Stories Television Doctor Who Season 23 Classic Who S23 Serial: 1 2 3 4 Mindwarp 1 image Back to Story Transcript Needs checking Part Five [Trial room] VALEYARD: Members of the court, we have just witnessed a typical glorious escapade of the Doctor.DOCTOR: Madam! I ask that the court protect me from the abuse of the Brickyard here.VALEYARD: How pathetic and juvenile are your attempts at humour.INQUISITOR: Gentlemen, may I remind you this is a court of law, not a debating society for maladjusted, psychotic sociopaths. You will both conduct yourselves in an orderly manner and show proper respect for the judicial procedure. I hope I make myself very clear. (The Doctor and the Valeyard bow.) INQUISITOR: And Doctor, the prosecuting counsel's title is the Valeyard. Not the brickyard, backyard, knacker's yard or any other kind of yard. Again, do I make myself clear?DOCTOR: Piercingly and irrefutably so, madam.INQUISITOR: Proceed.VALEYARD: As I was saying, we have just witnessed a sequence in the Doctor's history which illustrated perfectly his almost gleeful pleasure in interfering in the development of alien life forms.DOCTOR: I object!INQUISITOR: Sit down and shut up!VALEYARD: Thank you, Sagacity.DOCTOR: Sagacity? You sycophant. Since when has that been a form of address used in a Gallifreyan court of law?VALEYARD: I am simply showing respect to our learned Inquisitor.INQUISITOR: An attitude I much approve.DOCTOR: Well, you would, wouldn't you? Sagacity, indeed.INQUISITOR: Doctor! Continue.VALEYARD: I should now like to present the Doctor's next frightening adventure. In fact, the one in which he was engaged when removed from time and brought to this court. (The Doctor raises his arm.) INQUISITOR: Doctor?DOCTOR: What about the box?INQUISITOR: The box?DOCTOR: And the fact that Earth was two light years away from its original position?VALEYARD: That is not relevant to this segment of evidence.DOCTOR: It was relevant enough to be bleeped from the Matrix record.INQUISITOR: The Valeyard is quite right. That is a matter for the High Council to adjudicate upon. It is not the business of this trial.VALEYARD: If we may see from the Doctor's arrival on the planet Thoros Beta. Twenty fourth century, last quarter, fourth year, seventh month, third day. [Thoros Beta] (Mostly pink seas with blue land. A ringed planet hangs large in the sky. The TARDIS materialises just in the water by a cliff. The Doctor and Peri stand on the threshold.) PERI: Whoa, far out. Are you quite sure this is the planet you aimed for?DOCTOR: Mmm hmm. Fancy a swim?PERI: In that goo? No thanks.DOCTOR: It's a pretty colour.PERI: It's certainly an amazing one. For a sea, that is. Is that this planet's moon?DOCTOR: No, that's its twin planet, Thoros Alpha. Come along, then.PERI: I'll just fetch my galoshes.DOCTOR: Oh, so much fuss over a little water.PERI: No, but pink water.DOCTOR: Are you frightened it might clash with what you're wearing? (Which is a pink top.) PERI: No, I'm more concerned I might clash with what lives in it.DOCTOR: Oh, you aren't going to come to any harm. It's quite safe. (The Doctor steps off the threshold and goes down up to his knees. He paddles to nearby rocks.) DOCTOR: As long as you don't hang about. (Peri closes the door and follows him.) [Trial room] DOCTOR: Are you really offering this inconsequential silliness as evidence?INQUISITOR: The Doctor has a point. Surely we could join this segment at a more relevant place?VALEYARD: My apologies for wasting the court's time, Sagacity. [Thoros Beta] (Crunching over the blue and white pebbles on the beach below the cliff - actually at Peacehaven, East Sussex.) PERI: I can't get over how weird this place is.DOCTOR: Hmm? Yes, I suppose it is.PERI: Difficult to believe there's any industry here.DOCTOR: Yet this was manufactured here, somewhere. (The Doctor takes a strange, book-sized contraption from Peri and fiddles with various switches and sliders.) DOCTOR: It appears to be multi-functional. Varying fields of energy projection. Quite advanced. (He presses a button and a rock dissolves.) PERI: Doctor!DOCTOR: It's more advanced than I thought. It seems it can liquefy as well as stun.PERI: Are you sure that thing was made here?DOCTOR: Peri, a Warlord of Thordon wouldn't use his dying words to lie to us. Remember what he said? Thoros Beta, send more beams that kill.PERI: Beams that kill wasn't the only thing he had on his mind. Dirty old Warlord. Glad we left that place when we did.DOCTOR: The thing is, how did a bunch of skull-crackers like the Warlords come to own such a device?PERI: Does it really matter how they blow each other to bits?DOCTOR: Matter? Of course it matters. An advanced culture manipulating the destinies of a less developed civilisation? If that's what's going on here, it's got to be stopped.PERI: By us?DOCTOR: Who else is there?VALEYARD [OC]: Who else is there? [Trial room] VALEYARD: Your very words condemn you, Doctor, show your arrogance.DOCTOR: Sorry?VALEYARD: You feel only you have the right to meddle. Anyone else with that ambition, according to you, should be stopped.DOCTOR: Well, you'll soon discover I made the right decision. [Thoros Beta] PERI: You know, I've never seen a tide go out so quickly. Do you think it's to do with that? (Thoros Alpha, hanging on the horizon.) DOCTOR: I shouldn't think so. There must be some sort of mechanical tide control. (He spots a square cave opening part way up the cliff.) DOCTOR: Ah ha! [Cave mouth] DOCTOR: And I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was housed in here.PERI: Well, why would they want to control the tide?DOCTOR: Well, er, why not? Come on. [Cave] PERI: Do you think this wise, Doctor?DOCTOR: My dear girl, if I stopped to question the wisdom of my actions, I'd never have left Gallifrey.PERI: Sometimes I wish you hadn't.DOCTOR: Oh?PERI: Doctor, look. (Two artificial box structures on a platform. With no reference I can't say how big they are. Then something alien grabs Peri from behind. She screams and coughs. The Doctor frees her then struggles himself with what might me a giant walking seaweed with big teeth. The weapon in his hand goes off, freeing him.) [Trial room] VALEYARD: Another death, Doctor?DOCTOR: The CD phaser discharged accidentally. Rerun the struggle, see for yourselves.VALEYARD: No need. There are clearer examples of your guilt to come. [Cave] PERI: Why did it attack us?DOCTOR: I don't know. (An alarm sounds.) DOCTOR: Perhaps it was because of that. (They walk to the platform.) PERI: Look, Doctor, I know how you hate me stating the obvious, but don't you think we should get away from here? (The boxes turn out to be a good five feet tall.) PERI: That klaxon's bound to attract someone's attention.DOCTOR: Mmm, yeah. Just a moment, this is incredible. Such sophistication. (He opens the doors of one of the boxes.) PERI: Well, what is it?DOCTOR: As I suspected, a device for extracting energy from the sea. Something your planet had the technology to do long before its fossil fuels ran out, but they didn't bother. This is just an auxiliary console, though. The main control room must be somewhere else.PERI: That thing must have been brighter than it looked.DOCTOR: Oh, I doubt if that could even tie its own shoelaces. It may have operated this console, but it certainly didn't build it. (The klaxon stops.) PERI: Oh, dear.DOCTOR: Yes. Oh, dear. (The Doctor and Peri are stopped from leaving by a man in a red uniform tunic, backed up by two armed guards.) FRAX: Murderers.PERI: That thing attacked us.FRAX: The Raak was not programmed to attack. You must have threatened him. Fetch a stretcher.DOCTOR: All we did was land here.FRAX: Where is your submersible?DOCTOR: Further along the shore.FRAX: You are part of Crozier's new group?DOCTOR: Oh yes, yes, of course. Absolutely.FRAX: There will have to be an enquiry about this death.DOCTOR: We will help in any way we can.FRAX: The Raak was proud of his upgrading. Happy to be in service to the Mentors.DOCTOR: I'm sure he was. It's a pity he lost his head and decided to attack us.PERI: It was an accident.FRAX: Take him to the dissection lab. There must have been a regression. They'll want to know why. You will come with us. We will take you to Crozier's laboratory. When he has verified your identities, you will be released.DOCTOR: Oh, absolutely. Security is very important.FRAX: Glad you agree.DOCTOR: Yeah.FRAX: Er, if you don't mind. (Frax takes the weapon from the Doctor.) DOCTOR: Oh, of course. Can't be too careful. Yes, very good. Absolutely right. [Operating room] (A sinister piece of equipment hangs down from the ceiling in between a pair of beds. A plethora of wires lead to a metal helmet on the head of an angry giant of a man, with a bushy beard. Everyone say Hi! to the larger than life Brian Blessed, who hisses at the scientist leaning over him.) CROZIER: Let us pacify the brain of this barbarian. (Crozier flicks a switch and Yrcanos stiffens, then raises his left leg into the air before it drops back again.) [Outside the Operating room] (In a dark tunnel, women passing by stare at the Raak on the stretcher.) FRAX: You must wait. Crozier cannot be disturbed.PERI: Oh, what a pity, huh?DOCTOR: Yes, can't wait to see good old Crozier.FRAX: Old? He is young for a man of science. Perhaps you should describe Crozier for me.DOCTOR: Crozier. Well, er, young. Ish. Er, look, shouldn't we attend to the Raak first?FRAX: Why? He is dead.DOCTOR: Well, I think it just winked at Peri.PERI: Oh, cheek.DOCTOR: No accounting for alien taste.FRAX: He is dead.DOCTOR: Not necessarily. Look, may I examine him? You can trust me, I am a