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First aired

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Production Code


Written by

Robert Shearman

Directed by

Joe Ahearne


45 minutes

Time Travel


Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!)

Bad Wolf, Time War

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, USA, Utah

UK Viewers

8.63 million

Appreciation Index



The Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler arrive in 2012 to answer a distress signal and meet a collector of alien artefacts who has one living specimen. However, the Doctor is horrified to find out that the creature is a member of a race he thought was destroyed: a Dalek.

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11 reviews

2025 Rewatch

  • I have a mixed love for this story. I know it's great, of course it is. But I never want to watch as bad as everything else. I wonder if it's related to it being a Dalek story (I'm not a big Dalek fan) or because the whole set looks so dull and dry.
  • Adam Mitchell is a nice addition I guess? Not a huge fan, could have done without him or at least him staying an episode longer
  • Henry and Goddard are bold and brilliant characters for the story and really shine, that is also thanks to a limited cast of prevalent characters
  • A lone Dalek story is great, bringing out the best of the classic alien as well as developing the Doctor
  • This is a big story for the season, character-driven and beautifully shown, the development of the Doctor and the impact Rose has had on him is evident


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One of the very best of the revival. Rob Shearman brings us classic after classic, the same goes with this.
I always a fan for a good dalek story and when they are amazing, they REALLY are amazing. So is this! Similar to Power of the Daleks it explores the nature of the Dalek and shows how threading those pepper potts can be when used right. Sure it cools hearing 10.000 Daleks are here on a planet, but this is exactly why the daleks work so well.
All the tension between 9 and the Dalek is just amazing. If somebody wasnt convinced yet by Eccelstons amazing perfomance, they certainly will be at this one. I also think Nick Briggs does one of his very best perfomance as a dalek, such a good one. I could praise the idea and the concept behind it. I could point to some lovely little details. I could write even more on this Episode, it’s amazing. Sure it’s a bit “overrated” and it’s by far not the best shearman has done with who, but still I think this one just works and is the moment where the series went from solid to great for me at least.

But I’d agree with the sentinte that this Episodes gets seen in high regards of bringing back the scare factor of the Daleks, when their last proper story was rememberance and one of their very best, you’d think the way people talk about it, their last Outing was Destiny instead (I like destiny but it’s definietly a weaker outing of the beloved foes).


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ow! my feelings!!


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It's the first Nuwho Dalek episode. Pretty cool, the classic Cyberman head tease kills me knowing how the Cybusmen look. Testing on the Doctor is a pretty normal response to being told that they're an alien.

As predicted the Daleks kills everyone, great episode.


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Dalek is a very solid episode with great characters and lots of interesting nuance. It keeps tension throughout. However, I feel that some bits of it are a little but rushed.


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AVG. Rating875 members
4.52 / 5

AVG. Rating1,682 votes
4.05 / 5

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VAN STATTEN: We're hidden away with the most valuable collection of extra-terrestrial artefacts in the world, and you just stumbled in by mistake.

DOCTOR: Pretty much sums me up, yeah.


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(The TARDIS materialises in dimly lit area with carpeting and display cases.)

ROSE: So what is it? What's wrong?
DOCTOR: Don't know. Some kind of signal drawing the TARDIS off course.
ROSE: Where are we?
DOCTOR: Earth. Utah, North America. About half a mile underground.
ROSE: And when are we?
DOCTOR: Two thousand and twelve.

(He looks at a display case.)

ROSE: God, that's so close. So I should be twenty six.

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