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Part One


(A party of explorers pull themselves up a steep slope with the help of a fixed rope. A woman slips and the man in front of her pulls her up. They run back to a site where a tent and equipment are guarded by armed personnel and go over to an open door leading down underground. A petite woman trooper speaks.)

MITCHELL: Nothing.

(The non-military woman goes over to another man.)

KYLE: How does this thing work?
WALTERS: It focuses on the electrical activity of the body. Er, heartbeat, things like that.

(An older, moustachioed man comes over.)

SCOTT: But only of mammalian lifeform. Everything else is excluded.

(The detector equipment is switched on.)

WALTERS: Nothing.
SCOTT: Could they be shielded from the scanner in any way?
WALTERS: A lead screen. Some of the newer alloys.
KYLE: There isn't anything like that in the cavern. They're dead, aren't they?
SCOTT: It does seem likely.
KYLE: Such a pointless waste.
SCOTT: Yeah, well, we'll find out.
KYLE: They can't be far. I radioed immediately I left the cavern.
SCOTT: You've done all you can. Don't upset yourself. Walters, scan again. Maximum amplification.
WALTERS: Right, sir.
MITCHELL: How many of you were there down there?
KYLE: Eight of us.
MITCHELL: What were you doing?
KYLE: A survey. The particular cave system we were in has just been discovered. It's proven to be rich in fossils.
SCOTT: Are you all palaeontologists?
KYLE: And geologists.
SCOTT: It doesn't make sense.
WALTERS: Scan complete, sir. Negative. No sign of life.


(As two sleek figures walk along a cut tunnel with lights on the walls, a voice is heard.)

SCOTT [OC]: Right, get your gear together.


SCOTT: We're going down. I realise going down again must be hard.
KYLE: The caves are uncharted. You'll never find the bodies without my help.
SCOTT: I'm grateful. Snyder, I want you to stay here with Walters.

(He has a lot of women in his troop.)

SCOTT: Walters, I want a constant scan.
WALTERS: Right, sir.
SCOTT: Let me know the instant you see anything, right?
MITCHELL: Troops ready, sir.
SCOTT: Oh, Sergeant Mitchell, do you believe Professor Kyle?
MITCHELL: I think she's telling the truth. As far as she knows it, that is.
SCOTT: I agree. All right, put the troop on full alert.
SCOTT: Oh, and just in case she is lying, we'll have her up front where we can see her.

(Lights by the side of their chins illuminate the troops way through the passages. Tail end charlie thinks he sees something behind him, but when he turns, nothing is there.)

SNYDER: The party's making good progress.

(An extra light flashes once on the scanner.)

SNYDER: Is that supposed to happen?
SNYDER: It was a sort of flare. It only lasted a second.
WALTERS: Oh, probably nothing. This equipment's ancient.

(Another flash.)

SNYDER: There!
WALTERS: Ghosting.
SNYDER: Shouldn't we tell Lieutenant Scott?
WALTERS: It isn't worth it.

[Adric's room]

(The Doctor knocks on the door and enters. Adric is lying on his bed, reading.)

DOCTOR: You must read this, Adric. The Black Orchid.
DOCTOR: It's fascinating. Such scholarship.
ADRIC: Why should that interest me?
DOCTOR: What's the matter?
ADRIC: I'm fed up.
ADRIC: I'm tired of being considered a joke.
DOCTOR: Oh, no one thinks that.
ADRIC: Then why am I constantly teased?
DOCTOR: Well, everyone's teased from time to time.
ADRIC: Yeah, but not as often as me.
DOCTOR: That's not true.
ADRIC: No, and I suppose neither is the fact that whenever Nyssa or Tegan ask you a question you always find time to answer it, but hardly ever with me. Oh look, Doctor, how am I to learn if you never find time to explain?

(The Doctor looks up from the Kinda necklace he is examining.)

DOCTOR: Time? We have spent many hours discussing and debating endless topics.
ADRIC: I'm just fitted in when it's convenient for you.
DOCTOR: All right, I'll make more time.
ADRIC: No, you've said that too often before, Doctor. There will always be some distraction to prevent it happening.
DOCTOR: I give you my word.
ADRIC: Just as you gave your word to Tegan.
DOCTOR: That's not fair.
ADRIC: No, it never is when you're being criticised, is it. Just as it's never your fault when something goes wrong.
DOCTOR: Have you quite finished?
ADRIC: There's lots more!
DOCTOR: Well, it can wait!
ADRIC: Yes, but I can't.

[Outside Adric's room]

ADRIC: I'm tired of being an outsider, Doctor. I want to go back to my own people.


(Scott helps Kyle out of a narrow crawlspace into an stream.)

SCOTT: Is this the only way down?
KYLE: The only known way.
SCOTT: You must have had some fun getting the gear through there.
KYLE: The expedition was cursed from the beginning.
KYLE: We had endless problems. Even lighting the tunnels was a nightmare.
MITCHELL: In what way?
KYLE: All sorts of things. Annoying things. The tools would go missing. Small but important components would be discovered smashed.
SCOTT: Sabotage?
KYLE: I didn't think so at the time. Someone wanting to wreck the expedition could have been far more positive about it.
SCOTT: As ultimately they were.

(Two figures watch them go.)


(Nyssa sets a control on the console.)

NYSSA: There.
TEGAN: I'll never learn how to do that properly.
NYSSA: It isn't difficult.
DOCTOR [OC]: No, Adric, I will not do it!
ADRIC [OC]: You've done it before!

(The Doctor storms in. Adric stays just outside the console room.)

DOCTOR: The TARDIS is not designed for E-space! Nyssa, tell him!
NYSSA: Tell him what?
DOCTOR: He wants to go home!
NYSSA: To Alzarius?
ADRIC: No, to Terradon.
DOCTOR: And that would involve the TARDIS going back into E-space.
NYSSA: The Doctor's right. It would be very dangerous.
ADRIC: I could plot a course.
DOCTOR: How do you calculate negative coordinates?
ADRIC: I have the mathematical skill.
DOCTOR: It would also involve passing through the CVE. Now, you can't calculate random coordinates.
ADRIC: The Monitor on Logopolis indicated they were not random.
DOCTOR: You do not have the Monitor's skill, Adric, and even if you did, I am not going back into E-space!
ADRIC: Then I will find someone who will take me!
DOCTOR: E-space is another universe. There isn't a taxi service goes back and forth.

(Adric walks into the console room.)

ADRIC: Once I've calculated the course, the journey itself would be simple.
NYSSA: It won't.
ADRIC: Romana's still in E-space. Once I get there, she can help me.
TEGAN: Is it really that dangerous?
DOCTOR: Do you really think I'd be making all this fuss if it weren't?
ADRIC: Can I use your computer?
DOCTOR: Oh, help yourself. I'm not waiting around while you plot the course to your own destruction.


SCOTT: How much further?

(There is a sound and a small rockfall. One of the troopers is hit.)

SCOTT: What caused that?
KYLE: I don't know. They've never done it before.
MITCHELL: Trooper Bane's hurt, sir.
BANE: I've damaged my shoulder.
MITCHELL: Nothing broken.
SCOTT: Can you walk?
BANE: I think so.
SCOTT: Good.

(Scott uses his communicator.)

WALTERS [OC]: Walters.
SCOTT: Bane's had an accident. I'm sending her up.
WALTERS [OC]: Right, sir.
SCOTT: She'll need medical treatment

(The sound starts again.)

SCOTT: What's that?


WALTERS: I don't know, sir. It's causing the scanner to flare as well.


SCOTT: See if you can trace it, will you?

(The sound stops.)

SCOTT: Too late.
KYLE: I've heard that noise before.
SCOTT: When?
KYLE: A few minutes before we were attacked.


(The TARDIS materialises, the scanner comes on and the Doctor briefly hides his face in his hands.)

NYSSA: Where are we?
DOCTOR: Earth.
NYSSA: Oh, not again.
DOCTOR: Twenty sixth century.
ADRIC: The year is 2526 in the time scale you call Anno Domini.
DOCTOR: Thank you.
TEGAN: Why have we materialised underground?
DOCTOR: Why not? Adric wants to use the computer, I want to go for a walk.
NYSSA: Why not help Adric?
ADRIC: I don't need his help, thank you very much.
DOCTOR: You see?
NYSSA: Please, Doctor, it's gone far enough.
ADRIC: Do you know, I think since his regeneration, he's become decidedly immature.
DOCTOR: I'm going outside now. I might be gone some time.

(The Doctor opens the door and leaves.)

TEGAN: I'm going to talk some sense into the Doctor.

(Tegan follows him out.)

NYSSA: Oh dear, it's all getting rather silly, isn't it.
ADRIC: Oh, I didn't mean to be so rude.
NYSSA: Look, why don't you calculate the course home? Show the Doctor it can be done. Then when he's calmed down, we can all talk to him.
ADRIC: But will he listen?
NYSSA: Of course he will.

(Nyssa goes outside. Meanwhile, Troopers Collis and Bane are crawling through the narrow space.)


WALTERS: This is the main group here. This is the wounded party.

(And three more dots to the lower right.)

SNYDER: Where have they come from?
WALTERS: I don't know.

(Snyder beeps the communicator.)

SCOTT [OC]: Scott.
SNYDER: We have three unidentified lifeforms on the scanner.
WALTERS: One of the readings is ectopic, sir.
SCOTT [OC]: What does that mean?
WALTERS: That one of the lifeforms has two hearts.

[Outside the TARDIS]

(The Doctor shivers briefly.)

DOCTOR: So peaceful and cool down here.
TEGAN: Breathe deeply and relax. Now, go and make it up with Adric, please?
DOCTOR: All right, but I'm not taking him back into E-space, and that's my final word on the matter.
NYSSA: Look at his calculations before you decide. It may be possible.
DOCTOR: All right, I'll look, but I'm not promising anything.
NYSSA: Of course not, Doctor.


SCOTT: You're sure the lifeform's alien?


WALTERS: Positive, sir. I've rechecked the scan. The reading's true.


