Stories Audio Drama Gallifrey Gallifrey Episode 4 A Blind Eye 1 image Overview Characters How to Listen Reviews 9 Statistics Quotes 4 Overview Released May 2004 Written by Alan Barnes Directed by Gary Russell Runtime 67 minutes Time Travel Past Tropes (Potential Spoilers!) War, World War II Location (Potential Spoilers!) Earth Synopsis Earth, September 1939. With Europe sliding into war, a young Englishwoman, her loyalties torn, comes to a terrible decision. But what does the intergalactic secrets broker Mephistopheles Arkadian want with the fascist sympathiser Cecilia 'Sissy' Pollard on the last day of her life? Still searching for the facts about the Gryben debacle, President Romana makes a deal with the devil. So begins a chain of consequence that can only end in tragedy for the passengers aboard the Vienna to Calais Transcontinental Express, the woman called Leela included. By journey's end, the truth will out but at what cost to Romana and Leela? To Gallifrey's empire, even? Listen Listened Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters Romana II Lalla Ward Leela Louise Jameson Narvin Seán Carlsen Andred Mephistopheles Arkadian Torvald Celestial Intervention Agency K9 Mark II John Leeson Show All Characters (8) How to listen to A Blind Eye: Big Finish Audio Gallifrey: A Blind Eye Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 9 reviews 6 March 2025 · 99 words Review by BSCTDrayden 1 Ohhhh, this is the stuff! Gripping from start to finish, with a reveal as incredible as everyone in the other threads said. I definitely wanna hear all the Torveld scenes again now after this… Oh and hearing India Fisher play a fascist was surreal ngl LOL And oh my god Louise Jameson’s performance here was outstanding! As was everyone else’s of course, but y’all weren’t kidding about how good Jameson as Leela is. I still don’t think this is perfect or anything, but it’s my fave ep yet by far and an easy 4/5 BSCTDrayden View profile Like Liked 1 16 February 2025 · 405 words Review by RandomJoke Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! Oh boi… What an experience listening to this one! Definitely my favorite of this Series. I am not necessarily sure how I’d rate it, it’s very good and made me really hooked into this Series compared to the first three Entries. I do have a lot of thoughts and I do agree with a lot of what has already been said, so forgive me if I repeat anything here: I think Louise gives her best Performance in this Series here so far at least, it’s marvelous and just great. There are a lot of Nuances in her Voice Performance, be it shifting to a softer tone or a harsher one, it’s clear that Louise knows her Stuff and does so well expression every Emotion simply with her Voice. This is Voice Acting! Of course all the others do give a great Performance as well, I mean how can you not love Lalla Ward as Romana? Fisher as well gives a great Performance as Sissy, even if at times I had a hard time getting used to a different Character having such a familiar Voice, but of course no disrespect meant at Fisher. With that Character, I can only echo what others have said. I think it’s a good portrayal and fits the Theme of the Story very well, even if I sightly wish that it could have been explored a bit further. Then again, what we have I think is already pretty good. especially that one particular Conversation she has with Leela has a lot to offer, both for the Characters, and for the Themes. I must admit I remember accidentally spoiling myself on the Twist, but it probably has been such a long while, so I kinda forgot it, so it did surprise me. It’s a very clever way of going about it and uses the Nature of the Timelords so well, and of course is a pretty satisfying Payoff. While a lot is going, this Finale does not forget its Character and slows down when it needs to, and I think those Moments are my favorites and work so well when compared to the at times hectic pace of this Audio. I think I’d have to sit on this one for a bit before I can properly say where I would place it or what I would rate it. But it’s very good for sure. RandomJoke View profile Like Liked 2 3 February 2025 · 406 words Review by Jae Spoilers 3 This review contains spoilers! This episode is the one that really got me hooked on Gallifrey. I have no idea how I managed to avoid spoilers for it because I was not trying that hard and I think I read something about it long before listening but somehow it just didn't stick in my brain. I really need to listen to the whole first series again because I feel like there were probably a lot of tiny hints regarding the reveal, I remembered Andred’s bio-data being tampered with and in this one he’s very clearly speaking of Torvald as a different person from the beginning. I simply adore Leela in this. I especially love