doctor.FRAX: Like Crozier?DOCTOR: Yes, just like young Crozier. Nurse, could you prepare to apply the, er, skedaddle test?PERI: Are you sure that's wise?DOCTOR: Come round here. I think the alternative could be much worse. Hold that, will you? Right, ready to apply the test, Sister?PERI: More than ready, Doctor.DOCTOR: On the count of three, then. One, two, three. (The Doctor and Peri overturn the stretcher and run.) FRAX: Let them go. There's nothing down there, only the Lukoser. We'll wait here for a minute and then pick up their bodies. [Tunnel] (Peri picks up a very large bone.) PERI: What's that?DOCTOR: Bone. From some animal I don't recognise. Snapped off? Sharp, jagged edges?PERI: Doctor, let's go back to the TARDIS, huh? (Something howls nearby.) PERI: What's that?DOCTOR: Indeed. (Peri looks round a corner.) PERI: Doctor, there. (Something is cowering, chained to the rock wall.) DOCTOR: It's a man.PERI: Alone. Oh, Doctor, he's chained. (The man rises and snarls at Peri, exposing very long teeth and a hairy snout. She screams and the Doctor tackles him from behind with the bone. They get out of his reach.) PERI: Are you okay?DOCTOR: Yes. Yes, I am now. It also explains how the tooth marks come to be on this.PERI: What is he?DOCTOR: Looks like a man, acts like a wolf. Lycanthropy?PERI: But how? Good boy, nice dog. Nice man. Can you help us? We're wondering if youDOCTOR: Be careful! (The dog-man tries to swipe at Peri.) DORF: Help me.PERI: Doctor, he's crying.DORF: Help me. (Weapons fire. The Doctor and Peri run.) DOCTOR: No one following. Yet, that is.PERI: We must go back. He asked for help.DOCTOR: Not yet.PERI: He said, help me. Oh, Doctor, what's going on here? Sea monsters upgraded to operate machinery, a wolf-man who begged for help.DOCTOR: Let's find out. (Dorf howls.) DOCTOR: Not yet. I have a feeling there are more important considerations first.PERI: Who could keep a creature in such torment?DOCTOR: Who indeed. Someone's coming. (The Doctor and Peri hide as a guard and Deep Roy lead a procession of litter bearers carrying three slug-like beings, the last of whom we have met before on Varos.) PERI: Did you?DOCTOR: I did. Well, that explains the CD phaser sales to Thordon. Sil'd sell anything from bows and arrows to planet disintegrators.PERI: Why is he here? And those others like him?DOCTOR: They live here. Thoros Beta's Sil's home planet. Didn't you know?PERI: Only because you didn't tell me, Doctor.DOCTOR: Didn't I?PERI: You know I'd never want to come within light years of that creep again. Last time he tried to turn me into a bird woman.DOCTOR: How could I forget? It cost me a fortune in bird seed.PERI: I want out, and I mean it.DOCTOR: Come on, mustn't lose track of your friend Sil. [Courtyard] VALEYARD: Do you relish danger, Doctor?DOCTOR: Not particularly.VALEYARD: Yet you seem to court it so obviously.DOCTOR: Well, even a nervous Time Lord must appear to act with competence at all times.VALEYARD: At the risk of his companion's life?DOCTOR: And his own sometimes.VALEYARD: Already the unfortunate Peri has survived a struggle with the Raak, escaped from the guards. And who, Doctor, was sent to examine the wolf-man?DOCTOR: WellVALEYARD: Who went into danger first?DOCTOR: Well, she just happened to be the nearest.VALEYARD: Your assistant, as usual. Sagacity, I have calculated on a random Matrix sample that the Doctor's companions have been placed in danger twice as often as the Doctor.DOCTOR: Well, there have been many companions, but only one me.INQUISITOR: What is the point you're attempting to make, Valeyard?VALEYARD: That you remember such information when judgement is considered on taking the Doctor's life and all future regenerations.INQUISITOR: It is noted.DOCTOR: This is the most ridiculous, preposterous, travesty of a trial since the so-called witches of Enderhive.INQUISITOR: Doctor! You have been warned about your behaviour. Let us proceed. [Commerce room] (Sil and another slug are facing each other in a bed of green goo. Sil is slurping on jelly.) KIV: Must you bring your lunch in here?SIL: I do not wish to miss a moment of your infinite capacity to generate profit for Thoros Beta, Magnificence. Marsh minnow, Magnificence?KIV: This Thordon world. The Krontep warriors have succeeded in subduing the massed hordes of the Tonkonp Empire. We must negotiate with the Krontep king. Usual contracts, development loans, some limited scientific advance. What is the position regarding King Yrcanos?SIL: He is still being persuaded by Crozier to cooperate happily. I think that is the word. [Operating room] (Crozier and his lady assistant are studying a brain.) YRCANOS: Blood. Death. Terror. Kill!CROZIER: Increase the PULD pulse immediately. (Matrona obeys. Yrcanos goes quiet.) YRCANOS: Groan. Die.MATRONA: Why is the pacification not working?CROZIER: It will. I'll add a few more mills of power. (Yrcanos struggles then closes his eyes.) CROZIER: Yrcanos is a barbarian king. He knows only one thing, how to fight, therefore he is fighting our attempts to give him peace and tranquillity.YRCANOS: Scum.CROZIER: The more stupid the subject, the longer it takes. Now, Matrona, the ganglions, as you noticed, have not recovered from the lesions.MATRONA: Yes, but why detach both junctions of the lutein (The circular door opens and Frax enters with the Raak's body.) CROZIER: You are forbidden! What happened? An accident?FRAX: No, sir. Murder. [Commerce room] KIV: In the event of a major discovery, their lease from the Thordonians will be for thirty years at a royalty rate of forty percent to us. (Kiv turns off his dictation machine.) KIV: That should keep you in marsh minnows for a while, Sil.SIL: How lovely, Magnificence. [Outside the Operating room] (The door opens and the Doctor and Peri hide as guards carry the Raak's body away. The Doctor tries to take a peek inside, then Crozier, Matrona and Frax leave, shutting the door behind them.) DOCTOR: They weren't hanging about.PERI: Neither did they look very pleased.DOCTOR: Well, perhaps they've had some bad news. Hmm. (The Doctor pushes the door open.) PERI: Doctor! [Trial room] VALEYARD: If I might beg the court's indulgence.INQUISITOR: Valeyard.VALEYARD: Sagacity, may I be so bold as to suggest that we have already seen enough?DOCTOR: Oh, I second that. I've already seen quite enough of Sil, thank you.VALEYARD: We have now seen many examples of the Doctor's interference. We have heard the many requests from the Doctor's companion to withdraw from the situations we have witnessed, yet constantly, blatantly, they have been ignored.DOCTOR: Minor errors of judgement, nothing more.INQUISITOR: Valeyard, you have asked for the death penalty. That is now a matter of record. Whereas I do not concur with the prisoner when he interrupts with the statement that his offences are minor, you will have to provide this court with far more positive evidence of his guilt if you wish me to take your plea seriously.DOCTOR: Indeed. And my conscience is absolutely clear when I say that he will be unable to provide such evidence. So, can we please get back to discussing why Earth was two light years away from its original position, and what was in the box that Sabalom Glitz was so interested in?INQUISITOR: Be silent.VALEYARD: It is simply in my mind not to waste the court's time with endless repetitions of what we have already seen.INQUISITOR: Let me be the judge of that, Valeyard.VALEYARD: Sagacity.DOCTOR: My lady, it is as clear as the warts on an Edarg's face that the Valeyard has lost his nerve. He keeps saying that he has the most damning evidence, but where is it? I suggest to you, my lady, that this evidence does not exist. Whereas the fact that Earth was two light years away from its original position is incontrovertible.INQUISITOR: Sit down and shut up! Although I deplore the Doctor's constant interruptions, I must again concur that he has a point. If you want the Doctor's head, Valeyard, you must work for it. Let us proceed. [Commerce room] KIV: What is next on the agenda? Ah! Ah! Oh, my head!SIL: It will soon pass.KIV: The pressure gets worse each time. Something must be done, or soon you will be called Magnificence.SIL: Long may that day be postponed, great Kiv. (Crozier and Matrona enter, followed by Frax.) SIL: You must not enter sacred Commerce room while profit is in progress.CROZIER: There's trouble.SIL: Concerning what?CROZIER: My hopes of saving him.SIL: Show more respect to the Magnificence.KIV: What has happened?CROZIER: The Raak is dead, killed by intruders.FRAX: They claimed he attacked them.SIL: Then manufacture another one.CROZIER: That's not easily done, nor is it the point of my concern.MATRONA: The Raak was not aggressive.SIL: So?CROZIER: If the Raak, unprovoked, did attack, then he might revert genetically. Until I know, until I can question the strangers in detail, I cannot guarantee the success of your transference, my lord.KIV: You must relieve my suffering!MATRONA: We have hopes the radical treatment will succeed this time, my lord.SIL: So much depends on the life of Lord Kiv. The making of mega-wealth, the funding for your work.CROZIER: I must know that success will be certain.KIV: You said that last time.SIL: Where are these strangers?FRAX: Escaped. I've sent every bearer and guard searching after them.KIV: I trust this is not an excuse for delay, Mister Crozier? You know if the experiment on my person is unsuccessful, you will die.CROZIER: I accept that.KIV: Take charge, Sil. I will be dead as that Raak if I wait for them to find the intruders. At once! Before I perish! Then where will you be, eh? Dead. No, worse than