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Review of Mawdryn Undead by thedefinitearticle63

31 July 2024

This review contains spoilers!

This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Resistor

What a treat to see the Brigadier again after so long and Nicholas Courtney effortlessly slips back into the role. It's like he never left. The chemistry between him and Peter Davison is great, they immediately seem like best friends (well, after the Brigadier remembers him, that is) and capture the same dynamic the Brig has had with every other Doctor.

This is one of the first real example of a timey-wimey Doctor Who story in my opinion. The way events are slowly revealed through the Brigadier's own memory of them is a fascinating concept and something I could easily see in New-Who. It was at times hard to follow, but when you understand it all it's really clever.

The setting of an 80s school was decently interesting, and it's definitely not where I expected the Brigadier to reside by this point. I really have to commend this story for it's soundtrack, it was full of energy and generally something I didn't expect from ths point in Classic Doctor Who, but I am pleasantly surprised.

This story marks the introduction of Turlough, he's not won me over in this story but then I suppose he's currently working for the Black Guardian so he's not supposed to be immensely likeable just yet. Still, I'm keen to see where his story arc goes and I'm really happy to see the return of the Black Guardian. He's a villain with a lot of potential and he was great in the audios The Pursuit of History Casualties of Time.

Next Story: Terminus


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