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First aired

Monday, November 23, 1987

Production Code


Written by

Ian Briggs

Directed by

Chris Clough


75 minutes

Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Companion Handoff, Companions meeting, Mind Control

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Svartos, Iceworld


As trouble brews on the space trading colony of Iceworld, the Doctor and Mel encounter their sometimes-ally Sabalom Glitz - and a new friend who goes by "Ace".

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3 Episodes

Part One

First aired

Monday, November 23, 1987


25 minutes

Written by

Ian Briggs

Directed by

Chris Clough

UK Viewers

5.5 million

Appreciation Index



The deep-space trading post of Iceworld, the far future. The Doctor, Mel, their old friend Glitz and time-lost waitress Ace go in search of a fabulous treasure, supposedly guarded by a fire-breathing dragon. But what is the link between the treasure and Iceworld's proprietor, the frosty Mr Kane?

Part Two

First aired

Monday, November 30, 1987


25 minutes

Written by

Ian Briggs

Directed by

Chris Clough

UK Viewers

5 million

Appreciation Index



While Mel and Ace run from Glitz's former crewmen (whom he sold to Kane), officers Belazs and Kracauer conspire to overthrow Kane. The Doctor, meanwhile, discovers there really is a dragon in the ice caverns, which turns out to be a bio-mechanoid with a very interesting function.

Part Three

First aired

Monday, December 7, 1987


25 minutes

Written by

Ian Briggs

Directed by

Chris Clough

UK Viewers

4.7 million

Appreciation Index



At last learning the location of the missing key to his spaceship, Kane has the dragon hunted down and Iceworld brutally purged of all visitors; but, the Doctor, visiting the Ice Garden, learns something significant that will put the chagrin on Kane's grand plans for home world vengeance.


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Pretty entertaining episode. I thought the villain was interesting, sets were decent, good pacing. The cliffhanger on part one was just as glorious as I heard it was, nothing says campy classic who more than that lol. Also like the ending and campanion handoff. Mel's decision seemed rather abrupt though, would have been better with more build up.

A decent ending to a mediocre season 24


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A fairly middling episode; some interesting aspects, but ultimately let down by poor design choices and a meandering script (e.g., Belazs and Kracauer are killed off only to be replaced with a different pair of soldiers, and that little girl is just wandering around for no meaningful reason). Still, we at least got Ace out of the bargain, complete with her can of deodorant that registers on the Richter scale!


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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: The Ribos Inheritance

This is probably the weakest story of Season 24 for me. Not that there isn't a lot to love, which really tells you how good I found this season. Ace is absolutely, well... ace! She immediately brings a whole new energy to the show and I can tell her pairing with McCoy's Doctor is gonna be fantastic.

The plot is decent but it feels the most like what's come before. It's a relic of an era of Classic that really should be dying out by now. Ridiculous aliens, odd sets, over-the-top performances. That's not to say I don't think there's anything good about it, I really liked the whole idea of Iceworld for example and Kane was a great villain (even if his death was underwhelming. Cool looking, but underwhelming)

As an exit for Mel, it's bizarre. The show hasn't really given us much about her as a person. Even the audios have struggled to fill in these blanks. Even then, I find her jetting off into the universe with Sabalom Glitz really out of character. Speaking of Glitz, as fun as he is, he was a really odd choice for the story. I can't say I mind his return and it works in the story's favour but just when I thought we were getting a proper fresh start in Classic we have another returning character from pretty mediocre stories (not The Ultimate Foe, though. I love The Ultimate Foe)

Overall, there's a lot of things going against this story but the fact that it manages to be miles more entertaining than basically all of Season 22 and a good chunk of the 70s I can't say it's doing too badly.

Next Story: Remembrance of the Daleks


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Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time! 

"Dragonfire: Ace's Arrival and the Seventh Doctor's Ascent"

Dragonfire marks a significant turning point in the Seventh Doctor era, and it feels like the show is finally starting to find its feet again. While the plot itself is whimsical, thin, and occasionally confusing, it thrives thanks to its tone, its atmosphere, and most importantly, its characters. This story delivers a fresh energy, introduces a fan-favorite companion in Ace, and allows Sylvester McCoy to settle into the role of the Doctor in a much more confident and enjoyable way.