that. Poor. Oh, oh, oh, my head! [Operating room] (The Doctor examines a lizard-like specimen in a jar.) DOCTOR: Hmm. Yuk. (Peri looks through the magnifying lens at the pulsating brain.) PERI: Urgh.YRCANOS: Help.PERI: He's alive!DOCTOR: Not necessarily. Hmm. Ah ha. (The Doctor follows the wires.) PERI: What is it?DOCTOR: A brain impulse there. Oh, I see. Well, we can't have that. (He pulls out cables. The door opens.) PERI: Doctor. (Sil is carried in.) DOCTOR: Ah. How nice to see a familiar face again.SIL: Doctor and, ah yes, your revoltingly ugly assistant. Age has not improved you since Varos.PERI: From you that's a compliment. (Crozier and Matrona start to reconnect the machine.) DOCTOR: What can we do for you, Sil?SIL: Tell us why you had to kill our most promising experiment.CROZIER: The Raak.DOCTOR: It attacked us.CROZIER: I doubt that very much.SIL: Doctor, we have the means to instill cooperation. There's the technology to alter how brains think. Would you like to try the helmet on for size?DOCTOR: Not just now, thanks.SIL: But I insist, Doctor. Our warrior king must have completed his advancement cycle. You must replace him so we may coax the truth from your devious brain. (Guards force the Doctor onto the second bed and strap him down.) DOCTOR: I am sufficiently advanced already.SIL: Silence! Or you will be obliterated. (Matrona puts a helmet on the Doctor.) SIL: Now, the Raak didn't attack you, did he.DOCTOR: Yes, it did.SIL: Can you use the helmet to extract the truth of what happened?CROZIER: I've never tried. It could be fatal, used as a means of interrogation.SIL: The Doctor won't mind donating his sanity to the advancement of science, will you, Doctor? (Crozier turns on the machine and the Doctor jerks about wildly.) Part Six [Operating room] (While everyone's attention is on the Doctor, Yrcanos wakes and breaks his bonds with a war cry.) YRCANOS: You there! (Yrcanos starts throwing equipment around. Crozier rushes over to the brain to try and shield it. Peri tries to untie the Doctor while guards ready their weapons.) SIL: Don't shoot him! We need him alive sign contracts!YRCANOS: Murder me, do you? Slime! Demon! Sorcerer! (Peri gets the Doctor to his feet. He is very dazed and out of it. Yrcanos slaps him on the back.) YRCANOS: Don't be afraid. I've taken the brain purge and survived. (Yrcanos carries on breaking stuff.) SIL: Stop him! Stop him! Stop him! (Yrcanos deals with two guards at once. Sil's slaves cower, trying to protect their master.) YRCANOS: Die! (Then all is quiet. Yrcanos picks up his helmet and puts it on. He addresses Sil.) YRCANOS: Rombrom ssssssss sabaluma. (Yrcanos, Peri and the Doctor leave.) [Tunnel] PERI: Can we rest a moment? Oh, Doctor. Doctor!YRCANOS: Open a vein. Let out the evil those devils have put into him.PERI: Oh, it's Peri. Peri!DOCTOR: So far up above myself on the table down below.YRCANOS: Sorcerers. Evil demons. Soul stealers. They have my equerry Dorf in a dungeon somewhere. We must release him or die in the attempt. Were you captured by the slugs who rule this ball of mud and water?PERI: Yes.YRCANOS: We must find some weapons. Some of those that turn one's enemies to slime. We must kill all who stand between us and victory. We'll grind every last slug beneath our feet, yes?PERI: Yes. Look, I just want to get out of here. (Yrcanos lifts Peri off her feet.) YRCANOS: We must raise an army and attack and destroy the Mentors, yes?PERI: Yes, sure, anything you say.YRCANOS: (to the Doctor) Come on. Your mind will soon clear. We'll pile the heads of our enemies before us, like melons in a heap.DOCTOR: I would enjoy that.PERI: What?YRCANOS: I like him. We will campaign together. But first, we must march. What is his name?PERI: The Doctor.YRCANOS: Rrrrrrrsssssssss! I am Yrcanos, King of the Krontep, Lord of the Vingten, Conqueror of the Tonkonp Empire. But you no doubt know this.PERI: Well, we caught some of it about round seven.YRCANOS: Your name and title?PERI: Perpugilliam, of the Brown.YRCANOS: The Brown, eh? And where is this place?PERI: Earth. Oh, you'd like it there. Lots of madmen playing at warriors and actors playing over the top in politics.YRCANOS: Politics?PERI: Yakety-yak. Talk.YRCANOS: Ah. (whistles) You mean war councils.PERI: Yes, I suppose so. I don't know, or want to know.YRCANOS: I would like to meet the mighty warriors of Earth.PERI: Yeah, well, you'd get on pretty well, Yrcanos.YRCANOS: You are promised to such a one? Him?PERI: Certainly not.YRCANOS: Hmm. That is good. (The Doctor whistles.) PERI: Well, I must help the Doctor. (The Doctor whistles again.) PERI: Come on, Doc. Wake up. [Trial room] DOCTOR: I don't remember that. I can't recall anything after the power flooded through my brain.VALEYARD: That is your defence now, is it? Amnesia, forgetfulness. This is a tactic, Sagacity, because the Doctor knows what the Matrix will show.INQUISITOR: Is that your defence, Doctor?DOCTOR: What?INQUISITOR: Amnesia.DOCTOR: No, erINQUISITOR: Your mind has cleared from being taken out of time?DOCTOR: As far as I can tell.INQUISITOR: Then obviously there must be some other reason .VALEYARD: He lies, Sagacity.DOCTOR: I do not!VALEYARD: Then you're in for a surprise, aren't you, my dear Doctor. An exceedingly nasty one, if your memory is as fallible as you pretend. [Operating room] (Crozier examines his machine.) KIV: We must have the transformer operable. How can we rule without its influence?CROZIER: Everything will be fixed well before your servants begin to understand their situation.KIV: Never mind them, what of my predicament? The pain in my head increases.CROZIER: I've told you it will. Your brain will continue to grow untilKIV: What?CROZIER: Your skull is not designed to allow for increase in brain power and size. That's the trouble with mutations and hybrids like you. Your cranium is too thick. It lacks elasticity, hence the pain.KIV: Yes.CROZIER: Unless I can operate soon, you will suffer fatal brain compression in a few days.KIV: You were brought to Thoros Beta to rectify that, to give me new life.CROZIER: My lord, the Doctor has the answers I need. Did the Raak attack them, or did they slaughter the creature first? If the Raak did attack, he must have reverted on my cerebral transfer experiment and the surgery I hoped to apply to you, Lord Kiv, will not be successful.KIV: Words! Excuses! This is a conspiracy to stop my life being prolonged.SIL: The intruders will be caught. They will answer Crozier's questions or be killed.KIV: Or I will, thanks to your bungling, Sil.SIL: Not mine, Magnificence. His! All I want is to share in the light of your intelligence and profit from its shining wisdom.KIV: PleaseSIL: The Mentors of Thoros Beta need your genius for cosmic mega-profit. Those Alphans, whose stars have decreed that they serve you, simply adore the sight of youKIV: Enough, Sil! What, do you intend to talk me to death?SIL: I will pray to the Great Morgo for your immediate recovery, Magnificence.KIV: You will do better than that. If the Doctor has the answers, you will find him, or you both will share my death with me. I can only stand this pain for one more day. One day! That is all you both have. Now do something!SIL: At once, Magnificence. Bear me away. Bear me away! Come on, faster! Bear me away faster, faster. [Induction centre] (A large cavern with high tech stuff in it. A humanoid stands in one of three lit cubicles at one side while others are seen in a control area through two circular entrances on the other side.) COMPUTER: Subject accepted. Proceed with implantation. (Frax enters the control area.) SIL: Well, have they been caught yet?FRAX: No, Mentor. [Outside the Induction centre] YRCANOS: Stay, stay. [Induction centre] COMPUTER: We need a new recipient. Reject. (Yrcanos enters quietly, takes a look and leaves.) [Outside the Induction centre] PERI: What's going on?YRCANOS: They bring all new slaves here, but what is more important, my lady, they have weapons.DOCTOR: Weapons!PERI: Shush.YRCANOS: Liquefiers that we must obtain quietly.PERI: We? That includes me, huh?YRCANOS: On my planet of Krontep, a warrior queen fights alongside her king.PERI: We're not on your planet.YRCANOS: It doesn't matter, the rule still applies. [Induction centre] SIL: Which corridors and tunnels have not yet been searched?FRAX: Only those that lead to the Sea of Turmoil.SIL: Then search them, profitless fool! (Frax leaves through another exit.. Yrcanos, Peri and the Doctor enter.) DOCTOR: Look out behind you. (Yrcanos deals with a guard.) YRCANOS: Traitorous Doctor! (Yrcanos is chased into where the slaves are waiting, and leaves. Peri picks up the CD phaser the guard has dropped and points it at Sil.) PERI: Doctor, come here.DOCTOR: No thanks.PERI: Doctor!SIL: Charge her down! (Peri fires the phaser. There is a bang next to Sil. Then she throws the phaser at him and runs after Yrcanos.) SIL: Doctor, the pleasure of your company is, of course, infinite, but why have you chosen to warn us rather than help your friends?DOCTOR: The odds were against us. Why should I risk my life for a savage and a stupid girl?SIL: So you betrayed your friends. How wonderfully wise, Doctor.DOCTOR: I think so.SIL: You are planning some trickery, of course. This is a ploy, yes?DOCTOR: Why should I follow a mad warlord of Thordon? What's in it for me, huh?SIL: You value your life?DOCTOR: I'm no hero.SIL: I could have sworn you belonged to that stupid breed.DOCTOR: Not any more. Now, I'm just like you, Sil.SIL: How nice for you, Doctor. Inform Crozier and the Lord Kiv that I have captured the Doctor. (Sil's slave leaves.) SIL: The turncoat