Stories Audio Drama Classic Series Special Releases Classic Series - Special Releases Episode: 1 2 3 4 Harvest of the Sycorax 1 image Overview Characters How to Listen Reviews 3 Statistics Quotes Overview Released Thursday, July 28, 2016 Written by James Goss Publisher Big Finish Productions Runtime 64 minutes Time Travel Future Tropes (Potential Spoilers!) Space Station Location (Potential Spoilers!) The Blood Bank Synopsis In the far future, humanity has a remedy for everything. Whatever the problem, Pharma Corps has the answer and a designer disease tailored to every human’s blood-type. Zanzibar Hashtag has no need to be sad, scared, stressed, or depressed ever again. That is, until vicious aliens arrive on her space station intent on opening its Vault. What will it mean for the human race if the Sycorax take control of what’s inside? And when the Seventh Doctor arrives on the scene, can he convince Zanzibar to care about her life long enough to help him? Listen Listened Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters Seventh Doctor Zanzibar Hashtag Sycorax Show All Characters (3) How to listen to Harvest of the Sycorax: Big Finish Audio Classic Doctors New Monsters 1 Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 3 reviews 16 January 2025 · 300 words Review by KnuppMello Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! Uma estação especial esta sendo invadida pelos Sycorax que estão querendo ter acesso a um cofre que contém todas as amostras de sangue humano para assim então obterem o controle da raça humana. Os habitantes da estação são dependentes de medicamentos para controlar e evitar emoções indesejadas sendo sempre monitorados e orientados por uma inteligência artificial, um computador. Por mais que eu não seja um grande fã dos vilões, não há como negar que os Sycoraxs possui um design visual impressionante, então a decisão de torná-los um vilão de áudio ao meu ver não funcionou muito bem. Ainda mais da forma com eles foram inseridos na trama, bem jogados para escanteio estando inicialmente nos holofotes nos primeiros 20 minutos para depois se tornarem vilões de plano de fundo, após isso o áudio tenta desenvolver seus personagens secundários buscando com que o ouvinte se apegue a eles, mas sua narrativa é tão magra e monótona que acaba falhando miseravelmente. Toda a ideia de uma sociedade humana completamente dependente de remédios emocionalmente confusos é algo bem interessante e inteligente, no entanto, assim como a má aplicação dos Sycorax já comentada, a história acaba por não explorar essa ideia tão promissora e se dividindo em tentar conquistar o apego do ouvinte com seus personagens enquanto os Sycorax de plano de fundo querendo o acesso ao cofre, é tudo bem monótono sem apresentar nenhuma novidade ou nada de diferente. Enfim, não há nada de impressionante nessa história, é algo bem regular, mas não chega a ser algo descartável tendo em conta a ótima atuação (como sempre) do Sylvester McCoy que acaba salvando um pouco as coisas. KnuppMello View profile Like Liked 1 21 June 2024 · 190 words Review by dema1020 Harvest of the Sycorax is a bit of a shame. The Sycorax aliens are a pretty cool design visually and had some neat aspects to them showcased in The Christmas Invasion. Unfortunately, I feel like this audio tries way too hard to essentially duplicate the same circumstances and structure of The Christmas Invasion. Copying the very cool translation bit from the original television story feels repetitive more than a treat for fans. Giles Watling is fun as the Sycorax Chief but the Seventh Doctor never really has a chance to shine here since following the set-up and structure of Christmas Invasion puts the Doctor in the backseat of too much of this story. All told, it doesn't really work at all, which sucks because at the very least our actors are competent as are the sound effects and music, they just aren't really in service of anything all that meaningful or memorable. The idea of a different setting and the Sycorax taking advantage of blood-based treatments could have been very cool and does have moments of intrigue to it, I just wished it was better used for something more original. dema1020 View profile Like Liked 0 29 May 2024 · 19 words Review by Rock_Angel 1 I liked what they did here but I think it went a tad bit too long run time wise Rock_Angel View profile Like Liked 1 Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating122 members 2.89 / 5 GoodReads AVG. Rating42 votes 3.14 / 5 Member Statistics Listened 206 Favourited 4 Reviewed 3 Saved 2 Skipped 0 Quotes Add Quote Submit a Quote