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Classic Who S17 • Serial 1 · (4 episodes)

Destiny of the Daleks

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Episode One


(The Doctor is examining a bit of K9.)

DOCTOR: What a brain. Oh ho. What a brain.

(K9 coughs.)

DOCTOR: Do that again. Say Ah.
K9: (croaky) Ah.
DOCTOR: Ah! Ah, laryngitis. How can a robot catch laryngitis? I mean, what do you need it for, hmm? Romana! Laryngitis?
ROMANA: Doctor?
DOCTOR: Romana, the dog's got laryngitis.

(Princess Astra of Atrios enters.)

DOCTOR: Sorry, I thought you were Romana. Have you seen her? What are you doing here?
ROMANA: Regenerating. Do you like it?
DOCTOR: Regenerating? What are you talking about, regenerating? Only Time Lords regenerate. Look, it's awfully nice to see you, Princess Astra
ROMANA: Romana.
DOCTOR: Romana? Ah.
K9: Ah.
DOCTOR: Shut up, K9. What are you doing in that body?
ROMANA: Regenerating. Do you like it?
DOCTOR: But you can't wear that body.
ROMANA: I thought it looked very nice on the Princess.
DOCTOR: But you can't go round wearing copies of bodies.
ROMANA: Why not? We're not going back to Atrios, are we?
ROMANA: Well, then.
DOCTOR: Well then, go and try another one. Go on.
ROMANA: All right.

(Romana leaves. The Doctor goes back to trying to fix K9.)

DOCTOR: What's the trouble here? Preoccupation with external appearances.
ROMANA: I quite like this one but its a bit short.

(It's also very blue.)

DOCTOR: Well, lengthen it then. Go on. Trying to look like other people.

(Romana reenters as a voluptuous brunette in belly dancer gear.)

DOCTOR: It's just not important, is it, K9. (looks up) No thank you. Not today. It's what's on the inside that matters. That's what's important, isn't it, K9? Do you agree with me, K9?

(The Doctor looks up to an eight foot Greek goddess.)

DOCTOR: Too tall. Take it away. Now, listen. You listen to me in there. What you want is something warm and sensible. Something that will wear well. Something with a bit of style and, well, style. You know.

(Romana walks in dressed just like the Doctor, complete with scarf and hat pulled down nearly to her nose.)

ROMANA: How about this, Doctor?
DOCTOR: Exactly! Good heavens, that's exactly right. Ha! I never realised you had such a sense of style.
ROMANA: I thought you said external appearances weren't important.
DOCTOR: Ah, but it's nice to get them right, though, isn't it.
ROMANA: Ah, but it's what's inside that counts.
DOCTOR: Exactly.

(The Doctor takes her hat off to reveal - Astra.)

ROMANA: Don't you like it? I think it'll do very nicely. The arms are a bit long. I can always take them in.
DOCTOR: No, no, no, the arms are just fine. They're just fine. It's just that, oh well, all right, have it your own way. But get rid of those silly clothes, eh?
ROMANA: Where are we going?
DOCTOR: I don't know. It depends on the randomiser.
ROMANA: Let me know when we get there.

(The TARDIS materialises in the opening to a large cave in Winspit Quarry, Worth Maltravers, Dorset.)

DOCTOR: We've arrived.
ROMANA [OC]: What?
DOCTOR: I said, we've arrived. We got there.
ROMANA [OC]: What's the place like?
DOCTOR: Eh? Oh, breathable atmosphere. High degree of seismic activity.
ROMANA [OC]: What?
DOCTOR: Lots of earthquakes.
ROMANA [OC]: Oh, seismic. I thought you said psychic.
DOCTOR: Sidekick?
ROMANA [OC]: Like it? I haven't seen it yet.
DOCTOR: Look, if you want to talk to me, will you come in here and do it, please?
ROMANA [OC]: What?
DOCTOR: Never mind.

(Romana enters in pink trouser suit with knee high boots and white scarf. The Doctor doesn't look up from the console.)

ROMANA: There, what do you think?
DOCTOR: Oh, that's fine, that's fine. Here, take a couple of those, will you?

(He gives her some pills.)

ROMANA: What are they for?
DOCTOR: Anti-radiation pills. The levels are quite high out here. Here's a bleeper that'll bleep when you need the next dose.
ROMANA: Right, let's see where we are.

(They turn on the scanner.)

DOCTOR: Oh look, rocks.

(And turn it off again.)

ROMANA: Let's go.
DOCTOR: Good. Got to do something with K9.

(The Doctor puts the module he was working on back in and K9 starts spinning round. He takes it out again.)

DOCTOR: You know the most important thing my cybernetics tutor ever taught me?
ROMANA: No, what?
DOCTOR: When replacing a brain, always make sure the arrow A is pointing to the front. Did you get that? Arrow A
ROMANA: To the front.
DOCTOR: Absolutely right.

[Outside the TARDIS]

(The TARDIS is perched on a just slightly larger than TARDIS sized slab of limestone.)

ROMANA: Not the most inviting planet. What is it?
DOCTOR: I don't know. A feeling I've been here before.
ROMANA: Dj vu?

(He jumps down via other slabs.)

ROMANA: There's something you recognise?
DOCTOR: Nothing tangible. I just have a sensation. A pervading air of. Can you feel it too?
ROMANA: Shall we go back inside?
DOCTOR: What, and never know where I've been until the end of time? I wouldn't sleep at night. Come on.


DOCTOR: Interesting.
ROMANA: Precious stones?
DOCTOR: Very precious. In a geological sense, more precious than diamonds, but I'd need a bigger bit. Ah ha! Ha ha! I was right.
ROMANA: How modest.
DOCTOR: Well then, see what you make of it.

(Romana wipes her finger on the stone and tastes it.)

ROMANA: A composite material. Gravel in a binding of possibly limestone and clay.
DOCTOR: Limestone and clay making?
ROMANA: Add water, cement.
DOCTOR: Add gravel.
ROMANA: Concrete.
DOCTOR: You know something? You've got all the makings of a first class navvy. Concrete. Manufactured.

(They move on a bit to some ruined buildings where a metal pipe sticks up incongruously.)

DOCTOR: Look! The ruins of a city?

(Romana shrugs.)

DOCTOR: Come on.

(The ground shakes slightly.)

ROMANA: Doctor. Those tremors.
ROMANA: Could they have destroyed it? Seems to be coming from over there.
DOCTOR: Let's go this way.

(Further on are pieces of fallen metalwork and a large flexible pipe. The sound is rising in pitch.)

ROMANA: I wonder what could have caused it?
DOCTOR: Don't know. Something fairly serious by the look of it.

(Things are shaking a lot now, and the sound is rising still like an engine revving for takeoff. Small stones jump around their feet. They run away a short distance.)

DOCTOR: It seemed to be coming from right under our feet.

(The noise drops in pitch.)

ROMANA: It sounded like drilling. What do you think it way?
DOCTOR: I don't know. Underworld dentist? Come on.


(A stonefall alerts the Doctor and Romana to other lifeforms coming round the cliff edge. They hide in a cave. A group of humanoids in dusty but colourful robes come, four men carrying a litter with a body on it, and a woman leading, then a small group behind. They go to the edge of the cliff and put down the litter.)

DOCTOR: Let's get closer.

(The body is wearing some sort of uniform. The mourning party take it off the litter and start piling stones on top of it. Finally one of them scratches marks on a large flat slab.)