Doctor, it seems. [Trial room] DOCTOR: No! That is not me!VALEYARD: Oh yes, it is. You were overcome by terror, Doctor. You had interfered yet again, and this time your one aim was to escape unscathed. You. You only. Your friends didn't matter.DOCTOR: Never!VALEYARD: You realise the Matrix of Time cannot lie.DOCTOR: Can't it?VALEYARD: I suggest you confess to your crimes and throw yourself on the mercy of this court.INQUISITOR: Doctor?DOCTOR: What? Mercy? No. No, there's something wrong. Of course. Sil was right. It was a ploy to fool the Mentors. Yes, clever old me. Let the Matrix show what it will. A clever ploy. You'll see. [Laboratory ] (A guard has a phaser pointed at the Doctor's head.) SIL: He is lying. I do not trust him.DOCTOR: Believe me, I'm telling the truth. I wouldn't lie, it's not in my nature.CROZIER: He cannot know the reasons of our concern.DOCTOR: The Raak attacked us first.CROZIER: I believe him. I must redesign the behaviour modifier before I transfer the brain of Lord Kiv.SIL: Do you have time?CROZIER: Not really.SIL: If the Lord Kiv dies, his bodyguards have instructions to destroy us. You must operate to save his life and ours. There's no more time for research. I will find a donor and you must operate.CROZIER: What with? The warlord destroyed most of the transference circuitry. If it's repaired, I might attempt a temporary transplant.SIL: Kiv has allowed us only one more day!CROZIER: I know.SIL: We pay you enough. We have given you a whole race of people to play with.DOCTOR: Excuse me, I understand a little of your transference unit principle and I have some knowledge of technological malfunction. Is there a microcircuitry diagram?SIL: Guards, stop him! It's a trick!CROZIER: Let him look. We've nothing to lose.SIL: Be certain that you are right, Crozier. (The Doctor climbs a step ladder to look at the top of the equipment.) DOCTOR: Is there a module unit replacement or are these ganglion separators adaptable?CROZIER: It's multifunctional.DOCTOR: Ah, good. Hmm. Ah ha. Did you test the endrodyacen?CROZIER: Not yet.DOCTOR: Try it. Should respond to the lexifier now.CROZIER: Well done!SIL: I find this anxiety to assist us, Doctor, highly suspicious.CROZIER: Look, Sil, with both of us working on the BTU, we might just be able to operate on Kiv tomorrow.SIL: Or on someone else first. After all, we will need a body donor. Yes, Doctor? [Tunnel] (Peri looks through a grating into the tidal control chamber. Frax come up behind her, making her jump.) FRAX: I see you have found the heart of our energy supply.PERI: It's very impressive, although I would have thought it warranted a guard.FRAX: As a rule, intruders never get this far, although I shall put your suggestion to the Great Kiv.PERI: You do that. And while you're about it, pass this on as well.(She hits him in the stomach and runs.Meanwhile, Yrcanos has found where the wolfman is chained.)YRCANOS: Down, dog!DORF: Your majesty. Your majesty.YRCANOS: Dorf? My equerry Dorf? Not you. What have they done? What?DORF: Help me. Help me.YRCANOS: Yes. Still. Still. Hold. (Yrcanos breaks Dorf's chains.) YRCANOS: We will kill the sorcerers. I swear by the great jewelled sword of Krontep, you will be revenged. Come. [Corridor] (Peri hides from a couple of women, then runs down the lit corridor. She is spotted.) YRCANOS: This way, Dorf! (Peri goes into a room.) [Room] (She closes the door behind her, then a woman pulls aside a curtain.) MATRONA: Did they reject you at the induction centre, or did you escape? I should inform the guards, have you sent to Thoros Alpha.PERI: There's an alternative?MATRONA: You were to serve the Mentors and their favoured creatures. Now, I control the women servants, and for that I need help. Loyal help.PERI: I'd serve you? Why?MATRONA: I prefer some individuality in my household. However, should you be discovered as an escaped reject, I'll deny this meeting took place. What is your name?PERI: Peri.MATRONA: Do you wish to serve me, Peri?PERI: What have I got to lose, huh?MATRONA: You must call me Matrona.PERI: Matrona.MATRONA: Come, let us prepare you. [Tunnel] YRCANOS: We've lost them.DORF: Kill me! Kill me!YRCANOS: Kill you? You are Dorf of Kanval. Whatever's happened to your body, your spirit must remain the same. Now, die if you must, but do it in battle. Keep that hatred burning within you for when you find the man who has done this to you. There is one who has betrayed me.DORF: No!YRCANOS: Yes! I have a special death reserved for him. He's a traitor known as the Doctor. [Outside the Commerce room] (Matrona leads three veiled women.) MATRONA: You will enter when summoned, but not before. The rest of you, come with me. [Commerce room] (The women enter and hand goblets to the Doctor and Sil. Kiv clutches his head in pain.) CROZIER: Matrona, bring Lord Kiv's ambiotic fluid immediately. [Outside the Commerce room] MATRONA: Come, you have the medication.PERI: I can't go in there.MATRONA: Do you wish me to denounce you? Then obey the call. There's nothing to fear. I shall go first. [Commerce room] (Matrona leads the veiled Peri to Kiv, and holds a flask with a glass straw in it for him to drink from. Peri looks round at the Doctor.) DOCTOR: You, girl. Here. I don't like this drink. Bring me another.MATRONA: Say yes, my lord.PERI: (deep voice) Yes, my lord.KIV: That is better. The pain eases. Stay near me. You I trust.MATRONA: The Lord Kiv does me great honour.KIV: Tomorrow I must trust my life to the man of science, Crozier.MATRONA: I'm sure the operation will be successful, my lord.KIV: Ha. Equal odds to live or die. I have no choice.SIL: Matrona Kani, see that the Lord Kiv is served only the most wrigglesome of youthful sand snakes.MATRONA: I don't need you to tell me that, Sil. (Peri returns with a fresh goblet for the Doctor.) DOCTOR: What is in this drink?PERI: (normal voice) I was just given it. Something different, you said, Doctor.KIV: What has happened? How does this servitor know of your title? (The Doctor throws back Peri's veil.) DOCTOR: An enemy, my lord. The girl who ran away earlier. She may have been trying to poison us all.PERI: DoctorSIL: Of course! The repulsive one. Arrest her. She must be interrogated thoroughly. Take her to the Rock of Sorrows.PERI: Doctor, help me!DOCTOR [OC]: That's the ploy. I remember now. [Trial room] DOCTOR: The ploy was to remove us both from the heart of the Mentor's control section. I gambled that after I'd helped them fix the cerebral transference unit, they might trust me to question Peri alone.VALEYARD: To what end?DOCTOR: Escape, I should imagine.INQUISITOR: Did the interrogation take place?VALEYARD: It did, Sagacity.INQUISITOR: I should like to see that sequence. [Rock of Sorrows] (Peri is chained, lying down on the rocks at the base of the cliffs with the water lapping at her feet. The Doctor stands over her.) PERI: What do you want?DOCTOR: The Mentor Sil fears a conspiracy against the Lord Kiv. You are a spy for the Alphans.PERI: What? No, stop this! (The Doctor kneels by her and they whisper..) DOCTOR: It's all right, we're alone now. We can talk.PERI: Oh, Doctor, I thought that brain transference pulse had made you crazy.DOCTOR: I'm your friend, you know that.PERI: I was beginning to wonder.DOCTOR: I'm here to help you.PERI: How do I get out of this?DOCTOR: By telling me who the Alphans are that are leading the unrest and where they can be annihilated.PERI: What?DOCTOR: Tell me!PERI: But I don't know anything!DOCTOR: Answer me. The tide is on the turn. Unless you want to add your own despair to the Sea of Sorrows, I suggest that you tell me everything. [Commerce room] (Crozier, Sil and Kiv are watching on a wall monitor.) SIL: Just like in the old days. There's nothing more enjoyable that watching people suffer. [Rock of Sorrows] DOCTOR: Confess.PERI: Confess? Confess to what?DOCTOR: Your guilt, your bungling, your Alphan friends. Everything! You must help the Mentors, Peri. You must help me.PERI: Doctor, what's wrong with you?DOCTOR: I see my own interests. I place myself first.PERI: But what about me?DOCTOR: You are expendable. You have no value. Tomorrow, they intend to take the brain of the Lord Kiv and transplant it into my body. He will possess my body! To prevent that, I must please the Mentors, Peri. If that means sacrificing you in my place, then that is the way it must be.CROZIER [OC]: Enough! Do not damage her! We have more effective ways of interrogation. [Trial room] DOCTOR: It was never like that.VALEYARD: How can you be certain? You have no clear memory of the incident. And as we all know, the Matrix never lies.DOCTOR: I wonder.INQUISITOR: May we continue? I do grow tired of these constant interruptions.DOCTOR: But it was never like that.INQUISITOR: Enough, Doctor. The Matrix does not lie. It cannot lie. You are aware of that fact, so why persist in these silly statements? (The Doctor opens his mouth to answer, then shuts it again and sits down.) INQUISITOR: Let us proceed. [Tunnel] (Yrcanos and Dorf watch Peri and the Doctor being escorted past.) DORF: The Doctor. Do we attack?YRCANOS: Of course. That dreg helping the Mentor's warriors is my enemy. [Corridor] PERI: What's happened to you, Doctor? Why do you hate me so?DOCTOR: I must do what I think is best.PERI: I used to think that you were different, that you cared for justice and truth and good. I can't bear to look at what you are now. (Yrcanos utters a war cry and the Doctor turns. Peri screams as Yrcanos disposes of their guard escort.) YRCANOS: Now, Doctor, it is your turn to die.Part Seven [Corridor] PERI: No! (Peri knocks the guard's phaser out of Yrcanos' hand. The