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Part One

(On a blue lit planet, a man dressed in what appears to be a spacesuit is staggering through a difficult terrain. He pauses for breath and is shot in the side by an arrow, then collapses and tumbles down a slope into a small pool.)


(The Doctor is twirling a large, colourful beach umbrella, and singing.)

DOCTOR: Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside, I do like to be beside the sea.

(Sarah is in shorts and halter top, and assembling items for a day on the beach.)

SARAH: Sunglasses, sun lotion, water wings.
DOCTOR: Well, you won't need those for a start.
SARAH: Oh, we're going swimming, you said.
DOCTOR: You can't sink on Florana.
SARAH: I can sink anywhere.
DOCTOR: The water's effervescent. The bubbles support you.
SARAH: Like swimming in a glass of health salts.
DOCTOR: All right, but you wait until you've seen Florana. I always come back from Florana feeling a hundred years younger.

(A red light is flashing on the console.)

DOCTOR: Ah, the air is like a magic potion.
SARAH: Doctor?
DOCTOR: And the beauty of it all is
SARAH: Doctor, should that red light be flashing?
DOCTOR: We seem to have got a mains power

(Flash bang! Sarah screams. The lights go out.)

SARAH: What is it, Doctor? What's happening?
DOCTOR: I'm not sure. I'll cut in the emergency units.

(Everything comes back on.)

DOCTOR: Well, that's a relief. If they hadn't worked, we'd have been in real trouble.

(The lights fade out again.)

SARAH: Oh, it's starting again.

(The TARDIS crashes and throws the Doctor and Sarah to the floor before landing unsteadily on that same planet. The lights continue to fluctuate as they get to their feet.)

DOCTOR: Oh, there you are. Well, one thing's certain. We've landed.

(The sound mutates into a sort of slow electronic wail.)

SARAH: It's as if the TARDIS was dying.
DOCTOR: Sarah, the scanner, quickly. There could be enough charge to operate it.

(The scanner shows swirling mists before fading out.)

SARAH: Did you see anything, Doctor?
DOCTOR: Only fog. Fascinating, isn't it?
SARAH: What's fascinating about fog?
DOCTOR: Well, perhaps that's what's put the TARDIS out of action.

(The lights go out and the TARDIS goes quiet.)

SARAH: Oh. Don't we have emergency storage cells or something?
DOCTOR: Yes, of course.

(But they only light things up for a couple of seconds.)

SARAH: Dud battery?
DOCTOR: Hardly. Listen.
SARAH: I can't hear anything.
DOCTOR: Yes, exactly. Not a click, not a tick. Nothing. The TARDIS is a living thing, thousands of instruments. Its energy sources never stop.
SARAH: Well they have now. Everything's completely dead.
DOCTOR: Sarah, there's a torch in that cabinet. Get it for me, will you?

(Sarah fishes around in a wooden box.)

SARAH: Oh, right. Ah, here we are.

(The torch works.)


(And then fades out.)

SARAH: Oh. Now what?
DOCTOR: Well, don't worry. I've got an oil lamp in here. That should be all right. Yes, there it is.
SARAH: Ah, don't tell me. You're going to rub it and produce a genie.
DOCTOR: On the contrary, I'm going to light it and illumine us.
DOCTOR: There we are.
SARAH: Oh, hooray for old-fashioned oil.
DOCTOR: Well, we'll have to get it adjusted. That's better. Right now, let's see where we are.
SARAH: Florana, you said.
DOCTOR: Here, hold this for a minute, will you? Normally this door is power operated. We'll have to work it by hand. Where's that crank handle? There it is.
DOCTOR: Now bring the light over here, please.

(The Doctor inserts the crank into a hole by the doors and turns it. They open slowly.)

DOCTOR: A bit more. Is that enough?
SARAH: I think so.
DOCTOR: Good, right, that's enough.
DOCTOR: Oh. Now follow me. Let's take a look.
DOCTOR: All right?


(They step out into an area with strange shaped rocks.)

SARAH: Oh! It's cold!
DOCTOR: Well, this is no ordinary fog.
SARAH: You mean this isn't the air that's like a magic potion?
DOCTOR: It must be perfectly obvious to you, Sarah, that we've gone ever so slightly astray, so sarcasm of that
SARAH: Argh!
DOCTOR: Ah, it's all right. It's just rock.
SARAH: A statue?
DOCTOR: No, some sort of life form that has become petrified, I should think.
SARAH: I was close to becoming petrified myself.
DOCTOR: No, I doubt if anything has grown here for centuries.
SARAH: Well, unless you're planning on raising lettuce, it doesn't seem too important.
DOCTOR: Well, if the rest of the planet's like this, then life here certainly doesn't depend on photosynthesis.
SARAH: What life?
DOCTOR: Some power emanating from this planet has stopped the TARDIS's energy banks. Now logically, that power can hardly be of geological origin.
SARAH: You mean somebody or something has caused it?
DOCTOR: Yes, exactly.
SARAH: Right. Well, let's fix the TARDIS and clear out.
DOCTOR: I'm sorry, I'm afraid we can't fix it. Not unless we discover the source of the power that's blocking us.
SARAH: Oh. Well, how are we going to do that?
DOCTOR: I've no idea.

(Something is moving by a rock nearby.)

SARAH: You mean that we're? We're trapped? Stuck here for ever?
DOCTOR: Until we can discover the source of that energy loss, yes.
SARAH: Well, what do you want me to do?
DOCTOR: Well, I think to begin with, we must check the immediate area, don't you?
SARAH: Yes, right. Oh. Not really dressed for this climate, am I?
DOCTOR: Oh, for heaven's sake, girl, go and put something warm on.
SARAH: Yes, right. You won't go away, will you?

(Sarah goes back into the darkened TARDIS and puts on a long sleeved Dress. The Doctor starts exploring the strange rock figures. He is followed by two life forms. Further along, he stops to examine the mineral content of the soil and gets jumped by a life form. Sarah pulls on a pair of boots and leaves the TARDIS.)

SARAH: Doctor? Doctor?

(She moves off, searching, and is followed by a life form.)

SARAH: Doctor? Doctor? Doctor?

(Sarah runs, and finds the oil lamp still flickering. She picks it up. There is something wet and sticky on it.)

SARAH: Blood.

(Sarah throws away the lamp and runs back to the TARDIS.)


(One of the life forms is already inside when Sarah enters.)

SARAH: Doctor?

(There are footsteps outside. Sarah looks out and sees two life forms approaching. She goes inside and cranks the doors shut. When she has finished, the life form inside comes up behind her. It touches her, she turns and lashes out at it with the crank handle. It falls to the floor, she cranks the door open as it crawls towards her. It grabs her leg, she hits it again and runs out into the night past two of its fellows.)


(The Doctor has had his hands tied and is being led by a rope. He falls. The life form behind comes to help him up and he knocks it down, then attacks the leader, grabbing its axe and using its edge to cut his bonds. There is more fighting until the two life forms lie still, and he runs off.
Sarah is evading her pursuers. She comes across a pulsing light and walks towards it. It is a beacon on the top of a large white city.
Later, day is breaking, and the Doctor is still walking through rocks and gullies. Now we see clearly that the local life forms wear large pieces of fabric that conceal their shape and are the same colour as the rocks. One of them is following the Doctor when he spots something partly concealed in the soil. It is a rope or wire pulled taut. The Doctor picks up a stone, backs away and throws it at the rope. A large rock balanced at the top of the crevasse tumbles down followed by a man in a space suit, wielding a knife. He attacks the Doctor. They struggle, then a second man appears, and shouts as he runs down.)
RAILTON: Galloway! Galloway! You fool. He's not one of them. Sorry, we've been a bit jumpy. We tend to attack first, ask questions after.
GALLOWAY: (Scots) There's something moving.
RAILTON: Let's get back to our base. We can talk there.