ROMANA: A strange custom.
DOCTOR: Well, you try digging a hole through rock.
ROMANA: Like the living dead.
DOCTOR: What? The living dead? You mean a planet ruled by zombies? I want to know who lives on this planet. With one basic difference, the living are very much like the dead. Who was it said the living are just the dead on holiday? Never mind. You should meet one. You can always tell a genuine zombie.
DOCTOR: Skin is cold to the touch. I want to get a closer look at that body.
ROMANA: They've gone! I'll keep watch.

(The Doctor starts to remove the rocks from the grave. The corpse is wearing a plastic covered ID tag. He goes over to Romana. She jumps when he touches her shoulder.)

DOCTOR: Listen. Sorry, did I startle you?
ROMANA: Yes, you did. What did you find out?
DOCTOR: The deceased was a combat pilot serving with the Third Galactic Fleet of the planet Kantra.
ROMANA: Kantra? Kantra's a tropical paradise.
ROMANA: What's a Kantrian doing dying here?
DOCTOR: What's very odd, he died of exhaustion and malnutrition.
ROMANA: It's not surprising in a place like this.
DOCTOR: Except, wouldn't you have expected him to have died of radiation first?

(A shiny little spacecraft is coming in to land. Very similar to the UFO's in UFO, actually)

DOCTOR: Well, it's not a flying saucer.

(Quick relocate to Binnegar Heath sand pit near Wareham for the landing site.)

DOCTOR: Recognise the type?
ROMANA: Not specifically. Judging by design and size I'd say it had intergalactic range and time warp capability. Origin almost certainly star system 4X alpha 4.

(The craft lands on its point.)

DOCTOR: Well, without reference to my Jane's Spacecraft of the Universe, I wouldn't dispute that.

(The pointed lower half of the craft begins to spin on its own.)

ROMANA: What's it doing now? I've never seen anything like that before.

(The spacecraft beings to drill a hole in the ground.)

DOCTOR: Yeah, interesting technique. Camouflage and defence.
ROMANA: For a place that looked dead, there's a lot going on.
DOCTOR: Yeah, probably hit it at the beginning of the tourist season. How far away would you say that was?
ROMANA: About a mile.

(The spacecraft has almost completely buried itself.)

DOCTOR: Well, that's just about the distance for a good bracing walk.
ROMANA: What, we're going down there?
DOCTOR: Yeah, well, it would be less than gracious not to welcome them. We can pretend we're couriers. Come on.

(A hatch opens in the remaining visible part of the spacecraft as the Doctor and Romana make their way towards it. Then something goes Bang! in the sand nearby, and another, and another. They run away back to the ruins. )

DOCTOR: Come on, this way.

(The explosions get closer as they dash into a building.)


(They run down some steps into a wrecked room with some technical equipment in it covered in dust.)

ROMANA: These explosions, where are they coming from?
DOCTOR: I don't know. Got it. Underground drilling.
ROMANA: Why explosions?
DOCTOR: High impact phason drills.
DOCTOR: Yes, someone's imported some high technology.

(An explosion close by nearly brings the roof down on Romana.)

ROMANA: Doctor, look out!

(The Doctor gets trapped under a falling column and is knocked out.)

ROMANA: Doctor!

(She can't move the piece of masonry.)

DOCTOR: Can't a fellow get any sleep around here?
ROMANA: Are you all right?
DOCTOR: I don't know, I can't see all of me. My extremities seem unimpaired, but I'm being squashed. Can you take some of the weight?
ROMANA: No, I can't move it. Without this block, you'd have been flattened. You're lucky.
DOCTOR: We're not going to move this without help. K9 could do it if he was in one piece. I've got my
ROMANA: I'll be as quick as I can.
ROMANA: Will you be all right?
DOCTOR: Who knows?
ROMANA: Don't go away, will you.
DOCTOR: I'd rather hoped you'd resist the temptation to say that. Don't forget the arrow.
ROMANA [OC]: A to the front!

(She runs off through the ruins. The Doctor reaches into his inside coat pocket and takes out a paperback book to read.)

DOCTOR: Origins of the Universe.

(By Oolon Colluphid.)

DOCTOR: Ha, ha. He got it wrong on the first line! Tut. Why didn't he ask someone who saw it happen?

[Outside the TARDIS]

(Romana is being followed. She trips and falls, then a series of explosions happen between her and the TARDIS. When they stop, the way into the TARDIS is blocked by fallen stone.)


(Her radiation pill timer beeps.)


(So does the Doctor's. He gets a bottle of pills from his pocket.)

DOCTOR: Must remember to give Romana hers.

(He takes a pill and carries on reading.)

DOCTOR: The conditions existing on the planet Magla make it incapable of supporting any lifeform. Huh. Huh. Huh. He obviously doesn't realise the planet Magla's an eight thousand mile wide amoeba that has grown a crusty shell. I wonder what he does know?

(The Doctor closes the book and looks to his right. There are three androgynous figures with dark skins, white spacesuits and white plaited hair pointing weapons at him.)

DOCTOR: Good evening. You'll forgive me if I don't rise. It's er.

(By the time Romana returns, still unaware that she is being followed -)

ROMANA: Doctor!

(Only the book remains. She starts to explore the rest of the building, then there is an explosion and the man who was following her enters. She backs away from him and falls down a long metal shaft. Quickly, the man secures the rope he is carrying around a column.)


(Shiny and white, with comfy seats and plenty of flashing lights on wall panels. The Doctor is brought in through an airlock and left to look around on his own. He starts to whistle Colonel Bogey but no one takes any notice.)

DOCTOR: I must say how grateful I am to you charming people. I repeat how grateful I am to you charming people. You lifted that column off me as though it were a matchstick. I can't think for the life of me where you keep your muscles.

(He picks up a small piece of equipment. A crewman take it off him.)

SHARREL: It is an essential qualification that all crew members are in peak condition.
DOCTOR: Oh, I see. Yes, part of their training, is it? Well, excuse me.

(He goes to a comfy settee and sits.)

DOCTOR: Well now, I told you a little bit about myself. What about you? What brings you to, what's this planet called, by the way?
SHARREL: You don't know?
DOCTOR: No, no, I had a little trouble with my directional equipment.
SHARREL: You made a forced landing?
DOCTOR: Yes, well, something of the sort.
SHARREL: Not a world one would visit from choice.
SHARREL: The planet is listed in our star catalogue as D5 gamma zed alpha.
DOCTOR: Well, that's not much help. See, I'm terribly old-fashioned. I prefer names.
SHARREL: I believe the planet is called Skaro.
DOCTOR: Skaro?
SHARREL: You know it?
DOCTOR: What are you doing here?
SHARREL: The nature of our mission is secret. You'll understand, I'm sure.
DOCTOR: No, I don't understand. Why are you here on Skaro?

[Bottom of shaft]

(Romana wakes under the light of a mobile spot. She gets up, dusts herself off and goes exploring the sound of moving rock. A metal wall nearby is shaking. Meanwhile, her follower is starting down the shaft after her. Suddenly, the metal wall is broken through by three large mobile pepperpots with bad attitudes. She tries to run away but the wall below the shaft stops her.)

DALEKS: Do not move! Do not move! Do not move! Do not move! Do not move! Do not move! You are our prisoner! Do not move! You are our prisoner!
Episode Two

[Bottom of shaft]

DALEK: Scan the prisoner for concealed weapons.
DALEK 2: The prisoner is unarmed.
DALEK: At my command, you will move forward. Any attempt to escape will be punished. No further warning will be given. Is that understood? Is that understood? Speak! Speak!
ROMANA: Yes! I understand.
DALEK: The prisoner will be taken to interrogation.

(Romana's would-be rescuer watches from the top of the shaft as she is taken away.)


