Stories Television Doctor Who Season 19 Classic Who S19 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Four to Doomsday 1 image Back to Story Transcript Needs checking Part One [TARDIS] (A massive modular spaceship is travelling between the stars when the TARDIS materialises inside it.) ADRIC: Oh, we've stopped. We're there, Nyssa. Get the Doctor, will you?NYSSA: Yes. (The Doctor enters with Tegan.) ADRIC: We've arrived.DOCTOR: Oh. A bit ahead of schedule. When was your flight again?TEGAN: A778, seventeen thirty hours.DOCTOR: February the twenty eighth, 1981. Oh, you'll have time for a cup of tea. It's only sixteen fifteen hours. (But the scanner shows a spaceship compartment with strange technical equipment in it.) TEGAN: Doesn't look much like Heathrow to me.DOCTOR: Last time I was there, they were doing strange things to Terminal three. Oh. No, you're right. It doesn't.ADRIC: Well, don't look at me. I set the coordinates as you instructed. Six three zero niner in the inner spiral arm of Galaxia Kiklos.TEGAN: But Heathrow is on the M4, not Corfu.DOCTOR: Oh, Adric's just showing off. He means the Milky Way, your galaxy. Ha! Massive magnetic field shift.ADRIC: Looks like some kind of a control room.DOCTOR: I suppose it could be part of the Piccadilly Line.TEGAN: Good. Then I can catch a train.DOCTOR: No. No, no, wait, wait, wait. The atmosphere's wrong.TEGAN: What?DOCTOR: Diminution of oxygen, nitrogen, traces of mercurial compound, intense proton activity. (The Doctor goes through the inner door.) NYSSA: I thought Earth was meant to be primitive.TEGAN: Oh, did you.NYSSA: Their instrumentation is very advanced. That looks like a resonant stroboscope.TEGAN: What's that when it's at home?NYSSA: But it is home. (The Doctor returns with a helmet that has a pair of oxygen cylinders attached to the back.) DOCTOR: Er, I'm going to take a look around. Now, none of you is to leave here. Is that clearly understood? Good. (He puts on the helmet, opens the door and leaves.) [Spaceship] (The Doctor makes gestures of admiration and delight at the equipment he finds. He flicks a switch on a panel then quickly flicks it back again. As he continues to explore, a black ball floats in the air behind him, watching. The Doctor goes to the bulkhead, flicks another switch and a shutter on a porthole opens to reveal the stars.) DOCTOR: Spaceship or laboratory? [Throne room] (The Doctor's exploration is being relayed by the monopticons to a monitor. Stratford Johns speaks, although we don't see anyone yet.) MONARCH [OC]: I would look at the intrusion again. (The ball backs up to show the TARDIS.) MONARCH [OC]: Well? (A woman replies.) ENLIGHTENMENT [OC]: It is not in my memory. (A second man speaks.) PERSUASION [OC]: Nor in mine.MONARCH [OC]: I would look again at the humanoid. (The ball obeys.) [TARDIS] (The Doctor is also on the scanner.) TEGAN: He's taking his time.ADRIC: Yes. I've never known him hurry anything. (Nyssa is reading Principia Mathematica by Alfred North Whitehead instead of watching the scanner.) TEGAN: Is there another space pack?ADRIC: Yes.NYSSA: He told us to stay here.TEGAN: Well, perhaps he's in trouble.ADRIC: Oh, he's always in trouble, Tegan, or haven't you noticed? It amuses him.TEGAN: Well, it doesn't amuse me. He promised to get me back to Heathrow. He'll lose me my job.ADRIC: No, he won't. Be patient.TEGAN: Patient? After all I've been through since I came through that door? My aunt reduced to so long. You must be joking.ADRIC: Look, we're fifth dimensional in this thing. He'll get you on your flight if he's out there a week.TEGAN: And what do we do in the meantime?ADRIC: You could always read.TEGAN: Read?ADRIC: Yes. There's a fascinating book on maths through there by a chap called Burt Russell.TEGAN: Maths?ADRIC: That's the trouble with women. Mindless, impatient and bossy.TEGAN: You chauvinist. I heard that.ADRIC: You were meant to.NYSSA: I heard it too. You mean this? Mindless.ADRIC: Well, yes, but you're not a woman.NYSSA: I'm not?ADRIC: No. You're only a girl. [Throne room] (The Doctor looks up at the ball watching him.) MONARCH [OC]: He now knows he's observed.ENLIGHTENMENT [OC]: What an enchanting smile. [TARDIS] (The Doctor is nowhere to be seen on the scanner.) NYSSA: Still no sign of him.ADRIC: Can't be far.NYSSA: How do you know?ADRIC: By the look of things, there's not really very far he can go.NYSSA: You don't know that either. Just look at that.ADRIC: What does that thing do?NYSSA: I thought you knew all about it. It increases density.ADRIC: What for?NYSSA: To reduce matter, of course.ADRIC: What matter?NYSSA: The Doctor's, perhaps?ADRIC: That's ridiculous.NYSSA: Is it? [Throne room] (The Doctor goes back inside the TARDIS. The voice in charge speaks to its computer.) MONARCH [OC]: Control, report on the molecular structure of that artefact. [TARDIS] DOCTOR: Well, we're in motion, so we can be pretty sure it's a spaceship.TEGAN: So much for promises. You've lost me my job.DOCTOR: Patience.TEGAN: Men.DOCTOR: And it appears to be unmanned. Adric, through there, space packs. No need to bother with the visors.ADRIC: Yes, Doctor. (Adric leaves.) DOCTOR: There's a lot to interest you out there, young lady. Highly advanced, innovative stuff.NYSSA: That's a resonant stroboscope, isn't it.DOCTOR: Yes. There appears to be nothing but machinery out there, but we are under scrutiny. There's a monopticon out there.NYSSA: What's that?DOCTOR: Well, I suppose it would be best described as a sort of mobile black eye with a hypnotic stare. (Adric returns with the helmets.) DOCTOR: Whoever or whatever is running this ship knows we're here, so we'll have a little scrutiny for ourselves. Should we meet anyone, you take your cue from me. (to Tegan) Spare key. Should we be separated, we come back here.TEGAN: But can't I stay here?DOCTOR: Yes, if you like, stay here. Adric? (Tegan snatches the key.) TEGAN: No, I'll come. [Spaceship] (The Doctor points out the monopticon to Tegan.) DOCTOR: Hello, again. You must be having a ball. [Throne room] DOCTOR [on monitor]: Friends of mine. (The Doctor leads the group out of view.) CONTROL: Molecular structure of intruding artefact consistent with destination Earth and its solar system. [Spaceship] DOCTOR: Amazing work. Worthy of Gallifrey. Non-corrosive alloys, saturated polymers. Highly advanced.NYSSA: Look at that!DOCTOR: Yes! An interferometer.ADRIC: What's that?NYSSA: This one's for measuring gravitation waves.DOCTOR: But we could use it on the time curve circuits.NYSSA: Look, a graviton crystal detector.ADRIC: What's that for?NYSSA: Same thing.DOCTOR: Belts and braces.NYSSA: Except on Traken, the interferometer superceded the crystal.DOCTOR: Yes. That's what's interesting. See if you can get it going. [Throne room] MONARCH [OC]: I would again look closer at the tallest. He would appear to be the senior. (The monopticon zooms in, and the Doctor smiles up at it.) [Spaceship] (The Doctor reaches out for the monopticon.) DOCTOR: Ah, magnetic shield. Ahem. I mean you no harm. I wonder, could you tell me who or what you are? And where we are? [Throne room] MONARCH [OC]: They appear to be Earthlings, and this one not without intelligence or technological education. [Spaceship] (Adric has found a door.) DOCTOR: I, er, I know we're trespassing, but I would like an opportunity to explain the circumstances, if you'd be so kind.ADRIC: Doctor, don't we have some kind of a sonic (The Doctor gestures Adric to be quiet.) DOCTOR: So, your lips are sealed. Well, would it be in order for you to take me to your leader? If you have a leader, that is.TEGAN: Look! A door! (A second door slides open at the top of a stairway.) DOCTOR: Oh. Well, that's a friendly gesture. Thank you. Er, perhaps one of us should stay with Nyssa, Adric.ADRIC: No!DOCTOR: Good man. Come on. We'll see you both later. [Linkway] (Another monopticon hangs in midair.) DOCTOR: Ah, a twib. (The next door opens for them.) DOCTOR: Thank you. [Spaceship] (The monopticon is keeping a close eye on Adric.) ADRIC: Look, just go away, will you? (It backs off.) NYSSA: Calm down. It won't bite.ADRIC: How do you know?NYSSA: Because.ADRIC: I don't know why the Doctor made me stay here anyway.NYSSA: Come over here. (She hands him some small items from a drawer in the bottom of the detector.) ADRIC: He knows I'm no good with my hands. [Throne room] ENLIGHTENMENT [OC]: Her attire is interesting. It obviously reflects a different culture.PERSUASION [OC]: How can Earthlings have penetrated us?ENLIGHTENMENT [OC]: Can they have learned the error of their ways? Are they now pacified and cooperative? Is our arrival to be simpler than expected?MONARCH [OC]: More. Can their technology now be advanced as mine? [Linkway] (The Doctor and Tegan come down a steep ladder and carry on.) TEGAN: How much further? (Another door opens for them.) [Spaceship] (Adric and Nyssa try to move the piece of equipment, but it is too heavy for them.) NYSSA: It's no good, we'll have to take the readings out here. You know where the time curve circuits are, don't you?ADRIC: Of course.NYSSA: Well, fetch them. I'll set up. (Adric goes into the TARDIS.) [Throne room] (We get our first