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First aired

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Production Code


Written by

Noel Clarke

Directed by

Andy Goddard


48 minutes

Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)


Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Cardiff, Earth, Wales

UK Viewers

0.83 million


Savage aliens are being kidnapped from the streets of Cardiff, and Torchwood want to know why. Owen is sent undercover to find out who's behind it and soon befriends the charismatic Mark Lynch. Beneath the veneer of city life, Owen discovers a shocking subculture: can he avoid being sucked in?

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4 reviews

Combat is like someone read Fight Club and went Wait... I can do that with my characters! It wasn't necessarily badly done, but I couldn't help making comparisons to Fight Club the whole way through, and Combat just isn't as good. Also, I really don't care about the Weevils


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Another great episode. It sets up the intriguing mystery well, of who is kidnapping the Weevils and for what purpose and has some strong character drama (particularly with Gwen and Rhys). The espionage stuff is quite clever. I don't buy Owen deciding to go in the cage with the Weevil though, after acknowledging how morally grey an idea the Weevil death matches are. It all feels a bit too quick for my liking.


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Yet another episode of Torchwood TV I feel largely lacks any sort of value. After all the interesting stuff Torchwood had been doing for a few episodes, and even showing a side of Owen I finally found a bit of empathy around in Out of Time, we get this ridiculous monster fight club story that I found to be a real slog to get through.

It isn't just that the story is sloppy, or that Owen reverts back to a boring edge lord. Nor that the entire episode gets bogged down relationship melodrama stuff with him, as well as Gwen and Rhys on the side. I also think this episode looks pretty awful and doesn't have a lot of heart in the production of the cage arena or monsters. It all just looks so cheap to me and the Weevils are so boring - both in looks and behaviours. That they became a bit of a recurring thing in Torchwood mythology is not positive in my eyes.

On the whole, while I respect that this episode might have its fans, I am not one of them, and this is yet another example of early Torchwood largely causing me to check out. There's a certainly meanness to Combat that Torchwood too often hit upon with characters like Owen - it feels a lot more cynical and out of sorts with the tone of the larger Doctor Who franchise and it is something I always struggle with. This is especially relevant with a character like Owen who was implied to be a sex pest right from the beginning, and it leaves me really struggling to connect with these characters in content that offers little else in terms of writing or other strengths (which is something they did eventually start to compensate for with stuff like Series 3).

The only positive I can say about reviewing this series is that is has left me appreciating that Big Finish did a great job at getting me to care about this franchise. It is pretty cool that they were able to better develop things and leave us with more than the handful of TV stories that worked, and a graveyard of content like Combat that largely amounts to a whole bunch of nonsense I am not terribly interested in revisiting again in the future.


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I’m very glad I kept watching this show I’m really starting to enjoy it.


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(Jack has a Weevil trapped in a dead end.)

JACK: Hate to break it to you, you're not my first. Anti-Weevil spray. Handclamps. Come on, let's make this easy for both of us.

(The Weevil rushes him, there is a brief struggle and Jack gets injured. The Weevil escapes.)

JACK: This always happens when I give them the night off.

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