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Sunday, January 7, 2007

Written by

Paul Magrs


49 minutes

Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

First TARDIS trip, Original Song, Time Eddy

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Nadir Motorway Service Station, Bramlington, Earth, England


The Doctor and Lucie go glam when the TARDIS makes an unexpected landing in 1974. Slade, The Sweet and Suzi Quatro are Top of the Pops - and brother-and-sister duo The Tomorrow Twins will soon be joining them, if the starmaking Svengali Arnold Korns has his way.

But will their dreams turn to dust at a service station somewhere on the M62, besieged by a pack of alien monsters?

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How to listen to Horror of Glam Rock:


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A big step down from the premier episodes, generic aliens, and no explanation for them. Not my favorite episode.

I did find the part with Lucie and her Aunt interesting though. I wonder if that'll come back in the future.


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If this is run of the mill Doctor Who then I’m fine with it. Lucie and The Doctor find themselves in a 1970s rock star setting, a time before Lucie was born which leads to Lucie coming into contact with a her auntie, leaving her disillusioned with a vision of her ordinary future. It’s a little bit Father’s Day. Bernard Cribbins is a treat as the manager of all the bands - he just wants to get to Top of the Pops!


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A very basic base under siege story that works, but nothing more than that. I imagine for rock fans or something there is more of an appeal and enjoyment in it, but for me personally I find that it doesn’t really leave an impression. Hearing Bernard Cribbins was fun though. Improved the score more for me than it probably should.
The teases for things around Lucie are well done, and are doing a good job at making me want to listen to the next ones. But like here they are still a little bit just meaningless lines so hm idk. Maybe if her aunt comes back at some point it will retroactively make this one better.
All that doesn’t matter though, because the ending tune makes all else in here insignificant. Best part of the story. Doctor who rock theme died here then resurrected by Capaldi moment


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As one of my first ever big finish stories this one holds a very special place in my heart. It's a very typical doctor who story, it's fun, silly and emotional and I love it for that


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I think Horror of Glam Rock was pretty impressive on the whole. I had a fun enough time with all the music themes, while Lucie and the Doctor felt like they had a slightly better dynamic than the Blood of the Daleks stuff.

It would have been very, very easy for such a music-heavy story to have stuff that sounded either generic or inauthentic, but I feel they really nailed the Rock and Roll theming of the episode blending it nicely with Doctor Who sensibilities. I also enjoyed Bernard Cribbins as a performer even if some of his writing was a little heavy on what I am increasingly recognizing Big Finish tropes. It is all good enough that I left Horror of Glam Rock with a bemused smile on my face. The 70s Pop style worked well for me.


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LUCIE: Danger, like this. It's one thing after another with you, isn't it?

THE DOCTOR: I don't go looking for trouble.

LUCIE: But it finds you, somehow, every time.

THE DOCTOR: That's true enough.

LUCIE: And me. What a pair we make, eh? Still, I'm glad I met you.

THE DOCTOR: I'm glad too. Now, give us a bite of that doughnut.

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Transcript Needs checking

NOTE: The original transcript contains a transphobic slur. The author has apologised for this on his blog. I will not be reproducing the word here.

(The opening bars of the song "Children Of Tomorrow", played on the Stylophone with piano backing. TOMMY TOMORROW is a young Irishman.)

TOMMY TOMORROW: Will you come to us? I'm tuned in. Will it be tonight? Here?

(TARDIS control room, vibrations.)

LUCIE MILLER: Ooh ... Doctor ... I don't feel at all well.
THE DOCTOR: Hang on. Nearly through.
LUCIE MILLER: Ooh... I think I'm gonna be sick.
LUCIE MILLER: I said, I think I'm gonna ... throw up!

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