The opening moments are a highlight, finally evoking a classic Doctor Who feel. There’s an engaging mix of mystery, intrigue, and charm that sets the stage beautifully. However, much of Part One focuses on introducing Ace and re-establishing Sabalom Glitz, leaving the main plot—centered around Kane and the dragon—relatively underdeveloped until Part Two. Kane's motives and backstory feel murky and underexplored, but Edward Peel brings enough menace to keep him a compelling villain.

The real heart of the story lies in the characters, particularly the Doctor, Ace, and Mel.

This is the first story where Sylvester McCoy truly feels like the Doctor. He blends the quirks, charm, and clownishness we’ve seen earlier with hints of the darker, more manipulative version of the character that will define his later seasons. He’s a Time Lord who schemes and strategizes rather than stumbling into solutions, which is a welcome shift.

Sophie Aldred makes an immediate impact as Ace, the “tomboy” teenage companion with explosives, attitude, and bravery to spare. She’s a breath of fresh air after Mel, embodying a more independent and proactive role. From the very first scenes, Ace feels like a fully formed character—fiery, adventurous, and grounded in a way that previous companions haven’t been. She steals every scene and promises exciting character growth moving forward.

Bonnie Langford gets a fine (if underwhelming) departure here. While her exit lacks emotional weight or grandeur, it’s handled respectfully. Mel’s scream-heavy persona never quite meshed with the new direction of the show, so this transition feels natural and well-timed.

Sabalom Glitz (Tony Selby) adds humor and familiarity to the story. While he doesn’t do much to drive the plot, his roguish charm remains fun to watch. Edward Peel’s Kane is suitably cold, creepy, and visually striking, especially in the chilling climax. Patricia Quinn is solid as Belazs, though her character feels underwritten.

The dragon is another highlight, with an impressive design that gives it a sense of power and mystery. Though its role in the story is ultimately straightforward, its presence adds a fantastical element that fits perfectly with the icy, hostile setting.

Speaking of the setting, Dragonfire features a unique and well-realized ice world, which somehow hadn’t been explored in Doctor Who before this story. The set design is simple but effective, conveying a sense of cold hostility that complements the narrative. The incidental music is another standout—dark, tense, and atmospheric, it finally feels like the McCoy era has nailed the tone.

Pacing is one of Dragonfire’s strongest assets. After a slower Part One, the story ramps up in its second half, delivering an explosive and fast-paced adventure with plenty of tense, high-stakes moments. The final episode, in particular, strikes a great balance between suspense, action, and emotional payoff. Kane’s gruesome death scene is one of the most memorable effects in Classic Who—gross, shocking, and impressively realized.

Of course, the story isn’t without its quirks. The infamous Part 1 cliffhanger, featuring the Doctor literally hanging off an ice ledge for no apparent reason, is both baffling and hilarious. It’s emblematic of the whimsical tone of the story and has become a piece of Doctor Who trivia that fans simultaneously cringe at and adore.

Dragonfire is a breath of fresh air after a shaky season. While the plot itself is thin and sometimes muddled, the strong character work, fast pacing, and effective atmosphere make it an enjoyable ride. It introduces Ace, one of the finest companions in Doctor Who history, and finally gives Sylvester McCoy a chance to shine as the Doctor. The story's mix of fun, tension, and warmth makes it an adventure worth revisiting multiple times.

Dragonfire proves that the Seventh Doctor era has potential, and it sets the stage for better things to come. A fun, fast-paced adventure with a heartwarming ending—it’s a story I’ll happily rewatch again and again!


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Take away that silly cliffhanger in part 1 and I actually enjoy this. Classic type of Who story that manages to do a decent bit of world building and has some good character moments. Even in her first episode Ace is a good addition to the story when she's not saying her name. No buildup to Mel leaving at all though.


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AVG. Rating377 members
3.24 / 5

AVG. Rating183 votes
3.45 / 5

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DOCTOR: Think about me when you're living your life one day after another, all in a neat pattern. Think about the homeless traveller and his old police box, with his days like crazy paving.

— Seventh Doctor, Dragonfire

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Transcript Needs checking

Part One

[Refrigeration room]

(Dry ice floods into the large open space. By upper railings stand people in white uniforms with Prussian style hats - the ones with a nasty spike sticking out of the top. Another waits downstairs. A woman, also in white, leads in six people. Everyone say Hi! to Patricia Quinn aka Magenta from the Rocky Horror Picture Show.)

KRACAUER: Oh, you lucky, lucky people. You are the chosen ones, the elite, specially selected to join our force of mercenaries and create fear and terror wherever you go.

(Everyone say Hi! to Tony Osoba, back again after eight years.)

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