that her voice turns so soft when she realizes Torvalds is Andred. The way their conversation is almost a wedding vow is incredible. Leela/Andred is a relationship that comes totally out of nowhere in the Invasion of Time but god, does Gallifrey manage to sell it. I love them. It’s such an excellent contrast to the rest of the audio when she’s fighting and out for revenge, and makes the character so much more interesting. She just has so much emotion in her voice. Leela really gets a lot of amazing character moments in this one and she’s excellent against Sissy, the way she shows her competence and dignity and doesn’t let herself be demeaned in any way by her. I think Sissy as a character is actually quite horrifying precisely because she is presented somewhat sympathetically. It makes quite clear that being a Nazi, or a bigot or falling for propaganda is not a trait unique to those born evil, but instead something anyone could be complicit in. I had an excellent history teacher when we covered this period in school who both made it very clear how much easier it would have been to look away, how human that instinct might’ve been but also how horrifying inaction is and how important it is that we stand up against fascism and bigotry. I kind of understand this character as a warning in that way. Also India Fisher is quite good at making her distinct from Charley. I think Romana continuing her political strategies in her very own way is also quite fun. I love that she just always uses her power to do whatever she wants with only the barest excuse. It’s so entertaining! Loved it! Jae View profile Like Liked 3 9 January 2025 · 300 words Review by dema1020 Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! This felt like a big step in the right direction after I struggled a bit with The Inquiry. A Blind Eye is the least Gallifreyan Gallifrey story yet, but I didn't hate our visit to Earth here and quite enjoyed the story with Arkadian. The train setting was entertaining and India Fisher playing Charlotte Pollard's sister Sissy. I really like how much she has fallen and the depiction of her as a Nazi sympathizer. It is given an appropriate level of horror while also showing pretty clearly how somebody can get caught in the allure of fascism. I saw where they were going with Leela's husband a mile away, but it was still a pretty satisfying resolution of sorts to that content. Pretty good pay-off for what Leela has been going through for this audio set. I like that she didn't just forgive or excuse Andred's behaviour here. That was interesting and I'm quite invested in Leela's character at this point. I can't quite say the same for Romana but she was at least entertaining here and Lalla Ward is always a reliable performer. I'd probably rate this higher but I do have to say it ends on Sissy's suicide and there's a big flaw here. Now, I think that moment was earned and sufficiently built up to. The whole audio kind of was leading up and depending on it as a moment, and from a writing perspective, I do think they pull it off. Only for Big Finish to use the silliest, almost cartoony stock sound effect for a gun shot. I'm probably being snooty here or something but it feels like instead of a deeply punctuating moment morosely sending off one of our main characters in the bleakest way possible, it might as well had been a fart. dema1020 View profile Like Liked 2 28 December 2024 · 79 words Review by mistwhisper117 Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! I enjoyed the confined location of this entry. This story incorporating a major Main Range event into its plot and character motivations helped connect the universe of Doctor Who for me and explore the ramifications of previous events. I would have preferred a more conclusive ending, but maybe more will be resolved in Gallifrey Series 2 or onward. It's helpful to remember who Andred is, but Leela having a husband without any seeming introduction is a bit of a surprise. mistwhisper117 View profile Like Liked 2 Show All Reviews (9) Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating134 members 4.03 / 5 GoodReads AVG. Rating174 votes 4.07 / 5 Member Statistics Listened 252 Favourited 27 Reviewed 9 Saved 1 Skipped 0 Owned 13 Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite NARVIN: This piece of equipment is essential to my mission. ROMANA: Aha, and what might that be? NARVIN: I might very well ask the same of you. This time zone is subject to the most stringent embargoes! ROMANA: None of which apply to the President. I am free to go wherever and whenever I choose, without submitting a mountain of paperwork first, and I do find the Alpine air so refreshing. NARVIN: Madam, the Alps are in the other direction. ROMANA: Are they? Damn. — A Blind Eye Show All Quotes (4) Open in new window