view of the three speakers as the Doctor and Tegan enter. They are seated high up above their subjects, with Monarch highest of all, and wearing voluminous green gowns that hide their shapes. This is effectively the bridge of the spaceship, where they watch everything on a bank of monitors in front of them.) DOCTOR: Here we are.TEGAN: At last.MONARCH: Welcome. I am Monarch. (Tegan gasps at the greenish rough skin of the alien in charge.) DOCTOR: You look as if you might be. (Monarch gestures to his lower right.) MONARCH: And this is Enlightenment.DOCTOR: Enlightenment, how do you do.ENLIGHTENMENT: How do you do.MONARCH: And this is Persuasion.DOCTOR: Friendly, I hope.MONARCH: And you are?DOCTOR: I am the Doctor.ENLIGHTENMENT: A doctor? Of what?DOCTOR: Of everything.PERSUASION: How modest.MONARCH: An Earthling.DOCTOR: A Gallifreyan. Tegan is an Earthling, Adric is an Alzarian, and Nyssa there is from Traken. (Nyssa is on the monitor.) PERSUASION: You come in peace?DOCTOR: Of course. And inadvertently, as a matter of fact.MONARCH: Control, release full life support atmosphere, please. Remove your encumbrances. (The Doctor and Tegan take off their helmets.) DOCTOR: Thank you. May I ask who you are?MONARCH: I am the supreme leader of the people of Urbanka, in the solar system of Inokshi in the galaxy RA one four eight nine.DOCTOR: Goodness me, you are a long way from home.MONARCH: As indeed are you. You must be tired. Control, refreshments for our guests.DOCTOR: You're very kind.MONARCH: I am merely civilised.ENLIGHTENMENT: Is that what the best-dressed Earthling women are wearing these days?TEGAN: These days?ENLIGHTENMENT: It's two and a half thousand years since we were last there.TEGAN: Two thousand five hundred years?MONARCH: Yes, our planets are rather far apart. We come as often as we can. Control, isolate the girl. (Monarch is keeping a close eye on what Nyssa is doing.) DOCTOR: You know, I drop in from time to time myself, and nothing on Earth changes quite so often as the fashion. You wouldn't believe the way some people look. Some of them even wear safety pins.ENLIGHTENMENT: Safety pins?PERSUASION: A defence mechanism?DOCTOR: Earrings.ENLIGHTENMENT: How barbaric.DOCTOR: Yes. A lot of it about.ENLIGHTENMENT: Are you fashionable, Tegan?TEGAN: This is my uniform.ENLIGHTENMENT: What is your manner of dress when not in uniform?TEGAN: It's difficult to explain. Have you got a piece of paper? (The Doctor hands over a notebook.) TEGAN: Thanks. Pen? Pencil? (A propelling pencil.) TEGAN: That'll do. (Tegan settles down to do a sketch.) [TARDIS] (Adric calls up a schematic to try and find the circuit. Outside, a door opens behind Nyssa and a man with a beard, wearing a white toga, enters. She gasps.) ADRIC: Nyssa? Nyssa! Nyssa? [Spaceship] (Adric looks out of the TARDIS.) ADRIC: Nyssa? Nyssa? Where is she? I said, where is she? (A door opens at the far end of the compartment. Adric goes back to shut the TARDIS door and then walks out, followed by the monopticon.) [Throne room] MONARCH: Is this one of your drop in times, Doctor?DOCTOR: Drop in times?MONARCH: Your visits to planet Earth.DOCTOR: Yes, I promised to put Tegan on her plane.MONARCH: Her astral plane?DOCTOR: Yes, in a sense. They go from Heathrow Airport.MONARCH: This is not Heathrow Airport.DOCTOR: No, not even the quarantine area.MONARCH: Forgive my curiosity as to how your craft came aboard.DOCTOR: An error. My assistant miscalculated the coordinates.TEGAN: Too right he did.DOCTOR: Or it could have been your dense magnetic field causing a fluctuation of my artron energy.MONARCH: What energy is that? (Adric is on his way to the bridge.) MONARCH: You possess an energy you do not understand?DOCTOR: Yes. Silly, isn't it. Only my professor at the Academy seemed to understand it. Just goes to show how academic everything is.MONARCH: Hmm. Ah, the boy who got his sums wrong.ADRIC: No, I didn't. I'm a mathematician.MONARCH: Mathematician, eh? Well, what do you understand by e=mc2ADRIC: Doctor.DOCTOR: Come on, Adric, explain the formula.ADRIC: Doctor, where's Nyssa? Energy equals mass time the speed of light squared.MONARCH: You grasp the theory of relativity?ADRIC: Doesn't everyone?TEGAN: No, I don't. And if we don't get back to Heathrow, I'm going to lose my job.ADRIC: Study maths and you might get a better one.TEGAN: I don't want a better one.DOCTOR: Come along, children. Not in front of our hosts. (Tegan hands her sketch over to Enlightenment, who peers at it short-sightedly.) MONARCH: You will be escorted to your refreshments.DOCTOR: Thank you, Monarch.PERSUASION: Majesty.DOCTOR: Majesty. (The Doctor, Tegan and Adric leave. Enlightenment looks at the sketch of a man in a double-breasted suit, and a woman in shift dress with leggings.) MONARCH: Well done, Enlightenment. These will eliminate the need for telemicrographics, and may prove to be more reliable. I would inspect their craft. [Linkway] (The monopticon leads them down a staircase.) ADRIC: But, look, DoctorDOCTOR: I'm sure she's all right. [Refreshment room] (They enter a room with a table and seven metal chairs, and Nyssa. She removes her helmet when she sees they are not wearing theirs.) DOCTOR: What did I tell you?ADRIC: Are you all right?NYSSA: Just about.DOCTOR: Ah, there you are. That's reassuring. (The monopticon hovers above their heads.) [Spaceship] (Monarch goes over to the TARDIS.) MONARCH: Laser key. (A laser rises from a unit and aims its red light at the TARDIS lock. It does not open.) MONARCH: Directional cobalt flux. (Blue fuzzy energy fails, too.) MONARCH: This artefact is too primitive to defy my technology. [Refreshment room] NYSSA: Doctor, I tell you it was a humanoid. (Who enters carrying a heavily laded tray.) BIGON: Welcome. My name is Bigon. (Pronounced By-gone.) DOCTOR: Hello. I'm the Doctor. This is Tegan, Adric and Nyssa.BIGON: We've met.DOCTOR: Are you an Earthling?BIGON: Yes.DOCTOR: Greek?BIGON: Athenian.DOCTOR: What are you doing here?BIGON: Will it please you to eat and drink? A simple meal. Vegetarian. Citrus fruits, apples, nut, avocado pears and grape juice. (All in little compartments in the trays.) ADRIC: Oh, a small river fruit.BIGON: Avocado pear.ADRIC: Er, could anyone pass the sodium chloride, please?TEGAN: Sodium chloride?DOCTOR: Salt. If you're an Earthling, how do you come to be on this ship? (A door opens and an Australian aborigine enters, complete with loincloth, decorative scars and white paint on the forehead.) KURKUTJI: Oolalaga itanga Kurkutji. Iyinta oogana intanda.TEGAN: Angalawe itanga Tegan.KURKUTJI: Tegan. No ango p'unkupo.TEGAN: U'unkupo. Maka nempita?DOCTOR: You speak the dialect?TEGAN: Well, he's an Australian aborigine. (Who currently have about three thousand different dialects, and this guy isn't from now....) DOCTOR: Well, I know that. What's he saying?TEGAN: Well, he's welcoming us in the name of peace.DOCTOR: What's he doing here?TEGAN: I was asking.DOCTOR: Sorry to interrupt.TEGAN: Make nempita kukuch?KURKUTJI: Koolalaka kap ti pampoon.TEGAN: He says he's going walkabout to the time of the dreaming.DOCTOR: The dreaming?TEGAN: Heaven. He says he's going to heaven. We're all going to heaven. [Throne room] (Monarch sits alone, watching.) MONARCH: As I've always said, out of the mouths of primates and primitives. [Refreshment room] DOCTOR: When does he expect to get there?TEGAN: I'm frightened.NYSSA: So am I.DOCTOR: Is that where you're going?BIGON: I'm not a believer.DOCTOR: No, of course you're not. (An elegant South American woman in yellow enters.) BIGON: Allow me to present Princess Villagra.DOCTOR: How do you do, your Highness.BIGON: The princess has vowed not to talk again until she is reunited with her people.DOCTOR: Who are her people?BIGON: The Mayan people of the Americas.DOCTOR: Goodness, that's going back a bit. (Finally, Burt Kwouk enters in quilted Mandarin jacket to complete the cast.) LIN FUTU: Greetings.DOCTOR: Greetings.LIN FUTU: I am Lin Futu.DOCTOR: Well, I'd never have guessed it. You look in the best of health to me.LIN FUTU: Thank you.DOCTOR: You're all Earthlings. What are you doing on this ship? Are you hostages, is that it? [Throne room] DOCTOR [on monitor]: Well, Bigon?MONARCH: Tell them nothing. [Refreshment room] (The monopticon beeps.) BIGON: You have not been told by Monarch?DOCTOR: No.BIGON: Then we must be silent on this. (Two people come down the stairs, looking exactly like Tegan's fashion sketch. The clothes are green.) ENLIGHTENMENT: His Majesty commands me to tell you that we arrive on planet Earth in four days. He invites you to complete your journey as his guests.DOCTOR: Well, that's very civil of His Majesty. Who are you?PERSUASION: We've already met. This is Enlightenment, and I am Persuasion.Part Two [Refreshment room] DOCTOR: Goodness, how you've changed.TEGAN: You're what I sketched.ENLIGHTENMENT: Yes. You're a very good draughtswoman, my dear.TEGAN: I want to go.ENLIGHTENMENT: There's no need to be frightened. Please.TEGAN: I'm not frightened.ADRIC: How did you do it? Change like that.ENLIGHTENMENT: We enjoy the most advanced technology in the universe. (Persuasion pours Tegan a drink, and carries on round the