Doctor runs.) YRCANOS: My lady, what have you done? Because of you that vermin still lives.PERI: I couldn't help it. The Doctor, he wasn't always like that. (Yrcanos and Dorf go after the Doctor.) VALEYARD [OC]: I suggest you always were [Trial room] VALEYARD: Just like that, my dear Doctor. A toady, a coward, a turncoat. You were afraid that Crozier wanted to transplant the brain of the alien Kiv into your head. You said as much yourself. The thought of that made you panic.DOCTOR: I've told you, it was a ploy. I would never want to harm Peri.VALEYARD: But you've also admitted that you have no clear memory of the event.DOCTOR: Well, I can recall some of it. Bits of it are beginning to bob back into my mind.VALEYARD: Oh, really? And does any of your sudden and convenient recall agree with anything that the court has already seen?DOCTOR: No! I mean yes, but, but the emphasis is all wrong.VALEYARD: And what does that mean?DOCTOR: The events took place but not quite as we've seen them.INQUISITOR: It occurs to me, Doctor, that your current mental condition makes it very difficult for you to defend yourself. I would therefore suggest that this court be adjourned.DOCTOR: No. And I refute any implication that I'm barmy.INQUISITOR: Barmy?VALEYARD: A rather imprecise Earth slang word, Sagacity, implying psychiatric instability.INQUISITOR: Thank you, Valeyard. No one is impugning your sanity, Doctor, merely suggesting your memory is a little faulty.DOCTOR: Nevertheless, I would like this trial to continue.INQUISITOR: I was also about to suggest that you might change your mind and consider availing yourself of a court defender. A trained legal mind would offer a more constructive and certainly less emotional presentation of your case.DOCTOR: If the Time Lords of Gallifrey want my life, you don't think I'd entrust my defence to one of their august number, do you?INQUISITOR: Very well. Let us continue. [Corridor] (The Doctor meets a guard, who draws a gun.) DOCTOR: Ah, I appear to have lost my way. I was looking for Crozier's operating room. (The guard gestures with his weapon.) DOCTOR: Thank you. Most kind. (The guard follows the Doctor.) [Operating room] (A long shot reveals this to be inside a large cavern, with linked arches forming a secondary ceiling. A slave places a pale brown Mentor on a bed. Kiv is already seated on the second bed.) KIV: That is to become my new body?CROZIER: The coastguards found him adrift off the Islets of Brak. He is of the same branch of mutation and almost certainly from your home mire, my lord.KIV: He looks like a younger me.SIL: Not quite so handsome, Magnificence.KIV: Be quiet, Sil.CROZIER: The features are similar. There is, however, one small addition. He has retained his primeval sting. His tail contains venom enough to kill.KIV: Fascinating. I could perhaps sting all my assistants to death.SIL: More importantly, are you sure the new skull will be big enough?CROZIER: The capacity is only a little larger in volume than that of Lord Kiv. The operation will give us a little time to seek a more permanent host. (The Doctor enters.) SIL: We must make every effort to find the right head on the correct body.CROZIER: I have someone in mind. Ah, Doctor. You've come to lend a hand.DOCTOR: Yes, thought I'd strop the odd scalpel, mop a brow or two.CROZIER: That won't be necessary, but you can monitor the BTU.DOCTOR: The BTU? Oh, bliss. Thank you.KIV: Then let us begin. Should the transfer not work, and brain death occur, my bearers have orders to liquefy all who fail to save my life. (Crozier injects an anaesthetic while the Doctor gowns up. Kiv passes out.) CROZIER: Check lymphocyte serum drip.MATRONA: Active.CROZIER: Laser scalpel. (Crozier begins to cut open Kiv's skull.) [Tunnel] PERI: These tunnels look the same to me. Where precisely are we going?YRCANOS: As with all corrupt dictatorships, there are pockets of resistance planning and working to overthrow the evil of Kiv and the other Mentors.PERI: Great, but how does that help us?YRCANOS: My belief is that they await a great leader. I am he.PERI: Do these resistance fighters know that?YRCANOS: They will soon learn.DORF: My great king is right.PERI: But how will we find these people?YRCANOS: They will find us. Yes. Yes. (Yrcanos closes his eyes and crosses his arms, then starts chanting.) YRCANOS: Ssssss. Crombrom savalula. (whistles) Yes. Yes. Their footsteps are guided towards me. That is their destiny and mine.PERI: Destiny. Isn't that just a fancy name for blind chance?YRCANOS: Blind chance? Destiny? If that were true, our lives, my majesty, would be meaningless.PERI: It's merely a point of view.YRCANOS: A pompous and empty one, my lady. We all live for a purpose, and for me, that is to die a hero.PERI: I do wish you wouldn't keep going on like that. I'm starting to believe you mean it.YRCANOS: I do!PERI: All right, all right. Let's rest first and then march. There's a good warlord, huh?YRCANOS: Agreed. But only for a moment. (Dorf whimpers as Peri and Yrcanos sit down.) PERI: He sounds hungry. Don't blame him. So am I. I'm famished.YRCANOS: Here. Here. (Yrcanos unwraps a cloth and Peri takes a piece of whatever it is. So does Dorf.) PERI: What is it?YRCANOS: It's flayfish. Sustains the body, fuels the fighting spirit.PERI: It doesn't do much for your taste buds, huh? (Dorf rubs his head against Peri. She strokes him.) PERI: That's all right. Don't cry.YRCANOS: No, stop that. Dorf is, or was, a great warrior.DORF: Jealous. He jealous.YRCANOS: Jealous? I'm jealous? Me, a king? Jealous, you say I'm jealous? (Yrcanos and Dorf square up to each other. Peri gets between them.) PERI: The pair of you, just stop it!YRCANOS: I'll tear your head off! You're nothing but a mongrel! He's a dog. He's a dog!PERI: Stop it! Look, it's bad enough we've got this whole planet against us without you two trying to bite lumps out of each other.YRCANOS: You're right. It's the flayfish. My fault. I should have saved it for our next battle. We must go, locate our allies, and then prepare to battle unto death.PERI: Look, one thing at a time, huh? Let's find this Alphan resistance and convince them we're on their side. And then, on to our destiny, huh?YRCANOS: You're right. [Operating room] CROZIER: Donor brain in position.DOCTOR: EEG reading in recipient now level.CROZIER: Thank you, Doctor.SIL: Why is this taking so long?DOCTOR: Why don't you go for a walk or something, Sil? You're like an anxious parent.SIL: The wealth of the whole planet depends on that lump of mud-coloured tissue there. I haven't learnt all his secrets yet.CROZIER: Sil, stop gyrating your throat. I'm ready to attempt transference of brain tissue.SIL: Please, Morgo, let them succeed.CROZIER: Prepare for independent support mode. The reading should reach twenty one point five six.DOCTOR: Twenty one point five six, uh huh.MATRONA: Approaching twenty dead.DOCTOR: Dead? Don't say that.MATRONA: Twenty fifty. Twenty seventy five.DOCTOR: Twenty one twenty, forty. Twenty one fifty six now!CROZIER: There's nothing. No heart, no brain readings, nothing. We've failed. (Kiv's guards point their weapons at Sil.) SIL: No, this is a joke! Admittedly in bad taste, but it is a profitless, humourless quip. Tell them! Half my fortune if you give me a five minute start. All right, you profitless knaves, all my money.DOCTOR: I think his chest gills moved. Did the lexifier unit register its input? The link was difficult to test.MATRONA: Nothing.DOCTOR: Reserve, quickly. Try the endrodiotone now.CROZIER: One last chance. (Crozier pulls on a big red handle. Kiv's new body breathes.) DOCTOR: He's breathing. (The guards put their weapons away.) SIL: You see? As I said, strange, witless humour.CROZIER: Thanks for the moral support, Sil.DOCTOR: Yes, nice to know that you can be relied upon to be your usual treacherous self.SIL: I endeavour to maintain a certain continuity. [Tunnel] (Peri, Yrcanos and Dorf are surrounded by men in woollen garments.) PERI: Hi.YRCANOS: I told you they would find us. I have come to lead you to freedom.TUZA: Hold your tongue. This way, unless you wish to die here. [Operating room] CROZIER: Success, Doctor. After a decade of hard work, I can transform the evolutionary process and conquer death. The possibilities are endless.DOCTOR: You sure? Aren't you worried about tissue rejection?CROZIER: Ah, I've perfected a serum for just that. As from today, Doctor, I can put any brain in any body anywhere.SIL: Now that you've assisted in a miracle of science, Doctor, perhaps you would like to witness a similar feat of commerce?DOCTOR: From you, Sil, why not? I could do with a laugh. [Rebel cave] (Peri, Dorf and Yrcanos have been tied up back to back.) PERI: So much for your foresight, huh? Tell them again we're on the same side, Yrcanos, please.YRCANOS: Me, a king, beg to that rabble?TUZA: You must understand we can't allow your bodies and skulls to be retrieved undamaged, otherwise the Mentors will use brain surgery to create creatures like this.PERI: No, wait! Look, look, we're on the same side. Nobody likes brain alteration. Do you think Dorf wants to be the way he is? He was used by the Mentors. King Yrcanos was held hostage so they could exploit him as well as his people. And even I was held captive. You kill us and you do nothing but please the Mentors.TUZA: The Mentors? (Tuza spits.) YRCANOS: She speaks truth. I do not beg. Pulverise my skull and you slay an ally, but supply me with weapons and a good band of fighting men and I'll bring triumph against our enemies.TUZA: I have heard of Yrcanos, King of the Krontep. If you are he, then you will have a plan.YRCANOS: