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May 2008

Written by

Robert Ross


145 minutes

Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Rewriting History

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, USA, Washington DC


Ford's Theatre, Washington. Friday, 14th April, 1865. The assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

The place, the date and the event which made history. Or did it? Someone has been tampering with time, muddying the waters of history for his own purposes. Time itself is out of joint and the chief culprit is the enigmatic Doctor Knox. Somehow the Doctor and Evelyn must put history back on track before the future dissolves into chaos. But Knox, it turns out, may be the least of their worries...

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Há muito pouco o que dizer de Assassin In The Limelight, é impressionante como seu enredo consegue se arrastar tornando facilmente a experiencia de seu ouvinte desgastante, além disso não apresenta um conteúdo se quer considerável interessante para um fã de Doctor Who, mesmo ele sendo um entusiasta da história Americana ou em especial do Assassinato do ex-presidente Abraham Lincoln - O 6° Doutor e sua adorável companion Evelyn são inseridos momentos antes do crime acontecer, os dois se deparam com uma das figuras envolvidas diretamente no evento sendo supostamente assassinada, logo descobrimos o envolvimento do Dr. Robert Knox, um personagem que teve sua primeira aparição em “Medicinal Purpose”. Knox é um vilão péssimo, basicamente um humano que adquiriu uma TARDIS com um plano clichê e repetitivo com todo aquele conceito ridículo de querer mudar o curso da história, ainda contando com uma personalidade maléfica e boboca “Vou contar até 10 hein, se não voltarem para minha TARDIS vou fechar as portas...vou começar, 1, 2, 3...” Como alguém pode escrever um diálogo desse??? Meu deus!! 🤦‍♂️ Resumindo, uma cópia muito mal feita do “Master” só que humano, ele até se passa por figuras históricas conhecidas como disfarce. A entidade chamada “Indo” não funciona tão bem como em “Pier Pressure”, quando toma controle dos personagens acaba incorporando uma espécie de monstro genérico com aquele famoso efeito de voz grossa genérica da BIG FINISH piorando ainda mais as coisas. Eu entendo toda a crítica de Doctor Who em relação aos EUA e os costumes americanos, concordo com a maioria delas, mas acho que cometem um erro quando reproduzem personagens americanos de forma burra e ridícula, sinceramente não acharia exagero considerar isso como preconceito, porque dá entender que todo americano é um completo idiota imbecil. No fim tudo é resolvido a história se mantem intacta tudo ocorre como devia. Mas infelizmente (digo, infelizmente mesmo) após os créditos vemos que Knox conseguiu escapar e agora se encontra em algum período da história se passando por Sr. Arthur Conan Doyle. Pelo que entendi uma das formas usadas pelo 6° Doutor para eliminar a entidade “Indo” foi prende-lo no elevador da TARDIS do Knox fazendo-o não parar de subir e descer... Tipo???????????? preciso nem dizer mais nada.


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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: The 100 Days of the Doctor

I question the sanity of whoever let this man write a third story for Doctor Who after he produced the absolutely awful stories that are Medicinal Purposes and Pier Pressure. This one is slightly better than both of them because it's inoffensive and marginally more interesting. It still is far from good. I don't get what the obsession is with this time period, I think it's really overdone in Doctor Who though in fairness this one changes it up a bit by having an American setting instead of a London one. The idea of interfering with the assassination of Abraham Lincoln is fairly interesting but goes absolutely nowhere.

Robert Knox (from Medicinal Purposes) is here for some reason. He's now teamed up with the the Indo (from Pier Pressure) and I'm gonna be honest I have no idea why Robert Ross was so proud of two of the dullest concepts ever that he decided to put them both in this story. I feel bad for 6 and Evelyn considering they got all this guy's stories. He has no idea how to write these characters and it's incredibly annoying. Normally in a bad story you still have the main cast on top-form as usual but they just aren't here and every bit of dialogue they say seems so out of character. This story follows the trend of forgetting that Evelyn is supposed to be a lecturer of HISTORY and has her not knowing or forgetting basic historical facts. The Doctor is insufferable, he's written like all the worst bits of his Season 22 characterisation and none of the growth that audio has brought him.

Overall, a rubbish story that I wouldn't recommend to anyone, I'm glad that I'll never have to do another story by this guy again.

Next Story: The Crimes of Thomas Brewster


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Medicinal Purposes saw the first appearance of Doctor Knox, a time meddling businessman played with a certain amount of relish by Leslie Philips.  Assassin in the Limelight sees his return in a tale which pulls together Knox, the 6th Doctor and Evelyn, the Indo from the writer, Robert Ross’s other 6th Doctor audio Pier Pressure (the one we’re ignoring for the time being); all wrapped up in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.  It’s a lot of elements but it works.