DOCTOR: Commander, you must tell me what you're doing here on Skaro. It's vital.
SHARREL: Why? What do you know of Skaro?
DOCTOR: Well, I'll tell you when you tell me what you're doing here.
SHARREL: Very well. I don't see why this should compromise us. Our mission is directed against the force known as the Daleks. A race of evil auto
DOCTOR: Yes, thank you. Thank you, I know.
SHARREL: You know the Daleks?
DOCTOR: Oh, better than you could possibly imagine.

[Dalek control]

(Romana is standing with her hands on two flashing globes.)

DALEK: Answer. Answer! Answer!
ROMANA: I don't know the answer. Please leave me alone.
DALEK 2: Detector indicates truthful response.
DALEK: We will continue.
DALEK 2: You will not remove your hand from the sensor.
DALEK: Statement. Your purpose in coming here was to sabotage Dalek operations. True or false?
ROMANA: I don't know anything about the Daleks.
DALEK: Answer true or false! Answer! Answer!
ROMANA: False! False!
DALEK 2: Detector indicates truthful response.
DALEK: Statement. You are in the employ of a space power and have been sent here to spy on the Daleks. True or false?
ROMANA: False! False, false. Leave me alone.
DALEK 2: Detector indicates truthful response.
DALEK: Standard interrogation complete. Report analysis of responses.
DALEK 2: Analysis of responses indicates that subject is category nine.
DALEK: Category nine subjects represent no threat to Dalek security. Release the prisoner.
ROMANA: Does that mean I can go?
DALEK: Humanoids are useful work machines. You have no other value. You will be assigned to labour force two.
ROMANA: Labour force two?
DALEK: You will obey all Dalek commands instantly. You will complete your work schedule. If you fail, you will be exterminated.
DALEK 2: Obey all Dalek commands.
DALEK: Obey instantly.
DALEK 2: Obey without question.
DALEK: Obey.
DALEK 2: Obey.
DALEK: Obey.
DALEK 2: Obey.

(Romana is hustled out of the area.)

DALEK 3: Obey. Obey. Obey.


DOCTOR: Commander, the Daleks.
DOCTOR: I'm very familiar with their methods. It's vital I know what they're doing here.
SHARREL: That is precisely what I would like to know, too.
DOCTOR: But Commander, what

(Sharrel holds up his hand. A female reports.)

AGELLA: The patrol has found a prisoner.
SHARREL: Yes? Bring him in at once.

(It is the man who was following Romana. He is brought in by Tony Osoba, now escaped from Porridge.)

TYSSAN: (to the Doctor) Starship engineer Tyssan, serving with the Deep Space Fleet out of the planet Earth.

(The Doctor points to Sharrel - not me, him.)

TYSSAN: By my timescale, I was taken captive two years ago, and since then I've been a prisoner of the Daleks.

(Tyssan collapses.)


(The quarried rock is being carried away by hand. Romana goes over to her fellow workers.)

ROMANA: How long have the Daleks been guarding you?
VELDAN: A long time. I'm from the planet Sirian. The Daleks raided our settlement one day, took more than fifty of us.

(Say Hi to David Yip, before he became the Chinese Detective.)

JALL: (woman) I was a civilian passenger on a space shuttle. The Daleks attacked. I was the only survivor.
VELDAN: They keep their captives in a prison ship in space. Once you're there, your life expectancy tends to be on the short side.
JALL: We thought we were lucky when we were picked to come on this mission.
ROMANA: How many of you?
JALL: About fifty. I thought there might be a chance to escape.
ROMANA: Why didn't you? The burial party I saw wasn't guarded.
VELDAN: Anyone attempting to escape and the Daleks kill five of those remaining. Escape plans are not as popular as they were.
ROMANA: And the Daleks brought you here to do this?
JALL: They've got huge machines to do the drilling, but when it comes to clearing up there's nothing as adaptable as a humanoid.
VELDAN: And nothing as expendable.
ROMANA: The Daleks would be far better off with machines for this job.
JALL: Perhaps they just enjoy subjugating humanoid races.
ROMANA: They used to be humanoid themselves.
DALEK: Silence. Silence. Silence. You will remain silent at all times.

(Romana sways.)

VELDAN: Are you all right?
ROMANA: It's the radiation. I've got to get out of here.
JALL: We told you what happens if anyone tries to escape.
VELDAN: You'll get out of here when you're dead. Believe me, that's the only way. When you're dead.
DALEK: Keep away.
VELDAN: But she's sick.
DALEK: Continue with your work. Those unfit for work will be exterminated.
VELDAN: The only way you get out of here is dead.

(Veldan and Jall leave Romana clinging to a pile of rock.)

DALEK: Proceed.


(Tyssan has been laid out on the comfy settee to recover from his faint.)

DOCTOR: Tyssan. Tyssan, what are the Daleks mining for? Tyssan. Tyssan, what are the Daleks mining for? Come on.
TYSSAN: They don't take prisoners into their confidence.
SHARREL: You were on a work party. You fell unconscious.
TYSSAN: I was left for dead. I've been on the run for days.
TYSSAN: I spotted you and the girl.
DOCTOR: Good man, good man. Yes. Why didn't you speak to me?
TYSSAN: I lost you for a while. Then I picked up the girl again.

(The Doctor and Tyssan move away to speak more confidentially.)

TYSSAN: She seemed afraid. She backed away and fell down a shaft.
DOCTOR: Was she hurt?
TYSSAN: She was alive.
DOCTOR: Good, good.
TYSSAN: But the Daleks got her.
TYSSAN: I went to help her. They took her away.
DOCTOR: Come over here. Tyssan, it's vital I get into Dalek control. Can you show me a way?
TYSSAN: You'd be taking a tremendous risk.
DOCTOR: Never mind. Can you do it?
TYSSAN: I think so.
SHARREL: I quite agree, Doctor. We'll go with you. Agella, get some weapons.


(Romana collapses.)

DALEK 5: Move away from the prisoner. Return to your work.
VELDAN: She's dead.
DALEK 5: Return to your work.
VELDAN: Don't you understand? She's dead!
DALEK 5: Return to your work!
JALL: You can't just leave her here like that.
DALEK 5: She will be disposed of when the work cycle is complete. Return to your work. You will obey.

[Bottom of shaft]

(Tyssan jumps down from his knotted rope and checks that the area is clear of Daleks. The Doctor has also come down.)

TYSSAN: (sotto) Okay, it's all clear. Come on.
DOCTOR: Go back now. No more chances.
TYSSAN: No, I'll stay. I've nothing to lose. Ever since I was brought here, I've had an awful premonition I'd die on Skaro.
DOCTOR: Well, you wouldn't be the first.
SHARREL: But why should the Daleks come here, Doctor? What is the connection?
DOCTOR: The connection? This is where they were created thousands of years ago. They ravaged the place and left it for dead, as you can see.
SHARREL: That doesn't tell me why they should return.
DOCTOR: No. No, indeed. Burrowing into the ruins of their own city for what? For what? Oh!
AGELLA: You have an idea?
DOCTOR: No. No, it'd be too fantastic even for the Daleks. We'll find all the answers we want in the control room. Come on.

[Dalek base]

(The Doctor leads the group through the smashed metal wall.)

DOCTOR: Come on.

[Dalek control]

DALEK: Report.
DALEK 2: Vertical drill three is in position.
DALEK: Penetration to lower level will commence immediately. Order the drilling will continue until penetration is complete.
DALEK 2: I obey.

(Something beeps.)

DALEK: Report.
DALEK 3: Security sensors detect unauthorised movement in section seven.
DALEK: Despatch units four and six to investigate.
DALEK 2: I obey.