table.) DOCTOR: Magical.ENLIGHTENMENT: No, not magic, Doctor. A skill like any other.ADRIC: You mean anyone can do it?ENLIGHTENMENT: Yes.ADRIC: Me?ENLIGHTENMENT: If you wished. But you have no need, yet.DOCTOR: But you have.ENLIGHTENMENT: As you have seen.PERSUASION: The dominant emotion on planet Earth is fear. When last we were there, our reception was hostile.TEGAN: Yeah, that doesn't surprise me.DOCTOR: Well, we must read your history books.ENLIGHTENMENT: You will be welcome to do so. It will be necessary for me to instruct you in our computer languages.DOCTOR: One couldn't wish for a more enchanting teacher.PERSUASION: A very elevated one.DOCTOR: Enlightenment.PERSUASION: Minister of Enlightenment.DOCTOR: Yes, of course. And you must be Minister of Persuasion. [Throne room] MONARCH: Close watch, this Doctor. Control, report what is known of this being, also Gallifrey and artron energy. [Refreshment room] DOCTOR: May one ask the purpose of your journey to planet Earth?PERSUASION: Resettlement.ENLIGHTENMENT: Our planet, Urbanka, no longer exists. Inokshi, our sun, was an irregular variable. It collapsed a thousand years ago.PERSUASION: We left before the end.ENLIGHTENMENT: In time to escape the black hole.DOCTOR: Many of you?ENLIGHTENMENT: Three billion.ADRIC: Three billion? How many ships?ENLIGHTENMENT: One.ADRIC: One!ENLIGHTENMENT: This one. [Throne room] MONARCH: They have been told enough. [Refreshment room] (The monopticon beeps. Persuasion turns slightly to acknowledge the instruction.) DOCTOR: Yes, well. [Throne room] CONTROL: Data on Doctor, Gallifrey, artron energy not memory banked. Inference, fifth dimension.MONARCH: This Doctor cannot have brought mathematics further than I. Infer again.CONTROL: The occult.MONARCH: Superstition? No. Isolate them. I must know more about them. [Refreshment room] ENLIGHTENMENT: Now that you are refreshed, you must see your quarters. Bigon will show you. He was the last to use them.DOCTOR: I see. So we've accepted your invitation?PERSUASION: Graciously, of course.BIGON: This way please. (Bigon leads Tegan, Adric and Nyssa out.) DOCTOR: Au revoir.ENLIGHTENMENT: I hope so. (The Doctor leaves.) [Linkway] (A door slides open.) BIGON: Here you will be comfortable. I was. [Guest quarters] TEGAN: Yikes. (It is a big room, with lots of angular metal sheet construction.) ADRIC: Where are the others?BIGON: My boy?ADRIC: The rest of the three billion.BIGON: I'm sure that Monarch or one of his ministers will wish to satisfy your curiosity.DOCTOR: I hope we're not putting you out.BIGON: No, I have no need of this accommodation now.DOCTOR: You're with your family?BIGON: I have no family. Not since I was rescued from Earth a hundred generations ago. [Throne room] MONARCH: Why does the old fool have to chatter? [Guest quarters] BIGON: I must leave you now. (The door closes behind Bigon. Tegan tries to open it, and fails.) TEGAN: We're shut in.ADRIC: A hundred generations.DOCTOR: Seems young for his age, don't you think?ADRIC: But three billion people? How big can this ship be?NYSSA: It's impossible.DOCTOR: On the face of it.TEGAN: I want to get out of here. I want to get off this ship. I don't want to be rescued.ADRIC: Make up your mind.TEGAN: Well, can you get us out of here? Can you get us back to the TARDIS?DOCTOR: Oh, I don't anticipate a great deal of difficulty.TEGAN: Good. Then I want to go now!DOCTOR: I knew a sailor once, friend of mine, chap named Drake.TEGAN: What's that got to do with it?DOCTOR: He said something like, there's time enough to get to Terminal three and beat the Armada too.ADRIC: Armada?DOCTOR: Could there really be more than one of these? (The Doctor backs away towards a watching monopticon holding his hat and sonic screwdriver.) [Throne room] (On the monitor, they only see the Doctor's back.) MONARCH: This Doctor interests me more and more. On no account is he to leave. (The Doctor puts his hat over the monopticon's eye. Then he puts away the screwdriver and takes out another pen-like device.) MONARCH: And now he's blocked out the sound. Here we have a lively intelligence. He could make a valuable ally.PERSUASION: Or a dangerous enemy, your Majesty.ENLIGHTENMENT: He is too jocular, irresponsible. Such a being prefers mental anarchy. They call it freedom.MONARCH: What nonsense, the pair of you. I have eliminated the concept of opposition.PERSUASION: I was thinking of Bigon, your Majesty.MONARCH: Bigon cannot oppose.PERSUASION: But he does not conform.MONARCH: Well, of course. He's a philosopher, a doubter. We need doubt. It's the greatest intellectual galvaniser.ENLIGHTENMENT: With respect, your Majesty, there is a sensitivity in his persona which suggests what in the flesh time was called soul.MONARCH: It's the first time, Enlightenment, I've heard you blaspheme.ENLIGHTENMENT: I beg your Majesty's pardon.MONARCH: I should think so. Flesh time indeed. You approach lese majeste when you put the soul into the past tense. [Guest quarters] TEGAN: Must you make that awful noise?DOCTOR: If our conversation is to remain private, yes.ADRIC: They must be lying or mad. Three billion people on one ship? It'll never get off the ground.TEGAN: Of course they're mad. A hundred generations on this thing, they've got to be mad.DOCTOR: She didn't talk of people, she talked of population.ADRIC: Comes to the same thing.DOCTOR: Sloppy thinking, Adric. Do you know there are at least three billion bacteria in this chamber alone? And if a frog with a funny head can turn itself into a semblance of a human being in a matter of minutes, there isn't much of a limit to what it can't do. To say nothing of the dress-making.NYSSA: All that's not so difficult.ADRIC: Not difficult?NYSSA: These Urbankans are terribly advanced.TEGAN: Terribly is too right.NYSSA: I understand bioengineering, but I'm also an expert in cybernetics.TEGAN: What's cybernetics?NYSSA: A science concerned with the control mechanisms of machines.TEGAN: What machines? I've seen three large frogs and four very peculiar human beings.NYSSA: No, you've seen more than that. You saw two sketches you made come to life.TEGAN: Don't remind me.NYSSA: I'm sure machines did that.TEGAN: But we're talking of flesh and blood.DOCTOR: I am beginning to wonder. I mean, here we are, four days from Earth on a spaceship with three billion and three frogs. And four Earthlings. Why? Wait a minute, wait a minute. How long is one hundred generations?ADRIC: What's generation in years?DOCTOR: Call it twenty five.ADRIC: Two thousand five hundred years.DOCTOR: Right. Right. So it's at least two thousand five hundred years since our hosts last visited Earth when they rescued Bigon. Now, if the return journey to Urbanka takes the same time as the journey to Earth. How's your ancient history, Tegan?TEGAN: Like I feel, awful.DOCTOR: Well, not to worry, mine's pretty good. Now, the Futu dynasty in China I would put at four thousand years ago, the Mayans in South American flourished eight thousand years ago, and Kurkutji the aborigine says it's so long since he was taken he can't remember. How about twelve thousand years?TEGAN: But that's mad.DOCTOR: Yes, so you keep saying, Tegan. Is anyone saying you're wrong?ADRIC: I am. I think it's brilliant.NYSSA: So do I. Pure logic.DOCTOR: Or maybe Tegan's right. Why do it?TEGAN: Are you saying that this aborigine was taken twelve thousand years ago?DOCTOR: No, but his ancestor was. Wouldn't be the first time that whole generations have known of no other life than a spaceship.TEGAN: Then what are you saying?DOCTOR: I'm saying that the Urbankans have visited Earth four times and taken at least one cultural representative, and this time they're coming for good. Well, I say good. Three billion Earthlings plus three billion Urbankans, I really don't think so. I really don't think so at all.ADRIC: Then what are we going to do?DOCTOR: Explore. [Throne room] PERSUASION: What action shall I take, your Majesty?MONARCH: None. He will take the action. He has a sonic device, primitive but effective. He'll want to explore. Arrange a recreational to divert him, but keep him separated from the boy or girl. They will tell me more about this Doctor than he will himself. [Guest quarters] (The Doctor picks up his helmet.) DOCTOR: Bring these. (The sonic screwdriver opens the door with ease.) [Linkway] (A monopticon backs away and a door opens for them. It shuts again before Adric and Nyssa can go through, but another door opens further down.) NYSSA: What should we do?ADRIC: Come on. (Nyssa and Adric go through the other door. Going down a set of stairs, Tegan realises.) TEGAN: Doctor, we've lost the others. (The Doctor goes back to the door. It won't open for the screwdriver.) DOCTOR: Hmm. I get the feeling we were meant to lose them.TEGAN: But we can't just leave them.DOCTOR: Oh? What do you suggest? Come on, and try to keep calm. We'll get nowhere if you lose your head. (A door opens.) [Throne room] (On the monitor, Nyssa and Adric go down some stairs.) MONARCH: Let them move freely. In the meantime, Enlightenment, I will examine Bigon.ENLIGHTENMENT: Your Majesty. (Enlightenment leaves.) [Recreation space] (Four Mayan woman are performing a dance around