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March 2005

Written by

Simon A. Forward


106 minutes

Time Travel


Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Uluru City


'The Dreamtime is living Time. The Dreaming is living myth.'

A city travels the stars, inhabited by stone ghosts. At its heart, an ancient remembrance of Earth. Mythical creatures stalk the streets and alien visitors have come in search of trade. But there is nothing to trade. Only fear. And death. And the stone ghosts.

For Hex's first destination in the TARDIS, it's about the strangest place he could have imagined. Weird and very far from wonderful. Adjustment to his new life could prove tough. But he will have to adjust and do more, just to stay alive, and Ace will have to be his guide through this lost city of shadows and predatory dreams.

And the Doctor is the first to go missing.

The Doctor has crossed into the Dreamtime.

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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: The Harvest

After the slog that was The Sandman, I didn't think Simon A. Forward's scripts could get any worse. And then I listened to Dreamtime. Not only is it just boring, nonsensical and surreal (in the bad way) as The Sandman, it's also got some incredibly dodgy messaging. It has a moment where the characters just basically stop to say that all this was caused by multiculturalism and diversity messing up old traditions which is such a baffling direction for Doctor Who to take. It really just takes you out of it because it's not even subtle. I wish I could say it ruined a good story but there wasn't all that much to ruin.

Next Story: LIVE 34


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Se existe um áudio mais chato que "Dreamtime" por favor me apresente porque eu acho impossível existir algo mais Boring que isso.
Exageraram muito na dose do experimental aqui, uma história estranha confusa que parece fazer nenhum sentido, o "tempo dos sonhos" que corre ao lado da realidade, aparentemente prendendo as pessoas em um meio-mundo governado por algum guru místico australiano que é, ou não é o vilão...putz eu sei lá, realmente é difícil dizer o que acontece nessa bagaç não sei desculpe. O áudio até tem algumas ideias e intenções interessantes, termos como "terraformação mitológica" (??) são usados, assim como todos os tipos de linguagem folclórica aborígine, mas é tudo muito mal executado que passa despercebido. É uma pena que a primeira viagem do Hex na TARDIS seja tão horrível, o roteiro parece não ter certeza do que fazer com ele na história, o Companion esta literalmente jogado de qualquer jeito na trama. Enfim, "Dreamtime" é um desastre total, chato ao extremo e muito confuso...Apenas pule essa história, não perca seu tempo precioso com isso.


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MR 067: Dreamtime


This is the most incomprehensible garbage story I've ever heard. I still don't really know what happened in it, but I'll try to piece it together. Something something "reject modernity, embrace tradition."

This is the best I can piece together the plot:

There's a city floating through space where there are statues of nightmare people. Some aliens, the Galyari from Sandman, try to land on the city to trade. Which seems like a terrible idea. The statues are actually people trapped in some incomprehensible concept called the dreamtime. The Doctor gets pulled into it which sends him back in time while Ace and Hex wander around and try not to die.

The Doctor is in the distant past where he convinces the person organizing the city going up into space to allow an ethnic minority to live in the city when that guy just wanted to let them die on the surface. And then an hour of who the f**k knows what happens where the Doctor is possessed by evil spirits or whatever. And then he comes back and figures out that he caused the evil spirits to arrive because he pushed for progressivism.

You see, by getting the guy to accept an ethnic minority in their space city, the evil spirits are mad. They've embraced modernity and corrupted/forgotten their traditions. Like women inhabiting a traditional male space. Therefore the ancestoral spirits are angry and are trying to pull everyone into the dreamtime and destroy the city. So the Doctor SIDES WITH THE SPIRITS (LOL WTF) and helps reset the entire city back to a more traditional state and reject those evil modern concepts like gender equality and multiculturalism so that the spirits will be satisfied.

