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Review of Enlightenment by 15thDoctor

26 April 2024

This review contains spoilers!

There are so many satisfying, quintessentially Doctor Who moments in this story. The actual, real life space “ships”; the various twists and turns with the eternal beings that are weird in a way you can never put your finger on and the sheer drama that comes with Mark Strickson’s beautifully layered and at time tortured performance.

Turlough’s character when from intriguing to essential viewing in this story. Hats off to JNT and the production team for taking such bold risks with this character - truly setting him apart from all other companions. It shows that even though this show is 20 years old there are still countless ways in which it can be refreshed, so many brand new stories to tell. The moment when he jumps ship in a bid to save The Doctor from his actions is surprisingly dark for a show which, across these four episodes at least, is quite theatrical. It’s affecting and effective.

The direction, lighting, outfits and settings were all on point in this story. Who says 80s Doctor Who is over lit? Some of the shots captured by Fiona Cumming are truly cinematic. Amazing that she captured these given the set up she was working with. Tegan in her elaborate dress and hairstyle is a sight to behold!!

Barbara Clegg’s beautiful script was slightly hampered by needing the involvement of the black and white guardians at the end to tie up the three story arc. I wish their closing scenes could have been left until the next story, as it meant the ending with the Eternals felt rather rushed.


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