DALEK 4: Intruders! Intruders! Exterminate! Seek and locate!

[Section 7]

TYSSAN: The main control centre, about five hundred metres up there.
TYSSAN: The place will be crawling with Daleks.
DOCTOR: Don't worry.
SHARREL: You stay and cover this exit, Lan. We may need to get out of here in a hurry.
DOCTOR: Are you three coming?


(Romana is still lying where she fell.)

DALEK 5: Work schedule complete. You will return to internment area. You, you, remove the body.

(Veldan, Jall and two others put Romana onto a stretcher and carry her away.)

[Dalek control]

DALEK: Report.
DALEK 4 [OC]: Units four and six. Investigation of section seven commencing.
DALEK: Proceed. I will advise.

(It glides past a series of computer banks, then the Doctor leads his group in.)

SHARREL: Agella, cover this entrance.
DOCTOR: Tyssan. Tyssan!

(The Doctor has found a cabinet of orange hand-sized objects.)

TYSSAN: Explosives and timers. Powerful, too. They use them in the excavations.
DOCTOR: That looks interesting.

(They go over to a diagram on a sheet of glass.)

DOCTOR: Ah ha. Floor plans of the old Kaled city.
TYSSAN: Kaled?
DOCTOR: Yes. Never mind about that. This is the first underground level where we are now.

(He points to another diagram.)

DOCTOR: That's the second. And if I'm right, the Daleks have penetrated to level there. Which means that their objective must be the third section.
SHARREL: Yes, but what is it?
DOCTOR: I have an uneasy feeling I know. Now. That's odd. There's no plan of the fourth level.
TYSSAN: Perhaps it's been destroyed.
DOCTOR: Yes. Yes. There's a shaft leading directly from the surface to the fourth level which the Daleks can't possibly know about, otherwise they would have come from the surface to the fourth level and burrowed to the third. I wonder.

(He takes out a notebook.)

[Section 7]

(Lan dodges Dalek 4 but gets exterminated by Dalek 6. Shame, Tony never got to speak.)

DALEK 6: Advise control. Intruder located and exterminated.
DALEK 4: I obey.

[Dalek control]

AGELLA: Daleks.
DOCTOR: What? Stay calm.

(He looks out of the entrance.)

DOCTOR: Quick, take cover!

(The Daleks glide in.)

DOCTOR: Come on!

(The humanoids run out. An alarm sounds.)

DALEK: Intruders! Intruders!

(Sharrel fires his weapon as they leave.)

DALEK 2: Exterminate!

[Outside Dalek control]

DALEK 2: Intruders! Intruders! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!

[Section 7]

(Sharrel goes to Lan's body while the alarm blares all around.)

DOCTOR: Let me see.
DOCTOR: I'm a doctor.
AGELLA: He is dead.
DOCTOR: He is?
SHARREL: We cannot allow aliens to see us in death. It is against, against our code of honour. I'm sure you understand.
DOCTOR: Yes, yes, of course. It's a privilege to meet such honourable people. Let's keep moving.

(They walk away.)

TYSSAN: What's all that about?
DOCTOR: I don't know. It'd be fascinating. Shush. Shush.

(Sharrel walks past.)

[Bottom of shaft]

SHARREL: Quick, hurry up the shaft.
TYSSAN: What about your friend?
DOCTOR: Don't worry, don't worry. I don't give up easily.

(Agella is at the top of the rope.)

DOCTOR: After you.
SHARREL: No, Doctor, after you.
DOCTOR: You're too kind.

[Section 7]

DALEK: Seek, locate, exterminate. Seek, locate, exterminate.

[Bottom of shaft]

(Everyone is out when the Daleks arrive. The Doctor looks down.)

DOCTOR: If you're supposed to be the superior race of the universe, why don't you try climbing after us? Bye, bye.

(The frustrated Dalek fires and misses.)

DALEK: Guard this position. I will inform control.


(The Doctor notices a second pile of rocks by the cliff, with a headstone on which is scratched - Romana. He runs over and starts removing the stones when someone appears.)

DOCTOR: Romana. Ha ha! I thought you were dead.
ROMANA: Well, the only way to escape the Daleks was to feign death. It's lucky they didn't know I was a Gallifreyan.
DOCTOR: Good girl.
TYSSAN: Gallifreyan?
ROMANA: Yes, they taught me at school how to stop my hearts.
TYSSAN: Hearts? How many have you got?
ROMANA: One for casual, one for best.
DOCTOR: Excuse me.
SHARREL: Doctor.
SHARREL: Where are you going?
DOCTOR: Dalek hunting.

(He strides off back to the ruins. Everyone follows.)


DOCTOR: Now, if I'm right, there's a shaft in here that the Daleks don't know about leading straight to the bottom level. If I'm right.

(They search.)

DOCTOR: Ah ha. I'm right. Now, if the Daleks are looking for what I think they're looking for, we've got to get there first. We don't all need to go. Why don't you two go back to your ship and wait for us?
SHARREL: No, Doctor. I will go back to the ship. Agella will go with you. We're as anxious to find what the Daleks are looking for as you are.
DOCTOR: All right. Come on, let's clear the entrance.

[Level 4]

(The place is also a wreck.)

TYSSAN: How did you know how to get into this level?
DOCTOR: Call it local knowledge gained a long time ago. (to Romana) You gave me quite a start back there, you know. They've started drilling again. Now listen, we don't have much time. If I'm right, we should go this way.
TYSSAN: What is it we're looking for?
DOCTOR: Same thing as the Daleks.
TYSSAN: What's that?
DOCTOR: I'll tell you when I find out.

[Dalek control]

DALEK: Report.
DALEK 2: Combat units continuing intensive search.
DALEK: Hostiles must be located. Seek, locate, exterminate. Seek, locate, exterminate!
DALEK 2: Drilling has recommenced. Computer predicts penetration into objective area is imminent.
DALEK: Advise space command that our mission is almost complete.

[Level 4]

(The Doctor pushes aside some filthy plastic screens and enters an area containing a dusty figure. The bottom half is a Dalek casing, but the top half is leather-clad humanoid. The whine of the drill is getting louder.)

DOCTOR: Just as I thought.
AGELLA: A humanoid?
DOCTOR: Yes. Davros, the evil genius who created the Daleks.
AGELLA: He created the Daleks?
DOCTOR: Yes. I could have stopped him.
TYSSAN: This creature looks as though he's been dead for centuries.
DOCTOR: Yes. Curious the tricks time plays on one, isn't it.
AGELLA: So that's what the Daleks have been looking for. Their creator.

(Boom! Agella and Tyssan go to investigate, and the ceiling falls in, crushing Agella. The Doctor feels her hand.)

DOCTOR: Romana, I was right.
TYSSAN: Doctor, they're breaking through.

(In it's cobwebs, Davros's right hand fingers flex. We could just see his chest rise and fall earlier, too. Then the blue light in the middle of his forehead comes on. Despite having been exterminated by his creation in Genesis of the Daleks, Davros lives!)

Episode Three

[Level 4]

DAVROS: So, the long darkness has ended and the eternity of waiting is over. The resurrection has come, as I always knew it would. Now, where are my Daleks?

(Davros trundles through the plastic curtain to be stopped by the Doctor.)

DAVROS: Doctor.
DOCTOR: Davros. You don't look a day older and I'd hoped you were dead.
DAVROS: Dead? I do not die. Mark this moment, Doctor. In the history of the universe, this moment is unique. Davros lives!
DOCTOR: Yes, well, I can see your long rest hasn't done anything to cure your megalomania. Have a jelly baby.

(Bang! The Doctor starts pushing Davros away through the rubble.)

