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I am pleased to report that this holds up five years later! The tension is on from just about the beginning of the episode, and it stays exciting throughout. The covering up of one of the most shocking plot twists ever with the Fugitive Doctor by waving Captain Jack at us is so smart. The Jack scenes aren't quite as good as the rest, but it does get the companions out of the way and Jodie Whittaker and Jo Martin have great chemistry together. The tension keeps building and building, and has quite a satisfying resolution with Gat getting killed. Also, we really need to talk more about the Fugitive Doctor being married!


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Another great story, and the return of the Judoon!

At this point, the Fugitive Doctor surprise has been so thoroughly spoiled, I even knew about before I even knew much of anything about Who. I think Jo Martin did a good job, though I still want to see her more to get a feel to her Doctor. (Big Finish, thank you!)

We also get the first plot point for the pre-Hartnell Doctors. I'm still mixed on the concept, not sure what I think of it.

Edit: I forgot about Jack being in this episode, even though it's only a hour since I've watched it. Seemed a little shoehorned in, just to give a vague warning.


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So, everything that goes on in the A plot is peak Chibnall and if I don’t think about the direction this arc is headed, the Fugitive Doctor is an effective reveal and greater still are the scenes where the two Doctors just get to play off each other. The B plot has aged insanely poorly, both because of the allegations and because of hindsight. The entire thing is worthless, it adds nothing to the plot and is purely nostalgia bait and directly tell the audience what is gonna happen in the finale. Stupid. Relegates Graham, and in the second half, Ryan and Yaz, to the bench this adventure.


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Captain Jack has made his glorious return. I have been campaigning for that on Twitter for years, ever since he never showed up during Matt Smith's time as the Doctor. The #BringBackJack hashtag has paid off!


I couldn't watch live at the time because I was working, but Jack's return more than made up for it. And finally: a black Doctor, who by the way is bloody phenomenal casting. I loved everything about that episode. It was everything I wanted from Series 12 in one episode!


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