SCOTT: Let me have their position as soon as possible.
WALTERS [OC]: Working it out now, sir.
SCOTT: Unshoulder arms. Set them on stun.

(Two smooth, featureless figures move away.)

[Outside the TARDIS]

(The Doctor is rehearsing his opening lines to Adric.)

DOCTOR: Now, look here, Adric
TEGAN: Doctor? There's something wrong.
TEGAN: Well, haven't you noticed?
NYSSA: What are you talking about?
TEGAN: Well, it should be totally dark, but we can see.
DOCTOR: Phosphorescence.
NYSSA: And something else.
NYSSA: Lots of bones.

(Adric keeps an occasional eye on the scanner while the background music is Fossils from Saint-Saens' Carnival of the Animals.)


WALTERS: I've worked out the position of the three intruders. Their lateral coordinates are zero three nine by four zero one.


WALTERS [OC]: Depth coordinates twenty three point three three six metres. Reference one nine by seven four point nine.

(Kyle puts the figures into her wrist computer.)

KYLE: By my reckoning, your alien lifeform is in a small tunnel alongside the cavern where we were attacked.

[Underground 2]

(Bane is tiring.)

BANE: I must rest for a moment.


SNYDER: Look at the wounded party. They've hardly moved. I'm going down.
SNYDER: They may need help.
WALTERS: I'll let them know you're coming.

[Outside the TARDIS]

DOCTOR: Fascinating!
NYSSA: They're huge. What sort of creature had such bones?
TEGAN: Dinosaurs.
DOCTOR: An amazing species.
NYSSA: Are they your ancestors?
TEGAN: I hope not!
DOCTOR: You should be proud if they were.
TEGAN: Oh, thank you very much. Most of them had a brain the size of a pea.
DOCTOR: They were also the most successful creature ever to inhabit the Earth.
NYSSA: In what way?
DOCTOR: Fossilised remains have been found all over the planet. Not bad adaptation for a creature with a brain the size of a pea.
NYSSA: How long did they exist?
DOCTOR: Hundred million years or so. They seemed so secure and yet they died out virtually overnight.


(The party are jogging along a passage. Kyle stumbles.)

SCOTT: Come on, Professor.

[Outside the TARDIS]

TEGAN: It's like a graveyard.
NYSSA: How could such a successful species die out so quickly?
DOCTOR: Initially hypothermia, then starvation.
NYSSA: Caused by what, an ice age?
DOCTOR: Something equally as devastating. The Earth collided with something from space.
TEGAN: An asteroid.
DOCTOR: Could be. I don't know. I've always meant to slip back and find out.

[Underground 2]

SNYDER: Snyder.


WALTERS: You should be near the wounded party.
SNYDER [OC]: I can't see anyone.
WALTERS: They're on your level, about thirty metres away.

[Underground 2]

SNYDER: Advancing now. Will leave communicator on.

(The wounded party are moving forward slowly.)

BANE: Is that you, Snyder?

(No, it isn't.)

SNYDER: Are you sure they're on this level?
WALTERS [OC]: Positive.


WALTERS: They should be very close. Hang on, the scanner's flaring. The flaring's very heavy.
SNYDER [OC]: See if you can get a fix on it.


(The main party are still jogging in the semi-dark.)

MITCHELL: Come on, keep up! The exercise will do you all good!


WALTERS: Snyder, do you hear me?

[Underground 2]



WALTERS: It's no go. The scanner registers the flare, but the computer doesn't. It's weird.

[Underground 2]

SNYDER: Keep trying.
WALTERS [OC]: You must be very close to the source.

(Someone screams nearby.)


(A light goes out on the scanner.)

WALTERS: Snyder? Snyder!

(Another, then the third. The wounded party and Snyder have gone. )

WALTERS: Negative emission. Snyder, do you hear me?

[Underground 2]

(Walter's voice comes from a blood-stained communicator.)

WALTERS [OC]: Get out of there! Bane and Collis are dead! Do you hear me? Snyder! Snyder! Get out of there, Snyder!

(Two featureless figures stand nearby.)

[Outside the TARDIS]

(The Doctor has drawn a sketch of a typical vegetarian dinosaur on the ground.)

TEGAN: Things have collided with the Earth before. What was so different about the one that destroyed the dinosaurs?
DOCTOR: It's size. It was gigantic.
TEGAN: But how could one asteroid wipe out all the dinosaurs? It just isn't possible.
NYSSA: You're forgetting displacement.
DOCTOR: The impact would have caused millions upon millions of tons of earth and rock to be fragmented and then hurled up into the atmosphere, enveloping the whole planet.
NYSSA: The storm it created must have lasted for months.
TEGAN: Would it have blocked out the sun?
DOCTOR: To such an extent that the surface temperature would have dropped radically.
NYSSA: And without warmth, reptiles cease to function.
TEGAN: Poor old dinosaur.


(Kyle falls over on the uneven ground again.)

SCOTT: All right, all right, take it easy.
KYLE: I can't keep the pace up.
SCOTT: We'll rest here for a minute.

(The communicator beeps.)

SCOTT: Scott.
WALTERS [OC]: Snyder and the others have just gone off the scanner.
SCOTT: What?


WALTERS: The screen flared again and then their scan lights went out.


WALTERS [OC]: They're dead.
SCOTT: Have you checked the scanner for faults?


WALTERS: Yes. It's working perfectly.


MITCHELL: Could be a rock fall that killed them.
SCOTT: Any change in position of our alien friends ahead?
MITCHELL: Shall I take a couple of troopers and go back, sir?
SCOTT: Carry on, Sergeant Mitchell.
MITCHELL: Carter, Bailey.


ADRIC: Don't wander too far, Doctor.


SCOTT: Professor Kyle, we must go on.
KYLE: I'm fine now.
SCOTT: Right, prepare to move out.

[Outside the TARDIS]

TEGAN: It's weird. It all happened so long ago.
DOCTOR: Sixty five million years.
TEGAN: I wonder what evolutionary stage my ancestors were at?
DOCTOR: Primitive, Tegan. Very primitive.


MITCHELL: (sotto) Come on.


(The scanner flares.)

WALTERS: Not again. Please, not again.

[Underground 2]

(Communicator beep.)

MITCHELL: Mitchell.
WALTERS [OC]: The scanner's flared again, Sarge.
MITCHELL: Whereabouts?
WALTERS [OC]: Very close to you.


KYLE: There's been a rockfall.
SCOTT: Where are the three aliens?
KYLE: In the tunnel down here.
SCOTT: Right, take cover.

[Underground 2]

(The lights flicker and a gas rises nearby.)

MITCHELL: Come on.

(They step into the steaming remains of Snyder.)

CARTER: Look, Sarge. What sort of weapon can do that to a person.
MITCHELL: I don't know and I don't care. I just want the people who did this.

(They turn to see the two figures.)


MITCHELL [OC]: We've company. Two of them.
WALTERS: That's not possible. There's no reading.
MITCHELL [OC]: Just take my word for it. They're here all right and they don't look Argh!

(Their lights go out on the scanner.)

WALTERS: Sergeant? Sergeant Mitchell? Sergeant! Sergeant Mitchell!


TEGAN: Look, Doctor. Mining equipment.
DOCTOR: Er, I don't think we should go any further.
NYSSA: I can't see anyone.
SCOTT: Hold it there!
TEGAN: What's going on?
SCOTT: Shut up! Do you recognise any of them?
DOCTOR: How do you do. I'm the Doctor. This is Tegan and Nyssa.
SCOTT: I said, shut up.
DOCTOR: What are we supposed to have done?

(Scott answers his communicator.)

SCOTT: Scott.
WALTERS [OC]: Sergeant Mitchell and her troops are dead, sir.
SCOTT: Are you sure?


WALTERS: Yes, sir. She was reporting in when she was killed.


SCOTT: How many hostiles were there?
WALTERS [OC]: Two, sir.
SCOTT: And where are they now?


WALTERS: I don't know, sir. They didn't show up on the scanner.


SCOTT: Why, that's impossible!
WALTERS [OC]: I know, sir.
SCOTT: All right, keep searching. Let me know when you find anything.
DOCTOR: Anything we can do?

(Scott grabs the Doctor's lapels.)

DOCTOR: Obviously not.

(Scott throws the Doctor down to the ground and puts his weapon to his throat.)

SCOTT: Too many people have died for you to play the fool.


(Adric looks up from his calculations.)

ADRIC: Now where have you gone?


SCOTT: Where have you hidden the bodies?
DOCTOR: What bodies?
SCOTT: Seven people were murdered in this cavern.
TEGAN: We didn't do it.
DOCTOR: We've only just arrived.
NYSSA: Let me show you how we travelled here.
SCOTT: Don't waste my time. Where have you hidden the bodies?
KYLE: The rock fall!
SCOTT: What?
KYLE: The bodies must be here!
SCOTT: Shall we look?


(An alarm sounds.)

ADRIC: What is it? Where's it coming from?


(Tegan and Nyssa are moving rocks when they reveal a hatch in the rock wall.)

SCOTT: What's that?
NYSSA: I don't know.
SCOTT: Seaton, Foster, help them clear the rocks away.
KYLE: Lieutenant!

(Kyle has found a set of stained overalls.)

KYLE: These belonged to Doctor Khan, my assistant.

(The two figures are running towards the TARDIS' trill as the hatch is uncovered.)

SCOTT: Is this why you killed them?
DOCTOR: I know nothing about it.
TEGAN: We're telling the truth.
SCOTT: Open the hatch.
DOCTOR: I can't.
SCOTT: I said, open it.
NYSSA: I'll try.
DOCTOR: Nyssa.
SCOTT: You stay where you are. I want him to do it.

(The figures enter. Someone fires. There is consternation and at least one trooper is reduced to slime.)

SCOTT: Take cover! Take cover! Behind the rocks!

(The two sides exchange fire.)

