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The Second Doctor Adventures: Conspiracy of Raven • Episode 2

Catastrophe Theory

3.48/ 5 32 votes

Reviews and links from the Community

Review of Catastrophe Theory by PexLives

I liked this much more than the opener. The scenes with the Doctor and Zoe are really sweet. There’s more focus on the overarching story, and much less on the story of just this episode, which I don’t really prefer personally. This honestly flew by.

Review last edited on 9-07-24

Review of Catastrophe Theory by twelvesoswald

this range is so consistent quality wise tbh. didn’t care for the villain but the 2/zoe/jamie scenes and the raven scenes and the new mystery are so gripping!! wish we had more of zoe explaining what she’s been up to though

Review last edited on 9-07-24

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