(A life form watches them go.)

[Outside MSC base]

(A nervous guard with a bow and arrow is outside a metallic triangle entrance. He hides when he hears someone approaching.)

RAILTON: It's all right, Peter. He's quite friendly.
GALLOWAY: We hope.
RAILTON: Keep a sharp watch, Peter. Dan heard some movement out there.
HAMILTON: Aye aye, sir.

[MSC base]

(An injured man lies on a bed with a woman looking after him.)

JILL: Did you find Jack?
RAILTON: I'm afraid not. How is he?
JILL: He's not good, and we're down to our last pack of sulphagen tablets, Richard.
DOCTOR: What happened to him?
JILL: The Exxilons took us by surprise, right after we landed.
GALLOWAY: These stone knives of theirs have got some sort of poison on them. They're dirty wee fighters.
RAILTON: I'm sorry, perhaps we ought to introduce ourselves. I'm Captain Railton, second in command of the expedition, and this is Commander Stewart.

(The man on the bed.)

RAILTON: And that's Jill Tarrant, our civilian geologist.
JILL: Are you from Earth?
DOCTOR: In a roundabout sort of way, yes.
GALLOWAY: Dan Galloway.
RAILTON: Lieutenant Galloway is our weapons officer.
DOCTOR: Well, it would have saved me a few bruises if we'd shaken hands the first time we'd met. Hello, how do you do?
RAILTON: The chap outside is Lieutenant Peter Hamilton.
DOCTOR: Lieutenant? Are you a military expedition?
DOCTOR: Master of Science?
RAILTON: Marine Space Corps.
GALLOWAY: Now maybe you'll tell us about yourself. Where were you heading when I jumped you?
DOCTOR: Back to the TARDIS. That's my spaceship. I have a young companion with me, Sarah Jane Smith. I only hope she had the good sense to stay inside after I was captured.
RAILTON: Where is the ship?
DOCTOR: It's not far from here.
GALLOWAY: Oh, if the lassie stayed in your ship, she should be safe enough.
DOCTOR: Yes, if. Sarah's rather headstrong. By now, I expect she's out looking for me.
RAILTON: Well, even if she is, it needn't be too dangerous as long as she's careful. The Exxilons seem to be night creatures.
JILL: We don't see much of them during the day. Just so long as she didn't go near that forbidden city of theirs.
DOCTOR: What forbidden city?
RAILTON: Only their high priests can visit it.
GALLOWAY: Anyone else they catch near it.

(Galloway mimes throat-cutting.)

GALLOWAY: That's their lot.
JILL: They're sacrificed.
DOCTOR: Well, what is this place? Where is it?
RAILTON: Pass me the visual file, will you, Jill? We've got some pictures. Thank you.

(The pictures are of the city that Sarah saw during the night.)

RAILTON: It's a fantastic building. Must have been constructed thousands of years ago.
JILL: And not by a stone age tribe like the Exxilons, either.
RAILTON: They treat it as a sort of shrine. If you're caught near it, it's certain death.

[City wall]

(The walls are of smooth, carved stone. There is a frieze of a C with a dot between its arms which rotates by 90 degrees in batches of four. Sarah approaches and touches one long uncarved stone, which flashes briefly. She tries again with both hands then moves on to the frieze, which also flashes upon her touch.)

SARAH: No doors, no windows.

(An Exxilon comes up behind her and envelopes her in its 'cloak'.)

[MSC base]


RAILTON: Then as soon as we got within range of Exxilon, we had total malfunction on all instruments. We managed to touch down without damaging the ship, but we can't take off again until we find some way of restoring power.
DOCTOR: Tell me, what's the purpose of your expedition?
JILL: Well, to collect parrinium.
DOCTOR: Parrinium?
JILL: It's a chemical. It can be found in minute quantities on Earth, but it's so rare there that it's virtually priceless. A chemical detecting satellite did a fly past on this planet and registered that it was as common here as salt.
DOCTOR: Well, forgive me, but what do you want it for?
GALLOWAY: Och, man. Where have you been hiding?
DOCTOR: Well, here and there, one place and another. Well, I am a little out of touch, I'll admit.
JILL: Well, the outer worlds are being ravaged by a disease. The colonists are dying in their thousands. Another ten million men, women and children will die unless we help them, and help them quickly. Every hour we're stuck here on this planet, the death toll's mounting.
DOCTOR: And parrinium will halt this disease?
RAILTON: Well, it can cure and give immunity, but they need it in quantity and they need it fast.
JILL: If it's not delivered within a month, it'll be too late.
DOCTOR: I see.
RAILTON: We managed to get a message off before we had total power failure, to Earth. We asked them for a relief ship.
DOCTOR: Do you happen to know if that message was received?
GALLOWAY: Oh, if it had been I think we'd have had help by now.
DOCTOR: I think we can safely assume that no help is coming. So, might I make a suggestion

(Hamilton bursts in.)

HAMILTON: The relief ship is here! Come on, quickly!

(Hamilton runs out.)

RAILTON: The relief ship?
GALLOWAY: The relief ship's here.

[Outside MSC base]

RAILTON: Did you see it?
HAMILTON: No, I heard it, up in the haze. Over to the north a little bit.
GALLOWAY: It's probably making a spiral descent. We should hear it again in a moment.
JILL: Here she comes!

(A Mysteron style flying saucer whizzes across the sky.)

RAILTON: They're landing in the next valley. Come on!

(The Doctor and the four humans run off. Two Exxilons come out of hiding and enter the base, where the barely conscious Captain Stewart sees them.)


(In a large stone cavern, a raised fire pit illumines a crowd of Exxilons and a wooden cage. The leader is in a slightly different shade of brown to the others. Their faces can now be seen. They look like bare skulls with massive blank eyes.)

PRIEST: You have looked upon the sacred place. You have walked where only the chosen may go. You have defiled the place of all power.

(Sarah is in the cage, tied up with her hands over her head. Two Exxilons enter the cage and unfasten Sarah then lead her out.)

PRIEST: A judgment has been made. Prepare her for sacrifice!

(Sarah starts to struggle.)

[Landing site]

JILL: It's over there!
HAMILTON: That doesn't look like an Earth ship, sir.
GALLOWAY: Well, maybe it's that new Z-47 they've been planning.
RAILTON: She's not a Space Corps craft.
GALLOWAY: Well, I hope they haven't run into the same power block.
DOCTOR: We'll know soon enough.

(A hatch in the skirt of the saucer opens.)

HAMILTON: Come on out! The welcome party's all here!

(Out glide a party of oversized pepper pots.)

DOCTOR: Daleks!
DALEK: The Earth creatures are to be exterminated. Fire at my command.
RAILTON: Wait a minute! Wait! You can't!
DALEK: Total extermination. Fire, fire, fire!

(Everyone closes their eyes and waits to die.)

Part Two

[Landing site]

(But the Dalek weapons do not put out any energy.)

DALEK: Maximum power. Fire! Fire! Fire!

(Still no deadly beams of energy.)

