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Woah this art is a HUGE improvement on what we've had before in titan comics. The story was great, the villain was quite dark and I liked the depth we got to Ruby in this. Nice continuity ties and unlike a lot of titan comics it wasn't too reference heavy.


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This is in a different league to most Doctor Who comics, and certainly beats a lot of the other more recent output that I have read. It’s flawless on several counts from its world building; unique and stunning artwork; and brilliant villains - one a new take on an old classic and another something completely new entirely.

There is a perfect mix of dark and shade. Seriousness and camp. Back references (Starship UK!) and newly developed premises. It also fits neatly into the themes and lore of the most recent series - I could not have asked for more.

Everything comes together with such flare that it leaves me desperate to see more from this team in the future. I’ll be there on day one picking up the next issue.


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AMEI ESSA HISTÓRIA. Uma das minhas favoritas do 15th instantaneamente. Que daora. Feifa com carinho e ampliando a mitologia da série em pontos interessantes e que agregam ao Doutor, à Ruby, e ao universo da série.


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Firstly, wow, the art in this strip is nothing short of beautiful. I love this style and I hope Titan continues to work with Kelsey Ramsay, the artist. It's such a big improvement from the other post-Covid Titan strips.

It's not just the art, though: this comic has an excellent premise which is executed really well. It's an enjoyable and gripping read, feeling cohesive and purposeful. It also ties into the Fifteenth Doctor's televised material which is unusual but great to see. Overall, an excellent strip.


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The Fifteenth Doctor #14

'Everyone Must Go!' (2024) from Titan Comics.

Quite easily one of my favourite stories featuring Fifteen thus far. Just really jaw-dropping artwork on every page, some great moments of The Doctor and Ruby both while together and separated, and honestly, my favourite Doctor Who villain in quite a while! The Scream Sommelier has it all: awesome design, frightening presence, scene domination, as well as a bit of campiness. The imagery of his scream cellar is so visually lush, and there are just countless panels featuring him that are so cool. Even most of the alternate posters for the comic series. The Scream Sommelier's little final Toymaker-esque moment was a lot of fun. The Cybermen design is also great, and they serve a good purpose in the story, adding some worldbuilding to them in the Doctor Who universe as they are manifested from the fear of a young refugee of their attacks. I also really enjoy the Cankaranka too despite their brief presence in the story. Ruby's time spent with them, and her dealing with the consequences of her Doctor-like actions harkens back to companions like Clara in a really great way. Her characterisation here is worlds above her characterisation on-screen.


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This was a perfect way to start this range of comics off

it was honestly an amazing read so many moments that made me feel so many mixed emotions anger sadness joy just wow


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