Villagra to the sound of reed flutes. Lin Futu and Kurkutji watch on the ground floor, whilst more aborigines and other races watch from the upper level. The Doctor and Tegan enter on the upper level. One of the hoplites is wearing trainers. Tut, tut.) DOCTOR: More Earthlings. Hello? Some sort of entertainment. (Persuasion joins them.) PERSUASION: Welcome to our recreational.DOCTOR: Thank you.PERSUASION: Where are your junior companions?DOCTOR: I'm afraid they've got lost. You know what children are.PERSUASION: No, I don't, as it happens, but they won't get far. Please. (He leads them to some empty seats.) PERSUASION: We have these little soirees from time to time. It is a recreation from work and study, and representative of the different cultures.DOCTOR: How is Urbanka represented?PERSUASION: We have no comparable culture. Such concepts are for the primitive. (He leaves them.) [Throne room] (Enlightenment has brought Bigon, as ordered.) MONARCH: You must resist the temptation to tell this Doctor about my mission.BIGON: I have been telling the truth for over two and a half thousand years.MONARCH: Then keep silent. You weren't made immortal to engage in endless gossip. I want to know more about this Doctor before I tell him of the ultimate.BIGON: When you do this, his hand will be against you.MONARCH: Then I will cut it off.BIGON: We cannot find the ultimate. There is no ultimate to find.MONARCH: I have heard enough blasphemy for one day. If it weren't for me, you'd still believe your Earth is flat. Now hold your tongue! This Doctor will know about us when I know more about him. Now leave us! [Flora chamber] (Aborigines are tending the plants and using the computer controlled equipment.) ADRIC: Very bright light.NYSSA: For photosynthesis.ADRIC: What's that?NYSSA: The light on the plants converts carbon dioxide into carbohydrate. The plants give off oxygen.ADRIC: Hello. (The men ignore them so they leave.) [Recreation room] (The Mayan dance finishes. They turn and make obeisance to Persuasion. Next, Lin Futu summons two sets of dragon dancers.) TEGAN: Shouldn't we look for the others?DOCTOR: No, no, no, no. As Percy over there said, they can't be far.TEGAN: What if they harm them?DOCTOR: Why should they?TEGAN: I don't know why, but I think they will.DOCTOR: Nonsense. Wouldn't make any sense.TEGAN: It doesn't have to. I think they're mad. I think you are, too.DOCTOR: Well, take the advice of a mad man and look happy.TEGAN: Why?DOCTOR: Try to look as if you're enjoying yourself. In these situations it's the best form of defence. And it gives me time to think. [Throne room] (Nyssa and Adric are lured through a door into a area with low oxygen. They begin to gasp for air.) ENLIGHTENMENT: They have lungs.MONARCH: Let them remember that. [Library] (Adric and Nyssa put on the helmets.) ADRIC: Not enough oxygen. (They go down the steps to find a group of Greeks working quietly at consoles.) ADRIC: They don't need oxygen. Excuse me. Excuse me? (Adric touches one man's arm, but he takes no notice.) ADRIC: He's ice cold. (Nyssa takes the man's arm.) NYSSA: They've all got one of these. (A shiny disc on the back of their left hand, about two centimetres across. Nyssa tries to remove it.) [Throne room] MONARCH: No. She goes too far. [Library] (The Greek pushes Nyssa away without looking up.) NYSSA: I'm sorry.ADRIC: Don't you do that to her! (Their exit door opens.) ADRIC: Come on. [Recreation room] (The dragon dance finishes. Bigon enters and summons two hoplites in leather armour with circular shields and short swords, then joins the Doctor and Tegan on the balcony to watch.) BIGON: I want to look as if I'm explaining the contest. I must see you in private as soon as possible.DOCTOR: I fancy I've made our quarters private enough.BIGON: Good. Could you divert the attention of a monopticon?DOCTOR: I'll do my best.BIGON: In ten seconds, please. (Bigon moves away and sits at near the door.) DOCTOR: Act up to me. (The Doctor stands then collapses.) TEGAN: Doctor! (Persuasion and a monopticon are attracted to the incident. Bigon leaves unnoticed.) PERSUASION: Are you not well, Doctor?DOCTOR: Quite all right, thank you. Just a dizzy spell. Must be the altitude. [Throne room] ENLIGHTENMENT: What a fatuous remark.MONARCH: Ah, the flesh time. [Recreation room] (A little later, the hoplites are still twirling and hitting each other's shields with their short swords.) TEGAN: What was all that about?DOCTOR: A little diversion. I think we're on to something. Bigon wants to talk to me. [Mobiliary] (Adric and Nyssa enter the area where the Chinese contingent are working at computers too.) ADRIC: I don't suppose it's worth speaking to any of this lot, either.NYSSA: Look. An electron microscope.ADRIC: What's this? (An observation port into somewhere glowing red.) NYSSA: Looks like an induction furnace. [Throne room] ENLIGHTENMENT: Is it wise, your Majesty, to let the children see the Mobiliary chamber?MONARCH: Enlightenment questions my wisdom?ENLIGHTENMENT: They will communicate with the others.MONARCH: Certainly. But I intend to control and qualify that communication. [Mobiliary] (They watch as one Chinese man works on the disc of another.) ADRIC: What do they do in here? (Nyssa looks up at the monopticon.) [Recreation room] (Finally, the hoplites have their shields knocked out of their hands, then one stabs the other through the heart. The corpse is dragged away to applause. Tegan grabs her helmet and runs out. The Doctor follows her and misses the aboriginal dance to the music of didgeridoos.) [Guest quarters] (Tegan runs in and sits down, in tears. Bigon is there. The Doctor enters and turns on the sound interference. His hat is still over the monopticon's eye.) DOCTOR: I can't say I share your taste in entertainment. (Bigon tries to comfort Tegan.) BIGON: It is not as it seems. [Mobiliary] (The two hoplites enter. The one with the sword wound in his chest goes and lies down on the couch where the Chinese man had been earlier. Chinese technicians lower a transparent cover over the couch. It fills with bright light for a few moments then is raised again. The chest wound has vanished. The hoplite gets up and takes his sword and shield from his opponent.) NYSSA: So that's what they do in here. [Throne room] MONARCH: Bring the children to me. (The monopticon beeps and the hoplites advance on Nyssa and Adric.) [Guest quarters] TEGAN: So you were right.DOCTOR: Four visits, every four thousand years or so.BIGON: No, the first visit was over thirty five thousand years ago, when Kurkutji was taken. It took twenty thousand years for the Urbankans to reach Earth. Monarch has doubled the speed of the ship on every subsequent visit.TEGAN: So you last left Urbanka twelve hundred and fifty years ago?DOCTOR: How can organic life endure that long?BIGON: The only organic life aboard is in the Flora chamber. This compound is not me. (Bigon stands, and opens the front of his toga. He peels back his chest to reveal mechanisms inside, then he lifts up his face to show more workings, and puts it down again. Finally, he takes out a small component on the end of a computer cable.) BIGON: This is me.Part Three [Guest quarters] BIGON: This is my memory of two thousand five hundred and fifty five years, linked to that, which is my reason, my intelligence, linked to that, which is my motor power.DOCTOR: Incredible engineering.BIGON: This compound is a polymer stretched over a non-corrosive steel frame.TEGAN: It's wicked. Evil.BIGON: Not in itself. As with all technology, it is the use to which it is put.DOCTOR: Exactly. Just three silicon chips.BIGON: My reasoning chip contains more circuits than there are synapses in your brain, Doctor, each linked by lines one hundred nanometres thick.TEGAN: What's a nanometre?DOCTOR: Oh, a thousand millionth of a metre.TEGAN: No. I'm sorry, I can't believe that.DOCTOR: Well, like it or not, Tegan, you're looking at a fact, if not a fact of life. This ship contains the entire population of Urbanka. Nine billion silicon chips.BIGON: Not so many. Some are slaves, robots. They have but one chip, the motor circuit. Those are they that wear the discs.DOCTOR: So, the Aborigine, the Chinaman and the Mayan areBIGON: All as I, yes. The leaders of four ethnic groups. [Throne room] (The hoplites have brought Adric and Nyssa to the Urbankans.) MONARCH: So you see, I mean you no harm.NYSSA: You're androids.MONARCH: Oh no, girl, don't irritate me. And above all, don't disappoint me. I hold you to be intelligent. I've already explained simply and succinctly that we're fully integrated personalities with a racial memory.ADRIC: Then what are these, your Majesty? (Adric points over his shoulder at a hoplite.) MONARCH: No, no, no. There must be a class system. It is absolutely essential for good government. Now these are second-class citizens. You could call them assisters.NYSSA: Or slaves.MONARCH: If you will, girl. It is, however, a very emotive word.ENLIGHTENMENT: Very flesh time.ADRIC: Flesh time?ENLIGHTENMENT: It is the name Monarch to the primitive time. In your terms, the time of the chickenpox, of hunger and heart disease, arthritis, bronchitis and the common