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for an episode being the first to actually take place in ottoman aleppo (and probably the first in syria (?)) this was really a let down (ottoman history is cool af, aleppo is a historically significant city and wouldve been a great historical) like conceptually it was a cool idea but like. i dont really like the whole 2 gods plotline. it was overall a flat and uninteresting story. i struggled to pay attention to a single thing happening because it essentially felt like nothing happened. i honestly just feel baited with seeing aleppo and getting literally nothing from it like this is probably the most disappointing episode of all time


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Perhaps I am in the minority here, but I *loathed* this episode. The story of the Eternals was gorgeous and the historical setting was beautiful, but that's where it stops for me. Nothing else about this one worked for me. I hated the pacing, and the way that the characters bumble along without much happening. The Eternals were pointless and not nearly as menacing as they should have been, and I spent the entire episode waiting for the punch that I felt sure must have been coming. And then it didn't.

Instead of this, what you want to watch is *Sarah Jane Adventures: The Nightmare Man*. That's this concept done properly.


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Can You Hear Me is one of those weird, experimental stories, which I absolutely love.

This episode lived up to my expectations, and more!

It’s unsettling, fun, scary, confusing, beautiful, and so much more.

The concept is really cool and brilliantly executed.

The wonderful direction adds to the great atmosphere, leaving you with an excellent sense of unease.

But seriously, Ryan’s worst fear is a Dreg?

Great, thanks for reminding me of Orphan 55.


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Wow, that was something really special. Lovely character moments, creepy villains and stunning cinematography. Those detaching fingers were so unsettling! Loved the animated sequence, and the stuff with the Doctor and Graham, and Graham's cancer.


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