Untie us and you will hear. [Operating room] (Matrona brings Crozier a cup of liquid to drink.) MATRONA: Crozier, something's wrong.CROZIER: What? He was fine a moment ago. Cardiac arrest. His body's reacting to the drugs. (Crozier finishes his drink then starts heart massage.) CROZIER: You'll not die on me, you fish-faced monster. [Rebel cave] (The captives have been untied.) TUZA: Your plan is a sound one, but our men are untrained.YRCANOS: Ha. Under my leadership, oh ho, they will fight like demons.PERI: Come on now, boys. Let's not get carried away.DORF: I have seen him inspire disheartened rabble into acts of heroism.PERI: But how many of them survived, huh?YRCANOS: Bah, that's a minor consideration when there is glory to be had.TUZA: In his way he's right. We have nothing to lose. At the moment, all we do is hide like vermin. All right, King Yrcanos of the Krontep, we'll fight. (Yrcanos roars a war cry.) YRCANOS: My hand hasn't touched honourable steel for what seems like an eternity. (Tuza turns to another rebel.) TUZA: Find Verne and his men. He'll know where to meet us. Tell him the day of reckoning has come. Now hurry! [Commerce room] (Sil is using Kiv's terminal.) SIL: Interested, Doctor? Money, money, money, money, money, money, money. All the stock and commodity markets of the universe are available to us via the warpfold relay. See there? An application for credit. (The Doctor reads a wall screen.) DOCTOR: Search Conv Corp. Who are they?SIL: Nothing much. Just a bunch of burnt out space rangers who search for wrecked spaceships. They request funding to purchase another retrieval craft, which we will deny.DOCTOR: Wait. Planet of Tolk, twenty fourth century. I seem to recall there were a great many wars around the rim worlds at that time. There should be a large amount of battle cruiser debris floating round there soon.SIL: For this company to retrieve?DOCTOR: If they have the equipment.SIL: How useful to have a Time Lord in one's employ. Yes, I will allow their application for credit. Marsh minnow, Doctor? (The Doctor takes some of the green gloop, and enjoys it briefly.) SIL: The Lord Kiv will be most pleased with me for my great foresight. I must be sure that I am the first familiar face he sees with his new eyes.DOCTOR: That should be comforting for him. I, I think I'd better see how the patient's getting on. [Trial room]VALEYARD: Sagacity, I wish to ask the accused why a Time Lord with all his privileges should meddle in a swamp world like Thoros Beta.DOCTOR: My actions can't be what they seem. There is an explanation. There must be. I can't recall it.INQUISITOR: Are you unwell, Doctor? Perhaps you'd like me to call for a recess?VALEYARD: Or perhaps a glass of water?DOCTOR: No. What? Now, let's get on. I've had enough of wondering why I acted as I did on Thoros Beta. Let's get to it. Let's find out! Play the Matrix, and play it loud and clear. [Tunnel] YRCANOS: Down. (The rebels hide behind large rocks as an old man staggers forward then falls to the ground.) PERI: What's happened?YRCANOS: Old age. (Tuza turns him over.) TUZA: Linna?LINNA: Help me.TUZA: It can't be. Linna? What is it? (Linna dies.) YRCANOS: You knew him?TUZA: He was a spice trader back home on Thoros Alpha. I can't believe what I see.YRCANOS: Death comes to us all. He has lived a long life.TUZA: Linna was no older than I am! He was twenty years old, not a hundred as he looks now. How has he been turned into an old man? (Peri finds a small device on the back of Linna's head.) PERI: Look. No, don't touch it. It might be responsible for his premature aging.TUZA: This is the work of the Mentors.YRCANOS: What was this man's function?TUZA: He was one of the guards at our weapons dump.PERI: Oh, no.YRCANOS: I smell treason, treachery, betrayal.TUZA: I'll scout ahead.YRCANOS: We'll all scout ahead.TUZA: No, there could be danger.PERI: No, let Tuza find out what's going on first, huh?YRCANOS: Spying is not the way of the warrior. If one goes, we all go. Come. [Operating room] DOCTOR: See what happens when I leave the room?SIL: He must live!CROZIER: Increase the sevrin drip. (Matrona obeys.) CROZIER: Enough.SIL: Not a flicker. Why has the Lord Kiv not yet returned to life?DOCTOR: It takes time. They're trying their best.MATRONA: No response. Brain pulse still dormant.SIL: You are conspiring against my wealth. You are allowing the Lord Kiv to die. (A guard puts his gun to Crozier's head.) CROZIER: Wait.DOCTOR: A movement!MATRONA: A reaction here.CROZIER: To what degree?MATRONA: Almost a complete wave.CROZIER: It's going to work.SIL: Lift me. Take me nearer. My face has got to be the first civilised thing he sees. (And so it is.) SIL: My lord. (Kiv recoils in horror.) KIV: Have I died and gone to the great Plague Halls of Mogdana?SIL: Magnificence, it's me, Sil. (Kiv looks as though he's about to burst into tears.) [Tunnel] PERI: How much further?TUZA: I only hope we're not too late.YRCANOS: Hey, keep together. This is a great day for battle. A great day to die!TUZA: Does he always go on like that?PERI: Afraid so. [Operating room] CROZIER: He's totally stable.SIL: You said that last time.DOCTOR: Well, as long as you stay away from him, he should be all right.SIL: The Great Morgo be praised. You have been restored to us, O great Kiv, safe and well.KIV: I dreamed I was lost in the Sea of Despair and Longing.CROZIER: Dreams were to be expected side-effects of sedation. Nothing to worry about.KIV: I feel hardly different. An ache in my, I suppose I can say my skull?CROZIER: Yes, that will be your skull until we can find one more suitable.KIV: I must to work. There is a futures commodity deadline for the Sondlex crop on Wilson One.SIL: It will be attended to. The Doctor and I have struck up a profitable partnership.KIV: Oh? Not speculation, I trust?DOCTOR: Merely conserving resources, O ineffable one, until you return to your rightful place as master of us all. (The Doctor looks nauseous, and pushes Sil's carrycot to turn him away.) [Outside the weapons dump] TUZA: Verne and the others haven't arrived yet.YRCANOS: No matter. Where are the weapons?TUZA: No!PERI: What's the matter?TUZA: The rockfall, it's new.PERI: Seismic activity?TUZA: Well, if so, it's a very convenient one. It's covered up the entrance to our weapons dump.YRCANOS: Ambush. A woman's way for fighting.PERI: Thanks a lot.YRCANOS: If these guards of the Mentors were real men, they would show their banners and fight in the open!PERI: Let's get away from here and find the others, huh?TUZA: She has a point.YRCANOS: Retreat? I am King Yrcanos!PERI: Yes, I know. Whereas it terrifies me, I'm just not so sure it's going to have the same effect on whoever caused that rockfall.DORF: If there is victory to be had, great king, it would be imprudent to say.YRCANOS: You are a great dog of war. I mean, a great warrior, whose advice I trust and value. Oh, very well. Today prudence shall be our watchword. Tomorrow I shall soak the land in blood. Come with me! (The rockfall begins to move.) PERI: What's happening?DORF: Wait, there could be danger. (A figure has tried to push through.) TUZA: It's Verne! (Tuza and Yrcanos try to dig him out.) TUZA: No!FRAX: Give up, and you live. Resist, and you die where you stand. [Trial room] DOCTOR: That isn't my fault. You can't blame me for that. I wasn't even there.VALEYARD: All that has taken place, you are indirectly responsible for.DOCTOR: Please, madam. The death of Verne and the other resistance fighters was not my fault.INQUISITOR: Your presence did influence events. There's no way that can be denied.VALEYARD: Watch, Doctor. See your folly. [Outside the weapons dump] YRCANOS: Are we to die withered and aged, or like true soldiers?FRAX: You're obsessed with dying, Yrcanos. I don't know what's the matter with you.PERI: And you rather we beg to live?FRAX: To be honest, I'd prefer it if you all kept quiet.YRCANOS: You are nothing more than trash from the sewers of Skulnesh.FRAX: Shut up.YRCANOS: You've been to the field of battle, that which robs great warriors of their youth and virility, and that is a crime against honour.FRAX: It was an experiment for Crozier and the Mentors.YRCANOS: It was an experiment conceived in the Plague Halls of Mogdana, you scum! (Yrcanos raises his arm and starts his war cry. Frax shoots him and Peri screams. Tuza moves towards a row of swords and gets shot. Peri tries to run, and also gets zapped. She falls next to Yrcanos.) [Trial room] DOCTOR: No! No, no, no, I won't believe it.VALEYARD: You still continue to ignore the truth.DOCTOR: I am not responsible for that.VALEYARD: In your mind, perhaps not. But in reality it is somewhat different, Doctor.Part Eight [Trial room] DOCTOR: Is Peri dead?VALEYARD: No.INQUISITOR: Then what was the point of showing that last sequence?VALEYARD: Simply as further evidence of the Doctor's interference.INQUISITOR: I thought it was somewhat gratuitous.DOCTOR: And highly prejudicial. You won't convict me by using shock tactics.VALEYARD: I require nothing so crude, my dear Doctor. All that will prove necessary is the truth.DOCTOR: Then tell it.INQUISITOR: Gentlemen, please let us continue with the evidence.VALEYARD: Indeed, Sagacity. [Outside the weapons dump] (Yrcanos wakes.) YRCANOS: Oh, my head. Feels as though it's been trampled on by the seven-legged chargers of Corogem.PERI: My legs, arms.FRAX: You are fortunate to live.TUZA: So the Mentors can experiment on us?FRAX: Think of it as community service, Tuza.YRCANOS: You are a fool to let us live. I would have killed you.FRAX: But then you are a barbarian.PERI: Ha. And you're some angel of mercy, huh?FRAX: Get up, all of you.PERI: How did you know where we were?FRAX: We've always known about the weapon dump.TUZA: Liar! You would have done something before now if you had.FRAX: Weapons are only as good as the training of the men who use them. You're no warrior, Tuza. But him? Now he's just enough in love with death to inspire rabble like yours into action. And we were right. Now move! [Operating room] KIV: The sea. The sea. Strong. Strong, too much. Too. String. Sting. Strike.SIL: Why is the Lord talking of such things? He hates seawater.DOCTOR: The body you used to transplant Kiv's brain, whose was it.CROZIER: Just a body.DOCTOR: Just a body? It's a bit casual, isn't it?CROZIER: Only some fisherman. I had no other choice. It's taken me weeks to find one remotely suitable.DOCTOR: I still think it might have been better if you'd waited.CROZIER: There wasn't the time.DOCTOR: Hey, look at this. The host cells are trying to influence Kiv's brain, attempting to alter and distort his memory.CROZIER: Oh, a few must have escaped the laserisation.SIL: You have blundered! You have reduced the greatest business brain in this part of the galaxy to catcher of sea snakes.DOCTOR: Perhaps the trauma of the donor's death lingers and is infecting Kiv's brain.CROZIER: I must try and rectify it. Increase the sevrin drip to zero four microcentiles. (Matrona obeys.) SIL: There is an imminent summit meeting over which the Lord Kiv is to preside. Our business partner might think it fishy should he be missing, presumed gone insane.KIV: Have my briefing tapes and expansion strategy option been baited?SIL: Er, not yet, your marsh minnow, your Magnificence.KIV: Do it! Or you will be the first to sample my new sting, Sil. I'm told, told, even a touch can, can kill.CROZIER: One microcentile more.SIL: The Lord Kiv must not only be present at the meeting with our partner from Posikar, but also able to make sane decisions. If he is not, you will all suffer.CROZIER: He'll be there. Though whose body he'll inhabit isn't as yet certain. We must transfer Kiv's brain to someone else without delay.SIL: Yes. [Outside the cell] (Yrcanos, Peri and Dorf go inside.) TUZA: My head aches.FRAX: Be grateful you've still got it. Not you. (The cell door is closed and Tuza is taken away. Passersby cheer in the corridor.) FRAX: Silence! [Cell] PERI: Why do they want Tuza?YRCANOS: Execution one at a time, that's how it will be.PERI: Oh. Oh, it's strange. Ever since we came to Thoros Beta I've been homesick. Not so much for a place, but a time. I just want to be back in my own time with people I love.YRCANOS: What is that? Love?PERI: Well, it's when you care for someone or something more than yourself, I guess.DORF: More than yourself?PERI: Well, I know it sounds crazy, but, sometimes more than life.YRCANOS: I care nothing for mine.PERI: How can you say that, Yrcanos?YRCANOS: Well, on my planet of Krontep, when we die, our spirit is returned to life, to be born in a more noble warrior.PERI: Until what? Where do you end after all your brave deaths?YRCANOS: You become a king! Me, after my next death, I join the other kings on Verduna, the home of the gods.PERI: To do what?YRCANOS: Why, to fight! What else?PERI: Well, that figures. (They laugh.) [Operating room] (Crozier measures Tuza's skull.) CROZIER: These Alphan brains are all wrong for Kiv.MATRONA: Shall I have him implanted and sent to the work centre?CROZIER: Yes, yes, take him to the induction centre. What a pity both you and the Alphan are unsuitable.DOCTOR: Hmm? Hmm? Oh, yes, yes, yes. Most disappointing. Unlike Sil, I would willingly have given up my body.CROZIER: What about your companion, Doctor?DOCTOR: Oh, Peri? Ah, quite unsuitable. Female. Silly, flibbertigibbet. Hopeless.MATRONA: Why not examine her?CROZIER: I think I'll do that. Yet, Doctor, you seem uneasy.DOCTOR: Well, I'd prefer it if you'd use somebody else.CROZIER: Mmm hmm, you have strong feelings for the woman.DOCTOR: Well, certainly enough not to want to see her experimented upon.CROZIER: I understand. I am not without pity. Go to the induction centre. You know precisely the problem I have here, Doctor. If you can find a candidate more suitable, I shall use them. But Doctor? Hurry. You haven't much time. [Outside the cell] (Peri steps out.) YRCANOS: Die well, my lady. (Peri leaves Yrcanos and the cell door is closed. Yrcanos mutters then shouts in his own language.) [Induction centre] (The Doctor enters and clears his throat, waking the Mentor in charge, who was dozing next to a bubbling pool and some monitors.) DOCTOR: Where is everyone?MENTOR: There is only one subject here, in the implantation cubicle.DOCTOR: May I examine him? I have Crozier's permission.MENTOR: Oh, if you must, but try not to disturb me.DOCTOR: I shall be as quiet as the silence that is in the starry skies, only quieter still. (The Doctor goes to the cubicle.) TUZA: Yrcanos, help me.DOCTOR: You know him?TUZA: What? Yes. Who are you?DOCTOR: Colleague of Crozier's. (sotto) A friend. [Operating room] (Peri sighs. Crozier enters.) MATRONA: Stand up. (Matrona pushes Peri off the bed where she was sitting.) PERI: Hey.CROZIER: Yes. Ah, yes. Most promising. (A short while later, Crozier has finished measuring Peri's skull.) CROZIER: She is a most promising candidate. I must arrange for antigen tests.PERI: That's a blood test. Well, I'm not marrying anyone.CROZIER: Ah, spirit, strength. That is good. I must try to retain that if at all possible. [Induction centre] DOCTOR: (to Tuza) I shall return. (He heads for the door. Frax enters.) FRAX: What are you doing?MENTOR: He has Crozier's permission.FRAX: My apologies, sir. I didn't realise you were in attendance.MENTOR: Oh, take no notice of me. Few people do.DOCTOR: I'd quite like a word with that captured king.FRAX: Yrcanos?DOCTOR: Mmm, that's him. I'm sure Crozier wouldn't mind.MENTOR: Oh, take him. But be careful, he has a very loud voice. Plays havoc with the audio system.DOCTOR: Thanks for the warning.MENTOR: I was hoping we'd seen the last of him. He's such a noisy fellow. Oh, they've gone. Huh. Didn't even say goodbye. [Cell] (Yrcanos paces and Dorf howls.) YRCANOS: Oh, stop that. You're a warrior, not a wolf. (The Doctor and Frax arrive outside.) [Outside the cell] YRCANOS: Cronixer!DOCTOR: How do you do?YRCANOS: Screeterder!DOCTOR: Oh, now where would a well brought up king learn a word like that, hmm? Open the door, would you?FRAX: You must be out of your mind. He'll kill you.DOCTOR: I don't think so.FRAX: Cover me. (Frax hands the Doctor his phaser and opens the door. The Doctor shakes his head then points the weapon at Frax as the door opens, and Yrcanos and Dorf comes out.) YRCANOS: Gronwitcher!DOCTOR: That's quite enough of that. I'm here to help you. You, in. (Yrcanos pushes Frax inside the cell.) DOCTOR: Your majesty. (Dorf shuts the cell door.) DOCTOR: I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name the last time we met.DORF: Dor, dor.DOCTOR: Never mind, you can tell me later.YRCANOS: His name is Dorf and you are scum.DOCTOR: No, actually I am known as the Doctor, and there's no need to thank me for helping you to escape. Come along. (The Doctor gives Yrcanos the phaser.) [Commerce room] (Sil and Kiv are placed on their couches.) SIL: You are unwell, Magnificence. You shouldn't have left the shelter of Crozier's laboratory.KIV: He has given me drugs to stabilise my condition and keep me alert. Can you smell fish?SIL: I have the deepest respect for Crozier's skill, but, MagnificenceKIV: But nothing, Sil. I must attend this meeting, otherwise we could all finish up poor. Now, what is more important, my well-being or your wealth?SIL: A trick question, Magnificence. But if you feel fit enough to cope, who am I to contradict?KIV: Ah, welcome. (The Posikar delegation enter.) KIV: Excellency, welcome. Please, please, rest yourself. (The large-faced purple creature with very big teeth twitters something and sits down.) [Corridor] YRCANOS: I must know.DOCTOR: What?YRCANOS: I will not take another step until I am told the truth.DOCTOR: What?YRCANOS: Why did you release us?DOCTOR: I should have thought that was obvious. I need your help to defeat the Mentors.YRCANOS: That I understand, but you are my sworn enemy. I have vowed to kill you.DOCTOR: Yes, yes, well, we can deal with all that later. At the moment, we need each other.DORF: He has a point. He hasYRCANOS: Everyone has a point, nowadays. I am a man of action, not reason.DOCTOR: Don't worry, you'll see plenty of action.YRCANOS: Then lead on. Oh, but first I must find my bride to be.DOCTOR: We haven't got time for you to go courting.YRCANOS: I'm talking of the Earth woman, Perpugilliam of the Brown.DOCTOR: Well, we'll find Perpugilliam of the Brown on the way. DORF: Where are we going?DOCTOR: To release someone called Tuza.YRCANOS: Tuza? I thought he was dead.DOCTOR: Well, he soon will be if we don't hurry. [Outside the cell] FRAX: Guards! Quickly, get this door open. (Frax is released.) FRAX: Yrcanos has escaped! [Operating room] (Matrona is strapping Peri to the bed.) PERI: So, I'm fit and healthy, huh?CROZIER: Perfectly.PERI: Hey! What do you want (Matrona stuffs a gag into Peri's mouth and Crozier ties it in place.) CROZIER: In fact, you are so perfect I think I can serve Lord Kiv my finest experiment yet. [Induction centre] YRCANOS: (sotto) There's Tuza, and there's a guard.DOCTOR: Hold on. No, we'll do this my way. I'm not having you causing a bloodbath.YRCANOS: You think like a warrior but you do not act like one. It's most perplexing.DOCTOR: (to Dorf) You stay here and watch out for guards. Stay! Your majesty. (The