DALEK: Weaponry malfunction.
DALEK 2: Total power failure in armament circuits.
DOCTOR: Well, well, well. Daleks without the power to kill. How does it feel?
DALEK: Keep away. Keep away!
DOCTOR: And if I don't, what will you do? Your weapons are totally useless, affected by the same energy blackout that has stranded us.
DALEK 2: The power failure is temporary. Superior Dalek technology will overcome interference shortly. Meanwhile, you will obey our orders.
DOCTOR: You're not in a position to give any orders. No, no, we're all in this together. All equal, all powerless.
DALEK: The Daleks are the supreme beings of the universe. Dalek technology is the
RAILTON: Spare us the propaganda. I think our best interest will be served by joining forces.
DALEK: Daleks do not require the co-operation of inferior creatures.
RAILTON: Think about it. There are four of you and five of us, and this planet is swarming with creatures that want to destroy us. That's a fact that must penetrate even Dalek arrogance.
DALEK: We will confer.
DOCTOR: Well, they may agree with your plan, Captain, but I advise you, don't trust them.
RAILTON: We need all the help we can get.
JILL: That's true.
GALLOWAY: We don't need the Daleks. There's nothing they can do that we can't do on our own, sir.
DOCTOR: They're brilliant technicians. It was their inventive genius that made them one of the greatest powers in the universe, remember that.
RAILTON: Quite. They might find a way out of this spot.
HAMILTON: My father was killed in the last Dalek war, sir. I hate the thought of working with them.
RAILTON: He was one man. Ten million will die if we don't get off the planet with the medical supplies.
DOCTOR: Well, whatever they're going to do, I hope they decide quickly.

(Meanwhile, in the cavern Sarah is in front of the fire pit. The Exxilons are chanting.)

HAMILTON: What do you think, Dan?
HAMILTON: About this idea. Cooperating with Daleks.
GALLOWAY: Well, it might work for the while.
HAMILTON: I think the Captain's gone soft.
GALLOWAY: Oh, he's scared of the wee salt-shakers. I saw his face when they came out of that ship.
HAMILTON: Ah, the spokesman's coming back.
RAILTON: Well, what did they say?
DOCTOR: I think they'll go for it. Mind you, they haven't much choice, but I must warn you again. Don't you trust them an inch.
JILL: Did you manage to find out what they're doing here?
DOCTOR: Yes. Several of the planets the Daleks have colonised are suffering from the same disease. They're dying in millions. Now they need that chemical just as badly as you do. That's why I think they'll cooperate.

(A little way away, the Daleks are talking.)

DALEK 2: It is agreed.
DALEK 3: We will cooperate until they are no further use to us.
DALEK: And the true reason that we need the chemical parrinium must remain secret.
DALEK 3: It is understood.
DALEK: They must continue to believe there are only four of us.
DALEK 2: It is understood.
DOCTOR: Well, have you decided?
DALEK: Yes, Doctor. The truce exists between our party and yours.
DOCTOR: A very wise decision.
DALEK: The truce ends when power is restored.
RAILTON: We agree. And now I think we should all go over to the mining dome.
DALEK: Mining dome?
JILL: We've located a parrinium strata, and set up a dome nearby where we can refine the ore.
RAILTON: But it's pretty slow work without power. Perhaps you can suggest some quicker technique?
DALEK: Very well. Lead the way. Lead! Lead!


(The MSC base is wrecked and empty. Captain Stewart is missing. Railton leads the five people and three Daleks. In a dried river bed, the Doctor spots soil tumbling down the steep sides. Everyone stops and looks around. Railton gets shot in the back by an arrow.)

DOCTOR: Take cover!
DALEK: Locate the enemy! Locate the enemy! Locate! Locate! Locate! Locate! Locate!

(Jill runs to Railton, but he is dead. Exxilons appear on the skyline above them.)

DALEK: Locate! Locate!

(The men run to a dug out depression to hide.)

DALEK: Locate! Locate!
JILL: Help me with him! Help me!
DOCTOR: It's no good. We can't help him.
JILL: But please, we can't leave him here.

(More arrows thud into the ground nearby.)

DOCTOR: Quick, come on. Out, come on.

(He drags her to where the others are sheltering.)

DOCTOR: Come on, down here. Which way did they come from?
GALLOWAY: I don't know.

(They hide behind the thick sand dune.)

DOCTOR: Our only chance is that it's a small group, then we might make a break for it.
GALLOWAY: Well, I'm next in seniority to the Captain. That puts me in command.
DOCTOR: Just a suggestion, that's all.
JILL: All right, Commander, give an order to get us out of this.

(Another group of Exxilons have appeared.)

HAMILTON: Over there!

(But an arrow thuds into the dune by the Doctor's head. There are more behind them, too.)

DOCTOR: So it was a large group.

(Galloway shoots an Exxilon. The group flatten themselves at the bottom of the dug out as arrows and spears come at them from all angles.)

DALEK: Exterminate! Exterminate!

(The Exxilons rush them.)

DALEK: Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!

(The Exxilons batter the annoying Dalek.)

DALEK: Am losing control! Am losing control! Am loosing, am loosing, am losing control! Am losing control!

(Smoke pours out of the Dalek case. Everyone backs away and it goes Bang! then catches fire. The humans risk taking a look as the Exxilons dance around the bonfire. A procession approaches and the Exxilons run over to meet it.)

DOCTOR: What's going on over there?
JILL: They've got Commander Stewart.
STEWART: Give yourselves up.
HAMILTON: That settles it for me. Jill?
JILL: Yes.
HAMILTON: What about you, Doctor?
DOCTOR: Certainly, when the only alternative to living is dying. All right. Come on, let's get it over with.

(The Doctor leads Jill and Hamilton out of the hole. After a moment, Galloway puts down his bow and follows.)

[Landing site]

(A Dalek reports back to two others.)

DALEK: Patrol captured by alien beings. One Dalek destroyed.
DALEK 2: We will report.


(The chanting continues as the High Priest waves a smoking bowl under Sarah's nose, making her inhale the fumes. Eventually she passes out. The new prisoners are escorted in.)

DOCTOR: Sarah! What are you doing with her?
PRIEST: She has defiled the place of our gods. She is to be sacrificed.

(The Doctor breaks free of his escort with a Hai! and rushes towards the Priest. There is a brief mle, but the Doctor is overcome by superior numbers.)

[Cavern - cage]

(Sarah comes to. Also in the cage are the other humans and the Daleks. Jill is tending the Doctor who is lying on a stone slab.)

SARAH: Is the Doctor all right?
JILL: I think so. He's coming round. But are you okay?
SARAH: Mmm. Er, they made me inhale some sort of incense. Well, what happened?
JILL: Well, I'm not too sure myself, but neither of you is very popular. The Doctor attacked their High Priest. From what we can gather, that's about the worst crime you can commit on this planet.

(Commander Stewart is on another slab with Hamilton tending to him.)

GALLOWAY: (sotto) Crazy. He must be crazy. He's blown any chance we ever had a making a deal with these savages.
HAMILTON: (sotto) We hadn't much choice, Dan. A couple of minutes more that girl would've been dead.
GALLOWAY: (sotto) So?
HAMILTON: (sotto) Look, we're all in this together. It could have been me or you. Do you expect everybody else to stand by and let it happen?
GALLOWAY: (sotto) The point is it wasn't us. We have no loyalties to them. They're not part of our mission.
HAMILTON: (sotto) So you'll let them die, just like that?
GALLOWAY: (sotto) I would so. Our job is to get medical relief that'll save the lives of millions. If some people we don't even know have to die in the process, well, that's just too bad.
DALEK: We have decided the action we will take. We will offer the Exxilons our knowledge and technology in return for their assistance.
GALLOWAY: Well, anything's worth a try.
HAMILTON: (sotto) What about those two? Do you think they'll agree to let them go?
DALEK: The Doctor is an old enemy of the Daleks. The girl is unimportant. Guard! I will speak with the High Priest.

(The Doctor is awake and sitting up.)

JILL: I don't know what they're up to, but I don't like it.
DOCTOR: I have a feeling it might be better if you did not associate yourself too closely with us. I think we're the flies in a jar of very nasty ointment.
SARAH: What do you think will happen?
DOCTOR: Well, I'm afraid that what they had planned for you has merely been postponed. I think they'll be two of us in the next performance.
EXXILON: The High Priest will speak with you.

