Stories Audio Drama Gallifrey Gallifrey Episode: 1 2 3 4 Annihilation 1 image Back to Story Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 1 review 17 March 2025 · 312 words Review by Jae Spoilers This review contains spoilers! I feel like I am running out of words to say just how much I love Gallifrey and its characters. So let me just repeat it again: this series is truly incredible, I love it so freaking much!! And this is one of its top episodes for sure. S4 has been absolutely amazing so far, and it still keeps getting better. I have no idea how they manage this. Anyway, Vampires!! I am an immense vampire fan and I adore how this is done on Gallifrey, and I loved the little callbacks to Romana’s previous encounters with them too. Romana facing off against Lord Prydon is an absolute standout. The way she is in control, actually completely in her element here, the moments where you think maybe she’s gone too far after all, Lalla Ward’s acting is out of this world. Leela is so her in this episode as well, I love her becoming a hound, I love her feeling so alive, so happy, the way she understands war better than anyone else because she is always a warrior. I still think that more could have done with her blindness, but I think this was a good way to end that anyways. Katy Manning is an amazing casting choice as Lady Borusa, just a lot of fun and kind of weird and I like it. Narvin. Oh Narvin. Poor guy. He gets hurt again, but at least it has made him tell the others that he lost his regenerations. The way he has come to respect Leela, and is forever loyal to Romana is just so jakldjhafh. I love him. And really, where this episodes is absolutely peak is in the interactions of our Gallifrey ot3. Just so good. They care so much about each other, they could not live without each other and I adore them. Another favourite! Jae View profile Like Liked 0