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Target Collection

Doctor Who: The Savages

3.33/ 5 239 votes*

Released Thursday, September 11, 1986
Written by Ian Stuart Black
Pages 126
Story Type Companion Exit
Time Travel Future
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Life force

Landing on a distant planet, the Doctor confidently announces to his companions that the TARDIS has brought them to an age of great advancement, peace and prosperity.

The Doctor's calculations seem to be confirmed when the travellers are greeted by Jano and the Elders who take them on a tour of their city - a haven of beauty, harmony and friendship, set in a wilderness inhabited by tribes of savages.

But the security of the city is founded on one deadly and appalling secret. Soon the Doctor and his friends discover that it is not only outside the city walls that savages dwell...

Ratings are from TARDIS Guide members only.

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