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Classic Who S17 • Serial 1 · (4 episodes)

Destiny of the Daleks

3.06/ 5 218 votes


ROMANA: Yes, they taught me at school how to stop my hearts.

TYSSAN: Hearts? How many have you got?

ROMANA: One for casual, one for best.

Destiny of the Daleks

DAVROS: I have failed!

DOCTOR: Yes. What does it feel like?

Destiny of the Daleks

K9: coughs

DOCTOR: Do that again.

K9: coughs again

DOCTOR: Say "ah".

K9: scratchy "ah" sound

DOCTOR: Ah! Laryngitis! How can a robot catch laryngitis? I mean, what do you need it for?

Destiny of the Daleks

DOCTOR: Hold it, hold it. Now, tell them what I've got here.

DAVROS: He is holding a primed explosive device.

DOCTOR: And one false move, and it goes right down inside his chair. I'll turn Davros and his life-support system into scrap metal. Now spack off!

Destiny of the Daleks

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