(The Dalek is let out of the cage.)

JILL: They may be trying to negotiate a way for all of us to get out of this.
DOCTOR: No, that's pure wishful thinking, Jill. The Daleks won't give us any loyalty and I don't expect too much help from your space chums either.

[Dalek spaceship]

(The Daleks are using a model TARDIS for target practice with their modified weaponry, which fires bullets instead of energy.)

DALEK: Target model destroyed.
DALEK 2: Substitute weaponry functioning satisfactorily.
DALEK: We will proceed immediately.

[Landing site]

(Two Exxilons are on a ridge overlooking the spaceship hatch. Two Daleks come out and a third stays inside. The Daleks spot them and shoot them.)

DALEK 2: Primitive weapons moderately efficient.

[Cavern - cage]

(The chanting has started up again. Two Exxilons enter the cage and indicate that the Doctor and Sarah are to follow them.)

HAMILTON: We've got to do something!
GALLOWAY: Don't interfere. We've got think of ourselves now and what we came here to do.
DALEK: It is agreed. The Exxilons will discuss terms when the sacrifices are completed. You will follow and observe.

(The humans and Daleks leave the cage.)

STEWART: Galloway. Galloway, you're not fit to command.
GALLOWAY: I'm doing what's necessary, sir. I'll get that chemical to the peoples of the outer worlds whatever it costs.
STEWART: Not for them, Galloway, for yourself. You're a glory seeker. This may be the last order that I can give but I'm appointing Hamilton as leader.
GALLOWAY: You can't do that.
STEWART: It's already done. It's an order. Peter'll take command.

(Stewart dies.)

GALLOWAY: I'm sorry, Commander. Couldn't quite hear what you said.


(The Doctor and Sarah are being held in front of the fire pit, and the High Priest brings the bowl of incense for them to inhale. Other Exxilons hold their heads so they cannot turn away from the smoke. Then the 'primitively armed' Daleks enter, firing. In the confusion, the Doctor grabs Sarah and they make a run for it.)

GALLOWAY: Come on!

(The Doctor and Sarah climb onto the altar, which has a tunnel behind it.)

DOCTOR: Right, come on, jump! Jump!


DOCTOR: Right, come on. (a few steps along) Stay there.

(He peers back into the cavern.)

DOCTOR: The Daleks don't seem to be following us.
SARAH: Oh, those robot things, are they locals?
DOCTOR: Hardly. They're probably the most technically advanced and ruthless life form in the galaxy.
SARAH: But if they're robots, how is it their power's not affected? They can't half move.
DOCTOR: Because they're only half robot, Sarah. Inside each of those shells is a living, bubbling lump of hate.
SARAH: You mean they've got legs?
DOCTOR: No, they move by psychokinetic power.
SARAH: I see.
DOCTOR: Do you?


(The Daleks are rounding up the surviving Exxilons and herding them into the cage, where Jill and Hamilton had taken cover.)

DALEK 2: All resistance has ceased.
DALEK: I will speak with the High Priest. Bring him to me.
DALEK 3: I obey.
GALLOWAY: Oh, what do you want to speak to him about?
DALEK: We require the cooperation of the Exxilons, but now they will do so on our terms.
GALLOWAY: And if they don't agree?
DALEK: We will select groups of hostages for extermination until they do.
GALLOWAY: Aye, that should bring them around to our way of thinking. One of the first things we should do is to make them supply working parties to mine the parrinium.
DALEK: Your advice is not required.
GALLOWAY: Now, wait a minute. We agreed. We're working together.
DALEK: We are in command! You will obey our orders!


SARAH: Doctor! We were just playing the main part in a sacrificial ceremony, weren't we?
DOCTOR: Well, that seemed to be the general idea, yes.
SARAH: Well how are they going to sacrifice us just by dumping us down here?
DOCTOR: Yes, I knew that thought would occur to you sooner or later.
SARAH: You've got an idea, haven't you?
DOCTOR: Yes. And it's not one of my favourites. In fact I don't care for it at all.
SARAH: Well, you might as well share it.
DOCTOR: Oh, very well. I think they expect that sacrifice to be completed by something else. Something that lives down this tunnel.

(And right on cue comes a warbling sort of roar.)

SARAH: Next time you get an idea, keep it to yourself, will you.


DALEK: It is agreed. You will accompany us.

(The Daleks lead the High Priest away. Jill and Hamilton are out of the cage.)

JILL: What's happening?
GALLOWAY: Well, it's practically all agreed. We've done a deal with the Exxilons.
GALLOWAY: Well, they'll provide a working force to help us mine the parrinium. We'll be in charge of that with two of the Daleks.
JILL: And the other Daleks?
GALLOWAY: Well, they'll investigate the cause of the electrical interference.
HAMILTON: And what are the Exxilons getting in return?
GALLOWAY: Oh, not much.
JILL: Well, tell us.
GALLOWAY: Well, apparently the Exxilons have only one enemy, a sort of breakaway group. Well, we've agreed to help wipe them out.
HAMILTON: You've what?
GALLOWAY: In return we get the parrinium we need. We'll save millions of lives.
JILL: And murder others? You can't accept those terms.
GALLOWAY: The creatures on this planet are primitives. They don't count.
HAMILTON: What else have you agreed?
GALLOWAY: Aye, well, this is the bit you're not going to like.
JILL: I haven't liked any of it so far.
GALLOWAY: That fellow they call the Doctor and the girl, they have to be brought back, dead or alive.
HAMILTON: You're totally ruthless, aren't you, Galloway.
GALLOWAY: The Daleks have gone down the tunnel after them, just in case the creatures that live down there don't get them first.


(Another wibbly roar.)

SARAH: That sounded awfully close.
DOCTOR: Yes. Some sort of subterranean wind effect, I should think.

(And another.)

SARAH: Who are you kidding?
DOCTOR: Myself, chiefly.

(Two Daleks enter the tunnel. As the Doctor and Sarah walk on, something very similar to an Exxilon starts to follow them. They come to a junction lit by candles on ledges. The roar again.)

SARAH: I just heard your wind effect gnashing its teeth. Well, which way now?
DOCTOR: I think I'll make a short reconnaissance down this tunnel here. Alone.
SARAH: Alone?
DOCTOR: Look, Sarah, I don't want anything creeping down behind me and blocking off my retreat, now do I? With you here on watch you can give me a warning.
SARAH: Well, who's going to warn me?
DOCTOR: You're in a perfectly safe place here. You've got three different ways to run.
DOCTOR: I think I'll just go down it for about half a mile. If it holds any promise, I'll be right back. All right?
SARAH: I suppose so. Good luck, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Thank you.

(The Doctor leaves. Sarah looks around, but doesn't notice that she is being watched. After a little while -)

SARAH: Somebody there?

(Sarah paces a little more, then she turns and sees her follower. Meanwhile, the Doctor has come across a one-eyed metallic snake-like creature which appears to be first cousin of the things in the learning hall in The Krotons.)

Part Three


(The metal snake rears up and strikes at the Doctor. He falls backwards and it hits the rock wall with a flash of energy. It gathers itself for another strike and he rolls away just in time. Back at the junction, Sarah's follower is emerging from a crevice in the wall.)

SARAH: Oh, keep away from me! Keep back!

(The creature holds out a hand. He has florescent stripes on his skin.)