That's the best I can do, and I'm still not 100% sure that's accurate. Besides being incomprehensible, the parts that I could comprehend were still extremely bad. This is Hex's first trip in the TARDIS and we're doing whatever the f**k this is. This is like when C'Rizz's second story was Natural History of Fear, only in a bad direction. It doesn't really help us understand anymore about who he is as a person because we're struggling to comprehend what's happening.

It absolutely baffles me, as well, that this Doctor decides to side with the evil ancestoral spirits who hate progressive values. The Seventh Doctor often has a reputation for being a rebel and a revolutionary, but that reputation is entirely unearned. So far, he has had the MOST conservative stories and political views in the main range including Fearmonger, Flip-Flop, and now Dreamtime.

I remember that when I first heard this story over a decade ago, I had no idea what was happening in it either. It faded immediately from my head like a bad dream. Listening to it certainly feels like a dream. The things happening have a very dream like state to them. Fortunately, it's already fading from my mind a mere hour or two after listening to it. It's ok, it was all a bad dream....


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Doctor Who – The Monthly Adventures

#067. Dreamtime ~ 8/10

◆ An Introduction

And you thought my review of ‘The Rapture’ was controversial? You ain’t seen nothing yet! This is one of the lowest ranked monthly adventures, and I can kinda see why – it’s steeped in mysticism and is quite experimental. Simon A Forward’s scripts do tend to rub you lot the wrong way, don’t they? But after my review of ‘The Sandman’ went down like a lead balloon, I’m expecting an overall worse reaction to this one. All I ask is for a little bit of your time.

The majority of the reviews online for this story are negative, and I want to show a different perspective. I wholeheartedly believe there is a great little story here. Kick back, relax, and follow me into the Dreaming…

◆ Publisher’s Summary

The Dreamtime is living Time. The Dreaming is living myth.

A city travels the stars, inhabited by stone ghosts. At its heart, an ancient remembrance of Earth. Mythical creatures stalk the streets and alien visitors have come in search of trade. But there is nothing to trade. There is only fear. And death. And the stone ghosts.

For Hex's first trip in the TARDIS, it's about the strangest place he could have imagined. Weird and very far from wonderful. Adjustment to his new life could prove tough. But he will have to adjust and do more, just to stay alive, and Ace will have to be his guide through this lost city of shadows and predatory dreams. And the Doctor is the first to go missing.

The Doctor has crossed into the Dreamtime.

◆ The Seventh Doctor

Sylvester McCoy puts in a very calming and relaxed performance for ‘Dreamtime’, and it works really well.

The Doctor doesn’t really get much to do here, except for talking to Baiame.

◆ “Just McShane”

‘Dreamtime’ sees Sophie Aldred continue to shine, with another great performance.

“McShane” thinks that having all of space staring down at them, between the buildings of Uluru City, makes her really feel like a part of the universe. She tells our TARDIS newbie that you soon get used to certain death if you’re around the Doctor long enough.

◆ Hex

‘Dreamtime’ is the first trip in the TARDIS for Philip Olivier, and he puts in a marvellous performance. He’s really proving himself to be a welcome addition to this team.

Hex expected to see the stars zipping past him, like in Star Trek. Breathtaking isn’t his favourite word when there is only a forcefield between him and deep space. Why is it, wherever he goes with the Doctor and “McShane”, he ends up getting shot at? Hex believes that having a medical career has taught him to laugh in the face of adversity. If he lives to be a veteran at TARDIS travel, he thinks it’ll be a miracle!

◆ Story Recap

The Doctor, “McShane” and Hex find themselves on an asteroid floating through deep space. They soon find a city filled with ghostly stone statues, whose faces are contorted into screams. Stranger than that, however, is the appearance of famed Australian landmark Uluru on the horizon.

It soon transpires that these are really people, turned to stone by an event known as the Dreaming. As demonic creatures from Aboriginal myth take the Doctor into the Dreaming, “McShane”, Hex and a Galyari trading party are left to fend for themselves… in an increasingly hostile landscape.

