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Doctor Who S8 • Episode 4


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Review of Listen by dema1020

I think Listen is a remarkably strong episode and Doctor Who story. It is an excellent bit of horror and mystery, while, just like Midnight, somewhat frustratingly leaves you with more questions than answers. Yes, it is also somewhat frustrating that Clara is once again the explanation for everything, I feel it is easy to look past that given how emotionally-drive Moffat scripts are. This is a story of fear itself and it is quite masterfully done, at least in my opinion.

That scene with the figure is haunting, and leaves so many questions. If it all was just a childhood fear instilled by Clara, was the mysterious entity really there? What was it, exactly? I think that mystery is what makes it so tantalizing.

Every Doctor shows fear in some way at some point. Capaldi still manages to stand-out here. But Jenna Coleman is also just so excellent here. Overall, a very impressive episode that sticks in my memory. Easily one of my favourite New Who episodes.

Review last edited on 18-05-24

Review of Listen by Speechless

Series 8; Episode 4:
--- "Listen" by Steven Moffat

Listen is a really damn interesting story. A story that can have no villain or possibly one of the scariest in the whole show. I'll admit, the idea of a creature so good at hiding it can always be with you and you'd never notice is an amazing idea and I don't know which interpretation I prefer - that there was no creature or that there was one. Whilst not the greatest episode to ever exist, it's certainly a highlight of the series for me.

The Doctor's found a new obsession. A mysterious message in the TARDIS that appeared from thin air has made him ask a question: what if there was a creature so good at hiding you could never possibly find it? The answer will take him from a dingy little children's home, to the edge of the universe, to the site of the Doctor's greatest fear.


I always found the concept of Listen to be terrifying. This episode has some great horror moments, everybody highlights the shape under the bed and, whilst that scene is pretty great, I think that Moffat's interpretation of the last man in the world hearing a knock on the door horror story is easily one of his best scenes period. I also really like Clara in this episode, despite one scene we'll get back to later. She honestly steals the show and I find her way better in episodes like this where she acts as a human being and not a canon plaster. Her and Danny's relationship is definitely a highlight of Series 8 to me, it feels like a very realistic and well constructed, especially in this episode. The awkwardness over dinner is, I'm sure, a well known experience to some and it gives a very palpable relatability to the two characters.

The elephant in the room for this episode is probably the scene with Clara and the Doctor. If Moffat had made it an explanation for the Doctor's motivations during the episode, it would be fine, the only real problem would be that it was Clara, again. However, they stepped on old Doctor Who's toes by having Clara give the Doctor some of his iconic lines, which I feel was a leaning too far into fanwank and also downplayed some truly great and iconic quotes. Other than that, I felt the Doctor was a little abrasive in this episode. He was too animated and felt more like a weird side character than the story's main character and it certainly didn't fit into his personality in Series 8.

Whilst the episode has gone down a bit for me upon rewatch, most of the enjoyment comes from the constant second guessing and plot reveals, I still think it's a great little atmosphere piece Moffat slipped in with some truly great and terrifying moments.


+ Great concept executed perfectly to a terrifying extent
+ Amazing take on the Last Man in the World hearing a Knock on the Door concept
+ Fantastic direction of horror
+ The ambiguity of the episode is really experimental territory for Doctor Who that helps along the episode
+ Clara and Danny have really realistic and interesting scenes together

- The infamous scene of Clara meeting the Doctor leaned to far into fan service and ended up sullying a great line from Classic Who
- The Doctor acts weirdly out of character quite a lot in this episode.
- I didn't actually find the scene's in the children's home that interesting outside of the creature under the bed, the rest just felt like meandering

Review last edited on 30-04-24

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