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Review of Death to the Daleks by greenLetterT

1 July 2024

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Death to the Daleks gets its 2.5 stars generously rounded up to 3, because the idea of a living city as seen in the final part was fun! I liked the eerie antibodies, I liked it screaming in pain, the puzzles were far too easy to warrant the drama given to them but I guess you can't have it all.

The rest of the serial was. not good. It wasn't even bad it was worse than that: it was boring. The human crew only really got interesting near the end, the way the indigenous species of the planet was treated was bad, and the Daleks could have been any other villain and it would have worked the same. I've previously said that everyone thinks they can write a Dalek story and few people actually can, and this was an example of that

The Daleks having a little TARDIS they use as target practise was an inspired choice though, fair play


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