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Monday, October 22, 2001

Written by

Steve Lyons


107 minutes

Time Travel

Past, Alternate Reality

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, Germany


October 1944.

As World War Two draws towards its conclusion, a Nazi defeat begins to seem almost inevitable. But that might be about to change...

Two intruders are captured in the grounds of Colditz Castle, the most secure Prisoner of War camp in Germany.

At first, the guards think they're dealing with British spies. But the strangers arrived in an advanced travelling machine, the like of which they've never seen before.

With this "TARDIS" in their hands, the Third Reich might triumph after all...

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you dont really expect a timey-wimey story from a nazi pow camp but this delivers and it delivers HARD. GOD i hate klein and kurtz and the rest of them sooo much


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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Dust Breeding

David Tennant is in this... as a Nazi. He must've been quite desperate to get on Doctor Who huh. Still he plays the role really well, as he tends to when it comes to villains.

There's a lot of things to like about this story. There's a character from an alternate timeline where the Nazis won, which gives us some really great discussions about changing time and the "correct" history. Klein is quite an interesting character in general, I'm glad to hear that there'll be more with her later down the line.

Ace gets a really solid role here. While the Doctor is out scheming and doing whatever Ace is trapped in Colditz castle trying to escape. She blends in quite nicely with all these soldier types and there's a really good underlying theme of Ace "growing up" which is cemented at the end by her dropping the name Ace and going for Dorothy McShane instead. It'll be interesting to see where that leads.

Really good stuff, another win for 7 it seems.

Next Story: The Rapture


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The cast of this story is fantastic, of particular note is David Tennant, appearing here, before he had played the Doctor, as Kurtz, a particularly nasty Nazi officer, who makes for a very menacing villain. I really enjoyed Sophie Aldred's performance here too, her anger at the Nazis and determination to escape is played very well, her scenes with Tennant being a highlight.

The story itself is fantastic, there's not much I can say without spoilers, but it doesn't go where I expected it to, and the twists throughout keep it engaging from start to finish.


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Essa história é um incrível jogo de xadrez somado a um delicado quebra cabeça.
Depois de atingir uma anomalia no vórtice do tempo, o Doutor e a Ace pousam na Alemanha de 1944, logo os dois são capturados e separados no famoso Castelo Colditz, um castelo renascentista localizado na região oriental da Alemanha que está sendo usado como um campo de prisioneiros da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Assim Ace é aprisionada e precisa encontrar um jeito de fugir do Castelo além de ter que lidar com o asqueroso soldado nazista "Kurtz" - Já o Doutor é interrogado por uma misteriosa mulher chamada "Elizabeth Klein" que aparentemente sabe muito sobre o Time Lord, sua TARDIS, e entende bastante de viagem no tempo.
O roteiro de Steve Lyons beira a perfeição, sua narrativa te prende a cada minuto e a cada bloco, eu me vi várias vezes perdendo a noção do tempo de tão preso que fiquei a história. Eu amei a forma como o 7° Doutor foi escrito, ele literalmente entra na mente de seus oponentes com vários momentos manipuladores e com seus ótimos discursos que é uma típica marca registrada do Time Lord. Todas as performances são de muita qualidade, Sylvester e Sophie nem se fala, sempre estão ótimos - seu elenco de convidados é muito forte, Tracey Childs como a misteriosa "Klein" e o David Tennant como "Kurtz" um soldado nazista, ambos apresentando um desempenho FENOMENAL.
Em suma, até o momento esse vai sendo o melhor áudio do 7° Doutor que ouvi nessa minha jornada. Sem sombra "Colditz" é um áudio imperdível!


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Overall a pretty good audio. This was only my third 7th doctor story, (including the show,) so I'm still pretty new to the duo. It was fun hearing David Tennant in this before he came the Doctor. And the Doctor was unknowingly up to some shenanigans :)

I will say that I had a little more trouble following along with this than previous audios. Not sure if it was something specific with this audio, or if it was because I had to listen to it in a different environment/situation than normal.

Despite that, I would be willing to listen to this again.


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DOCTOR: Well! Tell me about your world, Klein. I mean, tell me about 1965.

KLEIN: You must have seen it for yourself.

DOCTOR: I’ve seen people learning how to be free, learning new experiences, new forms of self-expression, banding together to combat inequality and injustice! I can’t imagine that your world is very similar.

KLEIN: Are you trying to imply that my time shouldn’t come to exist? That Germany should never have won this war? You are wrong.


KLEIN: You want to change history!

DOCTOR: Not change it! Put it back on the right track!

KLEIN: According to whom?

DOCTOR: According to what I’ve seen.

KLEIN: And what about the world I’ve seen? The world of the future, Doctor. An efficient, peaceful, prosperous world. A golden age.

DOCTOR: BUILT ON HOW MANY CORPSES? Oh, I’m sure your trains run on time, Klein. But was it worth the bloodshed? Was it worth the slaughter of millions?


DOCTOR: NO! It’s never worth it, Klein. There is no excuse for genocide!