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Part One

[Control room]

(A modular building stands in a dense jungle. An older man with a moustache enters to see a young man apparently asleep in front of the control desk and viewscreen. He goes over and turns down the audio of the birdcall in the jungle and moves a piece of equipment to another desk. The chairs have peoples names printed on them, like director's chairs. Then he picks up a tribal mask with a fringe of coloured wool, puts it in front of his face and spins the young man's chair round to wake him.)


(Everyone say Hi to the great Richard Todd.)

SANDERS: Ha, ha, ha, ha! What's the matter, boy? Bad dreams, eh? Look, just a joke, that's all.

[Outside the TARDIS]

(The TARDIS is parked in the jungle. Tegan has been for a walk while Adric and Nyssa play draughts.)

TEGAN: Hello. Who's winning?
ADRIC: I am.

(Tegan moves a piece, Nyssa takes one of Adric's draughts.)

ADRIC: Thank you.

(Adric takes three of Nyssa's pieces.)

ADRIC: She's hopeless in her present state of mind.
NYSSA: Don't exaggerate. I only fainted.
ADRIC: Twice.
TEGAN: Where's the Doctor?
ADRIC: In the TARDIS, rigging up a delta wave augmenter for Nyssa.
NYSSA: I'm all right, really.

(Nyssa gets a sudden headache.)

ADRIC: You see?
NYSSA: I can't seem to concentrate, that's all.
TEGAN: Doctor!

(The Doctor comes out of the TARDIS with a piece of equipment, and wire between his teeth.)

DOCTOR: Hmm. Nearly there.

(The equipment makes a loud tone and they have to shout over it.)

TEGAN: What's wrong with her?
DOCTOR: Oh, just mild mental disorientation. Nothing that forty eight hours of induced D-sleep won't cure.
TEGAN: Is that the delta wave augmenter?

(The Doctor switches it off.)

DOCTOR: Yes, of course. There's no need to shout. Come along, Nyssa.

(Tegan helps Nyssa into the TARDIS. Adric spots a component of the DWA.)

ADRIC: That's the sonic screwdriver.
DOCTOR: Well done, Adric. It's functioning as a delta waveform generator.
ADRIC: What if we need it?
DOCTOR: Why should we need it?

(The Doctor goes into the TARDIS, and Tegan comes out.)

TEGAN: I suppose we're stuck here now while she sleeps.
ADRIC: It's beautiful.

[Control room]

SANDERS: No sign of Roberts.
HINDLE: No, sir. Sir, as designated SR security, I would like to protest at your failure in present dangerous circumstances to institute an official around-the-clock alert. Furthermore
SANDERS: Wait a minute.

(Sanders switches off the viewscreen. A woman enters in the background, wearing medical or science whites and carrying a clipboard.)

SANDERS: What dangerous circumstances?
HINDLE: Sir, in my opinion
SANDERS: Your what?
SANDERS: Tell him.
TODD: Tell him what?

(Everyone say Hi! to Nerys Hughes.)

SANDERS: In your opinion, are we in any danger from the primitives?
TODD: I've already told you.
SANDERS: Tell him again!
TODD: The Kinda pose no threat whatsoever to the security of this expedition. They are culturally non-hostile.
SANDERS: There you are.
TODD: Of course, from their point of view, we might pose a threat to them.
SANDERS: How do you mean? What point of view could they have? They're savages.
TODD: There is the matter of the hostages we've taken.
SANDERS: Standard procedure.
TODD: Our procedure, not their. Please give me that.
TODD: The Kinda artefact. Thank you.
HINDLE: Nevertheless, I should like my protest to be entered officially in the log.
SANDERS: Oh, you would, would you, boy?
HINDLE: Yes, sir.
SANDERS: You're improperly dressed, Mister Hindle. What's more, you have not brushed your hair. Kindly retire and attend to it. Dismiss!


(The Doctor, Adric and Tegan have gone for a walk in the jungle. The Doctor parts some palm branches to reveal an array of crystal windchimes hanging from the canopy.)

DOCTOR: There you are, Tegan. There's always something to look at if you open your eyes.
TEGAN: What is it?
DOCTOR: Good question. Any ideas?

(Tegan reaches towards them with a stick.)

DOCTOR: Go on, I'm sure it's safe.

(She prods them and they produce individual tones.)

DOCTOR: Wait a minute. That one again. Now that one. A perfect fifth. A chromatic structure in eccentric sequence. Eccentric, that is, to our ears, not to the ears of whoever built it.

(Adric runs a stick along the whole array.)

DOCTOR: Adric!
ADRIC: What?
DOCTOR: Adric, don't wander off. Not on a new planet. So, Tegan, the question is, who built it and what is it for?

(Adric wanders off.)

[Control room]

(Sanders is doing press-ups.)

TODD: You push him too hard.
SANDERS: Nonsense.
TODD: He'll crack.
SANDERS: Think so?
TODD: If you want my opinion
SANDERS: No, thank you. Too many opinions as it is. Meet a few difficulties and suddenly everybody's got an opinion. That's how things fall apart. He's a washout.
TODD: Is that your opinion?

(Sanders gets up.)

SANDERS: Yes, it is. The difference is, I'm in charge.

(He starts running on the spot.)

SANDERS: I'll tell you something. I welcome these difficulties. It was all too easy around here. I was starting to feel at home. First time ever, anywhere, in forty years. And that, when you're a couple of dozen parsecs off home world, can be a dangerous feeling to have. I think so, don't you?
TODD: Which still leaves us with the question, where is Roberts?
SANDERS: It does.
TODD: And the others.
SANDERS: I know, yes.
TODD: There are now only three of us left.
SANDERS: I can count!
TODD: Well?


DOCTOR: Of course, to build this, to achieve the delicate resonances involved, would require a high level of technical skill. And yet, look around you. No signs of civilisation, no cultivation, no roadways, even. And yet whoever built this must have a musical sense not unlike, not entirely unlike, our own. Are you sure you're all right?

(Tegan has been standing gazing at nothing.)

TEGAN: What? Yes, yes, I'm fine. Just a bit sleepy, that's all.
DOCTOR: Must be the fresh air. It's very puzzling, don't you think?

(Tegan has sat down and is falling asleep.)

ADRIC [OC]: Doctor?
DOCTOR: Now where's he got to?

(The sounds of the chimes enter Tegan's head.)


(Adric has found a man-sized object with an open door.)

DOCTOR: No, Adric!

(The Doctor grabs Adric and drags him away.)

ADRIC: What the? What is it?
DOCTOR: Whatever it is, it could be distinctly unfriendly. Look at it.
ADRIC: Direct beam.
DOCTOR: Hmm. It's obviously an armoured suit of some kind. I would say its occupant was probably human in shape

(The Doctor sits inside it.)

DOCTOR: Binocular, bipedal, and the whole thing is controlled directly from the brain of the wearer with these.

(Antennae protruding from the walls either side of his head.)

ADRIC: But where is he?

(The Doctor gets out and goes over to a tray of fruit lying on the ground.)

DOCTOR: Or she, or

(Adric shuts the door of the Suit.)

DOCTOR: No, Adric!

(The Suit comes to life.)

DOCTOR: Stand still. Don't move. Not a muscle.
(Back at the group of young local people find Tegan. They are carrying fruit.
Meanwhile, the Suit is marching the Doctor and Adric through the jungle at gunpoint.)
ADRIC: I'm sorry. I suppose it must have some sort of autocontrol function. So it can work with no one in it.
DOCTOR: Adric.
DOCTOR: There is a difference between serious scientific investigation and meddling.
DOCTOR: Isn't there?

(At the windchimes, a young boy puts a garland of purple flowers around Tegan's shoulders, then the group quietly tiptoes away. They have left fruit at her feet.)

[Outside Earth dome]

(The Suit clunks to a halt.)

DOCTOR: That's better.

(Adric gestures that they run.)

DOCTOR: No. Besides, it looks as if we've arrived.

(The Suit herds them up the ramp and inside the dome. The contraption fills the entrance area, backing the pair up against a door which then slides up.)

[Dome passageway]

(Sanders and Hindle stand there. Hindle has his hand weapon raised. This is the item that Sanders had moved to the table at the top of the show.)

DOCTOR: Look, I was right. Two arms, binocular, bipedal. Human, or humanoid at the very least. I'm delighted to meet you.
HINDLE: Stay where you are.
DOCTOR: Intentions unknown. Hypothesis unfriendly, as K9 would say.
HINDLE: Where's Roberts?
DOCTOR: Roberts? Was Roberts
HINDLE: Answer the question!
DOCTOR: I'd be very pleased to. It's a little difficult to concentrate

(Sanders makes Hindle lower the weapon. Todd comes along the passage.)

DOCTOR: Thank you.
DOCTOR: Well, I'm afraid we can't help you. The, er, thing was empty when we came across it.
SANDERS: What are you doing on S14?
TODD: Deva Loka. Land of the Kinda.
DOCTOR: The Kinda are the native lifeform.
TODD: Yes.
DOCTOR: Who built the chimes.
TODD: Yes.
DOCTOR: Could you repeat the question?
SANDERS: What are you doing on S14?
DOCTOR: Just passing through. Look, I don't suppose there's a chance of some breakfast? Are you hungry, Adric? Adric? He usually is. Boys, you know. If you could oblige? Look, if we turn out to be hostile, then fair enough. Until we do, why not give us the benefit of the doubt? It's commonsense really, don't you think?
SANDERS: Follow me.

(At the windchimes, Tegan opens her eyes and finds herself standing in a black void.)

[Control room]

(The Doctor and Adric are eating breakfast at the table while Todd studies papers.)