KYLE: Who are they?
DOCTOR: Androids. That's why they didn't register on your scanners.
SCOTT: Androids. Are they yours?
DOCTOR: No. If you want proof, you'll find they'll kill me as willingly as they'll kill you. See what I mean?
KYLE: That's them. I recognise that sound.
SCOTT: Those are the things that attacked you?
KYLE: Yes.
DOCTOR: Do you know why?
KYLE: No, there isn't a reason.
DOCTOR: Whoever's controlling the android thinks there is.


(One of the androids zooms in on the group and relays an image of the Doctor's face back to a holo-imager. Three silver metal men gaze at it, then one speaks.)

LEADER: Destroy them! Destroy them at once!
Part Two


(The firing continues.)

SCOTT: Our weapons have no effect on them.
DOCTOR: Yes, they will, but you must concentrate your fire.
SCOTT: All right, hold your fire. When I give the word, go for the one on the right. Now!

(The energy beams converge on the android's weapon hand. Finally, there is an explosion of sparks.)

SCOTT: Got him!
DOCTOR: No, it's only damaged.


CYBERMAN: The androids are too valuable to waste. We may still need them.
LEADER: They are programmed for self-preservation. They will not take any more unnecessary risks.


(The androids leave.)

KYLE: Will they attack again?
DOCTOR: Undoubtedly.
SCOTT: They've covered the exit.
TEGAN: Won't someone on the surface realise that something's wrong?
SCOTT: Sooner or later.
TEGAN: Let's hope it's sooner.

(Adric has finished his sums, and leaves the TARDIS.)

SCOTT: What are they doing?
DOCTOR: Waiting.
KYLE: What can they possibly want?
TEGAN: Isn't it obvious? Us dead.
KYLE: But why?
DOCTOR: Were you working near the rockfall the first time you were attacked?
KYLE: Yes.
DOCTOR: Well, maybe their function is to protect that hatch.
KYLE: What could be in there that's worth so many lives?
DOCTOR: Let's find out.
SCOTT: I haven't had much experience of fighting androids.
DOCTOR: Oh, they're just like people.
NYSSA: Only they function much more logically.
DOCTOR: Which can be their weakness.
ADRIC: Doctor! Doctor!

(The androids move towards Adric.)

NYSSA: Oh, no.
TEGAN: Adric.
DOCTOR: Adric!

(Adric sees the movement and ducks back into the side tunnel as Scott breaks cover.)

TROOPER: Lieutenant!

(Scott gets back behind the rocks.)

SCOTT: The powerpacks for the rifles are almost finished.
TEGAN: So are we.
DOCTOR: Brave heart, Tegan. Now, the androids are programmed to protect that hatch. In order to carry out that duty successfully, it's important they remain operational.
SCOTT: Go on.
DOCTOR: Well, the androids now know we have the ability to inflict serious on them, so if we attack that hatch, we create a dilemma.
NYSSA: We attack what they're programmed to defend.
KYLE: Why should they care if we attack the hatch.
NYSSA: They won't care, they'll react. They've no choice.
DOCTOR: The conflict between duty and survival should cause enough confusion in their logic circuits for them to start making mistakes, which is exactly what we want.
SCOTT: I hope you're right.
DOCTOR: Well, let's find out.
SCOTT: Right. Stand by. Fire!

(They turn their energy weapons on the hatch in the rock wall.)


CYBERMAN: The Earthlings are attempting to break through the hatch.
LEADER: Are their weapons capable?
CYBERMAN: Yes, Leader.
LEADER: They must be stopped immediately.


(Adric is crawling along a ledge behind the androids. He knocks one down with a rock, and the troopers blast the second one in the head. This time it really does explode.)

DOCTOR: Well done!
SCOTT: Who's that boy?
DOCTOR: It's Adric.


(The Cybermen have lost their feed.)

LEADER: Is the second android fitted with visual monitoring?
CYBERMAN: Yes, Leader.
LEADER: Then activate.

(The troopers fire at the second android's hand. When it falls over from the blast, Scott shoots it in the head, destroying it. No visual feed, Leader.)

LEADER: We must act quickly. Prepare to activate the device.
CYBERMAN: It's too soon, Leader.
LEADER: We must be prepared.


(Scott congratulates his troops while Nyssa inspects the workings of an android..)

SCOTT: Very good shooting indeed. Well done.
NYSSA: It's very primitive.
DOCTOR: You think so?
NYSSA: Look at this.
DOCTOR: Lieutenant?
SCOTT: Yes, Doctor?
DOCTOR: I think you should curtail the celebrations for the time being.
SCOTT: Oh, something wrong?
DOCTOR: We must get this hatch open.
SCOTT: What's the hurry?
NYSSA: One of the androids was a massive ultrasonic transmitter.
ADRIC: So that was the signal I picked up in the TARDIS.
SCOTT: What does that mean?
DOCTOR: Whoever built this hatch now knows we've destroyed its guardians.


CYBERMAN: Carrier signal now being transmitted. Beam locked on.


(The Doctor puts his hand through the hole burnt in the hatch, and touches the side by accident.)

DOCTOR: Ow! Your troopers got quite carried away, didn't they. I would suggest you get your people well back. The hatch may be booby-trapped.
SCOTT: What about you?
DOCTOR: Well, my arms are only this long. I can't get any further away.
NYSSA: Can you see what it is?
DOCTOR: No. You'd better get back, too.
SCOTT: Right, everybody back.


LEADER: Activate the computer.
CYBERMAN: It's too early, Leader. It will be wasted.
LEADER: The device is already lost. Let the Earth see the effectiveness of Cyber technology. Explode the bomb.


(Adric joins the Doctor at the hatch.)

DOCTOR: Ah, got it. The release mechanism. You'd better get back too.
ADRIC: You've checked for booby traps.
DOCTOR: I'm not in the mood to argue.
SCOTT: Come on, lad.
DOCTOR: Further than that!

(The hatch opens and there is a flash of light before the bomb is revealed. It throws the Doctor back.)


CYBERMAN: The Earthlings have broken in!
LEADER: They are too late.


NYSSA: Are you all right?
TEGAN: We thought a booby trap had gone off.
KYLE: What is it?
DOCTOR: A bomb. My opening the hatch has started up the arming procedure. You'd better let your people on the surface know what's happened.
SCOTT: How much time have we got?
DOCTOR: I've no idea. Tegan, get everyone into the TARDIS.

(Scott uses his communicator.)

TEGAN: Come on, into the TARDIS. This way.
SCOTT: Scott to Walters. Walters, come in please. Walters!
ADRIC: Come on. You can't stay behind!
DOCTOR: It was my own stupidity that started it off. The least I can do is to. Of course! Come on!


LEADER: How much longer before activation?
CYBERMAN: One minute.


DOCTOR: Set the coordinates at zero!

(The Doctor drops a panel down from the underside of the TARDIS.)

ADRIC: It would be nice to know what you're doing.
DOCTOR: The arming procedure on the bomb is being operated by remote control.
ADRIC: Can you jam it?
DOCTOR: Yes, but not till I know where it's coming from.

(The Doctor hands Adric a data cable which he takes round to Nyssa, who plugs it into the console. The troopers and Kyle silently take in their surroundings while the bomb counts down.)


LEADER: Master detonator engaged.


DOCTOR: Well, that isn't right. Or is it?
TEGAN: How long does an arming procedure take?
DOCTOR: Not long.
TEGAN: Shouldn't we move the TARDIS in case the bomb goes off?


CYBERMAN: Thirty seconds.

(Suddenly, the bomb stops counting and an alarm sounds.)

LEADER: What's happening?
CYBERMAN: Our signal is being jammed.
LEADER: More power!


DOCTOR: Come on, Adric, hurry!
ADRIC: But you've already jammed the signal.
DOCTOR: If they increase power, they could break through.

(Adric puts down the tool box by the hatch.)


CYBERMAN: Supplementary power on.
LEADER: Hurry.
CYBERMAN: Power building.


DOCTOR: Magnetic clamp.
ADRIC: Magnetic clamp. How much damage could this bomb do?
DOCTOR: Enough.
ADRIC: Enough for what?
DOCTOR: To make life intolerable for the few who survived.


(An alarm goes off.)

NYSSA: Oh, no.
TEGAN: What's the matter?
NYSSA: Whoever they are, they're fighting back.


DOCTOR: Probe.
ADRIC: Probe. Do you know, I find this whole situation so bizarre. I mean, there's just no purpose to it.
DOCTOR: Well, there is somewhere. We just don't have enough of the pieces yet.
ADRIC: Look, Professor Kyle said she'd been down here four weeks before the androids attacked.
DOCTOR: Laser cutter.
ADRIC: Laser cutter.
DOCTOR: Why, you think they should have attacked earlier?
ADRIC: It would have made more sense if they had.
DOCTOR: Oh, I don't think so. The androids are programmed to protect this hatch. Now, the cave system is enormous. Why draw attention to yourselves and your charge by attacking on the first day?
ADRIC: Yes, I suppose that has a certain logic.
DOCTOR: Magnetic drone.
ADRIC: Magnetic drone.

(The Doctor places the device on top of the bomb and opens a small panel. He jumps.)

DOCTOR: There was power in that circuit!
ADRIC: What's happened?
DOCTOR: The signal's breaking through.


NYSSA: That's it. Maximum output.
TEGAN: There must be more. The TARDIS has limitless power.
NYSSA: But the transmitter doesn't.


(The bomb is counting down.)

DOCTOR: I think drastic action is called for.
ADRIC: But there can't be much time left. What can we do?
DOCTOR: Abandon methodical procedure for blind instinct. Laser cutter!
ADRIC: Laser cutter.


CYBERMAN: Full power.
LEADER: We proceed towards the destruction of Earth.


DOCTOR: Hmm. Right or wrong, here we go.


CYBERMAN: Our signal has broken through.
LEADER: Excellent.


LEADER: A fault?
CYBERMAN: No, Leader. The bomb has been deactivated!
LEADER: That can't be. Cyber technology is too advanced for Earthlings.


NYSSA: It's stopped.
TEGAN: What?
NYSSA: It's stopped. They've stopped transmitting. The Doctor's done it!