DAVROS: Where are you taking me?

[Dalek control]

DALEK 2: Entry to level three has been cleared.
DALEK: All units to proceed immediately.

[Level 3]

DALEK: Seek and locate. Seek and locate. Do not deviate.

[Level 4]

DALEK: Charts indicate objective located in this precise position. Objective has been removed from this location.
DALEK 2: Surface disturbance. Humanoid footprints. Follow. Follow. Follow.
DALEK: All units full alert. Emergency. Emergency. Emergency. Emergency.

(Under the rubble, Agella's fingers move.)

DALEK: Emergency!

(Meanwhile, elsewhere.)

DAVROS: You will release me. You will return me to the Daleks.
DOCTOR: Shut up or I'll switch you off.

(They nearly run into a Dalek.)

DOCTOR: Quick, back this way.

(After a little while.)

DOCTOR: Tyssan, back down the corridor and check it. You give me a hand with this.

(The Doctor and Romana go to clear rubble.)

DOCTOR: It's shifting. Stand back.

(Crash! as the blockage is cleared.)

DOCTOR: Well, you didn't do that very well, did you.
ROMANA: I didn't do it very well?
DOCTOR: No, you didn't. Tyssan?
TYSSAN: The corridor's full of Daleks.
DOCTOR: What? Then we're effectively boxed in. We're too exposed here. Come on, get him. Let's get under cover.


(Tyssan pushes Davros into a room with a view out into the ruins.)

DOCTOR: Get that door up. Make some sort of barrier.

(They put a door sized sheet of metal over the entrance and brace it.)

DOCTOR: Good, good.
ROMANA: That wouldn't keep out a determined mouse.
DOCTOR: Well, it's got to serve. Now listen to me carefully, you two. I want you both to get out through, come over here. Good. Now, get back to the Movellan spaceship, tell them to mobilise a force and bring it here. It's vital we get Davros out of here before the Daleks find us. Off you go.
ROMANA: We'll be as quick as we can.
DOCTOR: Don't take too many chances. Come on, quick.

(Romana and Tyssan clamber out of the bunker. Davros' hand is hovering over his controls as the Doctor peeks through a gap in the 'door'.)

DOCTOR: Well. Well, now we've a little time to ourselves, I'll fill you in on some of the events that have taken place during the centuries you've been, er, dozing.
DOCTOR: Well, Arcturus won the Galactic Olympic Games. Betelgeuse came a close second. The economy on Algo's in a terrible state due to irreversible inflation
DAVROS: Doctor!
DOCTOR: What? Yes?
DAVROS: Do you believe your puny efforts can change the course of destiny?
DOCTOR: Well, let's just say I might tamper with it.
DAVROS: Destiny, Doctor.
DAVROS: Invincible necessity.
DOCTOR: Oh, that, that, yes.
DAVROS: Power. My power. My invincibility. My supreme plan to control
BOTH: The universe.
DOCTOR: Yes, yes, I've heard all that before. Now do be a good chap, eh? Stay quiet.

(The Doctor has got one of the orange explosives and some wires.)

DOCTOR: I've got to concentrate.
DAVROS: Errors of the past will be rectified. I will add new design elements to the Dalek's circuitry. They will be armed with new weaponry. Weaponry so devastating that all matter will succumb to its power. I will equip them with all the knowledge of the universe
DOCTOR: Yes, yes, yes, we've heard all that. The Daleks can do all that for themselves.
DAVROS: The Daleks need me.
DOCTOR: What? The Daleks left you for dead centuries ago. You've given them all you've got. What do they want you for now, eh? What's so special about the Movellans that they need your help again, eh?


SHARREL: The Daleks have gained their objective. Their objective has been identified.

(A pixilated image of Davros is on the main screen.)

SHARREL: Name, Davros. Function, creator of the Daleks. Species type, mutant humanoid. This data will be processed. Strategy will be determined shortly.


(A Dalek rolls up to the barricaded bunker and heard muffled voices inside. It looks at the footsteps in the dust then leaves.)

ROMANA: How much further?
TYSSAN: Across that next rise. Shouldn't take long now.

(A Dalek patrol appears.)

TYSSAN: We could go back, take another way around.
ROMANA: We haven't got that long. It's only a question of time before the Daleks find the Doctor.
TYSSAN: Get under cover. I'll try and lead them off. When I get clear I'll get to the ship as soon as I can.

(Tyssan starts climbing the quarry face. The Dalek fires but cannot get a steep enough angle on his target.)


DOCTOR: There, that should do it. Very good. Well, aren't you going to ask me what it is? All right, I'll tell you anyway. Life insurance. What were we talking about?
DAVROS: Your inevitable destruction.
DOCTOR: No, no, no, we had that conversation last time we met. I'm more interested in your survival. I saw you destroyed. The Daleks blasted you at point-blank range.
DAVROS: Ha! There was damage to my primary life support system. The secondary and back-up circuits switched in immediately. Synthetic tissue regeneration took place whilst bodily organs were held in long-term suspension.
DOCTOR: Blimey, wasn't that outstaying your welcome in rather a big way?
DAVROS: Until the Dalek's universal supremacy is accomplished, I cannot allow myself the luxury of death.
DOCTOR: Oh, poor Davros.
DAVROS: However, it is a luxury I shall delight in bestowing upon you.
DOCTOR: You're very generous.
DAVROS: Since my entombment, I have no knowledge of the advancement of my Daleks. Of course they have achieved great things.
DOCTOR: Oh yes, oh yes. They've wreaked havoc and destruction, destroyed countless innocent lives
DAVROS: Only the beginning! Now I have returned, the campaign will begin in earnest. I have slept but now I have awakened, and the universe will be sorry.
DOCTOR: Davros, you. I have slept but now I have awakened and the universe will be. You're misquoting Napoleon! One day I'll tell you what happened to him, too.
DAVROS: Armed with new technology, I will

(Boom! Daleks blast down the barricade.)

DALEK 2: You will move into the open. If you fail to obey in five seconds, you will be exterminated. One, two, three, four
DOCTOR: Hold it, hold it. Now, tell them what I've got here.
DAVROS: He is holding a primed explosive device.
DOCTOR: And one false move and it goes right down inside his chair. I'll turn Davros and his life-support system into scrap metal. Now back off!
DALEK 2: We obey only Davros.
DAVROS: He is simply buying time. Do as he says.
DOCTOR: Do as he says.
DALEK 2: We obey.
DOCTOR: I believe this is what's called a Mexican stand-off.
DAVROS: Ha. How long do you think you can sustain your advantage, alone and against such odds.
DOCTOR: Ha, ha. Wouldn't you like to know, eh? Wouldn't you like to know?

(He looks out of the window.)

DOCTOR: Wouldn't I like to know.


(Romana runs across the sand into the mostly-buried spacecraft.)

SHARREL: What's happened?
ROMANA: The Doctor, he needs help. Where did you get that picture? How do you know about Davros?
SHARREL: We have our means. Mobilise unit five. You will remain here.


(A Dalek leads a motley crew of alien workers through the corridors and stops outside the bunker.)

DALEK: Attention, attention. The action we are about to take is your responsibility. It will cease only when you agree to total surrender.
DOCTOR: Now what?
DALEK: Exterminate.

(And an alien worker dies.)

DALEK: Exterminate.

(It kills a woman.)

DALEK: Exterminate!

(The Doctor hides behind Davros.)