I really enjoyed this story.  Oddly, I don’t remember it having much impact on me on first listen.  This time round it felt fresh and interesting.  It is possible that on first listen it had been ages since the release of Medicinal Purposes, whereas this time I have listened to them in relatively quick succession.  The interplay between Baker, Stables and Philips is great and the rest of the cast provide solid support.  Possibly having been stung by criticisms of accents in previous audios featuring American characters, all of the supporting cast (with the exception of Lysette Anthony) are American or Canadian.  (Hilariously, the authenticity of the American accents is a fact reiterated time and again in the interview extras at the end of each disc almost as if Big Finish are making sure no listener is in any doubt at all that the accents are properly accurate – even to the point where the actor playing John Wilkes Booth explains exactly why his accent is the way it is in the production).

The first episode builds nicely to the revelation of Booth’s death before he can assassinate the President but, interestingly, this aspect of the story then takes a bit of a back seat whilst Knox’s personal predicament and the presence of the Indo takes up the lion’s share of the story.  The reappearance of Booth is actually rather underplayed and oddly, I think this works as otherwise it might have been a more predictable runaround of the Doctor and Evelyn trying to ensure history remains on track (a little more like 100 BC for example).  As it is, the listener finds themselves starting to feel some sympathy for Knox.  Ross himself comments in the extras that Knox in this story is a far softer, more likeable rogue than in his first appearance in Medicinal Purposes.  Knox is far closer to the perception many have of Leslie Philips as a loveable old rogue, and Ross again states he found himself writing specifically for Philips in this story rather than a more abstract Knox as in the first story.  The culmination of this character development is a touching scene of Knox’s death and his last words which manage to insult the Doctor even in death.

Apart from this I can’t quite put my finger on what I liked about this story.  Maybe its just the slightly unusual historical setting which bolsters the rather glorious trinity of Baker, Stables and Philips.  The presence of an even more advanced TARDIS than Knox has in Medicinal Purposes is a fun aspect, with a sultry computer voice (Lysette Anthony, again), an elevator and voice control.  I would love to see something like it visualised.  It also allows for some of the best scenes between the three leads with the Doctor pretending he isn’t phased by the functions of the advanced TARDIS and convincing no one, least of all himself.  And there is a little reference to Six Gun Sadie who also graced the stage of the Palace Theatre owned by one Henry Gordon Jago – a lovely little touch, drawing together the Victorian world of Doctor Who.

There are a few minus points.  I wasn’t impressed by the music or soundscape.  I found them a little sparse and lacking.  There were scenes that it wasn’t clear whether they were interior or exterior and a few of the scenes did sound a little too like they were being recorded in booths.  I also found the voices of Lysette Anthony’s Clara Harris and Madeleine Potter’s Lizzie a little too similar and did wonder, initially, if it was the same actress.  Knox’s off-screen resurrection is also a little bit disappointing after such a wonderful ‘death scene’ earlier in the story.

Historically, everyone featured is a real person (with of course the exception of the three leads): John Wilkes Booth, Clara Harris, John Parker, Lizzie Williams, Henry Clay Ford and Thomas Eckert are all mentioned in dispatches concerning Lincoln’s assassination.  My own knowledge of the assassination is based mainly on the usual ‘general knowledge’ aspect and the musical Assassins which has a lengthy section involving Booth deliberating over the assassination whilst being an inspiration to other American presidential assassins throughout the years (my description makes it sound less brilliant than it is – it is a very good musical, even if it is a very odd subject matter). The majority of the story is set in and around Ford’s Theatre, the site of Lincoln’s assassination with brief forays to the nearby park, public house, Clara Harris’ home and the Blue Room in the White House itself.  This is the first Doctor Who visit to the White House and, although I could be completely wrong, I’m not sure we revisit it again until around 1969 and The Impossible Astronaut.

Interestingly, the only major historical figure missing from the story is Abraham Lincoln himself.  The story doesn’t even really show his assassination.  There is a brief flashback (although technically it’s a flashforward historically) from Knox telling the Doctor about what inspired his current plan of the ‘Booth Experience’ having witnessed the assassination on an earlier trip to the time period.

Knox is also passing himself off as Oscar Wilde and is using The Importance of Being Earnest as the play he is taking around the theatres – Wilde would have been around ten years old in 1865.  At the close of the story, after the credits, Knox (now played by director Barnaby Edwards (doing a passable impression of Leslie Philips it has to be said)) is found travelling back to England having adopted the guise of Arthur Conan Doyle (A History makes an effort to point out the inherent flaws in this and suggests that he must discard this alias soon after).

A curiously good adventure.


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The Time Scales

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KNOX: Of course, in this day and age, the play's the thing.

DOCTOR: Business is good, then?

KNOX: Oh, flourishing! There's fantastic money to be made out of the legitimate theatre. Particularly when the whole of Earth's future is mine to plunder. Wilde. Beckett. Orton. * (Meaningful pause.)* Pinter.