SANDERS: You know something? This is my fourteenth ex and rec, and I've never seen a planet like this one. Look at it. Paradise, isn't it? The sun shines, the birds sing, food grows on trees. Even the ILF is friendly. Or used to be.
TODD: Intelligent Life Form.
SANDERS: The primitives.
DOCTOR: The Kinda.

(The Doctor gives Adric his breakfast plate.)

TODD: Yes.
SANDERS: Oh, you're not eating.
DOCTOR: Ah, no, no. I don't seem to be very, er. These difficulties you referred to?
SANDERS: Well, go on, tell him. Why not?
TODD: Originally there were six of us.
DOCTOR: Roberts?
TODD: And two more before him. They disappeared. Simply haven't returned to the dome.
DOCTOR: What, do you think the Kinda took them?
TODD: Impossible.
DOCTOR: Are the Kinda dangerous?
SANDERS: We don't know. You see, with the Kinda, they seem innocent enough, and they smile a lot, or they used to.
DOCTOR: Used to?
SANDERS: Until we took the hostages.
DOCTOR: The hostages?
SANDERS: Only a couple. Standard procedure. It's in the manual.
DOCTOR: Could I see them?
SANDERS: Why would you want to do that?
DOCTOR: I've a friend still in the forest. I'm quite concerned for her safety. I'd like to know how much of a threat the Kinda are.
HINDLE: Sir, I must protest!
SANDERS: Yes, of course. Why not. Todd'll show you. They're not very interesting though.

[Black void]

(Tegan comes across a metal structure, then two people sitting at a small round table playing a game similar to draughts. They glow white. The woman is dressed in Tudor style, with a big ruff framing her head. The man's ruff is very small around his neck.)

TEGAN: Hello.

(The woman replies.)

ANATTA: You, my dear, cannot possibly exist, so go away.


(The Doctor shines a light in the two Kinda's eyes. He is inside the small cage where the men are being held.)

TODD: Sanders doesn't think they're ill. He thinks they're sulking.
DOCTOR: Hmm. Complete lack of neuromuscular reaction. They're not sulking. Shock, wouldn't you think, in the circumstances? Your arrival here must have come as something of a surprise, and then to lock them up.
TODD: I argued against it. It's totally illogical.
DOCTOR: Oh, illogical. Please let me out of here. Have you any idea of the affect upon a primitive mind
TODD: Primitive? Is that what you think? I'm not so sure. Does that design remind you of anything?

(Todd points to the decoration the Kinda wear on their chest - two intertwined lines of different colours with a vertical strip holding three red balls. She opens the cage.)

DOCTOR: Well, it could be the double helix.
TODD: It is. The heart of the chromosome. They all wear them.
DOCTOR: Thank you. What could they know of molecular biology?

[Black void]

TEGAN: Look, hello.
ANATTA: Did you see?
ANICCA: Why, did you?
ANATTA: I asked first.
ANICCA: So you did see.
ANATTA: It proves nothing. Because an illusion is shared doesn't mean
ANICCA: Of course not.
ANATTA: Besides, how do I know that what you think you see
ANICCA: Is what you think you see?
ANATTA: Or vice

(As they both move pieces on their game board, we see they have the image of a snake on their forearms.)

ANICCA: Versa.
ANATTA: Exactly.

(A younger man appears behind Tegan, laughs, and vanishes. The two figures recede into the distance.)

ANICCA: I can only conclude it is you who have invented her as a means of putting me off my game.


TODD: There are no predatory animals on Deva Loka. No diseases, no adverse environmental factors. The climate is constant within a five degree range and the trees fruit in sequence all the year round.
DOCTOR: Which means the Kinda have no need of shelter and no fears for food supply.
TODD: Right. And there's something else.
TODD: I think the Kinda are telepathic.

[Black void]

(Tegan runs past the laughing young man.)

TEGAN: I suppose you're also going to tell me I don't exist. Well?
DUKKHA: Don't be silly. Of course you exist. How could you be here if you didn't exist?
TEGAN: But where am I?
DUKKHA: Guess.
TEGAN: What?
DUKKHA: Go on.
TEGAN: It looks to me like the middle of nowhere.


TODD: They can't speak. They have no language and yet they can communicate. Take no notice of me, Doctor. It's only a guess, and guesses are not science. Have an apple.
DOCTOR: I thought the native produce was forbidden.
TODD: I'm a scientist. I do not feel bound by Hindle's stupid precautions. Beautiful, isn't it?
TODD: You heard Sanders.
TODD: Paradise, he called it. Perhaps he said more than he knew.

[Black void]

TEGAN: What's so funny?
DUKKHA: I'll tell you.
TEGAN: Why do you wear that thing?

(The snake on the arm.)

DUKKHA: Why shouldn't I?
TEGAN: The old couple playing chess wore the same design.
DUKKHA: They would.
DUKKHA: Because we're the same.
TEGAN: As what?
DUKKHA: Each other.


(A male Kinda approaches the dome. The two Kinda in the cage look up and Todd gets a shiver down her spine. The Doctor is looking out of the window.)

DOCTOR: There's a Kinda out there now.
TODD: Yes. Strange, he's often there. The others keep well away.
DOCTOR: He doesn't look as if he's living in paradise.
TODD: No, he doesn't, does he.

(The young man goes back into the trees.)

DOCTOR: What are your plans for this planet?
TODD: If I told you that, Hindle would have a fit.
DOCTOR: Oh, well, of course, if Hindle would have a fit.
TODD: The mother ship returns in six seasons. If we've survived, we will submit a report which will be assessed with a view to colonisation.

(Hindle overhears her as he enters.)

TODD: Our mother world is very overcrowded.
HINDLE: What have you two been talking about?
TODD: I beg your pardon!
HINDLE: I want to know.
TODD: What gives you the right? This is my laboratory!
HINDLE: I am designated SR security.
TODD: What do you want?
HINDLE: Sanders wants to see you. Both. What's that? Give it to me. The manual strictly forbids
TODD: Does it really?

(She puts her half-eaten apple into Hindle's hand and storms out.)

DOCTOR: An apple a day keeps the er. No, never mind.

(The Doctor leaves. After a moment, Hindle throws down the fruit then smashes Todd's plant samples and overturns the chairs before becoming calm again. He picks up an hexagonal mirror to tidy his hair, and sees one of the Kinda in it. He looks around.)

[Control room]

SANDERS: Have you got a better idea?
TODD: I was just pointing out that if you
SANDERS: Well, don't. I'm not Roberts. Oh yes, incidentally, while I'm away, Mister Hindle will be in charge.
DOCTOR: I don't think that's
SANDERS: Yes? What?
DOCTOR: Nothing.
SANDERS: Good. Oh, I know the nonsense she's been filling your head with. Well, answer me this. If the Kinda are so clever, how is it they didn't build their own interplanetary vehicle and come and colonise us?
TODD: I don't quite see what that
SANDERS: The point is, they're just a bunch of ignorant savages.
ADRIC: Mister Sanders, are you going in that machine?
SANDERS: The Total Survival Suit? Yes, of course. Why?
ADRIC: Well, I was just thinking that if that machine has malfunctioned in some way then that might explain what happened to Roberts.
SANDERS: Good thinking, boy. Well done. Yes, that's what this situation needs. Good, down the line, practical thought, that's all. Yes, yes, I think you've hit it right on the nail.

[Black void]

TEGAN: Am I dreaming you, is that it?
DUKKHA: Are you?
TEGAN: Or imagining you?
DUKKHA: Possibly.
TEGAN: Then I can abolish you, can't I.

(Tegan closes her eyes and concentrates, then opens them again.)

DUKKHA: Puzzling, isn't it? And by the way, one thing. You will agree to believe in me sooner or later. This side of madness or the other.


(Hindle has released the two Kinda from the cage. He moves the mirror in front of their eyes twice. One Kinda turns to the other and removes his helix necklace, and gives it to Hindle.)

HINDLE: Very good.

(One Kinda puts a chair back on its castors and Hindle sits down. Both Kinda kneel either side of him.)

[Black void]

DUKKHA: Have you changed your mind yet?
TEGAN: No. I have not.
DUKKHA: Oh good, because there's someone I'd like you to meet. Or do you two already know each other? I hope you two are going to be friends. Do you think you will?

(He leads a second Tegan in.)

TEGAN: More tricks?
DUKKHA: Well, yes, I suppose so.
TEGAN: It's a bit obvious, isn't it?
DUKKHA: Oh yes, of course. A child could see through it. And that's why I like it. Obviously one of you is real and the other an illusion created by me. That's obvious, isn't it.
TEGAN 2: Yes, it is.
DUKKHA: Is it? Well, in that case, all that remains is for you two ladies to work out which one of you is which. Obviously.

[Dome passageway]

SANDERS: Mister Hindle! Mister Hindle!
TODD: What's your plan?
SANDERS: Plan? I don't have any. Where is Mister Hindle?
DOCTOR: Can I come with you?
SANDERS: Certainly not. You'll stay here.
DOCTOR: I'm quite concerned about my friend Tegan.
SANDERS: I'll keep an eye out for her.
DOCTOR: That may not be enough.
TODD: I really think you should think twice about leaving Hindle in command.
SANDERS: I never think twice about anything. Wastes too much time.
DOCTOR: He's not altogether stable. In fact I think he's on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

(Hindle comes up behind them.)

SANDERS: Well then, being in charge should do him some good, what? Might even make a man of him. Hindle!

(Hindle stamps his foot as he comes to attention.)