DALEK: You surrender?
DOCTOR: All right. All right. You can have Davros, but only on my conditions.
DALEK: State them.
DOCTOR: All slave workers to be released immediately and allowed to leave the city.
DALEK: Continue.
DOCTOR: Nothing to come in here until I'm out and in the clear.
DALEK: Conditions unacceptable. Exterminations will continue.
DOCTOR: Stop! One more killing and I detonate the device. I'll destroy Davros.
DALEK: Logic unacceptable. Detonation would also destroy you.
DOCTOR: Yes, you hadn't foreseen that one, had you.
DALEK: Self-sacrifice illogical, therefore impossible. Exterminations will continue.
DAVROS: Agree. Agree to his terms. He will do what he says. His logic is impaired by irrational sentiment. Agree. I, Davros, command it.
DALEK: We obey.

(The aliens pick up their dead and leave, smiling.)

DALEK: The workers have been released.
DOCTOR: Good, good. Now, I'll need one minute to get clear. Get back! I told you this was life insurance. I've adapted the device to explode by remote control.

(The Doctor sticks the bomb onto Davros' life support.)

DOCTOR: All I have to do is squeeze my sonic screwdriver and boom, boom, Davros.
DAVROS: You need not elaborate, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Just so long as you've got it clear.

(The Doctor goes out of the bunker window.)

DAVROS: We'll meet again, Doctor. Never doubt it. We'll meet again.
DOCTOR: Don't you be so sure.

(The Doctor disappears.)

DALEK: Exterminate the prisoners.
DAVROS: Quickly, the explosive. He will detonate.

(The Doctor stops in the ruins and takes out his sonic screwdriver.)

DAVROS: Remove the explosive!
DALEK: We obey.

(One Dalek is just handing the bomb off to another when the Doctor detonates it. Boom!)

[Outside the bunker]

DAVROS: Come. There is much to be done. You must tell me of all the victories the Daleks have won whilst I have slept. And all the defeats. I shall learn from your mistakes. The Daleks shall be made into perfect creatures. They will be invincible! The Daleks will rule the universe!

(The Daleks follow Davros through the corridors.)


ROMANA: Oh yes, the Doctor knows more about the Daleks than anyone.
SHARREL: He is an expert in robotics?
ROMANA: An absolute genius.
SHARREL: You'll be safer here. You will stay.

(Agella and Lan block her way.)

ROMANA: But you're dead.

(Agella uses her weapon on Romana, and she falls.)

SHARREL: Emission power?
AGELLA: Level three. Consciousness will not return for some time.
SHARREL: Prepare the Nova device. We must be ready to destroy this planet as soon as we've secured our new objective, the Doctor.


(The Doctor hangs on to the side of sandy cliff while Daleks patrol above.)

DALEK: Seek and locate. Seek and locate.
DALEK 3: We obey.

(He takes his hand out of a crevice and there is a squidgy thing in it.)

DOCTOR: Oh, a Kaled mutant. Of course. The Dalek's were originally organic lifeforms. I think you've just told me what the Daleks want with Davros, haven't you.

(He throws it away. Out on the sands, the Movellans are erecting a man sized perspex tube. Lan brings a beeping device. Tyssan catches up with the Doctor.)

TYSSAN: Doctor. Doctor.
DOCTOR: Tyssan.
TYSSAN: I've been looking for you. It's hard to move around, though. There are Dalek patrols everywhere.
DOCTOR: Yes, so I've seen.
TYSSAN: I found the other prisoners. They told me what you'd done to free them. They're very grateful.
DOCTOR: Oh, it was nothing, nothing. Where are they now?
TYSSAN: Hiding. If we can lay our hands on some weapons, I'm hoping to turn them into some sort of fighting force.

(A Dalek overhears them.)

DOCTOR: That could be very useful, Tyssan.
DALEK: Remain where you are. You will turn and walk ahead of me. If you make any attempt to escape you will be extermi (Boom!)

(A Movellan has blown up the Dalek.)

DOCTOR: Awfully decent of you. Very grateful.
CASSANDRA: You will accompany me back to our spacecraft.
DOCTOR: Well, all in good time. There are a few things I want to do first.
CASSANDRA: That is not a request. It is an order. Move!
DOCTOR: I do seem to be in demand today. Come on, Tyssan.

(The Doctor turns and grabs a tube from Cassandra's belt, then he and Tyssan throw it back and forth over her head. Cassandra crumples.)

TYSSAN: What the devil? Why did she turn against you?
DOCTOR: I'm not sure she was ever for me.
TYSSAN: What are you doing?

(The Doctor opens the front of Cassandra's uniform to reveal circuitry.)

DOCTOR: Just as I thought. Just another race of robots, no better than the Daleks.

[Nova device]

LAN: Ready.

(Lan places the device on the base and the perspex tube is put over it. It's noise changes from beep to whirr.)

LAN: Make sure the seals are tight. Right, move back.

(The countdown move down to 30.)

MOVELLAN: How does it work?
LAN: It changes the molecular structure of the atmosphere. The atoms become flammable. If the Nova device was activated outside the protective shielding, the atmosphere surrounding this planet would burn up in seconds.

(Flash! inside the tube.)


AGELLA: Lan reports the Nova device functions perfectly.
SHARREL: Excellent. Unfortunately, our attempts to capture the Doctor have failed so far. What we need is some way to get him out into the open. Take her.

(Two Movellans pick up Romana.)

[Nova device]

(Tyssan and the Doctor follow the sound of a beep onto the open sand and see a perspex tube, with another Nova device and the unconscious Romana inside. The countdown is at 60 and falling.)

DOCTOR: Tyssan, get back out of sight.

(The Doctor runs over to the tube and knocks on it. 49. He tries to open it, but cannot. 33.)

Episode Four

[Nova device]

(The countdown falls below 20 and still the Doctor hasn't got into the tube. He kneels by Romana and a Movellan knocks him out. The countdown reaches 0 then restarts at 9999.)

SHARREL: Malfunction.
AGELLA: No, I didn't arm the device. It seemed unnecessary as we merely wanted to draw the Doctor into the open.
SHARREL: Very well. Take her. You two, take him.

(In some scrub, Tyssan watches Agella and Lan open the tube to remove Romana, while two other Movellans drag the Doctor away.)

[Dalek control]

DAVROS: Advise Dalek Central Control in space that I require immediate transportation.
DALEK: It has been done. A deep space cruiser is on its way.
DAVROS: When will it reach Skaro?
DALEK 2: Estimated arrival time, six hours.
DAVROS: Six hours? Too long. Every moment we remain on Skaro we are vulnerable to attack. All operational Daleks to remain on maximum alert until I am aboard the cruiser and safely in space. Maximum alert.
DALEK: As you command.
DAVROS: My safety is to be your primary concern. You will make any sacrifice that is required to protect me.
DALEK: I obey.
DAVROS: Very well. Now, you have a computer sphere containing the logistics and status of the Dalek battle fleet.
DALEK: It contains every detail of the situation.
DAVROS: Bring it to me.
DALEK: The information was checked and supervised by the Supreme Dalek.
DAVROS: Supreme Dalek. Pah. That is a title I shall dispute most vigorously. I created the Daleks. It is I who will guide their destiny. I am the Supreme Commander!

(The computer sphere is placed on Davros's 'chair' and it starts to glow and beep.)

DALEK: You will be obeyed.
DAVROS: Excellent. Now I wish to concentrate. Leave me.
DALEK: I obey.


(The Doctor and Romana are out cold on the comfy chairs.)