CYBERMAN: But how did they succeed, Leader?
LEADER: They have been helped. We have been betrayed. Whoever has done this must be found and destroyed at once.


DOCTOR: Tell me, Adric. Why a bomb?
ADRIC: Doctor?
DOCTOR: Why a bomb and not a missile or some other device, and why these particular caves? There's a reason.
ADRIC: It's not our problem, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Oh, isn't it.


(The Cybermen have got a replay of Adric attacking the android running.)

LEADER: I should have realised sooner that the Earthlings had help.
CYBERMAN: There's nothing on this replay to indicate who it might be.

(The android's point of view turns to follow Adric and gives a view of the contents of the side tunnel.)

LEADER: What is that? I know that object.


DOCTOR: Right. The bomb is deactivated. Your own scientists can dismantle it. Good luck.
SCOTT: But you must stay, Doctor.
KYLE: You've done so much. We want to show you our gratitude.
DOCTOR: Well, thank you, thank you, but we must go. Still a great deal to do.
TEGAN: Haven't we done enough for one day?
ADRIC: You could afford to spare them a few hours, Doctor.
DOCTOR: No, there isn't time.
TEGAN: Where are we rushing off to?
DOCTOR: Sector sixteen.
NYSSA: That's deep space.
TEGAN: Sounds great fun.
ADRIC: The Doctor wants us to meet the people who built the androids.
SCOTT: Do you know where they are?
DOCTOR: Er, no, just from where their signal originated.
SCOTT: Then you must let us come with you.
NYSSA: We can't fight androids by ourselves.
DOCTOR: Well, I'm hoping that won't be necessary.
SCOTT: If my planet is being threatened, I would like to do something to help.
KYLE: Indeed.
DOCTOR: All right.

(The TARDIS dematerialises.)


(A drawing of the TARDIS comes up on the holo-imager.)

CYBERMAN: What is it?
CYBERMAN: A Time Lord. But they're forbidden to interfere.
LEADER: This one calls himself the Doctor, and does nothing else but interfere.
DOCTOR 1 [on holoimager]: Emotions. Love, pride, hate, fear. Have you no emotions then?
LEADER: It was in this regenerated form that he confined the Cybermen to their ice tomb on Telos.
DOCTOR 2 [on holoimager]: I imagine you have orders to destroy me.
LEADER: And as this, he defeated us in our attempt to destroy Voga, the planet of gold.
DOCTOR 4 [on holoimager]: You've no home planet, no influence, nothing. You're just a pathetic bunch of tin soldiers skulking about the galaxy in an ancient spaceship.
CYBERMAN: I did not see any of these men in the cave.
LEADER: It appears he has regenerated again, but whatever his form, he must be found and destroyed.

[TARDIS corridor]

(Tegan leads their visitors out of the console room, presumably to get cleaned up and eat.)

SCOTT: It's bigger than you think.
DOCTOR: Er, Adric?
ADRIC: Yes, Doctor?
DOCTOR: Do you have a moment?


ADRIC: I'm hungry.
DOCTOR: Well, you can join the others later.

(Nyssa leaves.)

ADRIC: Well?
DOCTOR: Look, I'm very grateful for your help with deactivating the bomb.
ADRIC: That's all right.
DOCTOR: It was very brave of you also, the way you tackled the android.
ADRIC: All part of the daily routine.
DOCTOR: Hmm. Look, I've been thinking about your wish to return home.
DOCTOR: Well, I thought that if we could work out a satisfactory course, I might give it a try.
ADRIC: Well, I've already done so, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Really?
ADRIC: As you can see here, I've even managed to calculate the way into the CVE, the gateway through E-space.
DOCTOR: You've done extremely well.
ADRIC: Thank you.
DOCTOR: Look, er, I'm sorry about our argument earlier.
ADRIC: So am I. I over-reacted.
DOCTOR: Do you really want to go home?
ADRIC: No, of course not. There's nothing there for me any more.
DOCTOR: So you've done all these calculations for nothing.
ADRIC: Well, it made a point, didn't it? Besides, who knows? I might change my mind again.


CYBERMAN: Our deep space probes have identified the TARDIS.
LEADER: Destination?
CYBERMAN: The freighter.
LEADER: Excellent! Our contingency plans can go ahead. The attack on Earth will proceed accordingly.

[Freighter bridge]

(A man and a woman are seated at a table. The man speaks.)

RINGWAY: The captain's been on the space station a long time.
BERGER: Everything will be all right.
RINGWAY: Well, I wish I had your confidence. Three men have disappeared in the last two weeks. It would take just one word from a disgruntled member of the crew and this ship would be stuck here for months pending an enquiry.
BERGER: They won't say anything. They know if we don't deliver on time it'll cost them their bonus.
RINGWAY: I wouldn't be so certain. Morale is very low.
BERGER: And with every negative thought you have, Ringway, it sinks even lower. You're supposed to be an officer. Smile when you talk to the crew. Reassure them.
RINGWAY: Security scan in section fifteen is still non-functional.
BERGER: Oh, for heaven's sake.

(The communicator beeps. She gets there first.)

BERGER: Bridge.
VANCE [OC]: The captain is about to come on board.
BERGER: Thank you. Now, isn't that good news?


(The TARDIS materialises in the freighter's massive cargo hold, right by a staircase.)

KYLE: This is where the beam came from?
DOCTOR: As near as I've been able to trace it.
NYSSA: The freighter could be nothing more than a relay point.
DOCTOR: And the crew entirely innocent of what's going on. So, we'll start with a recce.
ADRIC: May I come?
DOCTOR: You're sure?


(The Cybermen know the TARDIS has landed.)

LEADER: Excellent.

[Cargo hold]

ADRIC: Which way?
DOCTOR: Oh, I don't think it really matters.

[Freighter bridge]

(Two crewmen enter, one carrying a large box, followed by the redoubtable Beryl Reid.)

BRIGGS: Take that straight to my cabin.
VANCE: Captain.
RINGWAY: Welcome aboard, ma'am.
BRIGGS: Don't call me ma'am on the bridge.
RINGWAY: Sorry, Captain.
BRIGGS: Get that transponder code fed into the navigational computer at once. I want to get underway.
RINGWAY: Yes, Captain.
BRIGGS: Seven hours they kept me waiting. Seven hours! I'm exhausted.
BERGER: Where there problems with security?
BRIGGS: Earth's on red alert. Some interstellar conference. That's why they're checking that bit more carefully.
BERGER: It explains why we were scanned half a dozen times.
BRIGGS: Well, there'll be no more problems from now on. I've got a clearance straight through to Earth. Our bonus is safe.
RINGWAY: There was no mention of the missing crewmembers?
BERGER: Mister Ringway was concerned that might be the reason for you being delayed.
BRIGGS: Oh, panicking again, was he? No, no mention, Mister Ringway.
RINGWAY: I just happen to think that the disappearance of three crewmembers' rather important, that's all.
BRIGGS: So do I, Mister, but it's something that can be settled when we get back to Earth and our cargo's delivered safely. Understood? Make ready to get underway. If it makes you any happier, double the patrols. I don't want any mention of this. You're beginning to bore me.


SCOTT: I should have gone with him.
NYSSA: The Doctor'll be all right.


TEGAN: What's that?
NYSSA: The freighter's gone into warp drive.

[Cargo hold]

(Two armed crewmen look down at the containers from a high walkway. We don't see which one speaks but I'll guess at the dark haired man, as he's crewman 1.)

VANCE: I don't fancy walking around that lot.

[Freighter bridge]

BRIGGS: Who's on first watch?
BERGER: I am, Captain.
BRIGGS: I wish you luck. I'm going to my cabin.

(Ringway is concentrating on the faulty monitor, and misses seeing the Doctor and Adric on the one next to it.)

RINGWAY: I thought I'd check the security patrols.
BRIGGS: You do that, Mister. I'm sure they'd appreciate it.

(Briggs leaves.)

RINGWAY: Why is she always running me down?
BERGER: I'll give you a bit of advice. You shouldn't sound so earnest all the time.

(Ringway takes a weapon from a small locker.)

[Cargo hold]

VANCE: You could hide an army down here and no one would find it.
CARSON: What's that?

(Shadows moving.)

VANCE: What?
CARSON: It's gone. I'm sure I saw something move.
VANCE: Where?
CARSON: By silo sixteen
VANCE: Are you sure?
CARSON: Let's look.


ADRIC: Look, aren't we being a bit casual about this?
DOCTOR: There's no one about. The ship's totally automated.
ADRIC: There must be a crew.
DOCTOR: A small one, somewhere.
ADRIC: Yeah, but not down here. Look, what's the point in going on?
DOCTOR: I want to announce my presence, to see what the reaction is.
ADRIC: Then how will they know we're here?

(The Doctor nods at a surveillance camera.)


LEADER: Report.
VOICE [OC]: The freighter has received full security clearance for its journey to Earth.
LEADER: Excellent.
VOICE [OC]: There is one problem. The disappearance of the three crewmembers has caused a lot of unrest.
LEADER: Get your minions to search the hold. You will find a scapegoat there.
VOICE [OC]: Leader?
LEADER: You have intruders!

[Cargo hold]

ADRIC: I don't like being so far from the TARDIS.
DOCTOR: Someone should have seen us by now.
ADRIC: Look, why don't we go back?
DOCTOR: Minute or two more.

[Freighter corridor]

RINGWAY: Ringway to Vance. Report, please.

[Cargo hold]

VANCE: This is Vance, sir.

[Freighter corridor]

RINGWAY: Report position.

[Cargo hold]

VANCE: Low walkway, just passing silo five two nine. We've spotted someone, sir.
RINGWAY [OC]: Then apprehend him. I'll be down directly.


DOCTOR: What's the matter?
ADRIC: I've got the feeling we were spotted rather a long time ago.
DOCTOR: We're being followed?

(Ringway comes down a flight of stairs, gun ready. Vance and Carson meet up by a silo.)

VANCE: We've lost him.