BELLAL: Please.
SARAH: Who are you?
BELLAL: I am called Bellal. I mean you no harm. I will help you if I can. I do not share the beliefs of those who would have killed you. They consider that I and others like me are their enemies.
SARAH: And are you?
BELLAL: Oh, no. We seek merely to save the Exxilon race from extinction. We do not share their beliefs and for that reason we are persecuted and driven to live in the secret places beneath the surface.
SARAH: How many of you are there?

(Sarah is dodging around, trying to avoid being touched.)

BELLAL: Very few against so many. I will answer all your questions, but first we must go from here. We have a place that is safe. Follow me and I will take you to it.
SARAH: I can't. I'm waiting for the Doctor.
BELLAL: Which path did he take?
SARAH: That one.
SARAH: Well, what is it?
BELLAL: That way leads to death.
SARAH: Well you've got to help him!
SARAH: Oh, please!

(The metallic roar is heard.)

BELLAL: It may already be too late, but we will do what can be done.

(Another of Bellal's tribe of Exxilons enters.)

GOTAL: The creatures from the spacecraft, two of them, coming this way.
BELLAL: Machine creatures?
SARAH: Daleks!

(They all hide behind a rock.)

DALEK: We will search independently. Fugitives are to be exterminated on sight.
DALEK 2: I obey.

(The first Dalek goes down the tunnel the Doctor took.)

SARAH: He'll be coming up behind the Doctor. I must warn him!
BELLAL: No, no, it will be no use. You must stay silent or you will destroy us all. You must understand! It is beyond our power to help him now.
SARAH: Doctor.

(The Doctor is edging along a side tunnel, and the metal snake is hunting him. The Dalek arrives on the scene and shoots at the snake without hesitation. The snake strikes at the Dalek, making it go bang.)

DOCTOR: Oh, good shot, sir.

(The Dalek catches fire but keeps shooting.)

DOCTOR: A hit! Yes, a palpable hit!

(Finally the snake kills the Dalek. Back at the junction, the fight has been heard. Sarah heads for the tunnel.)

SARAH: I must.
BELLAL: The other Dalek will have heard. He'll be coming back.
SARAH: The Doctor may be hurt.
GOTAL: We must hurry!
BELLAL: As soon as it's safe, I'll have some of my people look for your friend but now we. Something coming!
GOTAL: Quick!
BELLAL: Quick!
SARAH: Quick!

(The Exxilons run off and Sarah hides behind the rock again. A Dalek weapon stick emerges slowly from the tunnel - held by the Doctor.)

SARAH: Doctor! Oh, you're safe! Oh, what happened? Oh, how did you get away from the Dalek? What did you see down there?
DOCTOR: All right. All right, all right, all right, all right. Just a moment, just a moment! I've just had a face to face confrontation with a rather nasty root. It obviously wasn't very fond of me but it positively hated the Dalek.
SARAH: Did you say root?
DOCTOR: Yes, it must have been one of those sort of underground support systems for the city, I should imagine.
SARAH: Well, what happened to the Dalek?
DOCTOR: The root, one.
DOCTOR: Dalek, nil. In fact, this was about the only part of it that was left undamaged.

(Bellal and Gotal reappear.)

SARAH: No! Doctor, they're friends.
BELLAL: The other Dalek is coming this way.
DOCTOR: Sarah? Who are your shining friends?
SARAH: Oh, time for that later, Doctor. Come on! (They run off after the Exxilons just before the second Dalek appears and looks around. It follows them.)
BELLAL: You must move more quickly! The Dalek is coming this way.
SARAH: It's a dead end!
GOTAL: No, we go through there. It widens out after a little.
DOCTOR: You first. Go on, Sarah.

(Sarah squeezes into the crevice in the rock wall.)

GOTAL: Now you. Give me that.
DOCTOR: I really must go on a diet one of these days. Give me your hand!

(Sarah pulls the Doctor through the crack.)

DOCTOR: Come on.

(The Dalek spots the Exxilons vanishing into the rock.)

DALEK: Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!

(It fires its gun through the crack. The bullets ricochet around the chamber then the Dalek leaves.)

[Tunnel chamber]

DOCTOR: It's all right. He seems to have gone. Is anyone hurt?
SARAH: Ah, I don't think so.
BELLAL: We're safe now.
DOCTOR: We can't sit around underground forever. There are things we must do.
SARAH: Such as?
DOCTOR: Well, get the power back into our spaceships, for one thing. And for another, do everything we can to help that Earth mission ship.
SARAH: Well, they'll be all right. They seemed pretty pally with the Daleks.
DOCTOR: You take it from me, Sarah. The moment they cease to be of use to the Daleks, they'll wipe them out without a qualm.
BELLAL: My people are watching them. They will report immediately what happens.

[Parrinium mine]

(One of Bellal's people is watching the cloaked Exxilons sieve for the ore by a pool.)

DALEK: The Exxilons are working too slowly.
GALLOWAY: Well, with the primitive equipment they're using, I'm not surprised.
DALEK: Then the workforce must be increased. You will arrange it.
GALLOWAY: Look, the High Priest wasn't all that cooperative. We were lucky to get this many workers.
DALEK: More workers! More workers! More! Exxilons will obey our commands!
GALLOWAY: And if they don't?
DALEK: Their leaders will be exterminated.
GALLOWAY: But we made an agreement.
DALEK: It was expedient. You will advise the High Priest that his people will comply with Dalek law or suffer the consequences.
GALLOWAY: I can't tell him that!
DALEK: You will obey! You will obey! You will obey! You will obey! You will obey!

(The Dalek glides off.)

GALLOWAY: All right, you lot. Put your backs into it. Get going. Come on! You're idle, idle, idle!

[Dalek spaceship]

(The Daleks report to another that appears to be gold coloured.)

GOLD: This planet is now under Dalek control. Our commands will be obeyed. Those who resist will be exterminated.


(The party are in another candle lit tunnel.)

BELLAL: Exxilon had grown old before life had even begun on other planets. Our ancestors solved the mysteries of science, built craft that travelled through space. They were the supreme beings of the universe.
DOCTOR: What destroyed their power, war?
BELLAL: No. They created their own destruction. Using all their knowledge, they built a city that would last through all of time.
SARAH: And they succeeded. It looked as though it was built only yesterday.
BELLAL: They used their sciences to make the city into a living thing. It could protect itself, repair itself, maintain itself. They even gave it a brain.
DOCTOR: I see. So the city became an entity, though greater and more powerful than the many small parts that had created it.
BELLAL: Yes, it then had no need of those who had made it. Our people had created a monster. They tried to destroy it. Instead it destroyed them and drove out the survivors. Now we, and the other Exxilons you met, are all that remain.
SARAH: What separates you from the others?
BELLAL: They have made the city their god. They worship and fear it. They even make sacrifices to it.
SARAH: Yes, we almost qualified for that ourselves.
DOCTOR: Yet you don't fear the city, Bellal. Why?
BELLAL: Yes, we do fear it, but we don't worship it. Our aim is to destroy it. Unless we succeed, our race will vanish from this planet.
DOCTOR: Yes. Well, I think the time has come to do something about this city.

[Parrinium mine]

DALEK: The explosive charges will be completed shortly.
DALEK 2: The charges must be placed on the beacon on the summit of the city and detonated.
DALEK: Agreed. A Dalek patrol will enter the city to investigate scientific installations while the explosives are being positioned.
DALEK 3: Will destruction of the beacon restore electrical energy?
DALEK: All logical evidence suggests it is the source of interference.

(A metal snake-root emerges from the pool. The three Exxilons in the water panic.)

HAMILTON: Come on! Get out of it!

(Two get to shore, the third is close to the snake-root.)

JILL: Peter?

(It rears up and strikes. The Exxilon's cloak bursts into flames. He writhes then finally falls back under the water. Hamilton leads Jill away. A Dalek above the pool starts shooting, so the root strikes at it and it bursts into flames.)