SANDERS: Oh, there you are, boy. You're in charge now, boy. Carry on. (to Adric) Out you go. I'm closing the airlock. I'll be back in a couple of days at the outside.
HINDLE: As you wish, sir. A full account will, of course, be entered in the log.
(The airlock door shuts on Hindle. Sanders puts on his pith helmet and gets inside the Total Survival Suit.
Hindle turns and raises the hand weapon.)
HINDLE: Doctor, you don't fool me, I'm afraid.
TODD: Don't be ridiculous!
HINDLE: You too. You're no longer considered to be reliable.
TODD: Really, am I not.

(The two Kinda come round the corner. They are also armed.)

TODD: Then you're going to have to shoot me, aren't you, because I've absolutely no intention

(She sees the Kinda.)

TODD: No. It's impossible.
HINDLE: You're all under arrest.
TODD: You have neither the power nor the right to arrest us.
HINDLE: You forget, I'm now in command! I have the power of life and death over all of you!
Part Two


(Two woman hear the noise of the Total Survival Suit carrying Sanders through the trees. The old one speaks.)

PANNA: Listen. It's coming. Have you got the box? Karuna? Karuna?

(The blind old woman reaches out for her pre-teenage assistant.)

KARUNA: I'm here.
PANNA: What is the matter?
KARUNA: It's dangerous.
PANNA: There is no other way. The Not-we must know how it is with the Kinda. The presence of those in the dome threatens us. They must go away and leave us in peace.
KARUNA: But what if the
PANNA: Do as I say. You must not doubt. Your doubt is the only danger. What is it?

(The young man from outside the dome comes through the bushes.)

KARUNA: Aris is here.
PANNA: Well, what does he want? Come on, child. Quickly, read him.

(Karuna walks up to Aris and they look into each others eyes.)

KARUNA: Fear. And hurting. And confusion. Where is my brother?
PANNA: He is with the Not-we in the dome.
KARUNA: Why has he gone from my head?
PANNA: There is no time now, Aris. Not now. You must be patient.
KARUNA: No. Not agreeing. Doubt. Why must I listen? Don't the Not-we in the dome have voice?
PANNA: Yes, of course they do, but it is not as it is with us. With them, voice is not a mark of wisdom.
PANNA: What is to happen here is more important. Oh, why must he interfere? Do you understand, Aris? Well, girl, does he?
KARUNA: Darkness. Understanding nothing. Hurt. Heal me.

(Aris kneels and takes Panna's hand.)

PANNA: No, not now. There is no time. Listen, Aris. You must go away.

(Reluctantly, Aris returns to the shrubs.)

PANNA: Well? What is he doing?
KARUNA: I am gone. His brother is their prisoner.
PANNA: Yes, yes, we know. But listen.


(The Doctor, Adric and Todd have been locked in the cage. Adric holds out his clenched hands to the Doctor.)

ADRIC: Go on, choose.
DOCTOR: Well, er, logically, that one.

(He picks Adric's right hand. It's empty.)

DOCTOR: That's rather clever, Adric. Don't you think so? You have unexpected talents.
ADRIC: Again.
DOCTOR: Well now, logic would dictate that one (the right) but wait, no, I'll try and second guess you. That one.

(The left hand is empty.)

DOCTOR: Oh, that one, then.

(And so is the right hand.)

DOCTOR: That one.

(Left is still empty.)

DOCTOR: Where, then?
ADRIC: Nowhere. Vanished.
DOCTOR: No, no, no, quite impossible. That would be in direct contradiction to the laws of the material universe.
ADRIC: Then where?
DOCTOR: Oh, er, well, that one. That one.

(Adric takes the coin from behind the Doctor's left ear.)

DOCTOR: Ah, yes, of course. Can I try?
TODD: For heaven's sake! We've been locked up in here all night, there's no sign of Sanders, Hindle's probably completely unhinged by now.

(Hindle's face is on the CCTV monitor. The Doctor tries to shush her.)

TODD: Shouldn't we be applying our minds to some form of plan for escape from here?
DOCTOR: Should we?
TODD: Well, shouldn't we? I mean, isn't that what one does when one's locked up? One tries to escape.
TODD: Oh, I don't know. I'm not an expert. I mean, some plan, some trick, some ruse. It may surprise you to learn, Doctor, I've never actually been locked up before.
DOCTOR: Choose.
TODD: What?
DOCTOR: Go on.
TODD: That one.

(She taps his right fist.)

DOCTOR: You're sure?
TODD: Yes.
DOCTOR: Not the other one?
ADRIC: Come on, open your hand.

(There's the coin. They all laugh.)

[Control room]

(Hindle has got the Kinda dressed up in khaki jackets and pith helmets. He's using a rolled up map or similar as a swagger stick.)

HINDLE: What's this? Your tie's a mess. Here, let me show you. There, see? I can't be expected to attend to every detail myself, can I. It's too much, isn't it? Right, defence of the dome, it's conception and implementation effective immediate.

(The Kinda raise their hands.)

HINDLE: Show me your (sees they've already done it) fingernails. Wait.

(He checks the CCTV watching the cage.)

HINDLE: All prisoners present and correct, sir.


(The TSS comes into view.)

PANNA: Are you ready with the box?
KARUNA: It's another male. The old red-faced one who shouts.
PANNA: No matter. Continue.
KARUNA: But you said that only women could understand, that it's dangerous for a man.
PANNA: Do as I say.

(Karuna walks up to the TSS and holds out the lidded box.)

KARUNA: Go on, open it. Please, you must. We mean you no harm.

(Two metal arms, like the Quarks in the Dominators, unfold from the front of the TSS. Sanders has his arms inside them. He takes the box in gloved hands, opens it, and his face lights up. Literally.)


ADRIC: Doctor.
ADRIC: What about Tegan?
DOCTOR: Shush.

(The Kinda enter and unlock the cage.)

HINDLE [on monitor]: Accompany them, please. And Doctor? Be sensible.
DOCTOR: Absolutely. There's nothing we can do about Tegan at the moment. I'm just hoping she's safe.

(Tegan's body is safe by the windchimes, but her mind is elsewhere. In the void, the two Tegans are sitting back to back and avoiding looking at each other.)

[Control room]

HINDLE: Seeds. Spores. Particles of generation. Microscopic. Everywhere. Eh, Doctor?

(The prisoners are led in.)

HINDLE: Or rather.
DOCTOR: Rather what?
HINDLE: Fungi.
HINDLE: Bacteria. Or even worse, viri, as in virulent. Am I getting warmer? Change and decay in all around I see, eh? Out there!

[Dome passageway]

HINDLE: Growth. Everywhere. Random, higgledy-piggledy, but to what purpose? There's the clue.

[Control room]

HINDLE: Stop. Don't come any nearer. I am onto you, you know.
DOCTOR: Oh dear.
HINDLE: Yes, I've had plenty of time to think. Do I have to spell it out?
DOCTOR: Well, perhaps it might
HINDLE: Why should I?
DOCTOR: Well, you don't have to.
HINDLE: No, I don't, do I.
TODD: This is ridiculous. You're obviously in urgent need of medical attention.
HINDLE: Silence! I need time to think.
TODD: What will Sanders say?
HINDLE: Silence!
TODD: Doctor, tell him.
HINDLE: Sanders will not return.
TODD: I hope for your sake he does.
HINDLE: Why should he? The others didn't. I wish to announce the strategy for the defence of the dome, implementation immediate. We will raze to the ground and sterilise an area of forest some fifty miles radius. Objective, the creation of a cordon sanitaire around the dome. Method of implementation, fire and acid. Acid and fire.
TODD: This is insane. There is no danger.
DOCTOR: And then?
HINDLE: And then we will wait for rescue. The mother ship.
TODD: Mother ship doesn't return for six seasons.
HINDLE: We'll be patient.
TODD: Doctor, tell him.
DOCTOR: What are you defending the dome against?
HINDLE: Against out there. The trees, plants.
DOCTOR: Oh, I see.
DOCTOR: Well, perhaps if we could define the exact nature of the threat posed by the trees
HINDLE: I've told you. Seeds, spores and things. Everywhere. Getting hold, rooting, thrusting, branching, blocking out the light.
DOCTOR: Yes, but I
HINDLE: Don't you see!
DOCTOR: Nearly, nearly, nearly. I thought that the Kinda
HINDLE: No, the Kinda are not important. They're just the servants.
HINDLE: Of the plants. The plants feed them. Did you know that? Then return, that's why. That's why.
DOCTOR: Why do you think the plants are hostile?

(The Kinda raise their weapons and move forward.)

HINDLE: Because they are.
DOCTOR: Adric?
ADRIC: Yes, of course. Can't you see it? He's got it right. He's absolutely right. The plants are the danger. I'd like to help you.
HINDLE: Step forward.

[Black void]

TEGAN: Come on, what are you thinking?
TEGAN 2: Don't you know?
TEGAN: Maybe I do.
TEGAN 2: After all, apparently you'll have been thinking it too, won't you.
TEGAN: But I asked first.
TEGAN 2: So did I.
TEGAN: Look, stop it. If you must know, I was thinking about eating ice-cream.
TEGAN 2: Yes.
TEGAN: What do you mean, yes?
TEGAN 2: So was I. I was three years old and I didn't like the taste.
TEGAN: That's my memory!
TEGAN 2: And mine! Stop it. Look, this is silly. What are we going to do?

[Dome passageway]

TODD: What now?
DOCTOR: I don't know.


(They walk back into the cage.)

TODD: Your friend had a sudden change of heart.
DOCTOR: I'd like to know what he's up to.

(They get locked in.)

TODD: Well, as he's free, I hope he's got more than his own interests at heart.

(Adric's face is on the monitor, watching them.)

[Control room]

ADRIC: So what exactly am I looking for?

(Hindle is having a meal.)