(Carson moves on, and sees a glimpse of something running between silos.)

CARSON: No, we haven't.

[Freighter bridge]

(Berger picks up the Doctor and Adric on main surveillance.)

BERGER: Sorry to disturb you, Captain, but we have intruders in the hold.
BRIGGS [OC]: I'll come up right away.

[Cargo hold]

VANCE: Where did he go?
CARSON: This way. There!

(The Doctor and Adric are sitting on some stairs.)

ADRIC: Why won't they show themselves?

(Screams nearby.)

ADRIC: What's happening?
DOCTOR: Over there!

[Freighter bridge]

BRIGGS: Have you got them yet?
BERGER: No, Captain.
BRIGGS: Why not?
BERGER: They're out of camera range.
BRIGGS: I don't want to lose them. Sound the general alarm. I want them caught.

[Cargo hold]

(The klaxon wails through the huge space. Ringway is running, as are the Doctor and Adric.)

ADRIC: Doctor! Doctor, over here.

(They have found Vance and Carson, dead.)

DOCTOR: They're finished.
ADRIC: Look, let's go before we're caught and blamed.

(Ringway comes up from behind.)

DOCTOR: I've seen wounds inflicted this way before.
ADRIC: Doctor, we have got to get out of here!

(They turn.)

RINGWAY: On this ship we execute murderers.
Part Three

[Cargo hold]

DOCTOR: Then make sure you kill the right people. Look at them.
RINGWAY: No tricks.
DOCTOR: Look at the state they're in.

[Freighter bridge]

(Captain Briggs is working at the table, with her back to the controls and screen. She never turns around.)

BRIGGS: Turn that thing off.

(Berger turns off the klaxon.)

BRIGGS: What's the delay? Where's Ringway?

(The communicator chirps.)

BERGER: Bridge.

(The Doctor, Adric and Ringway are visible on the main screen.)

RINGWAY [on screen]: I've apprehended two stowaways.
BRIGGS: Apprehended. Why can't he say caught? So melodramatic.
BERGER: Take them to the brig.
BRIGGS: I'd rather have them up here.
RINGWAY [on screen]: Vance and Carson are dead. Murdered by the stowaways.
BRIGGS: Oh, that's all we need.
RINGWAY [on screen]: Their bodies are by silo nine four one.
BRIGGS: Well, get a stretcher party down there. You've done well, Mister. You'll get an extra bonus.

[Cargo hold]

RINGWAY: I'd rather have Vance and Carson alive.


(The Cybermen have all this on their holo-imager.)

CYBERMAN: Which one is the Doctor?
LEADER: The tall one with the fair hair. Even under the threat of death, he has the arrogance of a Time Lord.
CYBERMAN: Now the Doctor is a prisoner, it is time to secure the freighter.
LEADER: Indeed, but the Doctor must be taken alive. He must suffer for our past defeats.


SCOTT: I think I should go and look for him.
NYSSA: No, wait. You might spoil things.
TEGAN: The Doctor's quite capable. And Nyssa's right, a show of force might ruin everything.
SCOTT: I hope you're right.

[Cargo hold]

(Adric, the Doctor and Ringway meet the stretcher party on the stairs.)

RINGWAY: There's no hurry. They're quite dead, aren't they.
ADRIC: What do we have to say to convince you that we're not stowaways?
RINGWAY: There's nothing you can say.
DOCTOR: Let me show you how we travelled here. We have a ship of our own. We don't need to be stowaways.
RINGWAY: Stowaways or pirates, you're still murderers. Keep moving.


LEADER: Activate my personal guard.
CYBERMAN: Will that be enough, Leader?
LEADER: The crew is small. They will offer little resistance.

[Freighter bridge]

BRIGGS: You've caused me a great deal of trouble.
DOCTOR: I assure you, you have the wrong people.
RINGWAY: Don't answer the captain back.
BRIGGS: It's quite all right, Ringway. I can fight my own battles, thank you. I suppose you're going to say you know nothing about the disappearance of three of my crew members.
DOCTOR: How can we? We've only just arrived on your ship.
BRIGGS: Someone's responsible.
ADRIC: It isn't us.

(An alarm sounds.)

BERGER: A power surge!

(Details come up on a monitor.)

BRIGGS: Is this your work?


NYSSA: I don't understand this. There's a strong electromagnetic field nearby.
TEGAN: So what?
NYSSA: It's sheer size. It's massive!
TEGAN: Well, could it harm the Doctor and Adric?
NYSSA: I can't tell without knowing what's happening.


CYBERMAN: Receptors fully charged.
LEADER: Excellent. Activate.

(Somewhere, a group of Cybermen in plastic bags start to move.)

CYBERMAN: Reaction reading steady.
LEADER: Continue.

(The Cybermen rip open their plastic bags.)

[Freighter bridge]

BRIGGS: A bomb on Earth, controlled from this ship?
ADRIC: It's all true.
DOCTOR: Every word.
BERGER: At least his story is original.
BRIGGS: Are you trying to make a fool of me?
DOCTOR: Oh, I wouldn't dare.
RINGWAY: He's just wasting time.
DOCTOR: You said yourself things have occurred you can't explain.
BRIGGS: It doesn't follow that I've got a band of conspirators at work on the ship.
DOCTOR: Well, the crewmen who disappeared may have discovered otherwise.
BERGER: Why are you listening to this fool? He'll say anything to wriggle his way out of it.

(More data flashes up on a monitor.)

BRIGGS: What's that?
BERGER: It's happening again. A power surge.


SCOTT: We've waited long enough.
KYLE: The Lieutenant's right. The Doctor could be in a lot of trouble.
NYSSA: I'm as concerned as you, but my instinct is to wait.
KYLE: Why?
NYSSA: Things don't feel right.
TEGAN: The electromagnetic field.
NYSSA: Yes. I want things to settle down before we go out.

[Freighter bridge]

BRIGGS: The power loss is enormous.
DOCTOR: How often has this happened?
BERGER: A few times, but never on this scale. There's your power loss. Hold number four.
BRIGGS: (to Ringway) Well, get a squad down there at once.
DOCTOR: Can't you isolate the power line?
BERGER: Not without closing down half the ship. It's a main cable.
DOCTOR: Well, it's the only way you'll stop them.
DOCTOR: I don't know, but I have the feeling whatever's causing your power loss is out for considerable more than control of this ship.


CYBERMAN: Personal guard fully activated.
LEADER: Excellent.
CYBERMAN: The captain of the freighter will see that his power lines have been tapped.
LEADER: Why did you not jam their instruments?
CYBERMAN: Our demand on their electrical supply was too great. The ship's computer was alerted.
LEADER: We will take the bridge at once. Continue the reactivation.

(The Cyber Leader and his Lieutenant leave. A third Cyberman comes to the console.)

[Freighter bridge]

(Ringway hands out pulse rifles to the crew.)

BRIGGS: Ringway!
RINGWAY: Yes, Captain?
BRIGGS: Stand fast.
BERGER: We must come out of warp drive.
BERGER: If we continue to lose power at this rate, our engines could misphase.
BRIGGS: I will not risk losing my bonus for a few miserable stowaways.
DOCTOR: Your first officer is right. You must listen to her.
ADRIC: Why not?
BERGER: The transponder would inform Earth Security that we deviated from flight schedule. If Earth is on red alert, we would be stopped.
BRIGGS: We haven't got time. If I'm late delivering my cargo I not only lose my bonus, but I have to pay a heavy fine.
DOCTOR: The story about the bomb is true. Whoever planted it is now in your hold.
BRIGGS: I will not stop this ship.
DOCTOR: You've got clearance through to Earth. That's where they want to go. You're giving them safe passage!
BRIGGS: Position your men on the high walkway. What's down there, stays there.
RINGWAY: Yes, Captain.

(Ringway leaves.)

ADRIC: Now look, you must listen to the Doctor.
BRIGGS: I've no reason to believe either of you two.
BERGER: Then believe your own instruments, Captain.
BRIGGS: We will go on.


NYSSA: The magnetic field is reducing. It should be safe to go out.
SCOTT: Right, we're moving out.
TEGAN: I want to come with you.
SCOTT: No. It could be rough.
TEGAN: I think I'd find it rougher waiting.
KYLE: Are you sure? You're not even dressed for it.
TEGAN: Are you going out?
TEGAN: Then lend me your overalls.
NYSSA: Don't bother to argue.
SCOTT: If the Doctor returns, call me.

(Scott gives Nyssa a military comm-unit.)

SCOTT: I don't want to be out there any longer than I have to.

[Cargo hold]

RINGWAY: Bring some more down here. Down here.

(The crew are building a barricade at the bottom of a flight of stairs.)


(Nyssa watches Tegan and the four military people jog away on the scanner.)

KYLE: Is there nothing positive we can do?
NYSSA: Try not to worry.

[Freighter bridge]

BERGER: Power loss has stabilised.
BRIGGS: Can we hold warp speed?
BERGER: Just about.
BRIGGS: I knew it. We'll make it yet.

(The Doctor and Adric are sitting on the floor leaning against the main console.)

ADRIC: Do you remember what you asked me after we deactivated the bomb?
DOCTOR: Why a bomb and not some other device.
ADRIC: Well, with the Earth on red alert, a missile wouldn't get through.
DOCTOR: Hmm. We still don't know what they're really after.

(A monitor goes offline.)

BERGER: Captain, look.

(Two more monitors go offline.)

BRIGGS: This could be it.

(Comms chirp. Ringway appears on the last surviving monitor.)

RINGWAY [on monitor]: Ringway.
BRIGGS: Stand by. The security cameras are on the blink.
DOCTOR: Perhaps I could help?
BRIGGS: You stay where you are.
BERGER: We should secure these two in the brig.
BRIGGS: Not yet. I want them where I can see them.

[Cargo hold]

RINGWAY: To your positions. Take cover.

[Freighter bridge]

BRIGGS: We've regained full power. Right, on your feet, you two.
DOCTOR: About time.
BRIGGS: Be quiet.

