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LEELA: It is good to be free from those tunnels. Although I enjoyed learning that you have a fear of spiders.

NARVIN: Only six inch ones with fangs dripping venom.

LEELA: The poor creature back there was not more than the size of a baby's thumb!

NARVIN: Well, they look bigger when they fall on your face.

ROMANA: And not to put to fine a point on it, Chancellor, but as my second in command, you stand to gain the most from my death.

ALT NARVIN: Of course. But then, I assume that's why you married me. As your husband, I have nothing to gain from your death and everything to lose.

ROMANA: Oh, Romana...

ROMANA: Whole civilisations lie im ashes because of what I've done. Fear me, Chancellor. Because I do.

— Romana II, Forever

ROMANA: I don't like it, Narvin, but I've made a promise to people I care about. And if it means I have to rearrange the stars in every constellation from here to Alpha Centauri, then I will.

— Romana II, Forever

ROMANA: I wonder what the odds are that every Narvin in the multiverse is power mad and unpleasant.

K9: I shall calculate.

ROMANA: Don't bother, K9. I'm pretty sure I already know the answer.

NARVIN: Leela, you are a wonder. I turn my back on you for a single span, and you organise an entire rebellion.

— Narvin, Forever

ALT NARVIN: I always wanted to be Rassilion and bring the power of time and space to Gallifrey, but if I can't do that, at least I can fulfil his real plan and save it. I leave this Gallifrey to you, Romana. Make it yours. Teach it your ways. Then, perhaps, my people can be Time Lords too, one day.

— Narvin, Forever

LEELA: No, Romana, I am not alright. I followed you to this world because I believed you would protect us. I watched as we lost Braxiatel and now we have lost K9.

ROMANA: We'll find a way back to him one day, Leela. I promise.

LEELA: No! No, your promises are just words like any other. They sound hollow and wrong. Tou know that he is gone now, just as I do, and that he can never return. I must go.

ROMANA: No, Leela, wait! We have to stick together!

LEELA: I will not let you lose me too. I can find my own way though the forest without your Axis or your portals or your eye. Goodbye, Romana, Narvin. We shall not meet again.