HINDLE: Everything.
ADRIC: I see. Wait!
ADRIC: There is something.
HINDLE: Where?
ADRIC: Out there.
HINDLE: Out of the way. Let me see.

(Hindle turns on the viewscreen. Adric takes a a key from the table.)

HINDLE: I can't see anything. There's nothing there.
ADRIC: Oh, I'm sorry. I must have been mistaken.

[Black void]

DUKKHA: Things could be much more puzzling, you know. Have you thought what it would be like if there were not just two of you, but
TEGAN: Don't think it!
TEGAN 2: Don't think it! Think of something else.
TEGAN: Anything else.
TEGAN 2: What else? Quickly. Er, whalebones!
TEGAN: Watches.
TEGAN 2: Windmills.
TEGAN: Wivers.
TEGAN 2: River?
TEGAN: Doesn't matter as long as we don't think it.
TEGAN 2: If there were ten of us
TEGAN: Don't think it!
DUKKHA: Too late, I'm afraid. You already have.

(Eight more Tegans appear and vanish again. Then the two Tegans merge.)

TEGAN [OC]: Where have I gone?
DUKKHA: You're you again. Don't you see?

[Control room]

(On the viewscreen, Hindle watches the Kinda escort Adric to the laboratory with a plate.)

ADRIC [on viewscreen]: We thought you might be hungry.
DOCTOR [on viewscreen]: What's he up to?
ADRIC [on viewscreen]: The defence of the dome is proceeding as planned.
DOCTOR [on viewscreen]: Fire and acid?
ADRIC [on viewscreen]: Are being prepared.


DOCTOR: Oh, good. That is good news, isn't it. If in doubt, then fire and acid every time, don't you think?
ADRIC: Are you hungry?

(With his back to the CCTV, Adric holds out his hands.)

DOCTOR: Ravenous.
ADRIC: Then choose.
ADRIC: Choose!
DOCTOR: Oh, I see. A little game. Yes, er. That one.

(Adric drops the key into the Doctor's palm.)

[Control room]

DOCTOR [on viewscreen]: No, no, er, that one, then.
HINDLE: Wait! Show me your hand!


DOCTOR: Certainly.

(The Doctor holds up a piece of food.)

[Control room]

HINDLE: The other one!


DOCTOR: Are you sure?
HINDLE [on monitor]: Show me now!

(He tries to hand off the key to Todd, but a Kinda points his weapon at her.)

DOCTOR: Look, it's only a game.

[Control room]

HINDLE: If you make me angry, you'll regret it.

[Black void]

TEGAN: If I was to agree to your borrowing my form
DUKKHA: Just for a while. Only a few minutes.
TEGAN: Which I won't. What would you do as me?
DUKKHA: Oh, they always ask that.
TEGAN: Well?
DUKKHA: You would be suitably entertained by the experience.
TEGAN: No. I don't trust you, so why don't you go away and leave me alone!
DUKKHA: You want to be alone?
DUKKHA: Very well.

(Dukkha becomes a white outline in the black.)

TEGAN: Wait.

(Tegan becomes a white outline too.)

TEGAN: Hello? Hello? Are you there? Where am I? Hello? Please? Please? I want to come back. All right, I agree.

(They solidify again.)

DUKKHA: You agree?
DUKKHA: Then hold out your hand.
(They link right hands. Tegan screams as the snake travels from Dukkha's arm to her own.
By the windchimes, Tegan's body wakes and stretches as if experiencing it for the first time. The image of the snake is on her arm and the gaps between her teeth are red.)

[Control room]

(Adric screams as a Kinda twists his arm behind him.)

DOCTOR: Don't hurt him!
HINDLE: Why not?
DOCTOR: Don't.
HINDLE: Oh, very well.

(The Kinda releases Adric.)

DOCTOR: (to Todd) I think your guess was right. The Kinda are telepathic.
TODD: Why should they obey him?
DOCTOR: I don't know. I've tried to communicate with them myself but I can't get through.
HINDLE: The problem is knowing what punishment would be most appropriate.
ADRIC: To what?
HINDLE: To teach you not to steal. Not to commit treason. To wash behind the ears. Must be painful, don't you think?
TODD: For heaven's sake!
HINDLE: When I was a boy I was beaten every day. Never did me any harm. Made me the man I am.
DOCTOR: Look, I have a suggestion.
HINDLE: Silence! All right, speak up. What is it?
DOCTOR: Well, I was simply going to suggest that you banished him from the dome, left him at the mercy of the trees.
HINDLE: No, no, the trees have no mercy.
DOCTOR: Oh yes, I was forgetting.
HINDLE: Weren't you. Must I think of everything myself? Right. I wish to announce the procedure to effect the punishment of Adric. Implementation imm

(The TSS trundles onto the viewscreen, with Sanders still inside.)

HINDLE: It's impossible. It's Sanders? Go away! Somebody make him go away! Mummy! Mummy, make him go away!
TODD: I never thought I'd be glad to see Sanders.
DOCTOR: He's the first to return, isn't he.
TODD: Yes. Yes, he is!
DOCTOR: Good. Then we may find out what happened to the others.
TODD: I still can't believe the Kinda are hostile.
DOCTOR: Well, there may be another reason.
TODD: What?
DOCTOR: Something more hostile out there.

[Dome passageway]

(The airlock door rises and Sanders stands there, smiling.)

HINDLE: I can explain, sir. The, the boy, Adric, was unreliable, as you suspected. You, you did suspect, didn't you, sir?

(Sanders turns away for a moment.)

HINDLE: Todd is also unreliable. Discipline has to be maintained to a degree, sir.
SANDERS: I've brought you a present.

(Sanders holds out the box that Karuna gave him.)

HINDLE: What is it?
SANDERS: Open it and see. Go on. I did.
HINDLE: You did?

(Hindle takes the box.)

HINDLE: I don't think I will. Not just now.
SANDERS: As you like. You know best.

[Control room]

DOCTOR: Well now, if the Kinda are more sophisticated than they first appear, is it not possible that their enemies are also?
TODD: And I didn't see them, you mean?
TODD: Oh, Doctor, you've frightened me.
DOCTOR: Not half so much as Hindle frightens me.
TODD: I'm afraid he's insane. Leave him to Sanders.

(Hindle enters with the box.)

HINDLE: Mister Sanders has returned.
TODD: Good! Perhaps now we can

(Sanders enters, smiling. The room goes quiet.)

HINDLE: And he's brought me a present, haven't you.
SANDERS: Yes. Can I sit down?


(Tegan is sitting up in a tree. Aris enters and touches two of the chimes, then sits down below her to wait. Tegan drops apples on him.)


[Control room]

HINDLE: What is it?
SANDERS: Open it and see.
HINDLE: Why should I?
SANDERS: Then you'll understand everything.
HINDLE: I don't want to understand everything. I want to work things out for myself.
SANDERS: Oh, please.
TODD: Look, I
HINDLE: Silence!
SANDERS: It won't bite you.
HINDLE: What won't?
HINDLE: So it's got teeth?
SANDERS: No, no, no.
HINDLE: Fangs, claws.
HINDLE: A fire-raking tongue, licking you all over!
SANDERS: No, no.

(Hindle pushes the box onto Todd.)

HINDLE: Silence! I'm in charge here, old man, and I'll decide what's to be done.


(Possessed Tegan speaks with an English accent instead of Janet's natural Brisbane twang.)

TEGAN: I was forgetting. We haven't been introduced, have we. I was also forgetting you don't speak, do you. I'm not surprised you look so sad. Telepathy is a very boring way to communicate.

(She comes down from the tree.)

TEGAN: Such a strange creature.

(Aris holds out his hands to her. Tegan laughs.)

TEGAN: Something to say.

(She puts her hands on his.)

TEGAN: You are unhappy. Very unhappy. Perhaps I can help you free your brother from the dome. Would you like that? I thought you might. With my help, you could launch an attack, destroy the people who've held your brother prisoner. Yes, you're right. The people in the dome are evil. With my help, Aris, you could become all-powerful. I am the Mara!

(She links their right hands.)

TEGAN: Do not resist. I am your strength!

(The snake travels from Tegan to Aris.)

[Dome passageway]

HINDLE [OC]: Hurry up. You too, Doctor.


(Todd carries the box into the cage. The Doctor and Sanders follow her.)

HINDLE [on monitor]: On the floor between you.

(A Kinda shuts them in.)


(The possessed Aris gently lays Tegan on the ground.)

ARIS: All things are possible. Yes. Yes!

(Aris laughs and runs through the forest.)


DOCTOR: Where did you get the box?
SANDERS: What? I, it was given to me.
DOCTOR: By whom?
SANDERS: Someone.
TODD: There could be anything in it.
DOCTOR: Yes, I know. Sanders, do you know what's in the box?
SANDERS: I, er, I can't remember.

[Control room]

HINDLE: You in there. You, Doctor. Open the box.
DOCTOR [on viewscreen]: I don't think that would be very wise.
HINDLE: Open it.
TODD [on viewscreen]: Are you mad? We don't know what's in it.
HINDLE: Open it and find out.


DOCTOR: It could be very dangerous.

[Control room]

HINDLE: Open it or I'll have you shot!


(The Doctor reaches for the lid.)

TODD: Don't! It could kill us.
DOCTOR: Unfortunately, so could he.

(The Doctor opens the box, and Todd screams.)

Part Three


(And she catches the jack-in-the-box that has burst out when the lid was opened. It is a wooden doll with green hair.)

TODD: Oh no! Oh, is that?

(Sanders, the Doctor and Todd all laugh with relief.)

DOCTOR: Well, we've established one thing.
TODD: What?
DOCTOR: The Kinda have a sense of humour.
HINDLE [on monitor]: What's happening? What's funny?
DOCTOR: Absolutely nothing. Wait.