[Cargo hold]

(Eight Cybermen march between the silos.)

TEGAN: It's vast. We'll never find him.
SCOTT: You wanted to come.
TEGAN: I know. I'm just a mouth on legs.

[Freighter bridge]

RINGWAY [OC]: There's something on the move.
BRIGGS: I can't see anything yet.

(Then the Cybermen appear on the screen.)

BRIGGS: Are these your friends?
DOCTOR: Definitely not.
ADRIC: What are they?
DOCTOR: Cybermen.

(The Cybermen reach the barricade. The crew start firing at them, but their weapons have no effect. The Cybermen's guns, however, are lethal.)

BERGER: Are they robots?
DOCTOR: Far worse. You must withdraw your men, they don't stand a chance.
BRIGGS: Neither will we if those things get up here.

[Cargo hold]

(The weapons fire is nearby.)

SCOTT: Could that be the Doctor?
TEGAN: I hope not. Guns are not his style at all.
SCOTT: All right, set weapons on kill. I'm not taking any chances. Slowly now.

(Ringway is not with the rest of the crewmen at the barricade. Two survivors are retreating as the Cybermen clomp up the stairs.)

[Freighter bridge]

BRIGGS: Our defences are crumbling. We must help.
BERGER: We can't leave these two.
BRIGGS: We'll take them with us.
RINGWAY: No, you won't. Stay where you are.
BRIGGS: Ringway!
RINGWAY: Yes, Captain?
BRIGGS: The enemy's outside, Mister. You're pointing your gun in the wrong direction.
RINGWAY: I'm relieving you of command.
BRIGGS: Oh, come off it.
RINGWAY: Shut up! I'm tired of your snide remarks and bullying ways.
DOCTOR: Oh, you haven't seen anything. Wait until the Cybermen start.
RINGWAY: You know them?
DOCTOR: Oh yes, we go back a long way.

(The sound of weapons fire is getting close. The last two crewmen try to barricade the passageway. They watch their deaths on the screen.)

DOCTOR: This slaughter is pointless.
RINGWAY: Your crew is redundant. The Cybermen will soon be in command.
BRIGGS: You traitor!
DOCTOR: It's the Cybermen's way.
BRIGGS: They must have paid you a lot for this.
DOCTOR: I bet it isn't in gold.
RINGWAY: Shut up!
DOCTOR: Cybermen are rather allergic to the stuff. Brings them out in a cold sweat.
DOCTOR: It clogs up their chest units. Suffocates them, doesn't it.
RINGWAY: Just keep talking, Doctor. When the time comes, killing you is going to be a joy.
BRIGGS: Where do these Cybermen come from?
DOCTOR: Originally Mondas, but that was destroyed. You know, I'm surprised they didn't mention me.
RINGWAY: Perhaps you overestimate your importance.
DOCTOR: Oh, I doubt it. Especially as I confined them to a frozen tomb on Telos. Didn't they mention that either? Oh well, they have been forgetful.

(Adric turns his back and removes his gold star. Ringway grabs him.)

RINGWAY: What's that?
ADRIC: A badge.
RINGWAY: I can see it's a badge. What's it made of?
ADRIC: I don't know.
RINGWAY: It's gold.
ADRIC: What? Gold? Oh, only the edge. It couldn't do any harm.
RINGWAY: Trying to hide it from me, were you?
DOCTOR: Listen! The firing's stopped.
RINGWAY: Berger. Where's Berger?

(Briggs karate-chops Ringway. Berger is behind the console. Then two Cybermen appear in the main entrance.)

DOCTOR: Look out!

(Berger drops a bulkhead in their faces. More Cybermen appear at the second entrance.)

DOCTOR: Berger!

(She drops the second bulkhead just in time.)

DOCTOR: Those shields won't hold them there for long.
BRIGGS: They'll last until we get back to Earth.
DOCTOR: And then?
BRIGGS: There's only a few of them. Our security men will cope with them.
DOCTOR: They're an invasion force. Earth is where they want to go. There are considerably more than a few on board.
ADRIC: How many of these silos are you carrying?
BRIGGS: Oh, fifteen thousand. (penny drops) No, it's not possible.

[Outside the bridge]

LEADER: Have you tested the defences?
CYBERMAN: Yes, Leader. We are able to break through them.
LEADER: Excellent. Prepare to break through the bulkhead shields. Is the Doctor on the bridge?
LEADER: He must be taken alive.

[Cargo hold]

TEGAN: I'm exhausted.
SCOTT: Shush. Keep your voice down.

(They arrive at the stairway barricade.)

SCOTT: He's dead.
TEGAN: It's a massacre.
SCOTT: The Doctor and Adric?
TEGAN: No. Look!

(There are more Cyberman a little way away.)

SCOTT: Take cover! Get back.

[Freighter bridge]

(They watch the Cybermen preparing to break in on the main screen.)

BRIGGS: We could pump all the air out of the hold.
DOCTOR: Unfortunately, Cybermen don't need it. Is there any way you could jettison the hold?
ADRIC: I think Mister Ringway's recovering.
BRIGGS: Pity. I've just composed a particularly nasty epitaph for him.

[Cargo hold]

SCOTT: Whatever they are, they're going to be difficult to kill.
TEGAN: You haven't tried yet.
SCOTT: Look at those bodies. Same rifles as ours.
SCOTT: Have you seen any of those silver things dead?

[Freighter bridge]

BRIGGS: Would threatening to kill him slow those tin things down?
DOCTOR: Not at all.
RINGWAY: You're all dead. Why don't you surrender?
DOCTOR: Not yet. There may be a way to neutralise that.

(He means the large device the Cyberman on the screen is holding.)

[Cargo hold]

TEGAN: Do we go on?
SCOTT: Past them?
TEGAN: Is there another way?

[Outside the bridge]

LEADER: Ready?
CYBERMAN: Yes, Leader.
LEADER: Then activate the thermal lance.

[Freighter bridge]

(The second bulkhead glows red with heat.)

ADRIC: Doctor!
DOCTOR: They've started. I see from the computer the ship is powered by antimatter.
DOCTOR: How is the antimatter contained?
BRIGGS: A stabilised vessel. Berger's the expert.
DOCTOR: Is there any way we could tap the stabilising device?
BERGER: Yes, the machinery's here.

(She takes him to a wall panel and opens it.)

DOCTOR: Excellent.
ADRIC: Are we going to stabilise the shield?
BRIGGS: Will it work?
BERGER: It might. It's worth a try.

(The Doctor gets to work.)


KYLE: Shall we call them?

(Nyssa takes the comm-unit from Kyle.)

NYSSA: I'm sure everything's all right.

[Freighter bridge]

(Briggs keeps Ringway covered with a gun while the Doctor and Berger work.)

ADRIC: Just explain what you're trying to do.
DOCTOR: We are under attack, Adric.
ADRIC: Well, tell me quickly.
DOCTOR: All right. First, tell me, what is the square root of three point six nine eight seven three?
ADRIC: Er, about one point nine two three two one.

(The Doctor calls up the answer on the computer screen. 1.923208.)

BERGER: That's not possible.
DOCTOR: Oh, he's very good. And almost right.
ADRIC: Will you just try and explain what you're doing?
DOCTOR: Antimatter powers the ship. For the antimatter to remain safe, it has to be contained in a vessel with a totally stable molecular structure otherwise it would, well, blow to bits.
ADRIC: But no such material exists.
DOCTOR: Absolutely right. Although with computer-controlled electronics, it is possible to simulate it.
ADRIC: You're saying that that machine will constantly adjust and readjust the molecular structure of the antimatter vessel?
DOCTOR: Right. However destructive the antimatter is, the vessel is always stable.
ADRIC: That's very clever.
DOCTOR: Oh, it is.
BERGER: But will the device work to stabilise the shield?
DOCTOR: Well, if it doesn't, we're dead.

[Cargo hold]

TEGAN: Can you cope with the two of them?
SCOTT: I hope so. We've got to get a clear shot at both of them.

[Freighter bridge]

(The bulkhead is now white-hot.)

BRIGGS: This shield's not going to last much longer.
BERGER: I'd better tell the computer what we're up to.
DOCTOR: Right. Hurry.

[Cargo hold]

SCOTT: No. I want that second one just a bit closer. Fire!

(The concentrated beams knock the Cybermen down. One falls and the other retreats. Tegan dashes forward.)

SCOTT: Come back!

(Tegan grabs a Cyberweapon and shoots the Cyberman. His chest unit explodes.)

SCOTT: Don't take risks like that again!

(The surviving Cyberman is limping, and leaking fluid.)

TEGAN: One of them got away.
SCOTT: Yes. We should get back to the TARDIS immediately.

(Two troopers drag the Cyberman out of sight.)

TEGAN: Not before we've found the Doctor and Adric.

[Freighter bridge]

BERGER: Ready when you are.
DOCTOR: Right.
BRIGGS: Hurry, Doctor!
DOCTOR: Just a second.

[Outside the bridge]

LEADER: The shield is now soft enough. Break through.

[Freighter bridge]

(The Cyberman's hand punches through the bulkhead just as the Doctor is about to put the wires to it. The Doctor is blown back with a cry as the Cyberman grabs the wires and becomes part of the now solid bulkhead in a shower of sparks.)

ADRIC: It worked!
BRIGGS: Oh, well done, Doctor.

[Outside the bridge]

(Cyberleader and his lieutenant return to the main bulkhead.)

CYBERMAN: You are right, Leader. The Doctor is a formidable opponent.
LEADER: I anticipated as much. Activate the charge.

(The wounded Cyberman crawls round the corner.)

CYBERMAN: He has been damaged by gunfire.
LEADER: There is still resistance.
CYBERMAN: According to the Earthling, there were only ten crew members. They have all been accounted for.
LEADER: Then he has lied. Order the activation of reinforcements.

(The Cyberman at Cybercontrol presses a button.)

LEADER: Charges primed?
CYBERMAN: Yes, Leader.

(They take cover around the corner.)


