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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Written by

Andrew Cartmel


117 minutes

Time Travel


Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Margrave University, Earth, England


Margrave University in 2001, and Raine Creevy is enjoying her first trip into the future.

For the Doctor, there are mysteries to solve: what are the alien creatures imprisoned in the science labs? And what are the true motives of the student Scobie and his followers?

With enemies on all sides, the Doctor teams up with his old friend Brigadier Bambera and the forces of UNIT in a battle for the future of the whole world.

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How to listen to Animal:


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3 reviews

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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Crime of the Century

This was definitely the most enjoyable one so far... even if it was arguably the worst story. Firstly, it's the return of Brigadier Bambera, that alone makes it 1000x funner to listen to the than the last two. The start is also really good fun with both Ace and Raine going undercover at a university. It's really simple but it makes for an extremely engaging plot.

The main villain is an animal rights activist. Yikes. Up until that point it was really quite good but then you have an absolute caricature who's trying to summon aliens to kill all the meat-eaters at his university. McCoy's era so far has arguably been the most progressive of all of Classic and arguably a good deal of the new show aswell so for one of the planned stories to be this... wtf?

I thought the Numlocks were quite good, quite funny. That's not enough to excuse the rest of the story though. Baffling stuff.

Next Story: Earth Aid


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Essa será mais uma daqueles minhas reviews bem curtas. Animal até possui ótimas ideias, temos o retorno da UNIT juntamente com a Brigadeiro Bambera que conhecemos em Battlefield, tem toda uma crítica ambientalista envolvendo um grupo pró-direitos dos animais, foi legal imaginar a fisionomia dos Numlocks além do fato deles estarem sendo misteriosamente aprisionados em um laboratório de ciência em uma universidade – Mas assim como seu antecessor “Crime Of The Century”, novamente temos um enredo monótono e nada envolvente que caminha na velocidade de uma lesma, há muitos diálogos preenchendo vastos espaçados para depois de muito tempo executar o próximo passo da trama. Voltando a falar do Numlocks...meu deus quem idealizou a maneira de como eles se comunicam???? Essa coisa de terem que repetir sua ordem/numeração de nascimento antes de falarem ou responderem algo: “O decimo nascido, concorda com você” “O nono nascido, acha isso impossível” putz!! dificultou ainda mais a minha experiência deixando a narrativa mais chata ainda. E o plano do CHATO do Scobie, libertar os Numlocks na esperança que as criaturas o ajudasse a eliminar todos que comiam carne na universidade???? Tipo...?????? Em resumo, é uma pena duas personagens muito boas e interessantes (Raine e Bambera) estarem em uma história dessa, fraquíssima.


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Oh Raine is kinda iconic actually I watched the Ian Levine telesnap version cause I hate myself but it ended up with me liking Raine more and the story more 😭 I’m scared


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