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Review of The Timeless Children by RoseBomb

2 May 2024

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(Original review from other website, you know the one)
Literally one of the worst things that could be done with the character of The Doctor. It turns her from an aspirational self-made hero to Space Jesus, an unknowable being, a hero by birthright, and literally the most important Time Lord of all time.
I legitimately hope that in future it is completely dropped, like The Watcher or The Doctor being half-human, I don't see any other real way to fix the mess that has been created due to this episode.
Also, the same problems that I have with just about every Chibnall story persists; bad, stilted, unnatural dialogue, bad direction, and an overall amateurish vibe.
The only real good thing I can say about it is, that the special effects, for the most part, look pretty good, and the prop work is good as always these days, but, that is quite literally set-dressing, the actual core is rotten.


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