[Freighter bridge]

(The Doctor and Adric are knocked down by the blast.)

DOCTOR: I should have realised.

(The Cybermen enter.)

BRIGGS: Oh no!

(Ringway gets the gun off her and a Cyberman holds her.)


(The Cyberleader is the last one in.)

LEADER: So, we meet again, Doctor.

(He signals a Cyberman to advance, weapon ready.)

DOCTOR: Er, no! Er

(The Cyberman turns and shoots Ringway.)

LEADER: He deceived us.
DOCTOR: You never change. Always the perfect guests.


KYLE: What happens to us if the Doctor doesn't come back?
NYSSA: It depends where this ship's going.
KYLE: You can't fly the TARDIS?
NYSSA: I understand some of the principles.
KYLE: But you couldn't get us back to Earth?
NYSSA: Not without difficulty.

[Freighter bridge]

LEADER: Our records indicate that you have a fondness for Earth.
DOCTOR: Fondness? I'm surprised your emotionless brain understands the word.
LEADER: It is a word like any other. And so is destruction, which is what we are going to do to that planet.
DOCTOR: You've tried before.
LEADER: This time we shall succeed, and you will live just long enough to witness it.
CYBERMAN: Reactivation completed.
LEADER: Excellent. Now you will see our strength.

[Cargo hold]

(Throughout the holds, Cybermen burst out of silos with a clang! )

SCOTT: Let's move.
TEGAN: Whatever it is, it's between us and the TARDIS.

(Cybermen appear.)

SCOTT: Take cover!

(Tegan runs down the passageway and hides under a stairway as more and more Cybermen burst out of their silos and march through the hold.)

[Freighter bridge]

(Cyberleader watches on the main screen.)

LEADER: My army awakes, Doctor!
Part Four

[Freighter bridge]

(One Cyberman works at the navigation terminal.)

BRIGGS: This is piracy!
LEADER: It is war.
BERGER: The ship is in warp drive. Interfere with the navigational system and we will disintegrate.
LEADER: Your technology is primitive compared to ours. Mistakes will not be made.

(Down in the hold, Tegan comes out of hiding with her Cybergun and watches two Cybermen near a staircase.)


(Nyssa and Kyle are also watching the Cybermen.)

KYLE: What was that?
NYSSA: I don't know. A robot.
KYLE: They're huge!

[Cargo hold]

(Lieutenant Scott and his troopers take cover under another staircase.)

SCOTT: Oh, where's Tegan?

[Freighter bridge]

(The Cybermen are working the ship's controls.)

BRIGGS: What are they doing?
BERGER: I don't know. They've incorporated a machine of their own.
DOCTOR: I suspect the ship is now on a locked off fixed coordinate.
ADRIC: Are we still going to Earth?
BERGER: Well then, why lock off the coordinates?
DOCTOR: Because I think they're turning us into a flying bomb.
LEADER: Your TARDIS has been found, Doctor.
DOCTOR: I didn't know it was lost.
BRIGGS: You're mad if you think Earth security will let you crash into the planet. They'd shoot the ship down.
LEADER: There will not be time. You have a security transponder with clearance for Earth.
ADRIC: Yes, but why do it? On impact this ship will destroy everything. The planet will be useless.
LEADER: There is a conference about to take place on Earth.
DOCTOR: The reason for the red alert.
LEADER: Yes. The heads of many powerful planets will be present.
DOCTOR: So you destroy a few presidents in a needlessly destructive way.
LEADER: It is more than that. The purpose of the conference is to sign a pact uniting their military forces in a war against the Cyber race.
DOCTOR: Of course. A war you couldn't possibly win.
LEADER: Their combined forces would be too great.
DOCTOR: Destroy the conference and you destroy the unity.
LEADER: It will be a great psychological victory. The strength and might of the Cyber race will be confirmed.
DOCTOR: So the freighter replaces the bomb.
LEADER: Yes, Doctor. In spite of your interference, we will still triumph.

[Cargo hold]

(Tegan is still dodging Cybermen when Scott decides to use his communicator.)

SCOTT: Scott to TARDIS. Come in, please.
NYSSA [OC]: This is Nyssa.
SCOTT: We're coming back to the TARDIS. The hold is crawling with robots.
NYSSA [OC]: Any of you hurt?
SCOTT: No, but we've got separated from Tegan.

[Freighter bridge]

DOCTOR: If the freighter crashes into Earth with you on board, won't that make it rather difficult for you to carry out your task? I mean, you would be very crumpled.
LEADER: I shall not be on board, Doctor.
DOCTOR: You don't surprise me.
LEADER: My function was leader of the squad to eliminate those who survived the bomb.
BRIGGS: Now your transport has replaced the bomb.
LEADER: I shall join a secondary force to complete my task.
BRIGGS: Are they all so dedicated?
DOCTOR: Compared to some, this one is positively flippant.

[Cargo hold]

(Tegan dodges a patrol, then nearly walks into a Cyberman. As she fumbles with the Cybergun, she is grabbed from behind. Tegan screams. Meanwhile, Scott and Co are nearly at the TARDIS.)

SCOTT: Gently.

(Tegan is taken up some steps.)


(Scott and his team appear on the scanner.)

KYLE: They're safe!
NYSSA: And those two robots have gone.

(Nyssa opens the door. A Cyberman grabs the last trooper.)

SCOTT: Wait till it's near, then concentrate your fire!

(The three military back in, followed by the Cyberman.)


(The Cyberman falls. Nyssa reaches for the door lever.)

SCOTT: There's another one!

(The Cyberman is pinned between the closing doors. Scott struggles for its weapon.)

KYLE: Nyssa, get back!

(She grabs the Cybergun from the fallen Cyberman, but is shot before she can fire. Scott gets its weapon off it and shoots. It slides to the floor between the doors. Nyssa and Scott rush to Kyle.)

SCOTT: It's no use. She's dead.

[Freighter bridge]

(Tegan is brought to the bridge.)

TEGAN: Doctor! Adric!
DOCTOR: Where did you come from?
TEGAN: That thing caught me.
ADRIC: Where's Nyssa?
TEGAN: She's safe. She's in the TARDIS.
LEADER: Who is this woman?
DOCTOR: An Earthling. No one of consequence.
TEGAN: Thanks a lot.
DOCTOR: Be quiet.
LEADER: She's one of your crew.
DOCTOR: In a manner of speaking.
LEADER: I see that Time Lords have emotional feelings.
DOCTOR: Of sorts.
LEADER: Surely a great weakness in one so powerful?
DOCTOR: Emotions have their uses.
LEADER: They restrict and curtail the intellect and logic of the mind.
DOCTOR: They also enhance life! When did you last have the pleasure of smelling a flower, watching a sunset, eating a well-prepared meal?
LEADER: These things are irrelevant.
DOCTOR: For some people, small, beautiful events is what life is all about!
LEADER: You have affection for this woman?
DOCTOR: She's a friend.
LEADER: And you do not consider friendship a weakness?
DOCTOR: I do not.
LEADER: Kill her.

(Tegan and Adric back away from a Cyberman into an area labelled Escape Pod.)


(The Cyberleader waves the Cyberman away.)

LEADER: Such a reaction is not a disadvantage?
LEADER: You are mistaken. I now have control over you, Doctor. All I need do is threaten the woman's death for you to obey me.


SCOTT: At least we have two of their weapons. Might make them easier to kill.
NYSSA: You're not going out again?
SCOTT: I haven't much choice.
NYSSA: The Doctor won't thank you for throwing away your life.

(Nyssa opens the doors. Scott and his two remaining troopers leave.)

[Freighter bridge]

(The Doctor is having a quiet word with Tegan.)

LEADER: I return your ship to you, Captain.
BRIGGS: Really?
LEADER: You will continue your journey to Earth. The ship will function normally.
BRIGGS: We're to stay on board?
LEADER: Yes. Although your presence isn't needed, of course. The control of your ship is now totally automatic.
DOCTOR: This isn't necessary. Let them go.
LEADER: And deny them the feeling of fear, the ultimate in emotional response?
DOCTOR: You've already proved your point quite adequately.
LEADER: A final demonstration might convince any doubters.
CYBERMAN: We have finished, Leader.
LEADER: Excellent. Instruct all regenerated Cybermen to evacuate the ship. You will return to Cybercontrol and inform main fleet of our intention.
CYBERMAN: At once.

[Cargo hold]

(A group of Cybermen open an airlock.)

SCOTT: They're leaving.

[Freighter bridge]

LEADER: You two will remain on the bridge. Should any of the crew attempt to interfere with navigational equipment, they are to be restrained.
BRIGGS: Why don't you kill us now?
LEADER: I want my guards to observe your reactions.
TEGAN: That's sadistic.
LEADER: No, scientific. If we are to fight Earthlings, it is better we understand their weaknesses. We leave for your TARDIS. The Earth woman as well.
TEGAN: The name is Tegan!
DOCTOR: I want Adric, too.
LEADER: The boy stays here.
DOCTOR: I need him to help me fly the TARDIS.
LEADER: I know that it requires only one person to pilot the TARDIS.
DOCTOR: I'm not going without him.
LEADER: The boy will stay here. If you do not cooperate, I shall have the Earth woman destroyed.
TEGAN: We can't leave without him!
ADRIC: Take Tegan with you. I'll find my own way. Please?
BRIGGS: The boy's right. There's a chance. Leave now.
ADRIC: Please, Doctor.
LEADER: There is no chance.
ADRIC: Just leave!
DOCTOR: Good luck, Adric.

(They shake hands.)

ADRIC: Goodbye, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Good luck to you all.
ADRIC: Goodbye, Tegan. I'll see you soon.

(The Doctor and Tegan are escorted to the cargo hold.)

BRIGGS: Nice to see where we're going.
BERGER: We know where we're going.
BRIGGS: Nice to see when we arrive.


CYBERMAN: The freighter has been evacuated.
LEADER [OC]: Excellent.
CYBERMAN: And a ship is being dispatched from the main fleet to collect you.
LEADER [OC]: The fleet is too far away. I will use the Doctor's TARDIS to observe the impact.
LEADER [OC]: You will meet me there.