cold.MONARCH: I have over thrown the greatest tyranny in the universe. External and internal organs.NYSSA: What about love?MONARCH: Love?ENLIGHTENMENT: The exchange of two fantasies, your Majesty. (She's quoting Renoir, La Regle du Jeu.) MONARCH: Ah. Thank you, Enlightenment. Oh, my children, I would like to have held you captive by my words, not by assisters.ADRIC: But you have, your Majesty.MONARCH: My boy?ADRIC: What you've done is almost beyond belief. You've performed a miracle.MONARCH: Did you hear that, Enlightenment? We have been receiving messages from Earth for fifty years. Have you ever heard a more intelligent statement? Release them. Release them at once. (The hoplites back away.) MONARCH: You will be invaluable to me in my crusade.ADRIC: Crusade?MONARCH: To come to the aid of the Earthlings. To save them from themselves. They're not as intelligent as you. They war amongst themselves. They make more weapons than food and two thirds of them are starving. It is all a problem of the flesh time. We come to rid them of it.NYSSA: Perhaps they don't want to be rid of it.ADRIC: Well, that's silly, Nyssa. How can anyone want to live like that?MONARCH: He's right.ENLIGHTENMENT: Think, girl. Think.NYSSA: I am thinking. [Guest quarters] BIGON: We have been made immortal.DOCTOR: So it would seem. As long as you have spare parts you could go on forever. (The Doctor is tossing a cricket ball in his left hand.) DOCTOR: All you need is the raw materials.BIGON: The reason for Monarch's invasion of Earth. The visits established its suitability.DOCTOR: Of course! That's it, he's after the silicon.TEGAN: What?DOCTOR: One of the biggest components of the Earth's crust is silicon. All the chips he wants.BIGON: And the fossilisation.DOCTOR: Oh yes, carbon too.BIGON: First he intends to replace the population of Earth with his own.TEGAN: What, three billion people?BIGON: He can do it. The landing will be peaceful. He has prepared a message of peace and will offer them the help of his advanced alien intelligence. That is why he will want your help. To convince the people of Earth that he means them no harm.TEGAN: He'll get no help from me.BIGON: Don't be too sure. In the Mobiliary there is a deadly poison. The deadliest in the known universe. The Urbankans secreted it in a gland. It causes organic matter to shrink in on itself. One trillionth of a gram would reduce you to the size of a grain of salt. With this he will conquer Earth. [Throne room] ENLIGHTENMENT: We bring enlightenment.NYSSA: And persuasion.PERSUASION: That, too.ADRIC: Just think of it, Nyssa. A whole new technology. No more hunger, no more wars. Fine schools, fine hospitalsNYSSA: Fine tyranny.ENLIGHTENMENT: You should guard against the arrogance of the scientist, Nyssa. As a bioengineer, you, more than most, should marvel at the might of our Monarch. He led us from the Urbankan slime first to conquer the land, then the elements, to develop the greatest technology in the universe.MONARCH: You mustn't be too hard on the child, Enlightenment. She has spirit and courage and a fine independence. Such qualities will be useful. She'll come round in the end.NYSSA: Never to tyranny. I can never forget that my father was killed by a tyrant.ADRIC: Well, now you're being unreasonable, Nyssa. One simply can't compare his Majesty to the Master.MONARCH: Who is this Master?ADRIC: A Time Lord, your Majesty, and the Doctor's greatest enemy. [Guest quarters] BIGON: Unless he is stopped, he will eventually destroy Earth just as he destroyed Urbanka.DOCTOR: I thought he said Urbanka's son was a supernova?BIGON: A lie. He exhausted the planet of its minerals and then polluted it with his technology. The pollution destroyed the ozone layer and left ultraviolet light to scorch Urbanka.DOCTOR: And all this for what?BIGON: His great plan. For him to travel faster than light.DOCTOR: What?BIGON: Monarch is obsessed with solving the riddle of the universe.DOCTOR: Absurd. So he believes that to travel faster than light would mean going backwards in time, back to the Big Bang?BIGON: And beyond. Monarch believes he will meet himself there. He believes he is God. [Throne room] MONARCH: I grieve you, my child, that your father should have met such a fate. So, this Doctor of yours is also a Time Lord, eh?ADRIC: Yes, your Majesty.MONARCH: Whence comes his power?ADRIC: From other Time Lords. He speaks of the one called Rassilon.ENLIGHTENMENT: There is a galactic legend about a Rassilon. He who found the Eye of Harmony.MONARCH: You know very well, Enlightenment, I regard such tales as superstition.ENLIGHTENMENT: Yes, your Majesty.MONARCH: Yes, now tell me more about this Time Lord Doctor. He seems to be a very agreeable person.ADRIC: Yes.MONARCH: He has a powerful mind.ADRIC: Yes, yes.MONARCH: Yes, I like that. Has he any power outside his machine?ADRIC: Well, he has two hearts.MONARCH: Oh, poor fellow. That must make him very vulnerable.ADRIC: And he has the ability to go into a trance that suspends life functions.MONARCH: Oh, that must be useful. But I'm interested in this er, machine of his.ADRIC: The TARDIS.MONARCH: Hmm?ADRIC: Short for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space.MONARCH: Fascinating. It's very small. I mean, is it not uncomfortable.ADRIC: No, the interior's in a different dimension.MONARCH: Really?ADRIC: Yes, it's quite large.NYSSA: Why don't you shut up!MONARCH: Oh, mind your manners, my dear. Go on, boy.ADRIC: Oh. Well, it's got a power room, it's got a bathroom. It's even got cloisters.MONARCH: Cloisters?ENLIGHTENMENT: A covered walkway, your Majesty. An architectural feature of ecclesiastical and educational establishments on Earth.MONARCH: All that inside this TARDIS?ADRIC: Yes, your Majesty.MONARCH: Fascinating. I should love to see all this.ADRIC: Well, I'm quite sure the Doctor would be only too pleased to show you around. He's the only one of us who really understands it and how it operates.MONARCH: Oh, I like that. Could you ask this Doctor now if I could look inside his TARDIS?ADRIC: Of course, your Majesty. (Adric leaves and Nyssa follows.) MONARCH: Not you. Stop her. I have other plans for you, child.NYSSA: What are you going to do?MONARCH: Don't be afraid. One only harms that which one fears. [Guest quarters] BIGON: He must be stopped at all costs, Doctor.DOCTOR: If you feel this way, why have you not acted before?BIGON: I am powerless alone. I have free will, but built into my circuits is a fail-safe mechanism. Any aggressive intent is immediately signalled and baulked.DOCTOR: Well, the only course of action I can think of is to go along with him. Appear to cooperate.BIGON: There may not be time. Sooner or later he is bound to make you as I am. All of you.TEGAN: No! Kill us?BIGON: It is not death. First you are hypnotised. Under hypnosis you are made to recall your whole life. This is recorded and micro-chipped. Your body is then disposed of and you are remade as I.TEGAN: No, no, no, no, no!DOCTOR: It's all right, it's all right. Just leave everything to me.TEGAN: I'm sick of leaving everything to you!DOCTOR: Could you perhaps show me the part of the ship that controls the population? All the information you can.BIGON: Yes, but we must hurry.TEGAN: You must be mad.DOCTOR: Just keep calm.TEGAN: How? We've got to get out of here. We've got to get to the TARDIS and get out of here!DOCTOR: Not yet. Please, will you stop thinking of yourself for once!TEGAN: I'm not thinking of myself. We've got to get to Earth and warn them!DOCTOR: Of what? Who'll believe us? We'll be laughed at.TEGAN: We can try.DOCTOR: Yes, another way.BIGON: Doctor?DOCTOR: Yes, just coming. Now stay here. You'll be perfectly safe. I won't be very long.TEGAN: I won't stay here!DOCTOR: Yes, you will! In here you can't be seen, out there you can. You stay here! (to Bigon) Go a little in front of me. That will tell them not to confront me and I can surprise it.TEGAN: Don't leave me, please.DOCTOR: Shush. (He turns off the audio interference and takes out the sonic screwdriver.) [Linkway] (The Doctor uses the screwdriver on a monopticon, which starts spinning in mid-air.) BIGON: You reversed the magnetic field?DOCTOR: Yes, and that's the way we'll deal with them all. Come on.BIGON: (re helmet) You'd better put that on. [Throne room] (Enlightenment and Nyssa are staring at each other.) ENLIGHTENMENT: Your eyes are getting heavy. They are getting heavier, and heavier, and heavier. (Nyssa closes her eyes.) ENLIGHTENMENT: Now you are asleep. Soon you will recall all past life and then you will be relieved of the flesh time. Take her to the Mobiliary. (The hoplites lead Nyssa away.) PERSUASION: The monopticon in linkway seven has a fault.ENLIGHTENMENT: The magnetic field has reversed.MONARCH: Then it's the Doctor who's reversed it. He'll be dealt with. They will all be dealt with. My patience is not inexhaustible. (While Tegan searches the guest quarters for another way out, and Nyssa is escorted down a Linkway, the Doctor opens the door to where the Greeks are working and rolls in his cricket ball. While the monopticon is distracted by it, he runs in and reverses its magnetic field with the screwdriver, then