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Review of Galaxy 4 by TheDHolford

27 August 2024

“Our appearance shocks you?”

A first time watch for me, watching the animated version through IPlayer. It’s an enjoyable enough little story, with an interesting premise regarding not judging others by appearances or what may first seem to be the case. It’s a shame then that other than this premise and message, it doesn’t seem to do too much more with it.

It gets a little repetitive by the final episode, but the Chumblies are a fun design and idea, even if a little silly and unthreatening. I also liked the Drahvins and their interactions a lot, it gives us more time with Steven, and explores more of his personality than the previous story managed.

The animation is decent, simplistic but fitting for the story nicely, and while not one of the most gripping nor complex stories, I had a fun time with it!


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