(The Cyberman leaves. A lever on the console moves down and a plastic-covered Cyberman starts to move.)

[Cargo hold]

TEGAN: You won't like Earth.
LEADER: Like or dislike does not come into my consideration.
TEGAN: It will when you start going rusty.


SCOTT [OC]: This is Scott.
NYSSA: What's happening out there?
SCOTT [OC]: I don't know. Those robot things seem to have left the ship.
NYSSA: Is there any sign of the Doctor?
SCOTT [OC]: No, not yet.
NYSSA: Be careful. That magnetic field is functioning again.

[Freighter bridge]

ADRIC: How much time have we got?
BERGER: Not long. The ship is on maximum drive.
ADRIC: Could we undo what the Cybermen have done?
BRIGGS: Given time, I'm sure.
ADRIC: Well, even if we could just divert the ship a degree or two, at least we'd miss Earth.
BRIGGS: We'd have to cope with those things first.

[Cargo hold]

CYBERMAN: Leader, the main fleet has acknowledged your intentions.
LEADER: Do they agree?
CYBERMAN: Yes, Leader. As soon as the freighter impacts, a small force will follow through and under your instructions subdue survivors.
LEADER: Excellent.

(Scott's team get to the previously barricaded staircase leading to the main deck.)

SCOTT: Marshall, you stay there and cover us. Brooks, come with me.


NYSSA: Doctor! Where's Adric?
DOCTOR: He's safe.
TEGAN: For the time being.

(The Cybermen enter.)

[Freighter bridge]

(Scott waves from the hole in the bulkhead. Everyone looks up, and a Cyberman goes out to find out what they are looking at. Scott shoots him in the back before going in and disposing of the second one.)

SCOTT: Lieutenant Scott, Captain.


(The TARDIS dematerialises. In the cargo hold, more Cybermen are being regenerated and are bursting from their silos.)

LEADER: Have you locked on to the freighter's coordinates?
LEADER: You will follow the freighter to Earth. I wish to witness the planet's final destruction.
TEGAN: You'll ruin your own plan doing that. The radar on Earth will pick up the TARDIS.

(The Doctor shakes his head sadly.)

LEADER: It is too small. Its image will be swamped by that of the freighter.
CYBERMAN: Everything has been considered.
LEADER: Search this ship.

[Freighter bridge]

BERGER: There's an override on the navigational control. My instructions are instantly countermanded.
BRIGGS: It's this thing that's causing it.
SCOTT: Can't you disconnect it?
BRIGGS: It's probably booby-trapped.
ADRIC: Maybe so, but it can be disconnected.
ADRIC: Solve the three logic codes.
BERGER: That could take forever.
ADRIC: Well, then I suggest we start at once.

(There's the sound of weapons fire as Marshall tries to hold back a new army of Cybermen. He fails. Briggs runs off the bridge.)

[Outside the bridge]

(Scott and Brooks reassemble this barricade.)

SCOTT: It seems we have very little time, Captain.


LEADER: The time draws near.
DOCTOR: It isn't necessary to taunt her.
LEADER: It is simply a fact, Doctor.
TEGAN: Can't you do something?
DOCTOR: Not at the moment.
LEADER: Do not mislead the Earthling. This time we will not fail.

[Freighter bridge]

BERGER: Is that right?
ADRIC: It has to be. It's the only logical answer.


TEGAN: I don't have to watch this.

(The Cyberleader stops Tegan leaving.)

NYSSA: She doesn't have to be here.
DOCTOR: Gently, Tegan.
TEGAN: Gently? This is my planet they're about to destroy!

(Tegan hits some buttons on the TARDIS and the whole thing tilts.)

DOCTOR: No! You do things like that, we'll all finish up dead!

[Freighter bridge]

(Briggs shoots a Cyberman and comes back in.)

ADRIC: That's it! The first one's solved.

(He starts putting the code into the Cyber device.)

BRIGGS: We're running out of time. The troopers can't hold the Cybermen much longer.
BERGER: We're working as hard as we can. It's very complex.
ADRIC: It worked! See if it's released anything.

(Berger works the controls.)

[Outside the bridge]

(Another Cyberman falls.)

SCOTT: The power in these things is running out.

[Freighter bridge]

BERGER: Stand by.

(She hits the final button and the freighter tilts. The Cybermen fall over.)


(On the scanner, the image of the freighter flickers then vanishes.)

NYSSA: What's happening?
TEGAN: Where have they gone?
DOCTOR: The freighter's jumped time warps.
LEADER: You will follow.
DOCTOR: Where?
LEADER: Follow them!

[Freighter bridge]

(The freighter stabilises.)

BERGER: We're travelling backwards in time.
BRIGGS: That's not possible!
ADRIC: It is when you have an alien machine overriding your computer.


(The freighter reappears on the scanner.)

LEADER: You will board the freighter.
DOCTOR: I can't.

(The Cyberleader grabs Nyssa's arm.)

LEADER: You will do as I say.
DOCTOR: It's physically impossible. The freighter is no longer on a fixed course. The coordinates are constantly changing. That's why it keeps fading. I've got nothing to lock on to.

[Freighter bridge]

SCOTT: (to Brooks) Rest there a minute. That was some bump.
BRIGGS: It's bigger than you think.
ADRIC: Well, if we can crack the remaining two logic circuits, we may be able to do something about it.


TEGAN: At least the Earth is safe now.
NYSSA: Doctor?
TEGAN: Don't tell me it isn't.
DOCTOR: Although the freighter is spiraling backwards in time, it's still locked on to the same spatial coordinates.
TEGAN: Earth?
LEADER: This is excellent news, Doctor. Earth will be destroyed. It will never exist as you have known it.
TEGAN: Is that true?

[Freighter bridge]

ADRIC: That's it, the second logic code!
BRIGGS: We've come out of warp drive!


(A planet comes into view on the scanner.)

DOCTOR: Earth.
LEADER: Excellent. Hold this position. We shall observe from here.

[Freighter bridge]

(As a surviving Cyberman crawls up the staircase, Berger gets the escape pod ready. Adric continues to work on the Cyber device.)

BRIGGS: Come on. We've done all we can do.
ADRIC: This is your planet!
BRIGGS: I know. And I realise the consequences of this freighter crashing into it.
ADRIC: There is still time to crack this last logic code.
BRIGGS: There isn't. Come on. It's only a few minutes before we enter Earth's gravitational pull.
SCOTT: You've done all you can, Adric.
ADRIC: I can crack this code!
BRIGGS: Come on, Lieutenant. And you, Berger.
BERGER: Adric!
ADRIC: You board.
BRIGGS: Come on, lad.
SCOTT: And that is an order, Adric.

(Scott pulls Adric into the escape pod. Berger closes the door, but Adric back steps through at the last moment.)

ADRIC: Of course! That's it!


NYSSA: An escape pod!
LEADER: My guards evacuating the ship.
DOCTOR: It may be of some small consequence to know we've travelled backwards in time some sixty five million years.
TEGAN: Big deal.
DOCTOR: Think about it.
NYSSA: Do you recall the fossil dinosaur bones in the cave on Earth?
TEGAN: What?
NYSSA: And why it's believed they died out so quickly?
TEGAN: Earth collided with a meteorite.
NYSSA: Or something.
TEGAN: The freighter?
DOCTOR: The antimatter vessel will split open on impact. There will be a tremendous explosion.
TEGAN: The freighter was the meteorite?
DOCTOR: It seems inevitable, as is your history as we know it.
LEADER: You lie, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Not at all. You've lost. The Earth is safe.

[Freighter bridge]

(As the western Pacific fills the main screen, Adric continues to work.)

ADRIC: I can do it. I must do it.

(The injured Cyberman limps towards the bridge.)


SCOTT [OC]: Scott to TARDIS. Scott to TARDIS. Come in, please.
NYSSA: This is the TARDIS. We have Cybermen on board.

(The Cyberleader pushes the Doctor aside and takes the communicator from Nyssa.)

SCOTT [OC]: We've managed to escape from the freighter, but Adric's still on board.

(The Doctor takes Adric's gold star out of his pocket.)

SCOTT [OC]: Scott to TARDIS.

(The Cyberleader crushes the communicator.)

DOCTOR: You've failed, Leader.
LEADER: But you will not enjoy the victory. I shall now kill you, Doctor.

(The Cyberleader levels his weapon at the Doctor, and Tegan grabs him from behind. It throws her off, and the Doctor gets behind it then rubs the gold star against its chest unit. It crumbles into pieces and gets sucked inside the Cyberleader.)

DOCTOR: Get down!

(Suffocating, the Cyberleader flails about, shooting its weapon and hitting the console. The Doctor gets up, grabs the gun and fires at it point-blank. It takes several shots, but finally the Cyberleader dies and its chest unit explodes.)

[Freighter bridge]

ADRIC: There's something missing. There's something I've forgotten.


NYSSA: Please hurry, Doctor. We must get Adric off the freighter.
DOCTOR: The console's damaged.
NYSSA: We must save Adric! There's so little time!

[Freighter bridge]

(The last Cyberman staggers on to the bridge while Adric continues to try and solve the third logic puzzle.)

ADRIC: Of course, that's it.

(The Cyberman shoots at the console, and Adric leaps back. The Cyberman dies, but the console is destroyed.)

ADRIC: Now I'll never know if I was right.


(The Cyberman who was sent to search the TARDIS returns. The Doctor has his back to it.)

NYSSA: Look out!
DOCTOR: I must save Adric!

(Nyssa grabs the Cyberleader's weapon and shoots the Cyberman.)

TEGAN: Look!
NYSSA: Adric!

( (The freighter plummets through the Earth's atmosphere, and goes KaBOOM! The Doctor turns the scanner off.)

TEGAN: Adric? Doctor! Oh, no.

(Nyssa and Tegan cry on each other's shoulders. The closing titles roll silently over a picture of Adric's broken gold star.)

Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.