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The Nest Cottage Chronicles S1 • Episode 5

Hive of Horror

74% 57 votes

Released Thursday, December 3, 2009
Written by Paul Magrs
Runtime 70 minutes
Time Travel Present
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Miniaturisation
Locations Hexford

As a new day breaks over Nest Cottage, the Doctor and Mike know they have to face their enemy for a final confrontation. Reduced to miniature size, and with Mrs Wibbsey along as an unwilling adventurer, they venture inside the hornets' nest itself. The Queen lies in wait for the enemy which she and her brood have faced so many times over the millennia. If she is to guarantee the survival of her alien hornet race for another thousand years, this is a battle she must win! The loyalty of the Doctor's friends will be tested to the limit. And perhaps, at last, they will all understand why Mike Yates is so important...

Signal Strength: 40%

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Also featuring:

Fenella Wibbsey  The Hornets / Swarm