(He gazes down into the apparently empty box.)

[Control room]

(The lights flicker and go out, and the picture on the viewscreen fades.)

ADRIC: The power's failing.
HINDLE: Put the lights on! Put the lights on!


(The cage door opens by itself.)

TODD: I don't believe it. This is impossible.

(The Doctor and Todd have a vision of the forest and the happy Kinda, and Panna, beckoning to them. Then Karuna beckons as well.)

DOCTOR: I think it's safe to assume we all three had the same experience. How do you feel?
TODD: Fine.
DOCTOR: Not different?
TODD: No. What happened?
DOCTOR: Somehow the box linked us up with the Kinda. We were seeing the world through their eyes.
TODD: It certainly affected Sanders.
DOCTOR: Yes. It's shock. He'll be all right. Come on.
TODD: Where?
DOCTOR: You were right. This is no planet of primitives, and the answer's out there in the forest. Come on. Leave the box.

[Dome passageway]

TODD: What about Adric?
DOCTOR: He'll be all right, he's very resourceful. Quickly!

(Todd ducks under the lowering airlock door.)


(The outside ramp is rising.)

DOCTOR: Well jump!

[Outside the dome]

(They jump off the side of the ramp and run into the shrubs.)

TODD: Which way?
DOCTOR: Has anyone ever told you you ask a lot of questions?
TODD: It's my training. I'm a scientist.
DOCTOR: Yes, so you are.
TODD: Well?
DOCTOR: Er, that way.
TODD: Are you sure?
DOCTOR: Come on.


(At the windchimes, the Mara-possessed Aris rips out a small straight branch and runs back to the prostrate Tegan. He notices the snake on his forearm and wraps creeper around to hide it.)

TODD: Which way now?
TODD: Yes what?
DOCTOR: We're lost.
TODD: Where precisely were we heading?
DOCTOR: Well, I thought the cave in the dream.
TODD: Are you sure that exists?
DOCTOR: Oh, absolutely.
TODD: So, where do we go from here?
DOCTOR: Tell you what, toss for it. Heads this way, tails that. (tosses the coin) Heads.
TODD: Tails.

(And walks off.)

DOCTOR: Heads.

(He follows her.)

[Control room]

(Adric enters, carrying the box and followed by Sanders.)

ADRIC: I've found Mister Sanders, sir. The others must have left him behind. I've also found the box.
HINDLE: I don't want to see it.

(Adric puts it on the table.)

ADRIC: I was thinking, sir, if I could have your permission, that I could go and look for them.
HINDLE: Not outside.
ADRIC: No, but if you thought that I was

(A Kinda turns Hindle's chair around. He is sitting with his feet on it, in an almost foetal position and clutching a large folder.)

HINDLE: It's all in here, you know. Everything. The whole of life. Just a matter of knowing where to look.
ADRIC: I don't know what
HINDLE: Silence!
HINDLE: Listen. You too, old man. Listen. (reads) Emergency class 5B. If in the opinion of the officer designated SR security a situation should develop where a threat to the territorial integrity of the dome will, could or might extend to a threat to the security of the home world itself, then Emergency class 5B shall be declared. The procedure, implementation immediate, shall be in two phases. Phase one, the preparation, priming and location of explosive devices sufficient to render the dome and its contents to its base chemical constituents. Phase two
ADRIC: But all I want
HINDLE: Don't you see? Well, then we'll be safe. For ever and ever. Outside'll never get in. Don't you see?


(Todd stops by some shrubs.)

TODD: Doctor, there's something following us.
DOCTOR: Nonsense.

(He walks on, then a twig snaps.)

DOCTOR: There's something following us.
TODD: Come out from there, whatever you are.

(Someone holds out a figure like the jack-in-the-box. Todd goes to there and the person leaps out from the other side of the shrubs. It wears a mask just like the one in the dome, and holds the doll, then ducks out of sight again.)


(A group of Kinda arrive.)

TODD: So many of them. They normally only associate in groups of three or four.

(The masked figure jumps out again between them and the Kinda.)

TODD: Doctor.
DOCTOR: Culturally non-hostile, didn't you say?

(The figure removes his mask. He's the Trickster or village jester. He tries to step forward, but mimes that his right foot is stuck to the ground. When he pulls it free, he jumps forward to land at the Doctor's feet. The Doctor helps him up, smiling. The Trickster moves his hand in front of his face, changing his expression from neutral to scowl and back again.)

DOCTOR: Yes, we take the point, don't we.
TODD: Yes, the clown stroke jester's a familiar figure, anthropologically speaking. He diffuses a potential source of conflict through mockery and ridicule, don't you.

(Trickster nods while his marotte shakes its head. Then he points at the Doctor.)

TODD: Your turn.
DOCTOR: Er, well, I don't really see what I could, er. Wait a minute.

(The Doctor holds up his coin, puts his hands behind his back then brings them back for the Trickster to choose. Both hands turn out empty. The Doctor produces the coin from the Trickster's ear. The Kinda applaud.)

DOCTOR: It's all quite simple, really. Just a, just a matter of practice. Your turn.
ARIS: Stop! Seize them. Seize the Not-we!
TODD: I think he means us.
DOCTOR: I thought you said the Kinda had no voice.
TODD: They don't.
DOCTOR: Well he certainly seems to.
TODD: Look, they're as surprised as we are.

(Karuna pushes her way through the Kinda and runs to Aris.)

DOCTOR: It's the girl from the dream.
TODD: It's ridiculous.
ARIS: I have spoken. The Not-we must be killed.
KARUNA: I must read your mind. You have voice. How can this be?
ARIS: No! Forbidden.
KARUNA: I don't understand.

(An older man touches her shoulder and shares his thoughts.)

KARUNA: Yes. It must be so.

(Karuna returns to Todd and the Doctor.)

KARUNA: The prophecy.
DOCTOR: The prophecy?
KARUNA: Prophecy teaches that at the beginning of things when the Not-we are come, a man will arise from among We who has the gift of voice, and so must be obeyed.
ARIS: I am he. I have spoken. Seize them!
KARUNA: No! Wait. We don't know. Only the wise woman knows. Aris has been sick. Perhaps it's his sickness that speaks. The wise woman told me to bring the Not-we to her cave. This I must do. Quickly, follow me.
DOCTOR: Gladly.

(The Trickster runs in front of Aris.)

ARIS: Stop them!

[Control room]

(Sanders finishes wiring up a detonator box.)

SANDERS: There. That should do it.
HINDLE: You sure?
SANDERS: Yes. You see, the master detonator triggers six explosive charges placed in a pattern of two overlapping equilateral triangles on the dome wall. That way you guarantee ZMI.
HINDLE: Zone of Maximum Impact, which is right here in this room.
SANDERS: Yes, or more accurately

(Adric starts to sneak out of the room.)

SANDERS: Just about where you're sitting.
HINDLE: Excellent. That'll surprise them.
ADRIC: Surprise who?
HINDLE: Anybody. Anything at any time tries to get in here and boom!

[Dome passageway]

HINDLE [OC]: We blow ourselves to bits. The perfect defence. Boom!

(Adric goes out into the passageway, but is stopped by an armed Kinda.)

SANDERS [OC]: Of course, the TAD is more difficult to quantify. Perhaps thirty square miles.

[Control room]

(Andric re-enters.)

ADRIC: TAD? Total Area of Devastation?
SANDERS: Right. Where do you want this?
HINDLE: Hold it there.

(Hindle telepathically communicates with a Kinda, who takes the detonator from Sanders.)

HINDLE: I wish to announce phase 5B, defence of the dome, now complete.
ADRIC: What now?
HINDLE: Now? Now we can relax, enjoy ourselves.


DOCTOR: Where are we going? I expect you know these woods backwards, eh? Well, I don't suppose you've come across a young woman?
KARUNA: A Not-we woman with auburn hair?
DOCTOR: Yes, that's her. Tegan.
KARUNA: We've seen her.
DOCTOR: Now, where is she?
KARUNA: She was seen at the place of great dreamings.
DOCTOR: Well, is that far?
KARUNA: We'll take you there later.
DOCTOR: (to Todd) Come on.

(Further on, while Tegan continues to lie still under the windchimes.)

DOCTOR: Now, this person Aris.
DOCTOR: You said he'd been sick.
KARUNA: His father is with the Not-we in the dome. It has darkened his mind.
DOCTOR: Yes, but now he can speak. He has voice.
KARUNA: As you heard.
DOCTOR: Yes, but so do you.
KARUNA: Aris is a male. Panna will explain.
DOCTOR: Panna?
TODD: The wise woman.
KARUNA: Aris is one of my fathers.
DOCTOR: Is he? How many do you have?
KARUNA: Seven.
DOCTOR: Seven.
TODD: Seven!
DOCTOR: Isn't that rather extravagant?
KARUNA: Why? How many fathers does a Not-we have?
DOCTOR: Well, on the whole, one.
KARUNA: Only one?
KARUNA: That's very sad.
TODD: So many questions, Doctor.

[Control room]

ADRIC: No! I don't want to play.
HINDLE: Why not?
ADRIC: Because I don't want to. It's childish.
HINDLE: Oh, go on. It isn't a game, it's real, with measuring and everything.
HINDLE: Tell him!
SANDERS: Well, if he doesn't want to.
HINDLE: Who's in charge here?
SANDERS: You are, of course.
HINDLE: Right! One word from me. One word.

(The Kinda puts his hand over the master detonator switch.)

SANDERS: I'll help you.
HINDLE: You, old man?
SANDERS: I'd like to.
HINDLE: I still give the orders.
SANDERS: Oh yes, of course.
HINDLE: All right, then. Let's get started.