retrieves the ball.) MONARCH: Now he's in the library.ENLIGHTENMENT: Much good may it do him, unless Bigon is there.PERSUASION: I've not seen Bigon for some time, your Majesty.MONARCH: It need not concern you, Persuasion.ENLIGHTENMENT: The boy appears lost.MONARCH: He'll find his way. [Library] BIGON: You can take that off to conserve it. The life support system is on. That red light indicates it. (The Doctor removes his helmet.) DOCTOR: Is the course controlled from here?BIGON: Yes, but it is an automatic control.DOCTOR: What are these doing?BIGON: What they have been doing for centuries. Attempting to find power formulae to move faster than the speed of light. And having some success. Perhaps a thousand years hence Monarch will indeed be going backward in time to a rendezvous with himself, the Creator. [Mobiliary] (Lin Futu is waiting when the hoplites enter with Nyssa.) LIN FUTU: Leave her. (The hoplites leave and two Chinamen take Nyssa's arms. They lead her to a cubicle where they stand her and put a metal helmet over her head. Then they shut the transparent door and a light comes on.) LIN FUTU: Five minutes. [Guest quarters] (Adric enters, and Tegan pops up from her hiding place.) ADRIC: Tegan, where's the Doctor?TEGAN: I don't know.ADRIC: What's the matter?TEGAN: We've got to get off this ship. We must or we'll all die.ADRIC: What utter rubbish! Monarch has no reason for harming us. He wants our help. Tegan, the Doctor was right about these Urbankans. They're light years ahead in their technology.TEGAN: Oh, silicon chips!ADRIC: You know?TEGAN: Yeah, and a lot more than you. Now out of my way.ADRIC: Where do you think you're going?TEGAN: To the TARDIS.ADRIC: Why?TEGAN: To try to get out of here. Somebody's got to.ADRIC: You're being very silly, and anyway, you can't even work it.TEGAN: Well, I'm going to try.ADRIC: But I don't see what you're in such a state about. Look, can't you understand? These Urbankans are benefactors.TEGAN: Ha!ADRIC: And Monarch is charming. He's just asked me very politely if he could have a look round the TARDIS.TEGAN: Adric, you can come with me or get out of my way. What's it going to be?ADRIC: But everything is all right, I tell you! And anyway, you can't get into the TARDIS.TEGAN: Oh, can't I? (She pulls the spare key from her jacket pocket.) TEGAN: You forget, I was given this when we left it.ADRIC: Well, I'll take that.TEGAN: You will not! Adric, I'm warning you. Get out of my way!ADRIC: No! Now look, I'm not going to let you do anything silly. (Adric makes a grab for Tegan. She twists out of his grasp and leaves, not realising that he has fallen and hit his head against one of the beds.) [Mobiliary] (Lin Futu checks on Nyssa's progress.) LIN FUTU: Two minutes. (Bigon enters the Flora chamber at the top of the stairs. The Doctor comes in behind and sets the monopticon spinning.) [Throne room] (Another monitor goes crazy.) PERSUASION: He's now in the Flora chamber, and I saw Bigon with him.MONARCH: As he was in the library. Your eyes have been elsewhere, Persuasion. Our friend Bigon is giving the Doctor a guided tour.PERSUASION: Is that wise, your Majesty?MONARCH: Oh, my other minister questions my wisdom.PERSUASION: I beg your Majesty's pardon.MONARCH: I should think so, indeed. [Flora chamber] DOCTOR: Intensified ultraviolet for photosynthesis.BIGON: Yes, this is all that was saved from Urbanka.DOCTOR: And now it's a source of oxygen.BIGON: For those who need it.DOCTOR: Point taken.BIGON: And this is the graveyard of all those taken from Earth.DOCTOR: There were others?BIGON: Many. After the experiments, only the highest intelligence was allowed to live on, as I.DOCTOR: And the frogs?BIGON: To ensure a supply of the poison with which Monarch will conquer Earth. (The Doctor gazes at a tiny tree-frog clinging to the side of a vivarium.) [Throne room] (On a monitor, Tegan runs in and unlocks the TARDIS.) MONARCH: The girl Tegan. (Tegan goes inside the TARDIS.) PERSUASION: Action, your Majesty?MONARCH: None. She can do nothing. No Earthling could possibly have the capacity. (Tegan locks the doors, hangs up her helmet then starts operating controls.)MONARCH: The guided tour continues.ENLIGHTENMENT: They are now in the Mobiliary.PERSUASION: The girl Nyssa is there in the first stage, your Majesty. [Mobiliary] LIN FUTU: What did you do to the monopticon?BIGON: The Doctor was trying a small experiment. No harm has been done. Monarch commanded me to show the Doctor the ship. I hope we do not intrude.LIN FUTU: No. If you will allow me to continue with my work?BIGON: Of course. (Lin Futu moves away. Bigon takes the Doctor to the couch.) BIGON: This is where the metamorphoses are performed with him in charge. Here in these drawers lie the Urbankans, the future inhabitants of Earth.DOCTOR: An appalling thought. (Lin Futu is listening to them.) BIGON: All must be destroyed.DOCTOR: It's a tall order. (Bigon looks in a drawer.) BIGON: This was once my prison for over a hundred years. The penalty for my one and only attempt at revolt. (Bigon leads the Doctor over to an octagonal unit in the middle of the room.) BIGON: Here is the poison. (In the TARDIS, Tegan is failing to make the TARDIS do anything except make noises.) BIGON: This is how the process works. The subject is hypnotised and their memory recorded. The subject is then terminated and their body used to fertilise the Flora chamber. By Zeus! One of you is already in there! (Bigon and the Doctor dash over to the cabinet and open the door. The light goes off and Bigon removes the helmet from Nyssa before they drag her out.) DOCTOR: Nyssa, wake up. (Nyssa's eyes open and she falls into the Doctor's arms. He carries her over to the couch and sits her down.) NYSSA: Oh, Doctor, thank you.DOCTOR: Are you all right?NYSSA: I'll be all right in a minute. They were going to kill me.DOCTOR: Yes, the devils. Where's Adric?NYSSA: I think he's all right. They sent him to look for you. They want the key to the TARDIS.DOCTOR: Oh, do they. (Adric wakes with a sore head and stumbles out of the guest quarters without his helmet. ) (Tegan tries everything except sweet talk and a box of chocolates to get the TARDIS to work.) [Throne room] LIN FUTU: Your Majesty, they were plotting the deliberate destruction of the Urbankan people.MONARCH: You've done well. Bigon will be de-circuited and the Doctor destroyed. Persuasion, see to it.PERSUASION: Your Majesty. (Persuasion and Lin Futu leave.) MONARCH: So perish all who threaten my mission. [TARDIS] (Tegan is close to tears of frustration.) TEGAN: Come on. [Mobiliary] DOCTOR: Could we expect support from the others, Kurkutji and Futu?BIGON: No, they have been corrupted by power. They have been promised, as I was, dominion over their ethnic groups on Earth.DOCTOR: Yes, difficult to resist.BIGON: Not for me. In a civilised world, there is no substitute for democracy.DOCTOR: Is there nowhere we could hide ourselves to get a plan together?BIGON: Nowhere.DOCTOR: No weapons?BIGON: The armoury is in the throne room.DOCTOR: Then our only hope is to get to the TARDIS and warn Earth. Might these be of any use to us? (The Chinamen.) BIGON: Not as they are. Perhaps I could alter their circuits.NYSSA: Doctor, may I have your sonic screwdriver?DOCTOR: What for?NYSSA: I'd like to try something. This has an electric charge, hasn't it?DOCTOR: Yes.NYSSA: Now, may I borrow your pencil? (The Doctor hands over the pencil as Adric bursts in.) ADRIC: Doctor! Doctor, it's Tegan. She's trying to move the TARDIS.DOCTOR: Oh, good grief. (Persuasion enters with a two hoplites and Lin Futu.) PERSUASION: Take them! (Two Chinamen seize Bigon.) DOCTOR: Ah, yes, I(Two more Chinamen twist the Doctor's arms behind his back.Tegan finally gets the time rotor going up and down.) [Throne room] (Enlightenment and Monarch watch the TARDIS dematerialise on the monitor.) MONARCH: So it goes. So any fool can operate it. So much for the Doctor's technology. So be it. [Mobiliary] (Persuasion restores the monopticon's magnetic field.) PERSUASION: De-circuit that. (Bigon is led away.) PERSUASION: And kill him. (A Chinaman kicks the back of the Doctor's leg, forcing him to kneel.) ADRIC: No! No! No! No! (A hoplite prepares to behead the Doctor.) Part Four [Mobiliary] (Nyssa quickly reaches up to the executioner's disc and touches it with both the screwdriver and pencil. There is a quick crackle of electricity and he freezes. She does the same to the one holding Adric. Persuasion takes out a small hand weapon and points it at the Doctor. Adric runs forward between them.) ADRIC: No! [Throne room] MONARCH: Do not harm the boy. (The monopticon relays the instruction.) MONARCH: The boy has great courage.ENLIGHTENMENT: And the girl, your Majesty, has Urbankan intelligence.MONARCH: Yes, the graphite of the pencil conducted the power of the sonic device causing a short circuit.ENLIGHTENMENT: Precisely. [Mobiliary] ADRIC: If you can hear me, your Majesty? [Throne room] MONARCH: I hear you, my boy.ADRIC [on monitor]: With respect, I cannot join you if any harm is done to the Doctor.MONARCH: Persuasion, stay the execution. Bring them all to me. But first, confiscate the Doctor's sonic