◆ The Dreaming

This is a script that absolutely demands you have some background knowledge when it comes to Australian Aboriginal mythology and culture. If you don’t, then you’ll likely finish this story thinking you’ve just spent two hours in a coma (and that’s exactly how I felt the first time I listened to it)! To give you all a helping hand, I’m going to go over some of the mythos you need to know and try to break it down for you.

The titular Dreamtime, also known as the Dreaming, is a concept that is difficult to explain in terms of non-Aboriginal cultures, but is often described as an all-embracing concept that provides rules for living, a moral code, and rules for interacting with the environment. From what I can gather, it’s also seen as a term used by the Aboriginals for a point in the distant past when the land was inhabited by ancestral figures – said figures would often have heroic proportions or supernatural abilities. They aren’t to be mistaken for gods though; whilst these ancestors are revered, they are not worshipped and had no control over the material world.

In the context of this story, the second of those explanations is definitely what I’d recommend keeping at the centre of your mind. To the people of Uluru City, the Dreaming is almost like a location outside of normal space-time that acts as a gateway into the past. It’s also a place, however, that you can become trapped in (hence the screaming stone statues dotted about the cityscape).

I also really like that the Dreaming is home to some quite hostile creatures, such as the savage Bunyip. In actual Aboriginal mythology, the term Bunyip seems to represent a variety of “devil spirits” - some claim that they are amphibious creatures that inhabit waterholes, resembling seals or swimming dogs. Others claim that the Bunyip are long-necked and spindly with tiny heads. There is one thing you cannot deny about this story, and it’s that Simon A Forward absolutely did his research before writing the script!

◆ Sound Design

I’ve been trying to think of the perfect way to describe Foxon’s sound design in this story for a while now, but I definitely think trippy is the correct term. When we step foot into the Dreaming, it’s gorgeously weird.

Rioting breaks out around Uluru City; shots are fired and tear gas seeps into the air, as Whitten attempts to subdue the Aboriginal people. The ground around Uluru shakes, as the whole sandstone formation lifts up from the planet’s surface. A Galyari trading ship lands in the midst of the dessicated urban landscape. The low hum of an electric buggy is accompanied by warning shots from the Dream Commanders. Listen to the savage chuntering of the Bunyip, like packs of angry and wild wolves. The Dreaming is an extremely strange landscape; people crying and screaming as a clock ticks away in surround sound. The part three cliffhanger is really tense; with water flooding out of Uluru, and “McShane” nearly drowning! Cracking stone statues, as the Doctor reverses the effects of the Dreaming.

◆ Music

Steve Foxon is also behind the score for ‘Dreamtime’, and it saddens me that this appears to be the only early score of his that isn’t available on his SoundCloud.

It’s an absolutely stunning piece that wears its Aboriginal influences proudly on its sleeve, featuring didgeridoos and bullroarers. Speaking as someone who spent most of the 2020 lockdown listening to old vinyl records, I must make the comparison between this score and the excellent Kate Bush track The Dreaming.

◆ Conclusion

You have crossed the Dreamtime…”

Convoluted to the nth degree, but I genuinely cannot help but love it. ‘Dreamtime’ takes the concepts of Australian Aboriginal mythology and catapults it into deep space, making for a truly unique and different adventure.

This is, of course, Hex’s first trip in the TARDIS, and many will criticise Forward’s story for being too abstract and experimental for such an occasion, and I partly agree. It can be quite difficult to follow along at times, but Hex gets to prove himself in a hostile environment where he is thrown into the deep end; just him and “McShane” trying to survive whilst the Doctor is trapped in the Dreaming.

I can absolutely understand why so many people take issue with ‘Dreamtime’ – I thought it was an incomprehensible nightmare the first time I listened to it – but I really respect Simon A Forward for pushing the boat out and doing something so out there and unique. No matter your opinion on the writing for this story, you cannot deny that Steve Foxon’s music was immaculate!


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