(Sanders and Hindle squat down by a pile of cardboard boxes and tubes.)

[Outside the cave]

KARUNA: Panna? Panna?
DOCTOR: Such stuff as dreams are made of.
KARUNA: Panna, are you there?
PANNA [OC]: Of course I'm here.

(Panna comes out of the cave, using her staff to feel the ground.)

PANNA: Where else should I be? Did you bring the Not-we woman from the dome?
PANNA: Where is she? Let me feel her face.

(Todd takes Panna's hand and puts it to her cheek.)

PANNA: You are welcome.
TODD: Thank you.
KARUNA: There is another.
PANNA: What other?
DOCTOR: Hello.
PANNA: A man!
KARUNA: He was with her.
PANNA: Impossible. Was he present when you opened the box?
DOCTOR: Yes. Most enlightening.
PANNA: What's he babbling about? No male can open the Box of Jhana without being driven out of his mind. It is well known. Unless. Is he an idiot?
KARUNA: Are you an idiot?
DOCTOR: Well, I suppose I must be. I have been called one many
PANNA: Keep silent, idiot.

(Panna leads them into her cave.)

[Control room]

HINDLE: We could cover the whole floor.
SANDERS: Yes, lets.
HINDLE: Every detail must be correct.
SANDERS: Oh, of course.
HINDLE: Where are you going?
ADRIC: Er, as you're so busy, I thought I might go for a stroll.
HINDLE: Haven't you forgotten something? You first ask permission.
ADRIC: Sorry. May I?
HINDLE: No. You made me angry.


(They are standing in the cave mouth, bathed in green light.)

KARUNA: Aris has found voice.
PANNA: So soon.
KARUNA: The others will follow him.
PANNA: It is all beginning again.
DOCTOR: What is?
PANNA: What is? What is? History is, you male fool. History is. Time is. The great wheel will begin to roll down the hill gathering speed through the centuries, crushing everything in its path. Unstoppable until once again
TODD: Until?
PANNA: I must show you. That is why you have been brought here. Then perhaps when you understand, you will go away and leave us in peace. If it is not already too late.
DOCTOR: You said once again.
PANNA: Of course. Wheel turns, civilisations arise, wheel turns, civilisations fall.
DOCTOR: And I suppose this happens many times.
PANNA: Of course. Wherever the wheel turns, there is suffering, delusion and death. That much should be clear, even to an idiot. Now stop babbling and get ready.

(Karuna, the Doctor and Todd sit on the floor.)

PANNA: Are they seated?
PANNA: (chants) Wheel turns.

(Aris appears outside.)

ARIS: Old woman!

(Karuna gets up.)

PANNA: Quickly, child. Help me. He must not interfere. You, Not-we woman, stay where you are, with the idiot.

(Karuna leads Panna out to meet Aris.)

[Control room]

(Adric finally gets out into the corridor when the men finish building their model.)

HINDLE: That's it. Perfect. What do you think, Adric?
SANDERS: I'll go after him.
HINDLE: Wait! I'm in charge here, old man. I'll decide what's to be done.
SANDERS: Yes, sir.
HINDLE: Why can't we all play the game?

[Outside the cave]

(Other Kinda have gathered.)

PANNA: What do you want?
ARIS: Listen to me, old woman.
PANNA: No, you listen to me, all of you.
ARIS: I have voice. They know the prophecy. Now they listen only to me.
PANNA: Is that true, child? Quickly, read them.
PANNA: Go on.
KARUNA: I can't. It hurts me.
PANNA: I must know what is in their minds.

(Karuna moves amongst the Kinda.)

KARUNA: Obedience. Obedience. Obedience. Obedience! Obedience! Obedience! Obedience! Obedience!
PANNA: Stop!
KARUNA: Obedience, obedience, obedience.
ARIS: Stop.

(Karuna stops.)

ARIS: Come over here, Karuna.
PANNA: Stay where you are. Where are you, child?

(Karuna joins the Kinda as Aris laughs.)

PANNA: Please. What are you going to do?
ARIS: We shall destroy the dome. The Not-we must be killed. This is our duty.
PANNA: You fool, you blind male fool. Do you think it ends there?
ARIS: We shall be free.
PANNA: Of course not. It doesn't end there. That is how it all begins again, with a killing. It doesn't end. That ends as it has always done, in chaos and despair. It ends as it begins, in the darkness. Is that what you all want?

(Aris laughs.)

PANNA: Who are you?
ARIS: I am Aris. He who speaks.
PANNA: No. No, you are not.

(The Doctor and Todd join Panna.)

ARIS: Silence. To the dome. I shall return.
TODD: Come on, we must follow them.


DOCTOR: Did you see the design on his arm?
TODD: What design?
PANNA: The sign of the snake.
DOCTOR: Yes, that's right.
PANNA: It is the mark of the Mara, the evil ones.
TODD: Doctor, I really think we should
DOCTOR: What do you know of the Mara?
PANNA: It is the Mara who now turn the wheel. It is the Mara who dance to the music of our despair. Our suffering is the Mara's delight, our madness the Mara's meat and drink. And now he has returned.
TODD: Doctor!
DOCTOR: I too have heard the legends of the Mara.
PANNA: Help me.
TODD: Doctor, we're wasting time.
PANNA: Yes, yes, you're right. We must proceed at once.

(Panna and the Doctor sit down.)

PANNA: Sit down.
TODD: But.
PANNA: No, I must show you. You cannot help without understanding. Don't you see?


(The doors are raised again. Adric opens the Total Survival Suit.)

SANDERS [OC]: Adric? Adric?

[Dome passageway]

SANDERS: Adric? Adric. You really must try not to antagonise Mister Hindle.
ADRIC: I'm sorry.
SANDERS: Well, play along with him, son. He means well.
ADRIC: Does he?
SANDERS: Er, yes, of course he does. We all do, don't we, underneath it all? Now come along.


PANNA: And now the Mara turns the wheel of life. It ends as it begins. Pass through. You must pass through

(Blackness with dancing lights appears outside.)

TODD: Look!
PANNA: No harm.
TODD: Tell me it's a trick.
PANNA: Pass through.
DOCTOR: We must do as she says.
PANNA: Pass through.

(The Doctor and Todd hold hands and walk into the darkness.)


TODD: Doctor, look. The cave, Panna, they've disappeared.
(Below them, the Kinda are milling around in a circle of small columns. One of them, a digital clock reads 11:55, 11:56. Panna is there in full priestess regalia. She opens her arms. We see other columns support an egg-timer, a sundial and a metronome. The clock moves on to 11:57. A second one reads 23:58.)
TODD: What's going on?
DOCTOR: You heard Panna. This is the beginning and the end.

(The Kinda stand outside the circle with the Trickster dancing in the middle. He performs a series of tumbles, then a cartwheel, but he falls and injures his back. He writhes in pain as Aris's laugh echoes.)

TODD: We must help him.
DOCTOR: We can't.
(The Kinda close in on the Trickster as the clocks move on to 11:59. The sand runs out, the flame dies on a candle.)
TODD: Can't we do anything?
PANNA: It's the end of everything.

(The alarm rings, the vision glows white.)

[Outside the cave]

(The Doctor and Todd reappear in reality, with birdsong.)

DOCTOR: Did you recognise the laugh?
TODD: Aris?
DOCTOR: No, the Mara within him.
TODD: The Mara caused all that to happen?
DOCTOR: In a manner of speaking.
TODD: Look, was what we just saw the future or the past?
DOCTOR: Both. And now we must get back to the dome, stop the attack.
TODD: We'll never find our way through the forest.
DOCTOR: Well, the old woman must direct us.


(Panna is sitting motionless.)

TODD: Doctor!
TODD: I think she's dead!
Part Four


(The Kinda are running through the forest. Suddenly, Karuna stops still for a few moments, then turns back.)

DOCTOR: In certain states of deep trance the bodily functions slow down to such an extent that they are barely perceptible, thus freeing the mind to such as we have seen. However, on this occasion it seems

(Karuna arrives.)

TODD: She's dead.
DOCTOR: Panna's dead.

(Karuna takes Panna's staff.)

KARUNA: Idiot. Don't you know anything? Of course I'm not dead.

[Outside the dome]

ARIS: Listen to me! The dome will be destroyed! I can see it in my mind.

(He looks at the Trickster, who hides his marotte behind his back.)

ARIS: Give it to me.

(The Trickster hands it over, and Aris throws it to the ground then stamps on it.)

ARIS: Gather branches!


TODD: It's impossible.
DOCTOR: Well, unlikely, perhaps.
TODD: Ridiculous. I mean, if she is Panna, the wise woman, then where is Karuna? Answer me that.
KARUNA: Well, Doctor?
DOCTOR: Er, well, it's a good scientific question. Where are you?
KARUNA: I am her.
DOCTOR: Both of you.
KARUNA: We are one.
DOCTOR: So, when Panna died, her knowledge and experience were passed over to you.
TODD: But how?
KARUNA: It is our way.
TODD: The vision in the cave. Was it real or not?
DOCTOR: Well, did you see it?
TODD: Yes.
DOCTOR: Well, so did I.
TODD: Look, stop it, both of you. I'm trying to understand.
KARUNA: I'm sorry.
TODD: It was a prophecy, wasn't it. A prophecy of what would happen here unless
DOCTOR: Unless we stop the attack on the dome.
TODD: But the Mara.
TODD: Where does it come from?
KARUNA: The Mara inhabit the dark places of the inside.
DOCTOR: And somehow one of them has crossed over into this world and has taken over the mind of Aris. One thing puzzles me.
DOCTOR: How did it cross over?
KARUNA: There is only one path.
DOCTOR: Which is?
KARUNA: It is opened by the dreaming of an unshared mind.
DOCTOR: Of course. Tegan.