DALEK: Exterminate! Am losing control! Am losing control! Am

(The Dalek tumbles into the pool. The humans, Exxilons and the two remaining Daleks watch the root slither back underwater.)


(Bellal is writing on the tunnel wall.)

DOCTOR: You say that markings like these are cut into the walls of the city?
BELLAL: Yes, these are as I remember them.
SARAH: I saw them too, Doctor. Do they mean anything to you?
DOCTOR: No, not fully. But I do have a rough idea of what they're intended to convey. You see, I've seen them before.
SARAH: Seen them before? Where?
DOCTOR: On the walls of a temple in Peru.
SARAH: Oh, that's impossible!
DOCTOR: Yeah, that's what they said about the Peruvian temple as well. Yes, it's one of Earth's great mysteries, that no primitive man could possibly have built such a structure. Well, now we've solved it.
SARAH: Solved how a temple was built in Peru?
DOCTOR: You say that your ancestors were travelling in space when other worlds were still primitive?
BELLAL: Why, that is true.
DOCTOR: Then they almost certainly visited Earth and taught the people there how to build.
BELLAL: Our city supports itself in two ways. Through roots in the ground and through the air.
SARAH: The air?
DOCTOR: Yes, they must drain their electrical energy from the atmosphere, probably via that beacon.
SARAH: So that's what put the mockers on the TARDIS?
DOCTOR: Well, you seem to have a crude grasp of the general idea, yes.

(A third Exxilon whispers to Gotal.)

BELLAL: What is it?
GOTAL: One of the machine creatures has been destroyed by a probe at the diggings.
SARAH: A what? Where?
DOCTOR: Another of our Dalek friends has had root trouble.

[Parrinium mine]

(A third Dalek arrives.)

DALEK: Mining will recommence in new area immediately. Move! Move! Move! Move!

(The Exxilons are taken away.)

DALEK 2: (to Jill) You will go with them.
HAMILTON: We stay together.
DALEK 2: You will obey! You will obey!
JILL: It's all right, Peter. One of us has to select the parrinium from the digging.
JILL: Don't worry. I can take care of myself.

(Jill follows the Exxilons.)

DALEK 2: Patrol will leave immediately to enter city and make scientific survey.
DALEKS: We obey.

(Two Daleks leave.)

DALEK 2: You will accompany me to position explosive.
HAMILTON: You're in command. What do we do?
GALLOWAY: Exactly as it says.
DALEK 2: We leave immediately. Move! Move!

[Near the City]

(Bellal is carrying the Dalek gun. The Doctor whistles at the sight of the gleaming structure.)

DOCTOR: Well. Now that must be one of the seven hundred wonders of the universe.
SARAH: It's even more impressive when we get close.
DOCTOR: I'm afraid you're not going any closer.
SARAH: What? Oh now, look, Doctor.
DOCTOR: I've got something far more important for you to do.
SARAH: You just don't want to be lumbered with me.
DOCTOR: Sarah, if that Earth rocket doesn't get away from here, millions of people are going to die.
SARAH: All right, Doctor, what do you want me to do?
DOCTOR: I want you to make Galloway and his friends understand they've got to get the parrinium aboard that ship and be ready for blast off the moment the power is restored. Now remember the Daleks will be fully powered too and they'll do everything they can to destroy the Earth ship.
SARAH: You think that's what they're intending?
DOCTOR: Yes, I'm certain of it. I know the Daleks and they're not medical missionaries.
SARAH: I'll tell them, Doctor. Well, Bellal is getting impatient. You'd better go.
DOCTOR: Good girl. You'll take care of yourself, won't you?
SARAH: And you.
DOCTOR: There's just one more thing. If I don't come back.
DOCTOR: You must go with them.

[Outside the City]

DOCTOR: It's beautiful. Beautiful.
BELLAL: To you perhaps. To us, it is evil.

(Bellal touches the blank stone, and it glows.)

DOCTOR: Touch sensitised. That's brilliant.
BELLAL: You wanted to see the symbols?
BELLAL: They are here. I have tried to interpret them many times.
DOCTOR: Yes, it's difficult, very difficult.
BELLAL: Do they have any meaning for you?
DOCTOR: Vaguely, but I
BELLAL: They continue round here.

(They go into an alcove which has three rows of different symbols. Bellal touches them to light them up. The two Daleks arrive at the City.)

DOCTOR: I think I have something here. These symbols don't conform.
BELLAL: Daleks!
DOCTOR: Where?
BELLAL: There.

(The Daleks start shooting.)

BELLAL: Get back!

(The Doctor turns to the symbols again as the Daleks approach. We hear the noise of a mechanism. The Daleks arrive at the alcove and stop shooting. There is no one there.)

DALEK: Continue search.

[City entrance hall]

(The Doctor and Bellal are by a blank square in a white wall. Nearby are the desiccated remains of Exxilons.)

BELLAL: What did you do?
DOCTOR: Well, I simply picked out the symbol that appeared to be different and traced its outline on the wall.
BELLAL: And that made it slide open?
DOCTOR: Well, I can't think what else.
BELLAL: Can we get out again?
DOCTOR: I should think that is extremely unlikely. He didn't get out again, did he.
BELLAL: We've walked into a trap.
DOCTOR: No, no. No, that doesn't just make sense.
BELLAL: But these. Some of them must have been here for centuries.
DOCTOR: Yes, that's right. They got this far then they couldn't pass the next intelligence test.
BELLAL: What test?
DOCTOR: I'm not sure yet. Logically, there must be one.

(The Doctor spots a wall panel with markings on it. He touches it and a pattern lights up.)

DOCTOR: Ah, yes. Yes, just as I thought. Good. Good. Splendid. In fact, capital!
BELLAL: But I don't understand. This is simply a pattern on the wall.
DOCTOR: Oh, no, no. It's much more than that. It's a maze. A test of skill and logic that we have to pass before we can move deeper into the city.
BELLAL: And if we fail?
DOCTOR: Well then, we shall simply add to these decorations.

(Bellal puts his hand on the wall so the Doctor can examine the maze more closely.)

DOCTOR: Right, let's see what we've got here. Well, there's a point of entry here. The exit down there. Now as this wall is touch sensitised, simply by moving my finger along the correct route, should register success or failure. All right, well, here goes.

[Outside the City]

DALEK: Computer eye indicates the symbols provide a simple logic test. We must deduce which symbol does not conform to all others.
DALEK 2: I will run computer scan.
DALEK: Key symbol.

[City entrance hall]

(The Doctor is moving his finger through the maze.)

DOCTOR: Yes I think we've got it. I think this is it, Bellal. Yes, that's it!

(The wall slides up to reveal a corridor. The pair go through and turn left past a metal grille wall. The wall closes again then the Daleks enter the city.)

DALEK: Locate next access point.

[City corridor]

(The Doctor and Bellal walk along to an apparent dead end, then a panel slides up beside them revealing a new corridor with a patterned floor half way along it. They enter and the panel closes again as they make their way to the patterned area.)

DOCTOR: Stop. Don't move!
Part Four

[City corridor]

BELLAL: What is it?
DOCTOR: It's another test, I think.

(Three concentric squares are divided into quarters and diagonally, and the resulting sections alternately coloured red and white.)

DOCTOR: The people who built this city, they didn't go in for ornamental floors, did they?
BELLAL: I don't understand.
DOCTOR: No, neither do I.

(The Doctor takes out his sonic screwdriver and adjusts it to emit a pulse, then passes it over the first row of the pattern. It beeps then screeches then beeps again.)

