Stories Television Doctor Who Season 18 Classic Who S18 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Meglos 1 image Back to Story Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: First things first? ROMANA: Exactly. DOCTOR: But not necessarily in that order. — Meglos Link to Quote Favourite GRUGGER: Now, you tried to trick us. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kill you now. ROMANA: Anticlockwise rotation. BROTADAC: What? ROMANA: I forgot that the planet rotates in an anticlockwise direction. BROTADAC: What’s she talking about? GRUGGER: Rotation, direction, revolving. BROTADAC: Oh. GRUGGER: Well, what difference does that make? ROMANA: Don’t you see? If we’d gone the other way, we wouldn’t have come back to the same point. — Meglos Link to Quote Favourite MEGLOS: I’m a Time Lord. Having lived in the future I can hardly die in the present. DEEDRIX: That can’t be true. That’s a philosophical paradox. MEGLOS: No, it’s merely beyond your comprehension. — Meglos Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: Hello there, I’m the Doctor. I’m expected. GUARD: I didn’t see you go out. DOCTOR: What? GUARD: This is the second time you’ve been in here. DOCTOR: I say, you’ve got a marvellous memory. It must be fifty of your years since I was last here. — Meglos