[Control room]

(Sanders is making cut-out models of the expedition members.)

HINDLE: Are the people ready yet, old man?
SANDERS: Some of them.
HINDLE: Oh, good. Let me see. Oh yes, they're very good.
SANDERS: Oh, do you think so?
HINDLE: Yes, aren't they, Adric?
ADRIC: Please, why can't I go for a walk?
HINDLE: Not outside.
ADRIC: No, just around the dome.
HINDLE: Outside is for grown-ups. It's not for us, is it?
SANDERS: Oh, no.
HINDLE: Soon it'll be finished, and then.
ADRIC: And then what?
HINDLE: And then, well, we'll live for ever and ever, won't we.
ADRIC: Look, I'm going anyway.

(Adric leaves Hindle and Sanders talking to the model people.)

HINDLE: Do you think they'll be happy? I've done my best for them, haven't I?
SANDERS: Well, of course you have, son. He has, hasn't he.
HINDLE: I have, haven't I. My very best ever.

(Adric runs into the airlock and closes the door.)


(Karuna leads Todd and the Doctor to where Tegan is still lying on the ground.)

TODD: Doctor!
DOCTOR: Tegan.
TODD: Is she all right?
DOCTOR: What is the function of the chimes?
KARUNA: We use them in the dreamings. The wind blows and we share.
DOCTOR: Share? Share what? Minds?
KARUNA: Of course.
DOCTOR: What would happen if one person dreamt here alone?
KARUNA: It is forbidden. There are powers waiting to be born. Powers of great evil. There is great danger in dreaming alone.
DOCTOR: Then I have to wake her.
KARUNA: There are dangers.
DOCTOR: I have to take that risk. Tegan? Tegan!

(He snaps his fingers and Tegan opens her eyes.)

TEGAN: Doctor? Where have you been? (Outside the dome, the Kinda are constructing something from branches tied together with vines. It looks like a flimsy imitation of the Total Survival Suit.)
DOCTOR: Are you all right?
TEGAN: Of course I am. I fell asleep, that's all. I had the strangest dream.
DOCTOR: Dream?
DOCTOR: What dream?
TEGAN: Dreams are private.
DOCTOR: Now come on, Tegan, you must tell me.
DOCTOR: You've been asleep for nearly two days.
TEGAN: What? What's going on? Who are these people?
DOCTOR: Oh, not now, Tegan, please, there's no time. You must tell me about the dream. It's very important.

[Outside the dome]

ARIS: Help me.

(He steps inside the pretend TSS.)

ARIS: Listen to me. Now we have a guardian just as the Not-we have. Our attack cannot fail. The Not-we must be driven out and their dome destroyed!

(The Kinda applaud.)


TEGAN: Are you listening?
DOCTOR: Yes, of course. The other man standing there laughing. Go on.
TEGAN: Well, he had this thing on his arm, a design.
DOCTOR: What, a snake?
TEGAN: Whose dream is this?
DOCTOR: Well, was it?
DOCTOR: Good. Go on.
TEGAN: Well, then for a while it got curious. I was alone. I was back here, only
DOCTOR: You weren't yourself.
TEGAN: That's right. There was this man coming, an unhappy man, a native.
TEGAN: And that's all.
DOCTOR: Don't be silly, Tegan, it can't have been. Come on, what did you do?
TEGAN: Well, if you must know, I climbed a tree and dropped apples on his head. Look, it was only a dream. I wasn't myself.
DOCTOR: No, of course you weren't.
TEGAN: What?
DOCTOR: Isn't it obvious? Your mind and body were occupied the Mara, who found its path to this world through your dream, just as Karuna said.
TEGAN: Hang on a minute.
DOCTOR: Oh, it's all right, you're perfectly safe now. In fact, I'll introduce you.
TEGAN: Where?
DOCTOR: They're about to attack the dome.
TEGAN: The dome.
DOCTOR: Come on.

[Outside the dome]

(The real TSS is confronting the Kinda, but we don't get to see who is inside it.)

ARIS: What are you waiting for? Attack! Attack!

(The Trickster turns cartwheels in front of the TSS, making it pivot one way then the other. The Kinda move in.)

ARIS: Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.
TEGAN: I don't think much of that as a fighting machine.
TODD: Something must dreadfully wrong.
ARIS: Listen to me! Finish it off! Finish it off!

(The Kinda start to topple the TSS onto its side.)

DOCTOR: I have an idea it's controller is rather inexperienced.

(The TSS starts shooting and the Kinda run off, leaving Aris trapped inside his wooden cage.)

ARIS: Come back! Cowards! Listen to me! Help!

(Adric is inside the TSS, of course.)

ADRIC: Help me! Please, somebody help me.

(Aris tumbles backwards, breaking his flimsy cage, as the Doctor leaps from the bushes and stands between him and the TSS.)

DOCTOR: Adric, stop! Listen to me! This is the Doctor.

(The TSS powers down.)

DOCTOR: That's good. Now listen, Adric, I know you're frightened, but you must understand that it's your fear that's controlling the machine. It operates directly from your brainwaves. Do you understand? That's good. Now listen. You have nothing to fear, just open the machine. You must come out.

(Adric tumbles out of the TSS.)

ADRIC: I'm sorry. I didn't realise it was going to be like that.
DOCTOR: Are you all right?
ADRIC: I, I'm fine. Please, get back to the dome. Hindle has it wired for total destruction.
TODD: The state he's in, he could do anything.
DOCTOR: Look after Adric.

(The Doctor and Todd run into the dome.)


DOCTOR: Come on!

(They crawl under the opening door.)

[Outside the dome]

ADRIC: I feel so strange.
TEGAN: Just take it quietly.
ADRIC: The TSS is much more difficult to control than I thought it would be.
TEGAN: But you're safe now.
ADRIC: I'm safe. What about the Kinda I wounded? He's gone!

[Control room]

TODD: Where's Hindle?
SANDERS: We've been having fun.
DOCTOR: Have you? Oh, good. There's nothing quite like it, is there.
SANDERS: Do you like this?
DOCTOR: What is it?
SANDERS: It's the new capital city of the planet S14.
DOCTOR: Yes, of course.
SANDERS: Mister Hindle made it.
TODD: Where is he?
SANDERS: Well, I'm sure he's around somewhere.

(Sanders points to a large cardboard box.)

SANDERS: If you want to look.

(Hindle leaps up.)

HINDLE: Boo! (no one reacts) You spoilt it. I wasn't ready.

[Dome corridor]

TEGAN: We'd better wait here.
TEGAN: Just let the Doctor deal with things.
ADRIC: You realise if he makes a mistake, this dome and everything for miles around will be blown to pieces.
TEGAN: Yes, but there's nothing we can do except wait. Come on, sit down.
ADRIC: Aren't you frightened?
TEGAN: Very.
ADRIC: He would do it! Don't doubt that for a moment. Hindle is completely mad!
TEGAN: Yes, I'm sure
ADRIC: He would!

(Tegan goes to a round red object stuck to the wall, with a wire leading from it.)

TEGAN: Is this one of the explosive charges?
ADRIC: Yes. Wait, I could dismantle it.
TEGAN: Don't touch it. Leave it alone. Even if you could, there must be others. That one alone couldn't cause the damage you described.
ADRIC: We must do something.
TEGAN: Yes, but fiddling with that won't help.
ADRIC: Oh, I just feel so useless.
TEGAN: So do I. There's nothing we can do except wait.
ADRIC: Look, come on, Doctor!

[Control room]

HINDLE: One word from me. One word.

(The Kinda holding the master detonator raises his hand.)

TODD: Tell me about the city.
HINDLE: Oh, do you like it? Never built a city before.
TODD: It's very good. What's that?
HINDLE: Oh, that's my secret den. I'm the government as well, you know.

(As Hindle goes back to his cardboard box, the Doctor picks up the wire from the master detonator and starts to try and unfasten it.)

HINDLE: Doctor.

(The Doctor has to drop the wire and join him.)

DOCTOR: And the security arrangements?
HINDLE: Security effectiveness one hundred percent. One thousand percent. One billion trillion trillion percent. Or more, perhaps.
HINDLE: Do you want me to prove it?
DOCTOR: No. No, no. I'd rather know how you control the Kinda.
HINDLE: Oh, that's very simple. With this.

(He gets the hexagonal mirror from the table.)

HINDLE: They're very primitive, you know. They think I've captured their souls.
DOCTOR: Mirrors. Yes, very clever.
HINDLE: Do you think so?
DOCTOR: Yes. May I

(The Doctor treads on a couple of cardboard people.)

HINDLE: Careful!
DOCTOR: I'm so sorry.

(They both stoop to pick them up, and Hindle ends up pulling their heads off.)

SANDERS: It's easily mended. A drop of glue.
HINDLE: Don't be silly! You can't mend people, can you. You can't mend people! Go on, press the

(The Doctor grabs Hindle and puts his hand over his mouth, pulling him backwards from the detonator. Hindle drops the mirror and it breaks. The Kinda puts down the detonator and goes over to the shards while the Doctor and Hindle tumble backwards into the cardboard city. Hindle gets free and goes for the detonator. Todd picks up the Box of Jhana from amongst the pieces of the city.)

HINDLE: What's that?
TODD: Nothing.
HINDLE: Show me!
TODD: You've seen it already.
HINDLE: Give it to me. I want to see it.
TODD: Only if you promise not to open it.
HINDLE: All right.
TODD: Promise.
HINDLE: Promise.