device. [Mobiliary] PERSUASION: That instrumentation, please. (Nyssa hands them over.) PERSUASION: You may keep the pencil. Release him. You will turn out your pockets, Doctor.DOCTOR: I think I will, yes. (A Chinaman holds out his arms for the contents of the coat of many pockets. A notebook, some string, a magnifying glass and the cricket ball. The other Chinaman frisks him to make sure nothing has been missed, then Nyssa returns the pencil.) DOCTOR: Oh, thank you, Nyssa. It was brilliant, by the way. Quite brilliant. (Persuasion holds up the magnifying glass.) PERSUASION: What is this?DOCTOR: Eye glass. I'm a bit short-sighted in this one. (He indicates his right eye.) PERSUASION: This?DOCTOR: It's a piece of string.PERSUASION: And this?DOCTOR: It's a cricket ball. A memento. I used to bowl a very good chinaman. (He looks one of the Chinamen in the eye, guiltily. A chinaman in cricket is a left-handed googly. A googly is a right-handed delivery that breaks opposite to normal, from off to leg.... oh, go and look the terms up on a search engine if you want.) DOCTOR: I took five wickets once for New South Wales.PERSUASION: His Majesty wishes to see you. All of you. (The Doctor's possessions are returned to him. Lin Futu enters.) PERSUASION: Replace their motor circuits. Precede me, please. (The Doctor, Nyssa and Adric leave with Persuasion's weapon at their backs. Bigon is helped up from the couch and let away. He is staring at nothing.) [TARDIS] (Tegan activates the scanner to see where she has taken the TARDIS. The Urbankan spaceship is nearby.) TEGAN: Oh cripes. (The time rotor is still going slowly up and down.) TEGAN: No. No, leave well alone. [Linkway] (The Doctor looks out of a porthole at the TARDIS.) PERSUASION: Yes, Doctor, the poor are always with us, but I would prefer not to keep his Majesty waiting.(Paraphrasing Matthew 26:11, Christian Bible New Testament.) [Throne room] MONARCH: Ah, Doctor. Your machine is reluctant to break free from mine.DOCTOR: I can't think why.MONARCH: A more considerate guest than you, perhaps.DOCTOR: Oh, is it usual for a host to kill a guest?MONARCH: Oh, in certain rarified circles, but your life is forfeit because you were plotting against me.ADRIC: Doctor?DOCTOR: My actions were motivated by scientific curiosity.MONARCH: Not as they were reported to me.DOCTOR: Reports can be garbled, your Majesty.MONARCH: Not this time. Was it scientific curiosity which caused you to interfere with my monopticons?DOCTOR: I wouldn't dream of interfering with your monopticons.MONARCH: Enough of these recriminations. I propose to show my moral superiority by sparing your life. I'm not, as you would have others believe, a wanton destroyer, but I must protect myself and my mission. Now the girl Nyssa will be held hostage. If you're restrained, you'll come to no harm. Beware you're not the cause of her destruction. Take her to Lin Futu. Let him sedate her and await my orders. (Nyssa and Persuasion leave.) MONARCH: Control, let there be a recreational. For while my eyes are restored from the results of the Doctor's scientific curiosity, I would have my family under my benevolent gaze. You have my permission to withdraw.DOCTOR: Thank you, your Majesty. (The Doctor and Adric leave.) MONARCH: The boy Adric cannot fail to be with me now. [TARDIS] (Tegan has got out the TARDIS Type 40 Handbook.) TEGAN: Pommie mumbo jumbo. [Throne room] (In the recreation room we are treated to the aboriginal dance. Bigon sits on the ground floor, blank. Persuasion returns to the throne room where we can hear the didgeridoo.) PERSUASION: The girl Nyssa is secured and sedated, your Majesty.MONARCH: Good. Where are the Doctor and the boy? (The monitor scans the recreation room.) MONARCH: Ah, Bigon is there.PERSUASION: He should have been de-circuited centuries ago. I will go seek the Doctor and the boy, your Majesty. [Guest quarters] DOCTOR: Adric, I'm sorry. I really am.ADRIC: Well, that's all right. And nothing will happen to Nyssa as long as youDOCTOR: I know, I know, and that's what I'm sorry about. You know, I think I may have been entirely mistaken about Monarch.ADRIC: What? [Throne room] (The monopticon's view is still blocked by the Doctor's hat, but the sound comes through loud and clear.) ADRIC [OC]: I'm so glad to hear you say that.DOCTOR [OC]: Oh, he's an autocrat, of course, but I now believe a benevolent one.ADRIC [OC]: He is, yes.DOCTOR [OC]: And he's ruthless. Anyone can see that. [Guest quarters] DOCTOR: All great leaders have to be ruthless. It's the intention, the mission [Throne room] DOCTOR [OC]: The sheer (The Doctor takes his hat off the monopticon.) DOCTOR [on monitor]: Breadth of vision, that's the important thing.ADRIC [on monitor]: Well, yes, isn't it.DOCTOR [on monitor]: I mean, he could quite easily have had me killed. Now why didn't he?ADRIC [on monitor]: Exactly what I've been trying to tell you.DOCTOR [on monitor]: I know, and that's what I'm sorry about. That's why at the earliest opportunity I shall request permission to see him, seek an audience and make my peace with him. [Guest quarters] DOCTOR: Come on, let's go and see a bit of the recreational.ADRIC: All right. [Recreation space] (The Doctor and Adric enter behind the mock hunt. Persuasion takes up his place of honour at the other end of the area and keeps his eyes locked on the Doctor and Adric as they go up the steps to the balcony.) DOCTOR: Now listen to me, you young idiot. You're not so much gullible as idealistic. I suppose it comes from your deprived delinquent background. Monarch is the greatest being in the known universe for evil. He will destroy Earth and much more if he's not stopped.ADRIC: Back there you saidDOCTOR: Yes, back there he could hear us. Here he can't. I'm playing for time.ADRIC: But you're wrong, Doctor. He's civilisedDOCTOR: Do you want to save Nyssa?ADRIC: Of course I do.DOCTOR: Then shut up and listen. He is not concerned with bringing civilisation. He has the greatest contempt for anyone but himself. He wants to rob Earth of its minerals in order to travel faster than the speed of light. (The music stops and applause breaks out. Villagra summons her Mayan dancing women.) DOCTOR: All right, all right, if that doesn't convince you, why does he carry poison on his ship?ADRIC: Poison?DOCTOR: It's stored in the Mobiliary. If his mission is peaceful, why does he want the poison?ADRIC: Well, history, research.DOCTOR: Do you really think that?ADRIC: He could have had you killed and yet he spared your life. Why?DOCTOR: Because he doesn't want to upset you yet.ADRIC: I don't believe you.DOCTOR: Look, he wants to use you. His subjects are all synthetic. You are flesh and blood. If you speak up for him on Earth, you can delay their opposition.ADRIC: I still don't understand.DOCTOR: No, you don't, do you. Look, the Urbankans are synthetic. They are not like you and me. However sophisticated their circuitry, they are still machines. With me?ADRIC: I think so.DOCTOR: Well, make up your mind. We haven't much time.ADRIC: Why, what are you going to do?DOCTOR: I haven't the slightest intention of telling you until I know if you're with me.ADRIC: Yes. All right then, yes.DOCTOR: I don't believe it. (The Doctor stands and yawns. He gestures to Adric to get up too.) [Throne room] MONARCH: The Doctor is tired. A prime disadvantage of the flesh time. (In the TARDIS, Tegan turns on the scanner again to see she hasn't moved, then throws the Handbook on the floor and stamps on it.) [Linkway] (The monopticon here is still spinning.) DOCTOR: That's good. With any luck, they haven't put this one right yet.ADRIC: What are you going to do?DOCTOR: Get some allies. This door leads to the Mobiliary. Nyssa's in here. Now, with this (magnifying glass) I can distract the monopticon without disabling it. It won't scan us but neither will it draw attention to us. Be ready to take over from me when we get inside. [Mobiliary] (The Doctor holds the glass up in front of the monopticon's 'eye'.) DOCTOR: Now, it's important to hold it steady. It has a cobalt ring with a high flux density.ADRIC: Right. (Adric takes the magnifying glass while the Doctor goes to the drawers of personalities. He takes out a small box.) LIN FUTU: What are you doing here?DOCTOR: Saving your life, I hope.LIN FUTU: Seize him!DOCTOR: No! No, hear me out. You are in great danger. [Throne room] (Persuasion enters.) PERSUASION: Everything is in order, your Majesty.MONARCH: Yes, I saw our friend retire. Mobiliary, why have you changed your scan? (The monitor has concentric circles radiating across it.) MONARCH: Control, report on that monopticon.CONTROL: Cobalt high flux density present.MONARCH: Don't say that Doctor's on the prowl again. What a pest! Persuasion! [Mobiliary] DOCTOR: You must know all I say is true. Put them back. Bigon must have them back.LIN FUTU: You know I cannot do this.DOCTOR: You must. Lin Futu, you are a very old and wise man. You have been promised leadership of your people on Earth.LIN FUTU: Yes.DOCTOR: Do you think for one moment that Monarch will honour that? The Chinese are the most populous and powerful race on Earth. Once Monarch grasps that, what hope is there for