DOCTOR: Tell me, have you ever tried Venusian hopscotch? No, it's a silly question. You wouldn't have done. Anyway, now's your chance to learn. I want you to do exactly what I do, all right?

(The Doctor waves the screwdriver over the first line of pattern and steps onto the first white. Then the smaller white diagonal to it, then jumps with both feet into the small white triangles at the centre. Meanwhile, the Daleks have completed the maze and enter the corridors. The Doctor is safely across the pattern and is directing Bellal.)

DOCTOR: Now jump. Good. Now the next two white triangles. No, no, no. Not the red, the white. To the right. That's it. And the other foot in the other white triangle Good, don't touch the red. Now, stay exactly where you are and give me your hand. Now, when I count three, you jump, and don't touch any of those squares. One, two, three, right, jump!

(The Doctor pulls Bellal safely over the rest of the pattern.)

DOCTOR: Well done. That's rather a jolly game, don't you think?
BELLAL: Well, was that really necessary, Doctor?
DOCTOR: Oh yes, I think so. Let me show you something.

(The Doctor takes a coin out of a waistcoat pocket.)

DOCTOR: Five piastas. Do I need five piastas? No, I don't think so. Right then, just you watch this.

(The Doctor tosses the coin onto a red section, and it gets zapped by electricity until it goes BANG.)

DOCTOR: Tilt. Right, let's go and see what other pleasures they have in store for us.

(A few moments or minutes later, the Daleks arrive.)

DALEK: Proceed with all caution. This territory will be classified as hostile.
DALEK 2: It is understood.

(The lead Dalek glides onto the pattern and gets zapped by multiple electric charges.)

DALEK: Alert! Alert! Excessive electrical charge received!

(The Dalek makes it to the other side. The second Dalek shoots at the pattern, blasting holes in the floor. The electricity zaps the bullets and it crosses unharmed.)

DALEK 2: Damage report?
DALEK: Non-conductive shielding burnt out. Sensors register receiving seven thousand volt electrical charge.
DALEK 2: Weapon evidently designed to destroy humanoid tissue. We will continue. Wait. Observe.

(The floor mends itself.)

DALEK 2: This evidence suggests that city is indestructible. Proceed.

[City room]

(The Doctor and Bellal enter an empty room.)

BELLAL: An empty room.
DOCTOR: Don't be too sure.
BELLAL: Moving inside this city is like being inside a living thing.
DOCTOR: Yes, its bloodstream rather than its stomach. We're being moved around like

[City Control room]

(An Exxilon sits watching the wide screen.)

DOCTOR [on monitor]: microbes, Bellal. And all the time getting closer to the heart.

[Second Parrinium mine]

(Night time. Sarah makes her way to a rock where Jill is sleeping in the open, avoiding the Dalek guard.)

SARAH: Psst. Jill. (nothing) Psst! Jill!
JILL: Sarah!
SARAH: Shush! Keep your voice down.

(Jill sits up on the other side of the rock, and they whisper to each other.)

JILL: What happened to you? Where's the Doctor?
SARAH: He's gone into the city. He's going to try and black out the beacon.
JILL: What's he want us to do?
SARAH: You must be ready for take off the moment the power comes back on. Remember, it comes back on for the Daleks too.
JILL: Yes, I know.
SARAH: Right. Now, how much parrinium have you found?
JILL: Well, there's more than

(Jill pretends to sleep as a Dalek passes by.)

JILL: More than enough. All those bags are full.
SARAH: Good. Now, we have to find some way of getting it aboard your ship.
JILL: With the Daleks standing guard over us?
SARAH: We've got to try somehow.

[City Control room]

(The Doctor and Bellal examine the room they are in.)

DOCTOR [on monitor]: Nothing. Absolutely nothing. A room without a clue, yet everything within this city has got a function. This room must be here for a purpose.
BELLAL [on monitor]: Perhaps

[City room]

BELLAL: We have come as far as we are permitted.
DOCTOR: No. No, we'll have to start all over again. Try in that corner, will you? There's a good chap.

(Bellal reaches as high as he can in the far corner, and a pulsing starts up, which reflects off his phosphorescent stripes.)

DOCTOR: You know, I have a feeling

(Bellal is pointing the Dalek gun at the Doctor. The Doctor points his sonic screwdriver at him.)

DOCTOR: Bellal, don't! Bellal? Bellal, don't. Now listen to me. Don't fire that gun. Now remember why we're here. Remember why we came to this city.

(The pulsing stops, and the Doctor switches off his screwdriver.)

DOCTOR: Bellal, I'm your friend. Your friend. You know that. Don't fire that gun.

(The Doctor pulls the gun from Bellal's hand and grabs him.)

DOCTOR: Don't fire that gun! Now, what's happened? What is it?
BELLAL: There was a light that shone in my eyes. A blinding light.

(A section of wall slides up.)

DOCTOR: Yes, well, whatever it is, we seem to have qualified for the next test. Do you feel ready to go on?
BELLAL: No, but we must.
DOCTOR: Yes. Come on, old chap.

(The Doctor and Bellal pass through the opening. It closes, then the Daleks enter the room.)

[Outside the City]

(A Dalek escorts Galloway and Hamilton, who are carrying a bomb each.)

DALEK: You will climb to the summit and place the explosives on the beacon.
HAMILTON: And if we refuse?
DALEK: The girl we are holding as hostage will be exterminated. You will obey! You will be in range of my fire at all times.
GALLOWAY: Well, let's get on with it.

(Galloway helps Hamilton up to the first ledge, which is at head height.)

[Second Parrinium mine]

(The Dalek patrol passes again.)

JILL: Okay.
SARAH: Jill, are there any empty parrinium bags?
JILL: Yes, there are some right over by the workings. Why?
SARAH: I've got an idea. Sneak over and get them while I keep watch. Hurry!

(Jill goes to where the Exxilons are sitting around a camp fire. She grabs some sacks, returns and throws them to Sarah before lying down again as the Dalek passes.)

SARAH: Now, the first thing we've got to do is get these filled. Anything will do. If the Doctor does manage to restore power, we have to be ready.

[City corridor]

DOCTOR: We must be getting very close to the centre of the city by now.
BELLAL: We've come quite a way without any tests. Perhaps we're safe now?
DOCTOR: I shouldn't be too sure. Have you any idea why the city should be testing us in this way?

[City Control room]

BELLAL [on monitor]: What do you mean?
DOCTOR [on monitor]: Well, they could have destroyed us dozens of times. Instead they gave us a chance to survive by using our intelligence.
BELLAL [on monitor]: And it has a purpose for this?
DOCTOR [on monitor]: Oh, yes. By passing these tests we've proved that we have an intelligence level that could be useful. We might have some knowledge or science that they could add to their databanks.

[City test room]

(They walk into a darkened room without a door. There is a skeleton slumped in a corner.)

BELLAL: Now what?
DOCTOR: Well, if I'm right, the ultimate test will be an assault on our sanity, so be ready for it.

(Coloured lights pulse through the room. Bellal is the first to clutch his head in pain.)

DOCTOR: Bellal, fight it! Fight it, Bellal!
DOCTOR: Fight it! It's an illusion! It's an illusion! You have no substance! No truth! You do not exist! You do not exist!

(The Doctor's works echo as the lights die down and the room returns to normal. He is tired, and Bellal is whimpering in a corner.)

DOCTOR: All right, old chap. It's all over now. It's all right. It's all over. There, that's it. What is it?

(A section of the opposite wall fades to reveal a way into the control room. The Exxilon in the chair can just be seen.)

[City Control room]

(They stop as the Exxilon subsides gently into its cloak which in its turn becomes a pile of dust.)

DOCTOR: Our entrance must have created a current of air which broke the surface tension.
BELLAL: This is the brain of the city?
DOCTOR: The brain and the nervous system that we've go to destroy.