(Todd gives him the box and takes the detonator.)

HINDLE: I can blow up the world after, can't I.
TODD: Yes, of course you can.
HINDLE: Are you frightened of me?
TODD: Terrified.
HINDLE: Good. What's in it?
TODD: Don't open it.
HINDLE: Why not?
TODD: You promised.
HINDLE: Who cares.

(Hindle opens the box.)

HINDLE: There's nothing in it!
TODD: No, there's nothing in it.

[Dome corridor]

(As Hindle stares into the box, and has a vision of the forest, the lights flicker in the dome.)

TEGAN: What's happening?
ADRIC: I don't know.
TEGAN: The Doctor's failed. Hindle's pressed the button.
ADRIC: Will you shut up.

(The lights come back on.)

ADRIC: Of course, it's all your fault.
TEGAN: What?
ADRIC: Well of course it is.
TEGAN: What are you talking about?
ADRIC: Well, if you hadn't fallen asleep and had that stupid dream.
TEGAN: I was possessed. My mind was taken over by the Mara. How was that my fault?
ADRIC: It found a weakness and it used it.
TEGAN: What's that supposed to mean?
ADRIC: Well, it would seem to prove that some of us have more control over our minds than others.
TEGAN: Oh, like you, I suppose, out there in that machine.
ADRIC: That was different.
TEGAN: You were scared out of your wits.
ADRIC: If you must know, I was just getting the hang of that thing when the Doctor interfered.
DOCTOR: When I what?
TEGAN: Doctor, the explosives.
DOCTOR: Deactivated. All quite harmless now.
ADRIC: And Hindle?
DOCTOR: He now appears to see the situation in quite a different light.
ADRIC: What happened?
DOCTOR: He opened the box.
TEGAN: What box?
DOCTOR: The Box of Jhana, the box Sanders was given by the Kinda.
TEGAN: Is that what affected the lights?
ADRIC: But how?
DOCTOR: The box is a powerful Kinda healing device. I suspect it generates sound at a frequency beyond our ears.
ADRIC: Healing device?
DOCTOR: Helps bring the mind back into phase.
ADRIC: With what?
DOCTOR: With everything. With life out there. The Kinda are very sophisticated people.

(The Doctor pulls the wire out of the explosive on the wall.)

ADRIC: Will Hindle be all right?
DOCTOR: Oh, yes. The more the mind is out of phase to begin with, the more dramatic the apparent effect.

(The Doctor pulls the explosive from the wall and holds it carefully.)

TEGAN: What's been going on?
DOCTOR: I'll explain everything in greater detail later.

(He tosses the explosive to Tegan and walks off.)

DOCTOR: First we must deal with the Mara. Where's Aris?
TEGAN: He's escaped.
DOCTOR: Escaped?
ADRIC: He was wounded, though.
DOCTOR: Well, we must find him quickly, before he's destroyed by the Mara within him.
TEGAN: How will you deal with the Mara?
DOCTOR: I don't know yet.
ADRIC: How did Hindle control his hostages?
DOCTOR: What? Oh, the mirror. They thought he'd captured their. Ah.
TEGAN: What?
DOCTOR: I don't suppose you've come across any large mirrors in your wanderings about the dome? Silly question really.
ADRIC: Mirrors?
DOCTOR: Well, reflective surfaces of any kind. Come on, quickly, think.
ADRIC: Solar generator panels.
DOCTOR: Where?
ADRIC: In the storeroom.
DOCTOR: Show me.
TEGAN: Doctor.
DOCTOR: What is the one thing evil cannot face? Not ever.
TEGAN: What?
DOCTOR: Itself.
ADRIC: But you said the Kinda would react to the mirror. They aren't evil.
DOCTOR: Ah, Hindle captured their innocence. The Mara will rebel. They cannot face themselves, don't you see?


(A Kinda watches Aris limping through the forest, and communicates telepathically with Karuna.)

KARUNA: He's coming.
DOCTOR: Good. Adric, Tegan, he's coming.

(The Kinda are setting up the solar panels.)

TODD: Will it work?
DOCTOR: Well, according to the legends.
TODD: Mirrors?
DOCTOR: No Mara can bear the sight of its own reflection. It must recoil from itself. Understandably, don't you think, given it's nature.
TODD: Yes.
DOCTOR: Very well then. Trapped in a circle of mirrors, each mirror reflecting not only the Mara itself but also
TODD: The reflection of all the other mirrors!
DOCTOR: In an endless series.
TODD: So it's surrounded not only by its own reflection, but reflection of reflection.
DOCTOR: Exactly.
TODD: What happens then?
DOCTOR: It retreats back to where it came from.
TODD: The dark places of the inside.
DOCTOR: Or wherever, but not here, that's the main thing. It's all quite logical.
TODD: What happens to Aris?
DOCTOR: Well, Tegan survived, but
TODD: But what?
DOCTOR: Well, it would do no harm, would it, to keep ones fingers crossed.


(Aris stumbles next to Karuna.)

ARIS: Well, well.

(She runs and he follows her, right into the circle.)


DOCTOR: Ah, there you are. We thought you'd got lost.
ARIS: Who are you?
DOCTOR: I'm called the Doctor.
ARIS: Why do you involve yourself?
DOCTOR: Because I share the Kinda's aim where you're concerned.
ARIS: I now control the Kinda.
DOCTOR: Well, you did for a while, but no longer.
ARIS: I still control them. I am Aris. I have voice!
DOCTOR: Yes, so I hear, but it is the voice of a Mara in the body of Aris. The snake on your arm, the symbol of your power, confirms it.
ARIS: Then take care that that power doesn't enter you.
DOCTOR: Oh, you're too late. Now!

(The Doctor dodges out of the circle as the Kinda turn the panels around so that Aris is surrounded by his reflection. He runs to and fro, searching in vain for a gap. We'll ignore the one the camera is using, shall we?)

DOCTOR: Now, get ready to pull Aris clear the moment the snake leaves his arm.

(Aris screams and falls to the ground holding the snake in his hand.)

DOCTOR: Hold the mirrors straight!
ADRIC: What's happening?
DOCTOR: The Mara is detaching itself.
ADRIC: What?
DOCTOR: It's leaving Aris. It has no further use for him.

(Tegan goes blank. The snake grows as big as Aris.)

DOCTOR: Now, pull him clear!

(Two Kinda drag Aris out of the circle and close the gap again.)

DOCTOR: Now, hold your ground. Keep it in the circle. Close the gaps! The circle must be kept closed. If the circle is closed, the Mara cannot escape.

(Adric looks through a gap at the growing snake.)

ADRIC: It's fantastic. Where does it draw its energy from? It's incredible.

(The snake towers over the mirrors. Everyone makes a gap to look at it, including Tegan.)

DOCTOR: Tegan! Tegan, Tegan, are you all right?
DOCTOR: Close these gaps!

(The snake starts to blur.)

TEGAN: Is that the Mara's true form?
TEGAN: I had that in my mind?
TEGAN: But it's gone now, isn't it, Doctor?
DOCTOR: It's all right, it's all right. Stand firm. Look, it's starting to weaken. Look!

(In a flash of purple light, the snake vanishes. The Kinda applaud then take the panels away as the Doctor joins Todd, Adric and Tegan with Aris.)

DOCTOR: He'll be all right.
TODD: Why do such things exist?
DOCTOR: Who can tell?
TODD: The Mara's gone.
DOCTOR: Back to the dark places of the inside, or wherever. But not here, not anywhere here. This world is free of it.
KARUNA: And of its curse.
TODD: Curse?
TODD: What curse?
KARUNA: The curse of time. It is the Mara which starts the clocks.

(Todd is totally baffled.)

DOCTOR: Come on, it's finished.


HINDLE: I suppose everything will have to be entered into the log.
SANDERS: Will it?
HINDLE: Well, the manual states it's the duty of the expedition commander to
SANDERS: What manual?
HINDLE: Oh. I see.
SANDERS: I never read the manual.
HINDLE: Thank you.
SANDERS: Thank you, sir.
HINDLE: (saluting) Thank you, sir.


DOCTOR: Is it decided?
TODD: They accepted my recommendation.
DOCTOR: Which is?
TODD: This planet is totally unsuitable for full scale colonisation. The unit be withdrawn. Sanders is pleased.

(Hindle and Sanders cross the path behind them.)

DOCTOR: Is he?
TODD: He wants to stay here. I told him he should just wander off into the forest. Nobody'd notice. Shame about poor old Hindle, though.
DOCTOR: Oh, he'll be all right. He was just driven out of his mind. Just what he needed. What about you, will you stay?
TODD: I don't think so.
DOCTOR: You're not tempted by paradise?
TODD: It was all right at first, but it's all a bit too green for me.
NYSSA [OC]: Doctor!
DOCTOR: Ah, yes, one moment.

(Adric, Tegan and Nyssa are standing in front of the TARDIS.)

TODD: You don't actually go into space in that?
DOCTOR: Oh no. That would be completely impossible, wouldn't it.
TODD: Unlikely, anyway.
DOCTOR: If not ridiculous.
NYSSA: Doctor.
DOCTOR: Yes. It seems some people are getting impatient.

(The Kinda gather.)

TODD: You must go. Goodbye.
DOCTOR: Goodbye.
NYSSA: Hello, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Nyssa, how are you?
NYSSA: Fully recovered.
DOCTOR: Excellent.
NYSSA: What have you been doing?
DOCTOR: Oh, nothing much. This and that. Having fun.
NYSSA: Can we go?
DOCTOR: I don't see why not.

(Tegan, Nyssa and Adric enter the TARDIS.)

DOCTOR: I think paradise is a little too green for me as well.

Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.