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Main Range • Episode 185


2.33/ 5 30 votes

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Review of Moonflesh by thedefinitearticle63

This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Fanfare for the Common Men

Such a dull story that I considered not even writing a review for it, simply because there is nothing to review. Since I've reviewed every story prior to this though I'm not gonna skip one now. To put it simply, this story really has nothing of substance going on in it whatsoever.

5 and Nyssa are interesting because on one hand they can be an incredibly entertaining team but on the other hand they're so generic that without an good writer they can be infuriatingly dull. Unfortunately, this is one of those cases. Other than that this is a story I strongly recommend skipping, it'll save you 1 hour, 40 minutes of your life that can be better spent doing anything else.

Next Story: Tomb Ship

Review last edited on 11-07-24

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