Doctor takes the phaser and brings Yrcanos to the Mentor.) MENTOR: Ah, Doctor. I see that you've found your renegade king. Certainly the quietest I have ever seen him.DOCTOR: It is my intention to shut him up for good.MENTOR: Oh, how splendid.DOCTOR: I thought I'd try one of those brain implant things.MENTOR: Oh. For one wish-fulfilling moment, I thought you were going to kill him. I presume you have Crozier's permission to carry out the experiment?DOCTOR: Oh, absolutely. I have carte blanche as far as young Crozier is concerned.MENTOR: Oh, that's what I feared. I wish Crozier would keep me abreast of events. He has no idea how much extra work his irregular activities create. (The Mentor reaches for the terminal.) DOCTOR: What are you doing?MENTOR: I shall, of course, have to get confirmation of your carte blanche from Crozier. (The Doctor looks at Yrcanos, who attacks the sole guard then grabs the Mentor by the neck. The Doctor rushes over to Tuza.) YRCANOS: Be still, old one, unless you wish your wizened life terminated. (The Mentor signals his agreement and Yrcanos lets him go.) MENTOR: Oh, thank you.YRCANOS: For your life? It was nothing.MENTOR: No, for not shouting.DOCTOR: Come on, now. Come on. (Tuza half falls out of the cubicle.) YRCANOS: My friend, we both live to drench the land with the blood of our enemies!MENTOR: Must you say such nauseating things?YRCANOS: Be silent, wizened one, otherwise you'll be the first to die. (The Doctor checks the back of Tuza's head.) DOCTOR: You'll be all right. The implant hasn't taken.YRCANOS: What is that implant for?MENTOR: It's one of Crozier's newest developments. We've been having problems with some of the Alphan slaves. The implant helps to impede any fractious or rebellious thoughts. It's very effective, Doctor.DOCTOR: Where's the control centre?MENTOR: Oh, er, I, er, I wouldn't know that.YRCANOS: Come now, wizened one.TUZA: I know where it is.DOCTOR: Right, let's go.YRCANOS: To release slaves? I'd envisioned a more noble cause for which to fight.DOCTOR: Well, think of the chaos if we remove their mind control. And you'd have a very willing army to fight the Mentors.MENTOR: He's right, you know.YRCANOS: Be silent! I am King Yrcanos of the Krontep! I'm quite capable of making my own decisions!DOCTOR: Then please hurry.YRCANOS: Varoonik! We'll release the slaves, and then on to death! Varoonik! (Yrcanos and Tuza leave.) DOCTOR: I'm sorry about the noise. He does so enjoy his work.MENTOR: Just go. Just go. [Operating room] CROZIER: Shave her head. I've decided to attempt direct transference. [Corridor] TUZA: This way! [Commerce room] MENTOR: With all due respect, ExcellencySIL: Guard!MENTOR: Posikar has never been noted for the quality of its seaweed.SIL: Enquire what is happening. And have that noise switched off. [Cave] YRCANOS: This way!TUZA: No, this way. [Outside the control centre] (A guard comes out of hiding and shoots Dorf. Yrcanos uses the phaser on the guard.) YRCANOS: Carry on, Doctor. [Control centre] FRAX: I somehow knew you'd finish up here.TUZA: You're getting very good at anticipating my moves.DOCTOR: A friend of yours?TUZA: Not at all.DOCTOR: Have you seen Peri?FRAX: I believe she is with Crozier.DOCTOR: Just as I feared.FRAX: I think Mentor Sil would like a word with you both.DOCTOR: Have you met Sil?TUZA: No.DOCTOR: The last person you want to have [Tunnel] DOCTOR: Officiating at your execution.TUZA: Oh, he won't have us put to death. We'll join Peri as material for experimentation.FRAX: Come on, move. (Yrcanos attacks Frax from behind. He drops like a stone.) YRCANOS: Dorf is dead.DOCTOR: I'm sorry.YRCANOS: No. He died fighting. It was an honourable way.TUZA: I'm also sorry about your friend, but we must destroy the slave control.YRCANOS: Lead me to it. I demand the privilege of initiating the demise of the Mentors [Commerce room] (General merriment. A slave whispers to Sil.) KIV: Yes, of course, I take your point, Excellency, but you must understand ourSIL: The Doctor is on the rampage with the barbarian king, Yrcanos.KIV: Is that reason to interrupt an important conference?SIL: He is very dangerous. They could cause a great deal of damage.KIV: That is nothing to what you are doing to my negotiations. If I'm not careful, I could lose an important fish concession.SIL: But you hate fish, Magnificence.KIV: Do I? Excellency. [Operating room] (Matrona attaches the helmet to Peri's bald skull.) MATRONA: All is ready.CROZIER: We must wait for Kiv to complete his meeting.MATRONA: This time you will be successful.CROZIER: This time could be my last time for anything. (The lights flicker.) MATRONA: What's happening? [Control room] (Lots of smoke and sparks from wrecked panels. An alarm sounds.) YRCANOS: Ragna! Look on this and see Yrcanos, a great warlord, and also Yrcanos, the even greater liberator!TUZA: He's certainly a man of little modesty.DOCTOR: Yrcanos?YRCANOS: Eh?DOCTOR: It's time we found Peri.YRCANOS: Of course! I need my queen to grace my moment of triumph! Varoonik! [Corridor] (Sil and Kiv are carried out of the Commerce room by slaves.) SIL: What is all this confusion? Get out of the way. The Lord Kiv is unwell. Out of the way! (Alphans wander about, clutching their heads and disorientated.) [Operating room] (Kiv is placed on a bed.) CROZIER: Prepare him at once. What do you want?SIL: Anarchy has broken out. The servants have gone mad, and good riddance, I say. All they do is eat you out of house and home. (The slave holding Sil somehow doesn't drop him as he wriggles.) [Corridor] (The Doctor and Tuza get separated by a group of milling servants. The Doctor continues around the corner and the TARDIS appears in a white light. He stops and walks backwards into the TARDIS, a blank look on his face. The TARDIS and white light vanish. Then we get a repeat of the first episode's opening sequence of the TARDIS being drawn into the space station.) [Trial room] DOCTOR: I remember now! Whatever made you take me out of time when you did? I remember it all. I was on my way to save Peri.INQUISITOR: Things have gone too far. You had released chaos and allowed your companion to take part in an experiment that would affect all future life in the universe.DOCTOR: I did try to stop it!INQUISITOR: But you could not succeed. It was too late, and therefore necessary, by the direct order of the High Council, to prevent the consequence of Crozier's experiment. Watch, Doctor. Watch and listen carefully. [Operating room] (Matrona removes the helmet from Peri.) MATRONA: A perfect transfer.CROZIER: I have altered the basis of all future life.SIL: Kiv's brain is inside the head of that repulsive Earth being?CROZIER: No. This is what I wanted to achieve from the very beginning. I have transferred only the contents of his mind into the brain of the woman.SIL: And what of the Earth woman's mind?CROZIER: Gone. Mentally, she no longer exists.SIL: And you can transfer any mind into any body?CROZIER: When the Earth woman's brain ages, I can transfer the mental energy and consciousness of Lord Kiv into yet another body. He need never die.SIL: Immortality. [Tunnel] YRCANOS: Now where?TUZA: Around the next corner.YRCANOS: Good. I shall enjoy destroying Crozier.TUZA: Don't you feel as though there's something missing? It's as though there was someone else here just a minute ago. That there was three of us.YRCANOS: Ah. You sense the presence of Mildu, the great god of war. That is good. It seems that I shall make a warrior out of you yet. Come! [Outside the operating room] YRCANOS: Good. Only two guards. The gods are with us.TUZA: What do we do?YRCANOS: Two guards, two of us. We fight like warriors.TUZA: And what does that mean?YRCANOS: Frontal attack. Now! (The picture slows and gets a blurry outline as Yrcanos roars and rushes forward.) INQUISITOR [OC]: They're caught in a time bubble. Everything must be perfect before they drive home their final attack. [Trial room] DOCTOR: You're using Yrcanos as an assassin.INQUISITOR: It was judged by the High Council as the most acceptable way, and Yrcanos will never know that he was used.DOCTOR: And so they took it upon themselves to act like second-rate gods? [Operating room] (Peri-Kiv wakes.) PERI: Warm. Not cold. My body is warm. Wonderful. Legs. Toes. Toes wiggling. Trunk. A neck. Strong. A head free of pain. Eyesight. Colours. Warm blood inside. Oh, I like this. Now, I am she, alive within this oh so wonderful, wonderful frame, not that cold-blooded reptile thing. It must, must die.CROZIER: It already has. Welcome to your new body.SIL: I wish you could have found a more attractive one. (Outside, Yrcanos and Tuza deal with the two guards in their slow-ish motion fight. Yrcanos takes a phaser and bursts in.) YRCANOS: Ragna! (Yrcanos fires at Sil's cot. Peri-Kiv sits up.) PERI: Protect me. I am your lord and master. (Yrcanos stares at the bald Peri and aims the phaser at her.) YRCANOS: No! No! No! (He fires at everyone he can see as the picture blurs.) [Trial room] DOCTOR: You killed Peri?INQUISITOR: We had to act. With the discovery that Crozier had made, the whole course of natural evolution throughout the universe would be affected.VALEYARD: But Peri died, Doctor, because you abandoned her. We had to end her life because your negligence had made it impossible for her to live.DOCTOR: Lies. There's something else going on here. The High Council has no right to order Peri's or anyone else's death.INQUISITOR: Please, Doctor.DOCTOR: No, I was taken out of time for another reason, and I have every intention of finding out what it is. To Part Nine > Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.