AGELLA: Motors are running up. Chargers operating in full capacity. We will have launch power in thirty two minutes.
SHARREL: Commence lift-off countdown. Is the device reset?
LAN: Yes. Commander, I think it wise that the device be activated manually. If it is left on automatic, the Daleks may find it and destroy it. It must be guarded to the very last moment.
LAN: The operator will be destroyed, of course.
SHARREL: Necessary. You will perform this function, Lan.
LAN: Yes, Commander.
SHARREL: Take the device to the designated location. Report when you are in position, then stay with the device. Detonate on my radio command.
LAN: Understood.
DOCTOR: Robots! Of course!
SHARREL: Welcome back, Doctor.
DOCTOR: One race of robots fighting another. Is she going to be all right?
SHARREL: She'll recover.

(Romana's eyes are open but she stays still.)

DOCTOR: Good, good.
SHARREL: Tell me, Doctor, when did you first realise we were robotic?
DOCTOR: The night the roof fell in on Agella. (soft G)
AGELLA: Agella. (hard G)
DOCTOR: Agella, yes, how's your hand?
SHARREL: Disfunction or death, as you know it, only occurs in us with massive circuitry disturbance. We are infinitely superior.
DOCTOR: Are you really?
SHARREL: We function logically.
DOCTOR: My condolences to you.
SHARREL: Why, Doctor?
DOCTOR: Because you'll never defeat the Daleks. Let me demonstrate. Romana?
DOCTOR: Are you feeling all right?
ROMANA: Yes, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Good. We're going to play a game. Now.

[Dalek control]

(The computer sphere goes dark and quiet. The Daleks have returned.)

DAVROS: A concise report and a fascinating problem. The Daleks have met a foe worthy of their powers. Another race of robots.
DALEK: Correct. Dalek superiority will ultimately triumph and the Movellan force will be exterminated.
DAVROS: You have been fighting them for centuries, and still you are not victorious!
DALEK: It is only a matter of time.
DAVROS: No. Two gigantic computerised battle fleets locked together in deep space, hundreds of galactic battle cruisers vying with each other for centuries, and not a shot fired?
DALEK: Our computers are planning the moment of maximum advantage.
DAVROS: And so are theirs. It will never come. You have reached a logical impasse.
DALEK: Understood.
DAVROS: So that is why you have returned to find your creator.
DALEK: You will reprogramme our battle computers for us. The Movellans will be exterminated!


(The bemused Movellans are watching a game of paper scissors stone.)

DOCTOR: Paper wraps stone.
ROMANA: Ha, stone blunts scissors.
DOCTOR: Scissors cuts paper. Ha, ha! But suppose we were two computers controlling two great battle fleets, each one working perfectly logically to outmanoeuvre the other. Well, you're robots, you try it.
SHARREL: We're perfectly
DOCTOR: Try it! Go on.

(The two Movellans come up with scissors and scissors twice, then stone and stone.)

DOCTOR: Ha! You see? You're caught in an impasse of logic. You've discovered the recipe for everlasting peace. Congratulations. I'm terribly pleased.
SHARREL: Our objective is victory, Doctor. The destruction of the Dalek fleet.
DOCTOR: You play with me, eh? Come on.
DOCTOR: Scissors cuts paper.
DOCTOR: Paper wraps stone.
SHARREL: Scissors.
DOCTOR: Stone blunts scissors. Again. Scissors cuts paper.
DOCTOR: Paper wraps stone.
SHARREL: Scissors.
DOCTOR: Stone blunts scissors.
SHARREL: Thank you, Doctor. Our battle computers must have a new element programmed into them. An advantage, however small, that will change the balance of power. You.
ROMANA: And the Daleks want the same thing.
SHARREL: When we reach the fleet, you will reprogramme our computers.
DOCTOR: I will?
AGELLA: Yes. The Dalek fleet will be wiped from the heavens and nothing will stand in our way of the conquest of the galaxy.
DOCTOR: No, you've overlooked something. Suppose I was willing to help you to change the balance of power, which I'm not, Davros will be doing exactly the same things for the Daleks. I mean, he may be mad, but his computer skills are almost as great as mine.
SHARREL: That is precisely why we're taking you with us, Doctor. When we're safely in space, the Nova device will detonate and destroy Davros. With your skills, the impasse will be broken.

[Nova device]

(Lan is passing the time crushing rocks with his bare hands. Rocks tumble nearby and he goes to investigate. Tyssan is lying on a dune. One of the escaped prisoners comes up from behind, Lan turns and Tyssan takes his control unit from his belt. Lan staggers around like Cassandra did, then collapses. Tyssan unscrews the unit and works on it, closely watched by Veldan.)

TYSSAN: Now, this bit here and this bit here. Good.

(He screws it back up again.)

TYSSAN: Now, let's see if the Doctor's right.

[Dalek control]

DALEK: Report.
DALEK 2: Surface scans indicate the Movellan ship is preparing for launch.
DALEK: Estimated time to lift-off?
DALEK 2: Twenty one minutes. Report continues. Listening scanners have detected non-Movellan voices inside the space vehicle. Computers identify the voices as those of the Doctor and his companion.
DAVROS: They must be stopped. The Doctor could reprogramme the Movellan battle computers. He would counteract my advantage. The Movellan ship must be destroyed.
DALEK: Our firepower will be ineffective against its hull.
DAVROS: Then we need more than firepower. Unpack the explosives.


(The game continues.)

ROMANA: Scissors cuts paper. (sotto) Let's get out.
DOCTOR: (sotto) Yes. (normal) Paper wraps stone. (sotto) How?

(Two scissors.)

ROMANA: Stalemate. (sotto) Do something.
DOCTOR: (sotto) When I give the signal, move.

(The Doctor stand but a Movellan with weapon drawn makes him sit down again.)

DOCTOR: Stone blunts scissors.
ROMANA: Good plan. Scissors cuts paper. Paper wraps
DOCTOR: Jelly baby.
ROMANA: Jelly baby?
DOCTOR: Doctor catches robot.
AGELLA: Commander, Lan is not answering my signals.
SHARREL: Go out and check he's still in position.
AGELLA: At once.
SHARREL: Launch programme.

[Nova device]

(Agella goes outside and finds Lan's communicator in the sand. She picks it up as Lan approaches her, then he takes her control unit. She pirouettes gently and falls back into his arms. The former prisoners run over.)

TYSSAN: Well done, Lan.

(He modifies her control unit.)

[Dalek control]

(All the Daleks but one have been fitted with suicide vests.)

DAVROS: Now, understand me clearly. You will not deviate from your objective no matter what the provocation. Let no opposition halt you. When you reach the Movellan space vehicle, position yourselves around the ship as close as possible to the hull. The sacrifice you make will ensure total Dalek victory in the space war! Carry out your orders!
DALEK 2: We obey.

(The suicide group leave.)

DAVROS: Total Dalek victory. Then on to still greater conquests. I will lead. Davros will lead!


(Lan and Agella lead the humanoids in. The Doctor spots Tyssan's face by the entrance and leaps to his feet.)

DOCTOR: Don't you ever speak to me like that again, you understand? Never!
ROMANA: What did I say?
DOCTOR: Jelly baby! You keep out of this. It's a personal matter, isn't it.
DOCTOR: So just mind your own business.
ROMANA: You tell him.
DOCTOR: And you mind your own business, too.

(Lan shoots the Movellan and he tumbles over the Doctor's back. Agella also shoots her fellow robots as the prisoners run in and try to grab control units. Some prisoners are injured. The Doctor dashes to the main computer as four Movellans slowly close in on him. The Doctor blows his dog whistle and they slow enough for Romana to grab three units while the Doctor gets the last one.)