you? (Monarch is happily watching the Mayan dance on the Recreational monitor.) LIN FUTU: How can I re-circuit Bigon without Monarch knowing?DOCTOR: Leave that to me. Will your dragon dance be included in the recreational?LIN FUTU: It can be.DOCTOR: Then let it be next. (Lin Futu smiles and takes Bigon's personality box. The Doctor takes over the magnifying glass from Adric, who runs out of the room. The Doctor follows. In the recreational, the Mayan dance finishes and the Chinese dragons enter. So do the Doctor and Adric, and Persuasion, who leaves again almost immediately. The Doctor and Adric sit near Bigon. The Doctor waves at the monopticon.) [Throne room] MONARCH: Ah, conformity. There is no other freedom. [TARDIS] TEGAN: What have I got to lose? (She presses buttons.) [Mobiliary] (The dragon dancers leave the recreational. The second one has gained six extra legs. In the Throne room, we see that the recreational has moved on to Greek wrestling. The dragons return to the Mobiliary and the Doctor, and Adric and Bigon get out from under the dragon's body. The Doctor and Lin Futu lie Bigon down on the couch while Adric holds the magnifying glass up to the monopticon. The Doctor goes to Nyssa, who is lying on a second couch.) DOCTOR: Wake up, Nyssa. Nyssa! Nyssa! (He shakes her awake. A few minutes later, Bigon's personality is back in his body. A Chinaman has taken over monopticon duty.) BIGON: Thank you. I am very glad that you are with us.DOCTOR: What about the Princess and Kurkutji?BIGON: They too will be with us when they hear the truth. I will summon them.ADRIC: What are we going to do?DOCTOR: Well, somehow I must get to the TARDIS. There are hatches. I must try to get to it on a lifeline.BIGON: Hatch nine is nearest.LIN FUTU: You will need life support and protective covering.ADRIC: We have this. (A helmet.) DOCTOR: Oh, no, no, no, that won't do for the temperature out there. And anyway, I'll need your help. (Lin Futu brings a silver spacesuit.) LIN FUTU: Here. Used for repairs and maintenance topsides. Our lubrication freezes and our joints seize up.DOCTOR: Splendid. Adric. I can use this, (the helmet) but we have only six minutes. That's as long as I can stand sub-zero temperatures. [Throne room] MONARCH: The Doctor and the boy Adric are conspicuous by their absence. To say nothing of Bigon! [Mobiliary] (Adric is suited up. He looks like a slim Sontaran.) DOCTOR: What about the androids? Have you control of them all?BIGON: Yes, but Monarch or one of his ministers can countermand any order.DOCTOR: Well, is there no way to break the contact?BIGON: Only by de-circuiting them. (Villagra and Kurkutji enter. Lin Futu goes to greet them.) DOCTOR: No, there's no time. Anyway, you'd be seen.BIGON: Wait. There is a way. There is a fail-safe mechanism. A faulty circuit once gave rise to development of reason, a potential for revolt. Any collective activity automatically jams the androids' circuits. Nyssa, relieve him. (Nyssa takes over magnifying glass duty.) DOCTOR: Can you arrange a collective activity?BIGON: I do not see why one thing should not lead to another. [Throne room] (In the recreational, the Greek wrestlers give way to the hoplites, while the Mayans, the Chinese and aboriginals also to take the floor at the same time.) MONARCH: What is going on? Control, let it cease.CONTROL: Cessation not possible. Motor circuits jammed on common activity.MONARCH: What was designed as a fail-safe has been turned against me. The Doctor is behind this. Kill the girl Nyssa. Find the Doctor. Destroy him! Persuasion! [Hatch nine] (Adric holds up the magnifying glass to the monopticon on duty as the outer hatch opens. The Doctor lashes himself to a stanchion with a bright orange rope and jumps out into space. Adric makes sure the rope plays out properly as the Doctor tries to 'swim' to the TARDIS. The rope is too short and he has to turn back. Persuasion enters and fires his weapon, narrowly missing Adric, who falls. For some reason, Persuasion trips and falls. Adric gets his weapon and uses it, but it has no effect on the android. Adric and Persuasion grapple with each other as the Doctor pulls himself back to the spaceship.) [Throne room] MONARCH: The boy has betrayed me. (The Doctor returns to the ship and grabs Persuasion by the neck.) MONARCH: Help him! (Enlightenment leaves. The Doctor pulls out Persuasion's personality chip and throws it into space.) MONARCH: No! [Hatch nine] (The Doctor retrieves his sonic screwdriver from Persuasion's pocket, give Adric the thumbs up and launches himself into space again. Once again Adric blinds the monopticon. Also again, the Doctor can't quite reach the TARDIS and turns back. Enlightenment enters and shoots Adric in the back. He falls over. In mid-space, the Doctor watches Enlightenment untie his lifeline and throw it out to him.) [Throne room] MONARCH: Farewell. In space forever, going nowhere. (Adric wakes. Enlightenment picks up her weapon and turns. Just as she is about to fire he kicks at her legs. The blast knocks out the monopticon instead.) MONARCH: Report, Enlightenment. (Adric removes Enlightenment's circuit and throws it out of the ship.) MONARCH: Report, Enlightenment! Report! [Mobiliary] (The four androids are watching through a porthole.) LIN FUTU: We must get a line to him.BIGON: Too late. His six minutes are almost up. (The Doctor unties himself and gets out his cricket ball. He throws it straight at the spaceship and catches the rebound, whose momentum pushes him back towards the TARDIS door. Adric does a happy jig and the androids cheer as the Doctor unlocks the TARDIS and goes inside.) [Throne room] (Monarch has watched this.) MONARCH: I too am not without agility, my friend. [TARDIS] (The Doctor bursts in, gasping.) TEGAN: Doctor! Are you all right? How on Earth did you (The Doctor works the TARDIS controls.) DOCTOR: You're spoiling my concentration. Come on, old girl. Just don't let me down now. Don't let me down now. (Monarch enters the recreational space and pushes his way through the dancers as the TARDIS materialises.) DOCTOR: Bring that (his helmet) and bring another.TEGAN: What are we doing?DOCTOR: Rescuing Nyssa and Adric. Look, just do what I say and do it quickly! [Recreational space] (They walk out straight into Monarch.) DOCTOR: Quick! Run!MONARCH: You sentimental fools. Control! Cut all life support atmosphere! [Mobiliary] BIGON: Monarch has cut the life support.DOCTOR: Ah. Had the feeling he might.ADRIC: Doctor, whereDOCTOR: Save your breath. You two, put these on. And you, Adric. Have you another helmet?LIN FUTU: One. It's in pieces.DOCTOR: Well, assemble it quickly.TEGAN: Doctor, what about you? (The Doctor lies on a couch.) DOCTOR: I can go into a trance which reduces the need for oxygen. Ah!ADRIC: Hang on. (Lin Futu returns with the pieces of helmet.) NYSSA: Adric.ADRIC: What?NYSSA: My oxygen's running out.ADRIC: Then don't talk and keep still. [Throne room] MONARCH: Now all I have to do is wait. And that is something I do very, very well indeed. [Mobiliary] (Lin Futu gets the visor refitted and they put the collar and helmet onto the gasping Doctor.) DOCTOR: Thank you. Bigon?BIGON: What?DOCTOR: Can you change the course of this ship?BIGON: To where?DOCTOR: Urbanka. (The Doctor removes the phial from the venom store.) DOCTOR: Monarch's poison, the last dangerous thing on this ship. Be very careful with it. I want to analyse it. (He hands it to Adric.) ADRIC: Right. (The Doctor turns to the monopticon and waves.) DOCTOR: I'd go home if I were you. [Throne room] DOCTOR [on monitor]: You don't stand an earthly where we're going. (The Doctor puts his thumbs to his ears and waggles his fingers. He probably stuck his tongue out, too.) MONARCH: Confound you! Control, release full life support systems. [Mobiliary] DOCTOR: Well, come on, come on. I'm taking you back to Earth. [Recreation space] (Monarch stands in front of the TARDIS brandishing a weapon.) MONARCH: No, Doctor. (The Doctor throws the phial of poison at Monarch, who screams and shrinks rapidly. The Doctor removes his helmet.) BIGON: Doctor.DOCTOR: Oh, it's quite all right. He needs the atmosphere as much as we do. (The Doctor puts his helmet over the tiny Monarch.) DOCTOR: Hence the Flora chamber.NYSSA: You mean he's still in flesh time?DOCTOR: Partly, anyway. The poison only works on organic matter.NYSSA: Of course.DOCTOR: You know, I had my doubts about anyone who wants to go backwards in time by travelling faster than the speed of light. It's impossible. Fallacy of flesh time.TEGAN: Can we go now, Doctor?DOCTOR: Yes, all right. (to Bigon) Are you coming?BIGON: No. I think we'll go on to another planet and try and start again.DOCTOR: Good luck. (The four flesh beings enter the TARDIS. It dematerialises.) [TARDIS] DOCTOR: I suppose it would have been a bit difficult placing Bigon and the others.TEGAN: Oh, I don't know. They wouldn't have looked a bit out of place in Terminal three.DOCTOR: Heathrow, here we come.TEGAN: I've heard that before.ADRIC: Except Nyssa never repaired the time curve indicator.NYSSA: Doctor, I (Nyssa collapses.) DOCTOR: Nyssa? Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.