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4 reviews

I actually enjoyed this! Doctor Who and Spinoffs can usually do one thing well, and that's a ghost story. Owen even approaches something that might be character development

This episode is more what Torchwood should be. It tackles adult themes in a mature rather than childish manner, and has a strong sci-fi premise regarding an alien device that projects echoes from the past. Powerful, gripping and moving drama.

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Ghost Machine




Now THIS should have been episode 2. The alien device is fascinating and used well throughout. We get some great moments for Owen this episode. I'd forgotten how it ended, but I really did like this ending. It's not quite how either Bernie nor Gwen expected it to go. Great episode, definitely watch.

A pretty solid way to soften the blow of Day One, I suppose. Not my favourite Torchwood episode, certainly, but I enjoy the stuff with Gwen and still think she is a solid part of the series' early days. Her onboarding with Torchwood is still what I take away most from these first few episodes. Owen's arc feels like we are still deep in the edge-lord tendencies of the show which is something I think a lot of the series would struggle with (outside of that one obvious exception). So it kind of left a mediocre impression on me, especially because it kind of fizzles out with an ending I found pretty silly.