like people going somewhere and doing stuff. Oh look, Peri is kidnapped and drugged again. Oh look, the Doctor got beheaded. Oh look, Erimem nearly gets sexually assaulted. All the elements that want to be edgy and dark and violent for the sake of it feel like they have very little impact because staying awake during this is difficult. There is a lot going on, and yet it flows like the Boston Molassacre - thick and heavy and bizarre. And then it's all over. It's perhaps not the very worst MR story, though it's fighting for that place. I cannot remember my first listen well enough, but I did DNF the relisten, and honestly I think that tells you all you need to know about how compelling this is. sircarolyn View profile Like Liked 2 7 December 2024 · 586 words Review by MrColdStream Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time! "Nekromanteia: A Bewitching Mess of Space, Sorcery, and Shock Value" Nekromanteia ambitiously juggles space wars, occult rituals, and corporate intrigue. While these elements might sound thrilling on paper, their execution is uneven. The story flits between a shadowy witch cult, a scheming space corporation, and a war-driven backdrop, but these disparate parts never quite coalesce into a cohesive narrative. The witch cult, with shades of the Carrionites from The Shakespeare Code, is brimming with potential but remains frustratingly underdeveloped. Instead, much of the focus is placed on the corporate scheming of Marr, Harlon, and Tallis, whose plotting lacks the intrigue or depth needed to sustain interest. The result is a disjointed tale that fails to capitalise on its more compelling elements. Character Highlights and Lowlights The regular cast faces a challenging script, and their performances are a mixed bag. Peter Davison’s Doctor is placed in some bizarre and unsettling situations, none more infamous than the witches’ decapitation and cannibalistic feast. The sequence is intended to shock but feels gratuitous and jarring. Davison handles the surreal limbo scenes in Part 3 with his usual charm, though they feel detached from the main narrative. Nicola Bryant’s Peri suffers greatly in this story, spending much of it under the witches’ control as a mindless puppet. While her eventual rescue is satisfying, her sidelined role diminishes her impact on the story. Caroline Morris delivers a standout performance as Erimem. Her journey as she navigates an alien world and faces personal trauma is one of the few highlights. However, the implied assault by the Commander is a deeply uncomfortable moment that feels unnecessary and exploitative. Erimem’s injuries and subsequent sidelining are disappointing given her initial prominence. A refreshing presence amidst the chaos, Yal Rom gradually grows into a likable adventurer. Meanwhile, Glyn Owen imbues the Commander with menace, but his descent into irredeemable villainy feels overly telegraphed, leaving no room for nuance. Uneven Pacing and Over-the-Top Moments The pacing of Nekromanteia is one of its greatest weaknesses. Part 1 establishes the premise well enough, but Part 2 drags with corporate scheming and insufficient focus on the witches. While the darker turn in Part 2 adds tension, it also introduces deeply uncomfortable scenes, including the infamous cliffhanger involving the Doctor’s decapitation—a moment that overshadows the narrative without adding meaningful stakes. Part 3 attempts to explore the Doctor’s psyche through surreal limbo scenes, but these moments feel disconnected and fail to add depth to the story. Meanwhile, the final act ramps up the action with space battles and chaotic sequences but devolves into a convoluted mess, with little emotional resonance. Missed Opportunities Despite its flaws, Nekromanteia has glimmers of promise. The exploration of Erimem’s perspective offers insight into her character, and the Cornelius witches’ shapeshifting and flesh-eating tendencies could have made for a chilling adversary if better integrated. Unfortunately, the story leans too heavily on shock value and sensationalism, undermining its potential. Even the darker elements—such as the witches’ rituals and the corrupted space fleet—lack the necessary depth to make them truly compelling. The result is a story that feels both overstuffed and undercooked. The Verdict: A Bewitching Misfire Nekromanteia attempts to blend spacefaring adventure with gothic horror but fails to weave its disparate elements into a satisfying whole. While the performances of Peter Davison and Caroline Morris provide some highlights, the story’s uneven pacing, unsettling shock moments, and lack of narrative cohesion make it a challenging listen. 📝20/100 MrColdStream View profile Like Liked 2 Show All Reviews (9) Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating137 members 1.21 / 5 GoodReads AVG. Rating264 votes 2.25 / 5 Member Statistics Listened 244 Favourited 0 Reviewed 9 Saved 3 Skipped 9 Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite ERIMEM: Antranak is a cat. They jump on things. It is what they do. PERI: Oh, and they cough up fur balls. DOCTOR: Yes, well, the console's a very delicate piece of equipment, you know. PERI: And that would be why you hit it every time it breaks — Nekromanteia Show All Quotes (3) Open in new window