(The Doctor looks over panels on the other walls.)

BELLAL: Doctor, the city defies all attempts to destroy it. We can't end its power.
DOCTOR: I think I know a way.

(The Doctor pulls out a pair of circuit boards and starts work on them. Bellal wanders off. Two shallow alcoves light up red.)

BELLAL: Doctor!
DOCTOR: What is it?
BELLAL: Doctor, come here!
DOCTOR: What is it?

(Two bipeds are starting to form in the red light.)

DOCTOR: We haven't got much time.
BELLAL: What is it? What's happening?
DOCTOR: The city is creating antibodies. They're trying to neutralise us. Now keep a very close eye on them. Let me know the moment they're complete.

[Beacon base]

(Galloway and Hamilton have climbed the outside of the city. It is very windy up here.)

HAMILTON: If we set the charges on this main support, that should be close enough.

(He sets a timer and sticks the bomb onto the shaft.)

HAMILTON: Right, set the detonator!

(Galloway hesitates.)

HAMILTON: Oh, let me do it.
HAMILTON: Look, that Dalek down there can see every move we make. Now give me the charge.
GALLOWAY: One charge is enough to damage the beacon. This one we keep.

[Second Parrinium mine]

DALEK: Work to commence at dawn. Move! Move!

(The Exxilons grunt and obey. The Dalek goes over to where Jill is sleeping and prods the sacks she is using as a blanket.)

DALEK: Move! Move!

(It pushes the sacks aside.)

DALEK: Human female has escaped. I have failed! Female prisoner has escaped! I have failed! I have failed! Self destruct! I have failed! Destruct! I have failed! Destruct! Failed! Failed! Failed! I, I, I, I, I.

(The Dalek dies.)

[City Control room]

(The Doctor is still modifying the circuit boards as the figures in the red light drop their arms.)

BELLAL: Doctor! I think you should come now!
DOCTOR: Yes, all right, I've nearly finished.
BELLAL: What are you doing?
DOCTOR: Psychological warfare. I'm trying to destroy the city's brain. Engineer what in human terms is called a nervous breakdown.

(The Doctor puts one circuit board back in its slot then starts work on the second. The two 'antibodies' come up behind them.)

BELLAL: Can it be done?
DOCTOR: The computer is a machine of logic, Bellal, it cannot stand paradoxes.

(The antibodies grab them and take them across the room, past the large monitor. The Daleks enter.)

DALEK 2: Halt. Stay where you are. Do not move.

(Like space age versions of the Mummy, the two antibodies lurch towards the Daleks.)

DALEK 2: Halt! Halt!

(The Doctor and Bellal make their escape from the control room as the Daleks open fire.)

DALEK 2: Halt or you will be exterminated!
DALEK 3: Assist! Assist!

(The undead are not stopped by bullets, and they pound on the Daleks.)

DALEK 2: Exxilon mutants must be exterminated! Alert! Evacuate! Evacuate! Evacuate!

[City corridor]

(The city lights are flickering. Bellal and the Doctor come to the patterned floor.)

BELLAL: The floor!
DOCTOR: It should be safe now. Come on!

(They run across, unaffected.)

[City Control room]

(One Dalek has had its gun ripped from its body.)

DALEK 2: Alert! Alert! Evacuate! Evacuate! Evacuate! Retire to city entrance! Faster! Faster! I will cover you! I will cover you! Faster! Faster! Faster! Faster!

[City corridor]

(A panel is sliding up and down.)

DOCTOR: The controls are beginning to break down. it's working. Come on.

(The Doctor and Bellal duck under, run to the entrance hall and outside. The Daleks reach the first panel.)

[Outside the City]

BELLAL: I never thought we would escape.
DOCTOR: The battle's not over yet. If I know the Daleks, they'll do everything they can to stop that Earth mission ship from getting away. Come on!

[Landing site]

(Galloway has the second bomb hidden inside his jacket.)

DALEK: Report.
DALEK 2: Explosive device in position. Detonation will occur shortly and power circuits will be restored.
DALEK: Prepare for immediate take off. The prisoners will load the parrinium aboard our ship.
HAMILTON: Where is the girl you were holding? Where's Jill?
DALEK: She escaped during darkness. Now our work is complete, she is of no consequence.
DALEK 2: You will load the parrinium. Move!

(Galloway and Hamilton pick up a sack each and enter the Dalek ship. The Doctor and Bellal peer round a rock.)

DOCTOR: They're getting ready to leave.
BELLAL: And we are powerless to stop them.
DOCTOR: Yes. I know the Daleks, and they'll cause the maximum havoc and destruction before they go.
DOCTOR: It's their scorched planet policy.

(From behind another rock -)

SARAH: Doctor!
DOCTOR: Shush! How did it go?
SARAH: Oh, we've just come from the Earth mission ship. It's all set for take off the moment we get full power.
JILL: But I can't handle the ship. We must free Peter and Lieutenant Galloway.
DOCTOR: Well, that's not going to be so easy. Come over here and see for yourself. Come on. Look.

[Dalek spaceship]

(The men put down their sacks and Hamilton checks his wrist watch.)

HAMILTON: This is it. Five seconds, four, three, two, one.

(The bomb at the base of the beacon goes KaBOOM! The beacon collapses and the lights come on in the space ship.)

DALEK: All power restored.

[Landing site]

JILL: The beacon! They've destroyed the beacon!
DALEK: Move! Move!

(They go over to where Hamilton is now standing outside the ship as other Daleks go back inside.)

DOCTOR: Well, don't prolong the agony. It's obvious you mean to kill us. Why don't you get on with it?
DALEK: It is not necessary. You will perish with the rest of the creatures.
DOCTOR: Well, what had you in mind?
DALEK: We have all the parrinium we need. With it, we can force the space powers to accede to our demands. If they do not, millions of people on the outer planets will perish.
HAMILTON: Don't you think Earth will send another mission? Now that the power barrier has been broken, we could have another ship here in less than a month.
DOCTOR: I imagine the Daleks have already taken that into account, Peter.
DALEK: Correct. When our ship is in space, we will fire a plague missile on to the surface of this planet. The plague will destroy

[Dalek spaceship]

(The Daleks backs in through the main hatch.)

DALEK: All life and make further landings here impossible!

(The hatch closes.)

[Landing site]

HAMILTON: Galloway, for God's sake, use the bomb!
DOCTOR: Come on, get out of here quick or we'll be caught in the exhaust blast! Come on, out! Come on, quick. Move!

(The party takes cover, and come out again when the ship has taken off.)

SARAH: Well, it's not much consolation, but at least they don't have the parrinium.
DOCTOR: What do you mean?
SARAH: Of course. Well, the Daleks have only got bags of sand. Jill and I loaded to real parrinium aboard the Earth ship.
HAMILTON: I should never have trusted Galloway. He had one of the Dalek bombs. Could have stopped them with it, damaged their ship. If I knew where he was

[Dalek spaceship]

DALEK 2: We are free of planet's atmosphere.
DALEK: Prepare to launch plague missile.
DALEK 2: I obey.

(Galloway is hiding behind the sacks of sand. He sets the bomb ticking then presses the red button. The spaceship goes KaBOOM!)

[Landing site]

HAMILTON: Galloway.
JILL: He must have hidden away when we put the bags on board.
DOCTOR: Well, he did his duty, now you must do yours. Get that parrinium to where it's needed.
SARAH: Doctor, look! Look at the city!

(The now powerless City is giving in to the ravages of time and rapidly decaying into a pile of rubble.)

DOCTOR: It's rather a pity, in a way. Now the universe is down to six hundred and ninety nine wonders.

Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.