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Bernice Summerfield: Road Trip • Episode 2

Bad Habits

3.88/ 5 53 votes

Released Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Runtime 74 minutes
Time Travel Future

Meet Sister Bernice - newest initiate into the order of Saint Celestion. Such is her devotion to the faith that she has undertaken a pilgrimage to the planet Agora, birthplace of the blessed Saint himself.

The pilgrims aren’t alone, however. Also on the planet is a team of archaeologists searching for the lost tomb of Celestion - a subject in which Sister Bernice seems curiously interested…

In her quest to unearth an ancient relic that will point the way to Legion, Bernice will face some fearsome challenges: the dreaded Blood Beast of Thaloon, the randiest Bishop in the galaxy, and an ancient cult with some very bad habits indeed…

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