DOCTOR: Oh well, so much for logic. A mind that can be scrambled by a dog whistle.
ROMANA: These are Movellan minds?
DOCTOR: Yes, well, not quite. They're just power packs with some main circuits.
ROMANA: Orders for the day and the power to carry them out.
DOCTOR: Yes, that's it. Tyssan! Tyssan. Well done, Tyssan. Any news of Davros?
TYSSAN: Nothing.
DOCTOR: The Daleks will be sending a ship for him. We mustn't let him get away.
TYSSAN: We've only got a handful of men. How can we stop him?
DOCTOR: One, two, three, four, five. I'll go alone. Ask me why.
DOCTOR: They're unconscious. Also I'm a very dangerous fellow when I don't know what I'm doing. You stay here, Tyssan. You'll need this ship to get home. Romana, you help him.

(The Doctor goes into the airlock.)

DOCTOR [OC]: I will return!


(The Doctor hides from the suicide bombers.)

DALEK 2: Do not deviate. All units proceed as ordered. The space vehicle must be destroyed.

[Dalek control]

DOCTOR: (sotto) Davros. Davros! (normal) Davros.
DAVROS: Doctor!
DOCTOR: Hello. I didn't think getting to see you would have been so easy. Are you just going to sit there quietly and wait for the Dalek ship to pick you up?
DAVROS: I have one more thing to do before I leave. It seems we have both been much in demand, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Well, it's nice to be wanted, isn't it.
DAVROS: Putting aside our differences for a moment.
DAVROS: Speaking simply as scientists, the problem is fascinating, don't you agree?
DOCTOR: Oh yes, two vast computers so evenly matched they can't out-think one another.
DAVROS: Two spacefleets totally impotent.
DAVROS: You know how the stalemate can be broken, of course.
DOCTOR: Oh, of course.
DAVROS: I realised you would. So obvious but they can't see it. Would you have told the Movellans?
DOCTOR: Oh, no.
DAVROS: I suspected you wouldn't.
DOCTOR: Would you have told the Daleks?
DAVROS: But I dared not take the risk. I had to stop them taking you.
DOCTOR: But you failed. The prisoners set me free.
DAVROS: The Movellan ship will never lift off! Soon my Daleks, carrying more than half a megaton of explosives, will press against the hull and I will simply activate this control to detonate.
DOCTOR: Really. And how will you stop me activating that control before they reach their target?

(A Dalek glides up behind the Doctor.)

DAVROS: I would not.
DOCTOR: Really?
DALEK: Do not move.
DAVROS: You see, there's nothing you can do to stop it now.


DALEK 2: Let no opposition halt you. Advance for total Dalek victory! Objective sighted. Advance!


(One of the prisoners who is carrying a Movellan past the camera appears to be wearing Jon Pertwee's old costume.)

TYSSAN: Well, we got them all.
ROMANA: Was Commander Sharrel with them?
TYSSAN: No. I thought he was up here.
ROMANA: Well, I can't find him.
TYSSAN: Oh, it's not important. Even if he got away, he can't do much on his own.
ROMANA: The Nova device! He'll try to detonate!

[Dalek control]

DALEK 2 [OC]: Now commencing final approach to ship.
DAVROS: Very soon now, Doctor. Very soon.


DALEK 2: Do not deviate. Let no opposition halt you.


(A report flashes up on the main screen - scanners indicate strong Dalek force range 100 metres closing)

TYSSAN: Right, there's a Dalek force coming. Now pick up what weapons you can. We've got to hold them.

(Sharrel is trying to reach the Nova device.)

[Outside the spacecraft]

(The prisoners run out with Movellan weapons.)

DALEK 2: Exterminate!

(It's a very one-sided flight. The humanoids run for the dunes.)

[Nova device]

(Sharrel is inching towards the device on his elbows when Romana comes over a dune. They struggle. Sharrel reaches for the trigger and Romana kicks his arm off. Then she takes his control unit, takes the Nova device further away and throws the unit into the dunes.)

[Dalek control]

DAVROS: When the Dalek ship arrives, you will accompany us.
DOCTOR: Oh, I'm sure they'll welcome me with open arms. I mean, they would welcome me with open arms if they had arms. Please, please, no offence meant at all.

(The Doctor casually tosses his hat over this shoulder and onto the Dalek's eyepiece.)

DALEK: Malfunction.
DAVROS: Behind you.
DALEK: Malfunction.
DAVROS: Behind you.
DALEK: Visual circuit is impaired.
DAVROS: To your right. To your left.
DALEK: Malfunction.
DAVROS: To your right. This way!
DALEK: Malfunction.

(The Doctor ducks behind a computer desk as the Dalek starts shooting at random.)

DAVROS: Not me, you fool!
DALEK: Vision impaired! Vision impaired! Malfunction! Loss of visual control. Malfunction! Malfunction!

(The Doctor grabs a spare bomb and sticks it onto the Dalek, then pushes it down a corridor.)

DALEK: Malfunction! Loss of control! Loss of control! Loss of control!
DOCTOR: Bye, bye.

(Bang! goes the Dalek.)

DOCTOR: My hat!
DAVROS: Keep away.
DAVROS: Keep back.

(The Doctor puts his hand underneath Davros's fingers and pushes up. Davros pushes back so the Doctor pulls his hand away and Davros hits the detonator button. The suicide squad all go KaBOOM well away from the Movellan spacecraft.)


(All the former prisoners are back on board. Davros is inside in a portable chamber with a white and blue decor and a snowflake on the front.)

DOCTOR: All elephants are pink. Nellie is an elephant, therefore Nellie is pink. Logical?
DAVROS: Perfectly.
DOCTOR: You know what a human would say to that?
TYSSAN: Elephants aren't pink.
DAVROS: Bah. Humans do not understand logic.
ROMANA: They're not slaves to it like the Daleks or the Movellans.
DOCTOR: That's why the Daleks came back for you. They remembered they were once organic creatures themselves, capable of irrational, intuitive thought, and they wanted you to give it back to them to get them out of their trap of logic.
DAVROS: I have failed!
DOCTOR: Yes. What does it feel like?
DAVROS: What will happen to me?
TYSSAN: A high security ship has started out from Earth to meet us. You will be taken to stand trial for your crimes against the whole of sentient creation.
DAVROS: There is not a ship, not a prison that can hold me!
DOCTOR: No, but I think this little device can. It's a cryogenic freezer. Even you can't escape from a solid block of ice. Bye, bye, Davros.

(The Doctor turns it on. A message comes up on the main screen about the flight programme status.)

TYSSAN: Doctor! Doctor!


(But the Doctor and Romana are gone, running to the dunes as the spacecraft closes it's entrance and starts to lift off.)

DOCTOR: That was a narrow escape. Come on, we've got some digging to do.

[Outside the TARDIS]

(The Doctor and Romana push rocks away from the TARDIS door.)

ROMANA: Doctor, could you really have solved their problems and won the war for them?
DOCTOR: Of course I could. It's obvious.
ROMANA: Was it?
DOCTOR: Yes. Both sides were fighting with computers, perfectly logically. Each computer could predict the move of the other and counter it. Result, stalemate.
ROMANA: So the first side that switches its computer off and does something irrational
DOCTOR: Wins the battle, yes. Make mistakes and confuse the enemy.
ROMANA: Brilliant.
ROMANA: Is that why you always win?
DOCTOR: Yes. What?
ROMANA: Because you always make mistakes.
DOCTOR: Mistakes? Me? Well, perhaps once a century or so.

(They go into the TARDIS.)

DOCTOR [OC]: Well, I have made the odd mistake.

(The TARDIS dematerialises.)

ROMANA [OC]: Not that switch.
DOCTOR [OC]: What?

(The TARDIS materialises.)

DOCTOR [OC]: Oh, yes.

(And dematerialises again.)

Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.

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